Ejemplo n.º 1
int monster::deal_projectile_attack(Creature *source, double missed_by,
                                    const projectile& proj, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam) {
    bool u_see_mon = g->u_see(this);
    if (has_flag(MF_HARDTOSHOOT) && !one_in(10 - 10 * (.8 - missed_by)) && // Maxes out at 50% chance with perfect hit
            !proj.wide) {
        if (u_see_mon)
            add_msg(_("The shot passes through %s without hitting."),
        return 0;
    // if it's a headshot with no head, make it not a headshot
    if (missed_by < 0.2 && has_flag(MF_NOHEAD)) {
        missed_by = 0.2;
    mdefense mdf;
     if(!is_hallucination() && source != NULL)
        (mdf.*type->sp_defense)(this, &proj);

    // whip has a chance to scare wildlife
    if(proj.proj_effects.count("WHIP") && type->in_category("WILDLIFE") && one_in(3)) {
            add_effect("run", rng(3, 5));

    return Creature::deal_projectile_attack(source, missed_by, proj, dealt_dam);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void handle_notification(void *arg)
    struct lmp_endpoint *ep = arg;
    errval_t err;

    do { // consume messages
        struct lmp_recv_msg msg = LMP_RECV_MSG_INIT;
        err = lmp_endpoint_recv(ep, &msg.buf, NULL);

        if (err_is_ok(err)) {
            if(msg.buf.msglen == 1) {
                domainid_t domid = msg.words[0];

                // XXX: This is done by spawnd now
                if (domid != 0) {
                    debug_printf("Dispatcher with domain ID %"PRIuDOMAINID" exited\n",
            } else if(msg.buf.msglen == sizeof(struct RAM) / sizeof(uintptr_t) + 1) {
#ifndef __arm__
                //defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
                union rammsg {
                    uintptr_t msgwords[LMP_MSG_LENGTH];
                    struct RAM ram;
                } *u;
                u = (union rammsg *)&msg.words;

                /* printf("%s.%d: RAM cap deleted, base = %" PRIxGENPADDR ", bits = %u\n", */
                /*        disp_name(), disp_get_core_id(), ram->base, ram->bits); */

                err = reclaim_memory(u->ram.base, u->ram.bits);
                if(err_is_fail(err)) {
                    DEBUG_ERR(err, "reclaim_memory");
                /* XXX: Disabling memory reclamation on ARM. I
                 * couldn't get the compiler to accept the above code
                 * due to strict aliasing restrictions. I do believe
                 * though that the above is according to the C99
                 * spec. Please help fix it, so that it can be
                 * enabled.
            } else {
                printf("%s: Unknown kernel notification of length %zu received\n",
                       disp_name(), msg.buf.msglen);
        } else if (err_no(err) != LIB_ERR_NO_LMP_MSG) {
            DEBUG_ERR(err, "unexpected error from lmp_endpoint_recv");
    } while(err_is_ok(err));

    // re-register
    struct event_closure cl = {
        .handler = handle_notification,
        .arg = arg,
    err = lmp_endpoint_register(ep, get_default_waitset(), cl);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void disp_default(Instruction ins, Emulator *emul)

	printf(" ");
Ejemplo n.º 4
void monster::add_msg_if_npc(game_message_type type, const char *msg, ...) const
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, msg);
    std::string processed_npc_string = vstring_format(msg, ap);
    processed_npc_string = replace_with_npc_name(processed_npc_string, disp_name());
    add_msg(type, processed_npc_string.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 5
void monster::add_msg_player_or_npc(game_message_type type, const char *, const char* npc_str, ...) const
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, npc_str);
    if (g->u.sees(*this)) {
        std::string processed_npc_string = vstring_format(npc_str, ap);
        processed_npc_string = replace_with_npc_name(processed_npc_string, disp_name());
        add_msg(type, processed_npc_string.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 6
void disp_pop_push(Instruction ins, Emulator *emul)

	printf(" ");


	if(ins.reg.size > 0)

Ejemplo n.º 7
void disp_not_decoded(Instruction ins)
	// printf("\n");
	// printf("  name_in: %s\tname_out: %s\n", ins.name_in, ins.name_out);
	// printf("  mask: %8x\topcode: %8x\n", ins.mask, ins.opcode);
	// printf("\n  reg ");
	// disp_plgtab(ins.reg);
	// printf("\n  imm ");
	// disp_plgtab(ins.imm);
	// printf("\n  ext ");
	// disp_plgtab(ins.ext);
 * \brief registers the Xeon Phi driver card with the Xeon Phi Manager
 * \param svc_iref  iref of the own exported Xeon Phi driver interface
 * \param id        returns the assigned Xeon Phi card ID
 * \param num       returns the size of the cards array
 * \param irefs     returns array of irefs to the other cards
 * NOTE: this is a blocking function. The function will only return after
 *       the Xeon Phi manager connection has been fully established and the
 *       registration protocol has been executed.
 * \returns SYS_ERR_OK on success
 *          errval on failure
errval_t xeon_phi_manager_client_register(iref_t svc_iref,
                                          uint8_t *id,
                                          uint8_t *num,
                                          iref_t **irefs)
    errval_t err, msgerr;

    if (strcmp(disp_name(), "xeon_phi") != 0) {
        USER_PANIC("client register called on non xeon phi driver");
        return -1;

    if (conn_state >= XPM_STATE_REGISTER_OK) {
        return SYS_ERR_OK;

    DEBUG_XPMC("Registration with Xeon Phi Manager service.\n");

    err = xpm_bind();
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        return err;

    xpm_reg_data.svc_iref = svc_iref;

    xeon_phi_manager_cards_t cards;

    err = xpm_rpc_client.vtbl.register_driver(&xpm_rpc_client, svc_iref, id,
                                              &cards, &msgerr);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        return err;

    if (err_is_fail(msgerr)) {
        return msgerr;
    conn_state = XPM_STATE_REGISTER_OK;

    iref_t *cardiref =calloc(cards.num, sizeof(iref_t));
    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cards.num; ++i) {
        cardiref[i] = ((iref_t *)&cards.card0)[i];
    *irefs = cardiref;
    *num = cards.num;

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int monster::deal_melee_attack(Creature *source, int hitroll, bool crit,
                               const damage_instance& d, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam) {
    if (has_flag(MF_ELECTRIC)) { // shockers electrocute melee attackers
        if (source != NULL && source->is_player() &&
                !g->u.wearing_something_on(bp_hands) &&
                (g->u.weapon.conductive() || g->u.unarmed_attack())
                ) {
            damage_instance shock;
            shock.add_damage(DT_ELECTRIC, rng(0,1));
            source->deal_damage(this, bp_arms, 1, shock);
            g->add_msg_if_player(source, _("Contact with %s shocks you!"),
    return Creature::deal_melee_attack(source, hitroll, crit, d, dealt_dam);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Creature::deal_melee_hit(Creature *source, int hit_spread, bool critical_hit,
                              const damage_instance &dam, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam)
    damage_instance d = dam; // copy, since we will mutate in block_hit

    body_part bp_hit = select_body_part(source, hit_spread);
    block_hit(source, bp_hit, d);

    // Bashing crit
    if (critical_hit) {
        int turns_stunned = (d.type_damage(DT_BASH) + hit_spread) / 20;
        if (turns_stunned > 6) {
            turns_stunned = 6;
        if (turns_stunned > 0) {
            add_effect("stunned", turns_stunned);

    // Stabbing effects
    int stab_moves = rng(d.type_damage(DT_STAB) / 2, d.type_damage(DT_STAB) * 1.5);
    if (critical_hit) {
        stab_moves *= 1.5;
    if (stab_moves >= 150) {
        if (is_player() && (!g->u.has_trait("LEG_TENT_BRACE") || g->u.footwear_factor() == 1 ||
                            (g->u.footwear_factor() == .5 && one_in(2))) ) {
            // can the player force their self to the ground? probably not.
            source->add_msg_if_npc( m_bad, _("<npcname> forces you to the ground!"));
        } else {
            source->add_msg_player_or_npc( m_good, _("You force %s to the ground!"),
                                           _("<npcname> forces %s to the ground!"),
                                           disp_name().c_str() );
        if (!g->u.has_trait("LEG_TENT_BRACE") || g->u.footwear_factor() == 1 ||
            (g->u.footwear_factor() == .5 && one_in(2))) {
            add_effect("downed", 1);
            mod_moves(-stab_moves / 2);
    } else {

    on_gethit(source, bp_hit, d); // trigger on-gethit events
    dealt_dam = deal_damage(source, bp_hit, d);
    dealt_dam.bp_hit = bp_hit;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * \brief looks up the symbol by a given index
 * \param idx       the index of the symbol to look up
 * \param ret_name  returns the name of the symbol
 * \param ret_addr  returns the address of the symbol
 * \returns SYS_ERR_OK on success
 *          errval on failure
errval_t spawn_symval_lookup_idx(uint32_t idx,
                                 char **ret_name,
                                 genvaddr_t *ret_addr)
    if (symvals) {
        if (symvals[idx].addr != 0) {
            if (ret_name) {
                *ret_name = symvals[idx].name;
            if (ret_addr) {
                *ret_addr = symvals[idx].addr;

    return spawn_symval_lookup(disp_name(), idx, ret_name, ret_addr);
Ejemplo n.º 12
int monster::deal_projectile_attack(Creature *source, double missed_by,
                                    const projectile& proj, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam) {
    bool u_see_mon = g->u_see(this);
    if (has_flag(MF_HARDTOSHOOT) && !one_in(10 - 10 * (.8 - missed_by)) && // Maxes out at 50% chance with perfect hit
            !proj.wide) {
        if (u_see_mon)
            g->add_msg(_("The shot passes through the %s without hitting."),
        return 0;
    // if it's a headshot with no head, make it not a headshot
    if (missed_by < 0.2 && has_flag(MF_NOHEAD)) {
        missed_by = 0.2;
    return Creature::deal_projectile_attack(source, missed_by, proj, dealt_dam);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void monster::add_msg_if_npc(game_message_type type, const char *msg, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, msg);
    std::string processed_npc_string = vstring_format(msg, ap);
    // These strings contain the substring <npcname>,
    // if present replace it with the actual monster name.
    size_t offset = processed_npc_string.find("<npcname>");
    if (offset != std::string::npos) {
        processed_npc_string.replace(offset, 9, disp_name());
        if (offset == 0 && !processed_npc_string.empty()) {
            capitalize_letter(processed_npc_string, 0);
    add_msg(type, processed_npc_string.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 14
void disp_ldr(Instruction ins, Emulator *emul)
	printf(" ");


	printf(", [");

	if(ins.imm.size > 0 && ins.imm.plages->value > 0)
		printf(", ");


Ejemplo n.º 15
void monster::add_msg_player_or_npc(const char *, const char* npc_str, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, npc_str);
    if (g->u_see(this)) {
        std::string processed_npc_string = vstring_format(npc_str, ap);
        // These strings contain the substring <npcname>,
        // if present replace it with the actual monster name.
        size_t offset = processed_npc_string.find("<npcname>");
        if (offset != std::string::npos) {
            processed_npc_string.replace(offset, 9, disp_name());
            if (offset == 0 && !processed_npc_string.empty()) {
                capitalize_letter(processed_npc_string, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void disp_sub_sp(Instruction ins, Emulator *emul)

	printf(" ");

	if(ins.reg.size > 0)

	printf(", sp");

	if(ins.imm.size > 0)
		printf(", ");
Ejemplo n.º 17
void Creature::deal_melee_hit( Creature *source, int hit_spread, bool critical_hit,
                               const damage_instance &dam, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam )
    damage_instance d = dam; // copy, since we will mutate in block_hit

    body_part bp_hit = select_body_part(source, hit_spread);
    block_hit(source, bp_hit, d);

    // Bashing critical
    if( critical_hit && !is_immune_effect( effect_stunned ) ) {
        if( d.type_damage(DT_BASH) * hit_spread > get_hp_max() ) {
            add_effect( effect_stunned, 1_turns ); // 1 turn is enough

    // Stabbing effects
    int stab_moves = rng( d.type_damage(DT_STAB) / 2,
                          d.type_damage(DT_STAB) * 1.5 );
    if (critical_hit) {
        stab_moves *= 1.5;
    if( stab_moves >= 150 && !is_immune_effect( effect_downed ) ) {
        if( is_player() ) {
            source->add_msg_if_npc( m_bad, _("<npcname> forces you to the ground!"));
        } else {
            source->add_msg_player_or_npc( m_good, _("You force %s to the ground!"),
                                           _("<npcname> forces %s to the ground!"),
                                           disp_name().c_str() );

        add_effect( effect_downed, 1_turns );
        mod_moves(-stab_moves / 2);
    } else {

    on_hit( source, bp_hit ); // trigger on-gethit events
    dealt_dam = deal_damage(source, bp_hit, d);
    dealt_dam.bp_hit = bp_hit;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int monster::deal_projectile_attack(Creature *source, double missed_by,
                                    const projectile& proj, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam) {
    bool u_see_mon = g->u_see(this);
    if (has_flag(MF_HARDTOSHOOT) && !one_in(10 - 10 * (.8 - missed_by)) && // Maxes out at 50% chance with perfect hit
            !proj.wide) {
        if (u_see_mon)
            Messages::player_messages.add_msg(_("The shot passes through %s without hitting."),
        return 0;
    // if it's a headshot with no head, make it not a headshot
    if (missed_by < 0.2 && has_flag(MF_NOHEAD)) {
        missed_by = 0.2;
    mdefense mdf;
     if(!is_hallucination() && source != NULL)
        (mdf.*type->sp_defense)(this, &proj);
    return Creature::deal_projectile_attack(source, missed_by, proj, dealt_dam);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void monster::melee_attack(Creature &target, bool, matec_id) {
    if (type->melee_dice == 0) { // We don't attack, so just return
    add_effect("hit_by_player", 3); // Make us a valid target for a few turns

    if (has_flag(MF_HIT_AND_RUN)) {
        add_effect("run", 4);

    bool u_see_me = g->u_see(this);

    body_part bp_hit;
    //int highest_hit = 0;
    int hitstat = type->melee_skill;
    int hitroll = dice(hitstat,10);

    damage_instance damage;
    if(!is_hallucination()) {
        if (type->melee_dice > 0) {
        if (type->melee_cut > 0) {
            damage.add_damage(DT_CUT, type->melee_cut);

    /* TODO: height-related bodypart selection
    //If the player is knocked down or the monster can fly, any body part is a valid target
    if(target.is_on_ground() || has_flag(MF_FLIES)){
        highest_hit = 20;
    else {
        switch (type->size) {
        case MS_TINY:
            highest_hit = 3;
        case MS_SMALL:
            highest_hit = 12;
        case MS_MEDIUM:
            highest_hit = 20;
        case MS_LARGE:
            highest_hit = 28;
        case MS_HUGE:
            highest_hit = 35;
        if (digging()){
            highest_hit -= 8;
        if (highest_hit <= 1){
            highest_hit = 2;

    if (highest_hit > 20){
        highest_hit = 20;

    int bp_rand = rng(0, highest_hit - 1);
    if (bp_rand <=  2){
        bp_hit = bp_legs;
    } else if (bp_rand <= 10){
        bp_hit = bp_torso;
    } else if (bp_rand <= 14){
        bp_hit = bp_arms;
    } else if (bp_rand <= 16){
        bp_hit = bp_mouth;
    } else if (bp_rand == 18){
        bp_hit = bp_eyes;
    } else{
        bp_hit = bp_head;

    dealt_damage_instance dealt_dam;
    int hitspread = target.deal_melee_attack(this, hitroll);
    if (hitspread >= 0) {
        target.deal_melee_hit(this, hitspread, false, damage, dealt_dam);
    bp_hit = dealt_dam.bp_hit;

    if (hitspread < 0) { // a miss
        // TODO: characters practice dodge when a hit misses 'em
        if (target.is_player()) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("You dodge %1$s."), disp_name().c_str());
            } else {
                add_msg(_("You dodge an attack from an unseen source."));
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %1$s dodges %2$s attack."), name().c_str(),
    //Hallucinations always produce messages but never actually deal damage
    } else if (is_hallucination() || dealt_dam.total_damage() > 0) {
        if (target.is_player()) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(m_bad, _("The %1$s hits your %2$s."), name().c_str(),
                        body_part_name(bp_hit, random_side(bp_hit)).c_str());
            } else {
                add_msg(m_bad, _("Something hits your %s."),
                        body_part_name(bp_hit, random_side(bp_hit)).c_str());
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %1$s hits %2$s %3$s."), name().c_str(),
                            body_part_name(bp_hit, random_side(bp_hit)).c_str());
    } else {
        if (target.is_player()) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %1$s hits your %2$s, but your %3$s protects you."), name().c_str(),
                        body_part_name(bp_hit, random_side(bp_hit)).c_str(), target.skin_name().c_str());
            } else {
                add_msg(_("Something hits your %1$s, but your %2$s protects you."),
                        body_part_name(bp_hit, random_side(bp_hit)).c_str(), target.skin_name().c_str());
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %1$s hits %2$s %3$s but is stopped by %2$s %4$s."), name().c_str(),
                            body_part_name(bp_hit, random_side(bp_hit)).c_str(),

    if (is_hallucination()) {
        if(one_in(7)) {
            dead = true;

    // Adjust anger/morale of same-species monsters, if appropriate
    int anger_adjust = 0, morale_adjust = 0;
    if (type->has_anger_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        anger_adjust += 15;
    if (type->has_fear_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        morale_adjust -= 15;
    if (type->has_placate_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        anger_adjust -= 15;

    if (anger_adjust != 0 && morale_adjust != 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < g->num_zombies(); i++)
            g->zombie(i).morale += morale_adjust;
            g->zombie(i).anger += anger_adjust;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Perform Sanity check of user-configurable values, and initialize all modules.
 * \param card_name Name of service implementing ethernet driver
 * \param queueid Queueid which is allocated to this application
 * \param opt_waitset Optional pointer to waitset to be used by LWIP
 * \param opt_mutex Optional pointer to mutex to protect multi-threaded domains
 * \returns True iff init completes
bool lwip_init_ex(const char *card_name, uint64_t queueid,
                  struct waitset *opt_waitset, struct thread_mutex *opt_mutex)
    printf("lwip_init_ex: starting......................\n");
    DEBUGPRINTPS("LWIP_other: Inside lwip_init\n");
    static bool run_once;

    if (run_once) {
        return false;
    run_once = true;

    if (opt_waitset == NULL) {
        printf("#### %s Going ahead with default wait-set\n", disp_name());
        lwip_waitset = get_default_waitset();
    } else {
        printf("#### %s Going ahead with non-default wait-set\n", disp_name());
//        lwip_waitset = get_default_waitset();
        lwip_waitset = opt_waitset;

    if (opt_mutex != NULL) {
        lwip_mutex = opt_mutex;

    /* Sanity check user-configurable values */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("LWIP: lwip_init: done with sanity check\n");
    printf("LWIP: done with sanity check\n");
    /* Modules initialization */
    char port_manager_name[MAX_NET_SERVICE_NAME_LEN];

    snprintf(port_manager_name, sizeof(port_manager_name), "%s%s",
             card_name, NET_PORTS_MNG_SUFFIX);

    // Connecting to the port_manager_service

    if (is_ctl != 1) {
        // connecting to ARP lookup service
        // Doing this before everything else so that we know all needed
        // services are up and running.
        char ARP_service_name[MAX_NET_SERVICE_NAME_LEN];
        snprintf(ARP_service_name, sizeof(ARP_service_name), "%s%s",
             card_name, NET_ARP_LOOKUP_SUFFIX);

    DEBUGPRINTPS("LWIP: lwip_init: done with connection setup\n");
    printf("LWIP: done with connection setup\n");
    remaining_lwip_initialization((char *) card_name, queueid);

    if (is_ctl != 1) {
        DEBUGPRINTPS("getting IP from ARP service\n");
        printf("LWIP: getting IP from ARP service\n");

    // Register timers... (TCP only)
    // FIXME: These timers should be added only when first TCP connection
    // is requested and not when networking is started!!!!
    static struct periodic_event tcp_timer;
    errval_t err = periodic_event_create(&tcp_timer, lwip_waitset,
                                         TCP_TMR_INTERVAL * 1000,
                                         MKCLOSURE((void (*)(void *))
                                                   call_tcp_tmr, NULL));

    // FIXME: I am not sure if this should be in the codepath for both
    // is_ctl and non-is_ctl.  Specially becasuse non is_ctl is anyways
    // adding one interface with idc_get_ip* call.

    // Bring interface up
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw;

    ip_addr_set(&ipaddr, IP_ADDR_ANY);
    ip_addr_set(&netmask, IP_ADDR_ANY);
    ip_addr_set(&gw, IP_ADDR_ANY);
    struct netif *n = netif_add(&netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw,
                                NULL, bfeth_init, ethernet_input);

    assert(n != NULL);
    extern bool lwip_init_done;
    lwip_init_done = true;

    printf("lwip_init_ex: done......................\n");
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void remaining_lwip_initialization(char *card_name, uint64_t queueid)
    nb = netbench_alloc("app", RECORDED_EVENTS_COUNT);
    //asq: connect to the NIC driver, before doing anything else
    idc_connect_to_driver(card_name, queueid);
    DEBUGPRINTPS("Connected to driver [%s]\n", card_name);
    DEBUGPRINTPS("remaining_lwip_init: allocating pbuf memory\n");
    printf("#### Networking with small amount of memory #####\n");
    printf("#### [%u:%"PRIuDOMAINID":%s] [%s] [%d] MEM_SIZE[%d], "
            "PBUF_POOL_SIZE[%d], MEMP_MAX[%d],  RECEIVE_BUFFERS[%d] qid[%"PRIu64"]####\n",
       disp_get_core_id(), disp_get_domain_id(), disp_name(),
       RECEIVE_BUFFERS, queueid);

    memp_init();                // 0'st buffer

    DEBUGPRINTPS("remaining_lwip_init: allocating memory for sending\n");
    mem_init();                 // 1'th buffer
    DEBUGPRINTPS("remaining_lwip_init: done with memroy allocation\n");

    DEBUGPRINTPS("LWIP: lwip_starting\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_SOCKET */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done ip_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_ARP */
#endif                          /* LWIP_RAW */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done udp_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_UDP */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done tcp_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_TCP */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done snmp_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_SNMP */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done autoip_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_AUTOIP */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done igmp_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_IGMP */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done2 igmp_init\n");
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: starting DNS_init\n");
    DEBUGPRINTPS("r_lwip_init: done DNS_init\n");
#endif                          /* LWIP_DNS */
    DEBUGPRINTPS("LWIP: lwip_started\n");
Ejemplo n.º 22
void monster::melee_attack(Creature &target, bool, matec_id) {
    if (type->melee_dice == 0) { // We don't attack, so just return
    add_effect("hit_by_player", 3); // Make us a valid target for a few turns

    if (has_flag(MF_HIT_AND_RUN)) {
        add_effect("run", 4);

    bool u_see_me = g->u_see(this);

    body_part bp_hit;
    //int highest_hit = 0;

    damage_instance damage;
    if(!is_hallucination()) {
        if (type->melee_dice > 0) {
        if (type->melee_cut > 0) {
            damage.add_damage(DT_CUT, type->melee_cut);

    dealt_damage_instance dealt_dam;
    int hitspread = target.deal_melee_attack(this, hit_roll());
    if (hitspread >= 0) {
        target.deal_melee_hit(this, hitspread, false, damage, dealt_dam);
    bp_hit = dealt_dam.bp_hit;

    if (hitspread < 0) { // a miss
        // TODO: characters practice dodge when a hit misses 'em
        if (target.is_player()) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("You dodge %s."), disp_name().c_str());
            } else {
                add_msg(_("You dodge an attack from an unseen source."));
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %1$s dodges %2$s attack."), name().c_str(),
    //Hallucinations always produce messages but never actually deal damage
    } else if (is_hallucination() || dealt_dam.total_damage() > 0) {
        if (target.is_player()) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                //~ 1$s is attacker name, 2$s is bodypart name in accusative.
                add_msg(m_bad, _("The %1$s hits your %2$s."), name().c_str(),
            } else {
                //~ %s is bodypart name in accusative.
                add_msg(m_bad, _("Something hits your %s."),
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                //~ 1$s is attacker name, 2$s is target name, 3$s is bodypart name in accusative.
                add_msg(_("The %1$s hits %2$s %3$s."), name().c_str(),
    } else {
        if (target.is_player()) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                //~ 1$s is attacker name, 2$s is bodypart name in accusative, 3$s is armor name
                add_msg(_("The %1$s hits your %2$s, but your %3$s protects you."), name().c_str(),
                        body_part_name_accusative(bp_hit).c_str(), target.skin_name().c_str());
            } else {
                //~ 1$s is bodypart name in accusative, 2$s is armor name.
                add_msg(_("Something hits your %1$s, but your %2$s protects you."),
                        body_part_name_accusative(bp_hit).c_str(), target.skin_name().c_str());
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                //~ $1s is monster name, %2$s is that monster target name,
                //~ $3s is target bodypart name in accusative, 4$s is target armor name.
                add_msg(_("The %1$s hits %2$s %3$s but is stopped by %2$s %4$s."), name().c_str(),

    if (is_hallucination()) {
        if(one_in(7)) {
            die( nullptr );

    // Adjust anger/morale of same-species monsters, if appropriate
    int anger_adjust = 0, morale_adjust = 0;
    if (type->has_anger_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        anger_adjust += 15;
    if (type->has_fear_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        morale_adjust -= 15;
    if (type->has_placate_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        anger_adjust -= 15;

    if (anger_adjust != 0 && morale_adjust != 0)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < g->num_zombies(); i++)
            g->zombie(i).morale += morale_adjust;
            g->zombie(i).anger += anger_adjust;
Ejemplo n.º 23
std::string Creature::replace_with_npc_name( std::string input ) const
    replace_substring( input, "<npcname>", disp_name(), true );
    return input;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int Creature::deal_projectile_attack(Creature *source, double missed_by,
                                     const projectile &proj, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam)
    bool u_see_this = g->u_see(this);
    body_part bp_hit;
    int side = rng(0, 1);

    // do 10,speed because speed could potentially be > 10000
    if (dodge_roll() >= dice(10, proj.speed)) {
        if (is_player())
            g->add_msg(_("You dodge %s's projectile!"),
        else if (u_see_this)
            g->add_msg(_("%s dodges %s's projectile."),
                       disp_name().c_str(), source->disp_name().c_str());
        return 0;

    double hit_value = missed_by + rng_float(-0.5, 0.5);
    // headshots considered elsewhere
    if (hit_value <= 0.4) {
        bp_hit = bp_torso;
    } else if (one_in(4)) {
        bp_hit = bp_legs;
    } else {
        bp_hit = bp_arms;

    double monster_speed_penalty = std::max(double(get_speed()) / 80., 1.0);
    double goodhit = missed_by / monster_speed_penalty;
    double damage_mult = 1.0;

    if (goodhit <= .1) {
        g->add_msg_if_player(source, _("Headshot!"));
        damage_mult *= rng_float(5, 8);
        bp_hit = bp_head; // headshot hits the head, of course
    } else if (goodhit <= .2) {
        g->add_msg_if_player(source, _("Critical!"));
        damage_mult *= rng_float(2, 3);
    } else if (goodhit <= .4) {
        g->add_msg_if_player(source, _("Good hit!"));
        damage_mult *= rng_float(1, 2);
    } else if (goodhit <= .6) {
        damage_mult *= rng_float(0.5, 1);
    } else if (goodhit <= .8) {
        g->add_msg_if_player(source, _("Grazing hit."));
        damage_mult *= rng_float(0, 1);
    } else {
        damage_mult *= 0;

    // copy it, since we're mutating
    damage_instance impact = proj.impact;

    dealt_dam = deal_damage(source, bp_hit, side, impact);
    dealt_dam.bp_hit = bp_hit;

    if(u_see_this) {
        if (damage_mult == 0) {
            if(source != NULL) {
                g->add_msg(source->is_player() ? _("You miss!") : _("The shot misses!"));
        } else if (dealt_dam.total_damage() == 0) {
            g->add_msg(_("The shot reflects off the %s!"),
        } else if (source != NULL) {
            if (source->is_player()) {
                g->add_msg(_("You hit the %s for %d damage."),
                           disp_name().c_str(), dealt_dam.total_damage());
            } else if (u_see_this) {
                g->add_msg(_("%s shoots %s."),
                           source->disp_name().c_str(), disp_name().c_str());

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int Creature::deal_melee_attack(Creature *source, int hitroll, bool critical_hit,
                                const damage_instance &dam, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam)
    int dodgeroll = dodge_roll();
    int hit_spread = hitroll - dodgeroll;
    bool missed = hit_spread <= 0;

    damage_instance d = dam; // copy, since we will mutate in block_hit

    if (missed) {
        return hit_spread;

    //bool critical_hit = hit_spread > 30; //scored_crit(dodgeroll);

    body_part bp_hit;
    int side = rng(0, 1);
    int hit_value = hit_spread + dice(10, 6) - 35;
    if (hit_value >= 40) {
        bp_hit = bp_eyes;
    } else if (hit_value >= 30) {
        bp_hit = bp_head;
    } else if (hit_value >= 5) {
        bp_hit = bp_torso;
    } else if (one_in(4)) {
        bp_hit = bp_legs;
    } else {
        bp_hit = bp_arms;

    // Bashing crit
    if (critical_hit) {
        int turns_stunned = (d.type_damage(DT_BASH) + hit_spread) / 20;
        if (turns_stunned > 6) {
            turns_stunned = 6;
        if (turns_stunned > 0) {
            add_effect("stunned", turns_stunned);

    // Stabbing effects
    int stab_moves = rng(d.type_damage(DT_STAB) / 2, d.type_damage(DT_STAB) * 1.5);
    if (critical_hit) {
        stab_moves *= 1.5;
    if (stab_moves >= 150) {
        if (is_player()) {
            // can the player force their self to the ground? probably not.
            g->add_msg_if_npc(source, _("<npcname> forces you to the ground!"));
        } else {
            g->add_msg_player_or_npc(source, _("You force %s to the ground!"),
                                     _("<npcname> forces %s to the ground!"),
                                     disp_name().c_str() );
        add_effect("downed", 1);
        mod_moves(-stab_moves / 2);
    } else {
    block_hit(bp_hit, side, d);

    on_gethit(source, bp_hit, d); // trigger on-gethit events
    dealt_dam = deal_damage(source, bp_hit, side, d);
    dealt_dam.bp_hit = bp_hit;

    /* TODO: add grabs n shit back in
    if (allow_special && technique.grabs) {
        // TODO: make this depend on skill (through grab_resist stat) again
        if (t.get_grab_resist() > 0 &&
                dice(t.get_dex() , 12) >
                dice(get_dex(), 10)) {
            g->add_msg_player_or_npc(&t, _("You break the grab!"),
                                        _("<npcname> breaks the grab!"));
        } else if (!unarmed_attack()) {
            // Move our weapon to a temp slot, if it's not unarmed
            item tmpweap = remove_weapon();
            melee_attack(t, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
            weapon = tmpweap;
        } else
            melee_attack(t, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed

    return hit_spread;
Ejemplo n.º 26
hp_part Character::body_window( bool precise ) const
    return body_window( disp_name(), true, precise, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 27
// FIXME: why is this not in soft filter management?
bool copy_packet_to_user(struct buffer_descriptor *buffer,
                         void *data, uint64_t len, uint64_t flags)
    // Must only be called if we use software filtering

    assert(len > 0);
    assert(data != NULL);
    assert(buffer != NULL);
    struct net_queue_manager_binding *b = buffer->con;
    assert(b != NULL);
    struct client_closure *cl = (struct client_closure *) b->st;
    assert(cl != NULL);

    // check if there are slots which can be used in app (!isempty)
    if(buffer->rxq.buffer_state_used == 0) {

        printf("[%s] Dropping packet as no space in userspace "
                "2cp pkt buf [%" PRIu64 "]: "
                "size[%zu] used[%zu], after [%"PRIu64"] sent"
                " added [%"PRIu64"] \n", disp_name(),
                buffer->buffer_id, buffer->rxq.buffer_state_size,
                buffer->rxq.buffer_state_used, sent_packets, rx_added);
        if (cl->debug_state == 4) {
        //abort(); // optional, should be removed
        return false;

    if (!is_enough_space_in_queue(cl->q)) {

        printf("[%s] Dropping packet as app [%d] is not processing packets"
                "fast enough.  Cont queue is almost full [%d], pkt count [%"PRIu64"]\n",
                disp_name(), cl->cl_no, queue_free_slots(cl->q), sent_packets);
        if (cl->debug_state == 4) {
//        abort(); // FIXME: temparary halt to simplify debugging
        return false;

    // pop the latest buffer from head of queue (this is stack)
    struct buffer_state_metadata *bsm = buffer->rxq.buffer_state +
    assert(bsm != NULL);
    uint64_t offset = bsm->offset;

    assert(offset < buffer->bytes);
    void *dst = (void *) (uintptr_t) buffer->va + offset;

    ETHERSRV_DEBUG("Copy packet pos %p %p %p\n", buffer->va, dst,
                   (buffer->va + buffer->bytes));

    uint64_t ts = rdtsc();

    memcpy_fast((void *) (uintptr_t)dst, data, len);
    if (cl->debug_state == 4) {
        netbench_record_event_simple(bm, RE_COPY, ts);

    ++sent_packets; // FIXME: remove this!
    // add trace pkt cpy
    uint32_t pkt_location = (uint32_t) ((uintptr_t) data);

    trace_event(TRACE_SUBSYS_NNET, TRACE_EVENT_NNET_NI_PKT_CPY, pkt_location);

    // Handle raw interface
    errval_t err = send_raw_xmit_done(b, offset, len, 0, flags);
    if (err_is_ok(err)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        // As application is not able to process the packet
        // we will drop this one
        USER_PANIC("send_raw_xmit_done failed as queue full, can't go further: 2\n");
        // FIXME: Don't crash. ignore the packet, undo any changes done by it
        // and continue.  Ideally this shouldn't happen as we are checking for
        // free space before actually sending the packt.
        return false;

    return true;
} // end function: copy_packet_to_user
Ejemplo n.º 28
 * Attempts to harm a creature with a projectile.
 * @param source Pointer to the creature who shot the projectile.
 * @param attack A structure describing the attack and its results.
void Creature::deal_projectile_attack( Creature *source, dealt_projectile_attack &attack )
    const double missed_by = attack.missed_by;
    if( missed_by >= 1.0 ) {
        // Total miss

    const projectile &proj = attack.proj;
    dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam = attack.dealt_dam;
    const auto &proj_effects = proj.proj_effects;

    const bool u_see_this = g->u.sees(*this);

    const int avoid_roll = dodge_roll();
    // Do dice(10, speed) instead of dice(speed, 10) because speed could potentially be > 10000
    const int diff_roll = dice( 10, proj.speed );
    // Partial dodge, capped at [0.0, 1.0], added to missed_by
    const double dodge_rescaled = avoid_roll / static_cast<double>( diff_roll );
    const double goodhit = missed_by + std::max( 0.0, std::min( 1.0, dodge_rescaled ) ) ;

    if( goodhit >= 1.0 ) {
        // "Avoid" rather than "dodge", because it includes removing self from the line of fire
        //  rather than just Matrix-style bullet dodging
        if( source != nullptr && g->u.sees( *source ) ) {
                _("You avoid %s projectile!"),
                _("<npcname> avoids %s projectile."),
                source->disp_name(true).c_str() );
        } else {
                _("You avoid an incoming projectile!"),
                _("<npcname> avoids an incoming projectile.") );

        attack.missed_by = 1.0; // Arbitrary value

    // Bounce applies whether it does damage or not.
    if( proj.proj_effects.count( "BOUNCE" ) ) {
        add_effect( effect_bounced, 1_turns );

    body_part bp_hit;
    double hit_value = missed_by + rng_float(-0.5, 0.5);
    // Headshots considered elsewhere
    if( hit_value <= 0.4 ) {
        bp_hit = bp_torso;
    } else if (one_in(4)) {
        if( one_in(2)) {
            bp_hit = bp_leg_l;
        } else {
            bp_hit = bp_leg_r;
    } else {
        if( one_in(2)) {
            bp_hit = bp_arm_l;
        } else {
            bp_hit = bp_arm_r;

    double damage_mult = 1.0;

    std::string message = "";
    game_message_type gmtSCTcolor = m_neutral;

    if( goodhit < accuracy_headshot ) {
        message = _("Headshot!");
        gmtSCTcolor = m_headshot;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(1.95, 2.05);
        bp_hit = bp_head; // headshot hits the head, of course

    } else if( goodhit < accuracy_critical ) {
        message = _("Critical!");
        gmtSCTcolor = m_critical;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(1.5, 2.0);

    } else if( goodhit < accuracy_goodhit ) {
        message = _("Good hit!");
        gmtSCTcolor = m_good;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(1, 1.5);

    } else if( goodhit < accuracy_standard ) {
        damage_mult *= rng_float(0.5, 1);

    } else if( goodhit < accuracy_grazing ) {
        message = _("Grazing hit.");
        gmtSCTcolor = m_grazing;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(0, .25);

    if( source != nullptr && !message.empty() ) {
        source->add_msg_if_player(m_good, message.c_str());

    attack.missed_by = goodhit;

    // copy it, since we're mutating
    damage_instance impact = proj.impact;
    if( damage_mult > 0.0f && proj_effects.count( "NO_DAMAGE_SCALING" ) ) {
        damage_mult = 1.0f;


    if( proj_effects.count( "NOGIB" ) > 0 ) {
        float dmg_ratio = (float)impact.total_damage() / get_hp_max( player::bp_to_hp( bp_hit ) );
        if( dmg_ratio > 1.25f ) {
            impact.mult_damage( 1.0f / dmg_ratio );

    dealt_dam = deal_damage(source, bp_hit, impact);
    dealt_dam.bp_hit = bp_hit;

    // Apply ammo effects to target.
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("FLAME")) {
        if (made_of( material_id( "veggy" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "cotton" ) ) ||
            made_of( material_id( "wool" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "paper" ) ) ||
            made_of( material_id( "wood" ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_onfire, rng( 8_turns, 20_turns ), bp_hit );
        } else if (made_of( material_id( "flesh" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "iflesh" ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_onfire, rng( 5_turns, 10_turns ), bp_hit );
    } else if (proj.proj_effects.count("INCENDIARY") ) {
        if (made_of( material_id( "veggy" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "cotton" ) ) ||
            made_of( material_id( "wool" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "paper" ) ) ||
            made_of( material_id( "wood" ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_onfire, rng( 2_turns, 6_turns ), bp_hit );
        } else if ( (made_of( material_id( "flesh" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "iflesh" ) ) ) &&
                    one_in(4) ) {
            add_effect( effect_onfire, rng( 1_turns, 4_turns ), bp_hit );
    } else if (proj.proj_effects.count("IGNITE")) {
        if (made_of( material_id( "veggy" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "cotton" ) ) ||
            made_of( material_id( "wool" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "paper" ) ) ||
            made_of( material_id( "wood" ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_onfire, 6_turns, bp_hit );
        } else if (made_of( material_id( "flesh" ) ) || made_of( material_id( "iflesh" ) ) ) {
            add_effect( effect_onfire, 10_turns, bp_hit );

    if( bp_hit == bp_head && proj_effects.count( "BLINDS_EYES" ) ) {
        // TODO: Change this to require bp_eyes
        add_env_effect( effect_blind, bp_eyes, 5, rng( 3_turns, 10_turns ) );

    if( proj_effects.count( "APPLY_SAP" ) ) {
        add_effect( effect_sap, 1_turns * dealt_dam.total_damage() );

    int stun_strength = 0;
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("BEANBAG")) {
        stun_strength = 4;
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("LARGE_BEANBAG")) {
        stun_strength = 16;
    if( stun_strength > 0 ) {
        switch( get_size() ) {
        case MS_TINY:
            stun_strength *= 4;
        case MS_SMALL:
            stun_strength *= 2;
        case MS_MEDIUM:
        case MS_LARGE:
            stun_strength /= 2;
        case MS_HUGE:
            stun_strength /= 4;
        add_effect( effect_stunned, 1_turns * rng( stun_strength / 2, stun_strength ) );

    if(u_see_this) {
        if( damage_mult == 0 ) {
            if( source != nullptr ) {
                add_msg( source->is_player() ? _("You miss!") : _("The shot misses!") );
        } else if( dealt_dam.total_damage() == 0 ) {
            //~ 1$ - monster name, 2$ - character's bodypart or monster's skin/armor
            add_msg( _("The shot reflects off %1$s %2$s!"), disp_name(true).c_str(),
                     is_monster() ?
                        skin_name().c_str() :
                        body_part_name_accusative(bp_hit).c_str() );
        } else if( is_player() ) {
                //monster hits player ranged
                //~ Hit message. 1$s is bodypart name in accusative. 2$d is damage value.
                add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _( "You were hit in the %1$s for %2$d damage." ),
        } else if( source != nullptr ) {
            if( source->is_player() ) {
                //player hits monster ranged
                SCT.add(posx(), posy(),
                        direction_from(0, 0, posx() - source->posx(), posy() - source->posy()),
                        get_hp_bar(dealt_dam.total_damage(), get_hp_max(), true).first,
                        m_good, message, gmtSCTcolor);

                if (get_hp() > 0) {
                    SCT.add(posx(), posy(),
                            direction_from(0, 0, posx() - source->posx(), posy() - source->posy()),
                            get_hp_bar(get_hp(), get_hp_max(), true).first, m_good,
                            //~ "hit points", used in scrolling combat text
                            _("hp"), m_neutral, "hp");
                } else {

                add_msg(m_good, _("You hit %s for %d damage."),
                        disp_name().c_str(), dealt_dam.total_damage());
            } else if( u_see_this ) {
                //~ 1$ - shooter, 2$ - target
                add_msg(_("%1$s shoots %2$s."),
                        source->disp_name().c_str(), disp_name().c_str());

    attack.hit_critter = this;
    attack.missed_by = goodhit;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * Interface related: raw interface
static void raw_add_buffer(struct net_queue_manager_binding *cc,
                           uint64_t offset, uint64_t length,
                           uint64_t more, uint64_t flags)
    struct client_closure *cl = (struct client_closure *) cc->st;
    struct buffer_descriptor *buffer = cl->buffer_ptr;
    errval_t err;
    uint64_t paddr;
    void *vaddr, *opaque;

    paddr = ((uint64_t)(uintptr_t) buffer->pa) + offset;
    vaddr = (void*) ((uintptr_t) buffer->va + (size_t)offset);

    if (buffer->role == TX_BUFFER_ID) {
        // Make sure that there is opaque slot available (isfull)
        assert(buffer->txq.buffer_state_used < (buffer->txq.buffer_state_size - 1));

        // Save state for handle_tx_done()/handle_receive_packet
        struct buffer_state_metadata *bsm = buffer->txq.buffer_state +
        buffer->txq.buffer_state_head = (buffer->txq.buffer_state_head + 1)
            % buffer->txq.buffer_state_size;
        bsm->binding = cc;
        bsm->offset = offset;

        opaque = (void*)bsm;

        // save information as list of packet-chunks before sending to HW
        cl->driver_buff_list[cl->chunk_counter].va = vaddr;
        cl->driver_buff_list[cl->chunk_counter].pa = paddr;
        cl->driver_buff_list[cl->chunk_counter].len = length;
        cl->driver_buff_list[cl->chunk_counter].opaque = opaque;
        cl->driver_buff_list[cl->chunk_counter].flags = flags;
        if (more == 0) {
            // ETHERSRV_DEBUG
//            printf("sending out packet\n");
            if (cl->chunk_counter > 1) {
                    ("%s:%s: handle=%p\n", disp_name(), __func__,
            err = ether_transmit_pbuf_list_ptr(cl->driver_buff_list,
            cl->chunk_counter = 0;
    } else { // RX_BUFFER_ID

        // Sanity check.  Making sure that more flag is not set
        if (more == 1) {
            USER_PANIC("broken buffer registerd with for RX buffer\n");

        // Make sure that there is opaque slot available (isfull)
        assert(buffer->rxq.buffer_state_used <
                (buffer->rxq.buffer_state_size - 1));

        // Save state for handle_tx_done()/handle_receive_packet
        struct buffer_state_metadata *bsm = buffer->rxq.buffer_state +
        buffer->rxq.buffer_state_head = (buffer->rxq.buffer_state_head + 1)
            % buffer->rxq.buffer_state_size;
        bsm->binding = cc;
        bsm->offset = offset;
        opaque = (void*)bsm;

        // role == RX_BUFFER_ID
        if (use_sf) {
            // nothing to do!

        } else {
            assert(length == rx_buffer_size);
            rx_register_buffer_fn_ptr(paddr, vaddr, opaque);

        // FIXME: send a message back acking receiving of message.

    } // end else: RX_BUFFER_ID
} // end function: raw_add_buffer
Ejemplo n.º 30
int Creature::deal_projectile_attack(Creature *source, double missed_by,
                                     const projectile &proj, dealt_damage_instance &dealt_dam)
    bool u_see_this = g->u_see(this);
    body_part bp_hit;
    int side = rng(0, 1);

    // do 10,speed because speed could potentially be > 10000
    if (dodge_roll() >= dice(10, proj.speed)) {
        if (is_player())
            add_msg(_("You dodge %s projectile!"),
        else if (u_see_this)
            add_msg(_("%s dodges %s projectile."),
                       disp_name().c_str(), source->disp_name(true).c_str());
        return 0;

    // Bounce applies whether it does damage or not.
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("BOUNCE")) {
        add_effect("bounced", 1);

    double hit_value = missed_by + rng_float(-0.5, 0.5);
    // headshots considered elsewhere
    if (hit_value <= 0.4) {
        bp_hit = bp_torso;
    } else if (one_in(4)) {
        bp_hit = bp_legs;
    } else {
        bp_hit = bp_arms;

    double monster_speed_penalty = std::max(double(get_speed()) / 80., 1.0);
    double goodhit = missed_by / monster_speed_penalty;
    double damage_mult = 1.0;

    std::string message = "";
    game_message_type gmtSCTcolor = m_neutral;

    if (goodhit <= .1) {
        message = _("Headshot!");
        source->add_msg_if_player(m_good, message.c_str());
        gmtSCTcolor = m_headshot;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(2.45, 3.35);
        bp_hit = bp_head; // headshot hits the head, of course
    } else if (goodhit <= .2) {
        message = _("Critical!");
        source->add_msg_if_player(m_good, message.c_str());
        gmtSCTcolor = m_critical;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(1.75, 2.3);
    } else if (goodhit <= .4) {
        message = _("Good hit!");
        source->add_msg_if_player(m_good, message.c_str());
        gmtSCTcolor = m_good;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(1, 1.5);
    } else if (goodhit <= .6) {
        damage_mult *= rng_float(0.5, 1);
    } else if (goodhit <= .8) {
        message = _("Grazing hit.");
        source->add_msg_if_player(m_good, message.c_str());
        gmtSCTcolor = m_grazing;
        damage_mult *= rng_float(0, .25);
    } else {
        damage_mult *= 0;

    // copy it, since we're mutating
    damage_instance impact = proj.impact;
    if( item(proj.ammo->id, 0).has_flag("NOGIB") ) {

    dealt_dam = deal_damage(source, bp_hit, side, impact);
    dealt_dam.bp_hit = bp_hit;

    // Apply ammo effects to target.
    const std::string target_material = get_material();
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("FLAME")) {
        if (0 == target_material.compare("veggy") || 0 == target_material.compare("cotton") ||
            0 == target_material.compare("wool") || 0 == target_material.compare("paper") ||
            0 == target_material.compare("wood" ) ) {
            add_effect("onfire", rng(8, 20));
        } else if (0 == target_material.compare("flesh") || 0 == target_material.compare("iflesh") ) {
            add_effect("onfire", rng(5, 10));
    } else if (proj.proj_effects.count("INCENDIARY") ) {
        if (0 == target_material.compare("veggy") || 0 == target_material.compare("cotton") ||
            0 == target_material.compare("wool") || 0 == target_material.compare("paper") ||
            0 == target_material.compare("wood") ) {
            add_effect("onfire", rng(2, 6));
        } else if ( (0 == target_material.compare("flesh") || 0 == target_material.compare("iflesh") ) &&
                    one_in(4) ) {
            add_effect("onfire", rng(1, 4));
    } else if (proj.proj_effects.count("IGNITE")) {
        if (0 == target_material.compare("veggy") || 0 == target_material.compare("cotton") ||
            0 == target_material.compare("wool") || 0 == target_material.compare("paper") ||
            0 == target_material.compare("wood") ) {
            add_effect("onfire", rng(6, 6));
        } else if (0 == target_material.compare("flesh") || 0 == target_material.compare("iflesh") ) {
            add_effect("onfire", rng(10, 10));
    int stun_strength = 0;
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("BEANBAG")) {
        stun_strength = 4;
    if(proj.proj_effects.count("WHIP")) {
        stun_strength = rng(4, 10);
    if (proj.proj_effects.count("LARGE_BEANBAG")) {
        stun_strength = 16;
    if( stun_strength > 0 ) {
        switch( get_size() ) {
            case MS_TINY:
                stun_strength *= 4;
            case MS_SMALL:
                stun_strength *= 2;
            case MS_MEDIUM:
            case MS_LARGE:
                stun_strength /= 2;
            case MS_HUGE:
                stun_strength /= 4;
        add_effect( "stunned", rng(stun_strength / 2, stun_strength) );

    if(u_see_this) {
        if (damage_mult == 0) {
            if(source != NULL) {
                add_msg(source->is_player() ? _("You miss!") : _("The shot misses!"));
        } else if (dealt_dam.total_damage() == 0) {
            add_msg(_("The shot reflects off %s %s!"), disp_name(true).c_str(),
        } else if (source != NULL) {
            if (source->is_player()) {
                //player hits monster ranged
                nc_color color;
                std::string health_bar = "";
                get_HP_Bar(dealt_dam.total_damage(), this->get_hp_max(), color, health_bar, true);

                        direction_from(0, 0, this->xpos() - source->xpos(), this->ypos() - source->ypos()),
                        health_bar, m_good,
                        message, gmtSCTcolor);

                if (this->get_hp() > 0) {
                    get_HP_Bar(this->get_hp(), this->get_hp_max(), color, health_bar, true);

                            direction_from(0, 0, this->xpos() - source->xpos(), this->ypos() - source->ypos()),
                            health_bar, m_good,
                            "hp", m_neutral,
                } else {

                add_msg(m_good, _("You hit the %s for %d damage."),
                           disp_name().c_str(), dealt_dam.total_damage());

            } else if(this->is_player()) {
                //monster hits player ranged
                add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "You were hit in the %s for %d damage." ),
                                          body_part_name( bp_hit, side ).c_str( ),
                                          dealt_dam.total_damage( ) );
            } else if( u_see_this ) {
                add_msg(_("%s shoots %s."),
                           source->disp_name().c_str(), disp_name().c_str());

    return 0;