Ejemplo n.º 1
// Loads the old save by constructing a new save containing the old save's data
bool SaveConverter_Notes::load() {
    if (_size == 0)
        return false;

    Common::InSaveFile *save;

    // Test if it's an old savd
    if (!isOldSave(&save) || !save)
        return false;


    SaveWriter writer(1, 0);

    SavePartVars *vars = readVars(*save, _size, false);
    if (!vars)
        return loadFail(0, save);

    // We don't need the save anymore
    delete save;

    // Write all parts
    if (!writer.writePart(0, vars))
        return loadFail(0, 0);

    // We don't need this anymore
    delete vars;

    // Create the final read stream
    if (!createStream(writer))
        return loadFail(0, 0);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Loads the old save by constructing a new save containing the old save's data
bool SaveConverter_v4::load() {

	uint32 varSize = SaveHandler::getVarSize(_vm);
	if (varSize == 0)
		return false;

	Common::InSaveFile *save;

	// Test if it's an old savd
	if (!isOldSave(&save) || !save)
		return false;


	SaveWriter writer(3, 0);

	SavePartInfo *info = readInfo(*save, kSlotNameLength, false);
	if (!info)
		return loadFail(0, 0, 0, save);

	SavePartVars *vars = readVars(*save, varSize, true);
	if (!vars)
		return loadFail(info, 0, 0, save);

	SavePartMem *props = readMem(*save, 256000, true);
	if (!props)
		return loadFail(info, vars, 0, save);

	// We don't need the save anymore
	delete save;

	// Write all parts
	if (!writer.writePart(0, info))
		return loadFail(info, vars, props, 0);
	if (!writer.writePart(1, vars))
		return loadFail(info, vars, props, 0);
	if (!writer.writePart(2, props))
		return loadFail(info, vars, props, 0);

	// We don't need those anymore
	delete info;
	delete vars;
	delete props;

	// Create the final read stream
	if (!createStream(writer))
		return loadFail(0, 0, 0, 0);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ListItems::operation( const std::string & i_operation)
	std::ostringstream str;
	std::vector<int> ids = getSelectedIds();
	if( ids.size() == 0 )
		displayWarning("No items selected.");
	af::jsonActionOperation( str, m_type, i_operation, "", ids);
	Watch::sendMsg( af::jsonMsg( str));

	displayInfo(QString("Operation: \"%1\".").arg( afqt::stoq( i_operation)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Dialog::idReceived( int i_id, int i_uid)
	if( MonitorHost::id() > 0 )
		if( i_id != MonitorHost::id())
		if( i_id == 0)
			AFINFA("Dialog::idReceived: ID=%d UID=%d\n", i_id, i_uid)

			MonitorHost::connectionEstablished( i_id, i_uid);

			if( i_uid == -1 )
				if( m_monitorType == Watch::WJobs )
				displayWarning("You are not exist.");
				displayInfo("You have registered.");
				if( m_monitorType == Watch::WNONE )
					ButtonMonitor::pushButton( Watch::WJobs);

			af::Msg * msg = new af::Msg( af::Msg::TMonitorUpdateId, i_id);
			m_qThreadClientUpdate.setUpMsg( msg);
Ejemplo n.º 5
@function popupInput(title, event, input, min, max)

Raises a pop-up on screen that allows uses input

@param title (string) text to display 

@param event (number) the event variable that is passed in from the 
Run function (key pressed)

@param input (number) value that can be adjusted by the +/­- keys 

@param min  (number) min value that input can reach (by pressing the -­ key)

@param max  (number) max value that input can reach 

@retval number result of the input adjustment

@retval "OK" user pushed ENT key 

@retval "CANCEL" user pushed EXIT key 

@notice Use only from stand-alone and telemetry scripts.

@status current Introduced in 2.0.0
static int luaPopupInput(lua_State *L)
  uint8_t event = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
  warningInputValue = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
  warningInputValueMin = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4);
  warningInputValueMax = luaL_checkinteger(L, 5);
  warningText = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
  warningType = WARNING_TYPE_INPUT;
  if (warningResult) {
    warningResult = 0;
    lua_pushstring(L, "OK");
  else if (!warningText) {
    lua_pushstring(L, "CANCEL");
  else {
    lua_pushinteger(L, warningInputValue);
  warningText = NULL;
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ListJobs::actDeleteDone()
	std::vector<int> ids;
	for( int i = 0; i < m_model->count(); i++)
		ItemJob * job = (ItemJob*)(m_model->item(i));
		if( job->state & AFJOB::STATE_DONE_MASK )
			ids.push_back( job->getId());

	if( ids.size() == 0 )
		displayWarning("No done jobs founded.");

	std::ostringstream str;
	af::jsonActionOperation( str,"jobs","delete","", ids);
	Watch::sendMsg( af::jsonMsg( str));

	displayInfo("Delete all done jobs.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ListItems::setParameter( const std::string & i_name, const std::string & i_value, bool i_quoted)
	if( getSelectedItemsCount() == 0 )
		displayWarning("No items selected.");

	displayInfo(QString("\"%1\" = \"%2\"").arg( afqt::stoq(i_name), afqt::stoq( i_value)));

	std::ostringstream str;

	af::jsonActionParamsStart( str, m_type, "", getSelectedIds());

	str << "\n\"" << i_name << "\":";
	if (i_quoted)
		str << "\"" << af::strEscape(i_value) << "\"";
		str << i_value;

	af::jsonActionParamsFinish( str);

	Watch::sendMsg( af::jsonMsg( str));
Ejemplo n.º 8
MStatus tm_polySlot::doIt( const MArgList& )
//	Description:
//		implements the MEL tm_polySlot command.
//	Arguments:
//		args - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL
//	Return Value:
//		MS::kSuccess - command succeeded
//		MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the 
//                     MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the
//                     error is caught using a "catch" statement.
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "####################################################" << endl;
cout << "tm_polySlot::doIt - DEBUG version info:" << endl;
	MStatus status;

	// Parse the selection list for objects with selected UV components.
	// To simplify things, we only take the first object that we find with
	// selected UVs and operate on that object alone.
	// All other objects are ignored and return warning messages indicating
	// this limitation.
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( oldSelList );
	MItSelectionList selListIter( oldSelList );
	selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh );

	// The tm_polySlot node only accepts a component list input, so we build
	// a component list using MFnComponentListData.
	// MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the edgesIds,
	// but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive 
	// components are bundled into a single entry in component lists.
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	bool found = false;
	bool foundMultiple = false;

	for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); selListIter.next() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;
		selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );

		// Check for selected UV components
		if( component.apiType() == MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent )
			if( !found )
				// The variable 'component' holds all selected components on the selected
				// object, thus only a single call to MFnComponentListData::add() is needed
				// to store the selected components for a given object.
				compListFn.add( component );

				// Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData into our local
				// component list MObject member.
				fComponentList = compListFn.object();

				// Locally store the actual edgesIds of the selected Edges so that this command
				// can directly modify the mesh in the case when there is no history and
				// history is turned off.
				MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component );
				compFn.getElements( fSelEdges );

				// Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape of our object.
				// Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd.
				setMeshNode( dagPath );
				found = true;
				// Break once we have found a multiple object holding selected UVs, since
				// we are not interested in how many multiple objects there are, only
				// the fact that there are multiple objects.
				foundMultiple = true;
	if( foundMultiple )
		displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected Edges - Only operating on first found object.");
	if( !found )
		displayError( "tm_polySlot command failed: Unable to find selected edges" );
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	// Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set
	setModifierNodeType( tm_polySlotNode::id );
	alwaysWithConstructionHistory = true;
	status = doModifyPoly();
	if( !status){displayError( "tm_polySlot command failed!" );return status;}
//################################################################## get polymodifier node name and select it
	newSelList.add( modifierNodeName);
	MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( newSelList);//, MGlobal::kAddToList);

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Loads the old save by constructing a new save containing the old save's data
bool SaveConverter_v3::load() {

	uint32 varSize = SaveHandler::getVarSize(_vm);
	if (varSize == 0)
		return false;

	Common::InSaveFile *save;

	int type = isOldSave(&save);

	// Test if it's an old savd
	if ((type == 0) || !save)
		return false;


	bool screenShot;
	uint32 screenShotWidth;
	uint32 screenShotHeight;

	getScreenShotProps(type, screenShot, screenShotWidth, screenShotHeight);

	SaveWriter writer(screenShot ? 3 : 2, 0);

	SavePartInfo *info = readInfo(*save, kSlotNameLength, false);
	if (!info)
		return loadFail(0, 0, 0, save);

	SavePartVars *vars = readVars(*save, varSize, true);
	if (!vars)
		return loadFail(info, 0, 0, save);

	if (screenShot) {
		SavePartSprite *sprite = readSprite(*save, screenShotWidth, screenShotHeight, true);

		if (!sprite)
			return loadFail(info, vars, 0, save);

		if (!writer.writePart(2, sprite))
			return loadFail(info, vars, sprite, save);

		delete sprite;

	// We don't need the save anymore
	delete save;

	// Write all parts
	if (!writer.writePart(0, info))
		return loadFail(info, vars, 0, 0);
	if (!writer.writePart(1, vars))
		return loadFail(info, vars, 0, 0);

	// We don't need those anymore
	delete info;
	delete vars;

	// Create the final read stream
	if (!createStream(writer))
		return loadFail(0, 0, 0, 0);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
MStatus tm_polySplit::doIt( const MArgList& args)
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "####################################################" << endl;
cout << "tm_polySplit::doIt - DEBUG version info:" << endl;
	MStatus status;

	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( oldSelList );

	MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args);

	//parse flags
	if(argData.isFlagSet( loop_Flag))
		cmd_flag_loop = true;
		argData.getFlagArgument( loop_Flag, 0, cmd_flag_loop_mode);
		argData.getFlagArgument( loop_Flag, 1, cmd_flag_loop_angle);
//		argData.getFlagArgument( loop_Flag, 2, cmd_flag_loop_maxcount); // - max count;
	else if(argData.isFlagSet( sel_Flag))
		cmd_flag_loop = false;
		cmd_flag_sel = true;

	MSelectionList selectionList;
	argData.getObjects( selectionList);
	MItSelectionList selListIter( selectionList );
	selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh );

	// The tm_polySplit node only accepts a component list input, so we build
	// a component list using MFnComponentListData.
	// MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the edgesIds,
	// but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive 
	// components are bundled into a single entry in component lists.
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	bool found = false;
	bool foundMultiple = false;
	MObject meshObj;

	for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); selListIter.next() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;
		selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );
		meshObj = dagPath.node();

		// Check for selected Edges components
		if( component.apiType() == MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent )
			if( !found )
				// The variable 'component' holds all selected components on the selected
				// object, thus only a single call to MFnComponentListData::add() is needed
				// to store the selected components for a given object.
				compListFn.add( component );

				// Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData into our local
				// component list MObject member.
				fComponentList = compListFn.object();

				// Locally store the actual edgesIds of the selected Edges so that this command
				// can directly modify the mesh in the case when there is no history and
				// history is turned off.
				MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component );
				compFn.getElements( fSelEdges );

				// Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape of our object.
				// Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd.
				setMeshNode( dagPath );
				found = true;
				// Break once we have found a multiple object holding selected UVs, since
				// we are not interested in how many multiple objects there are, only
				// the fact that there are multiple objects.
				foundMultiple = true;
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "########################## checking arguments:" << endl;
cout << endl << "fSelEdges = ";for(unsigned i=0;i<fSelEdges.length();i++) cout << fSelEdges[i] << " ";cout << endl;
	if( foundMultiple )
		displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected Edges - Only operating on first found object.");
	if( !found )
		displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed: Unable to find selected edges" );
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	// Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set
	setModifierNodeType( tm_polySplitNode::id );
	alwaysWithConstructionHistory = true;
	status = doModifyPoly();
	if( !status){displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed!" );return status;}
//################################################################## get polymodifier node name and select it
	newSelList.add( modifierNodeName);
	MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( newSelList);//, MGlobal::kAddToList);
	setResult( modifierNodeName);

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
cout<<endl<<"**********"<<endl;return MStatus::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 11
MStatus CVstAimCmd::redoIt()
	MStatus mStatus;

	if ( !mStatus )
		setResult( MString( "Cannot parse command line" ) + mStatus.errorString() );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if ( m_mArgDatabase->isFlagSet( kHelp ) )
		// See if there are two object specified

		MDagPath mDagPath;
		MSelectionList optSelectionList;

		// Validate specified items to whole dag nodes
			MSelectionList tmpSelectionList;
			m_mArgDatabase->getObjects( tmpSelectionList );
			for ( MItSelectionList sIt( tmpSelectionList, MFn::kDagNode ); !sIt.isDone(); sIt.next() )
				if ( sIt.getDagPath( mDagPath ) )
					optSelectionList.add( mDagPath, MObject::kNullObj, true );

		if ( m_mArgDatabase->isFlagSet( "create" ) || optSelectionList.length() >= 2 && m_mArgDatabase->numberOfFlagsUsed() == 0 )
			// Error if there aren't at least two
			if ( optSelectionList.length() < 2 )
				displayError( GetName() + " needs at least two objects specified or selected when -create is used" );
				return MS::kFailure;

			// Get name command line arg
			MString optName;
			if ( m_mArgDatabase->isFlagSet( "name" ) )
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( "name", 0, optName );

			m_undoable = true;
			m_mDagModifier = new MDagModifier;

			MObject vstAimObj( m_mDagModifier->MDGModifier::createNode( GetName() ) );
			if ( m_mDagModifier->doIt() != MS::kSuccess )
				displayError( MString( "Couldn't create " ) + GetName() + " node" );
				delete m_mDagModifier;
				m_mDagModifier = NULL;
				m_undoable = false;

				return MS::kFailure;

			m_mDagModifier->renameNode( vstAimObj, optName.length() ? optName : GetName() );
			if ( m_mDagModifier->doIt() != MS::kSuccess )
				if ( optName.length() )
					displayWarning( MString( "Couldn't rename newly created vstNode \"" ) + optName + "\"" );

			// Set options on the newly create vstAim node

			MFnDependencyNode vstAimFn( vstAimObj );

			MPlug sP;
			MPlug dP;

			if ( m_mArgDatabase->isFlagSet( kAim ) )
				MVector aim;
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( kAim, 0, aim.x );
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( kAim, 1, aim.y );
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( kAim, 2, aim.z );

				sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "aimX" );
				sP.setValue( aim.x );

				sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "aimY" );
				sP.setValue( aim.y );

				sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "aimZ" );
				sP.setValue( aim.z );

			if ( m_mArgDatabase->isFlagSet( kUp ) )
				MVector up;
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( kUp, 0, up.x );
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( kUp, 1, up.y );
				m_mArgDatabase->getFlagArgument( kUp, 2, up.z );

				sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "upX" );
				sP.setValue( up.x );

				sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "upY" );
				sP.setValue( up.y );

				sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "upZ" );
				sP.setValue( up.z );

			// Now connect up the newly created vstAim node

			MDagPath toAim;
			optSelectionList.getDagPath( 1, toAim );
			const MFnDagNode toAimFn( toAim );

			if ( toAim.hasFn( MFn::kJoint ) )
				MPlug joP( toAimFn.findPlug( "jointOrient" ) );
				if ( !joP.isNull() )
					MAngle jox, joy, joz;
					joP.child( 0 ).getValue( jox );
					joP.child( 1 ).getValue( joy );
					joP.child( 2 ).getValue( joz );
					if ( abs( jox.value() ) > FLT_EPSILON || abs( joy.value() ) > FLT_EPSILON || abs( joz.value() ) > FLT_EPSILON )
						mwarn << "Joint orient on node being constrained is non-zero ( " << jox.asDegrees() << " " << joy.asDegrees() << " " << joz.asDegrees() << " ), setting to 0" << std::endl;
						joP.child( 0 ).setValue( MAngle( 0.0 ) );
						joP.child( 1 ).setValue( MAngle( 0.0 ) );
						joP.child( 2 ).setValue( MAngle( 0.0 ) );

			if ( toAim.hasFn( MFn::kTransform ) )
				MPlug mP( toAimFn.findPlug( "rotateAxis" ) );
				if ( !mP.isNull() )
					MAngle rx, ry, rz;
					mP.child( 0 ).getValue( rx );
					mP.child( 1 ).getValue( ry );
					mP.child( 2 ).getValue( rz );
					if ( abs( rx.value() ) > FLT_EPSILON || abs( ry.value() ) > FLT_EPSILON || abs( rz.value() ) > FLT_EPSILON )
						mwarn << "Rotate Axis on node being constrained is non-zero ( " << rx.asDegrees() << " " << ry.asDegrees() << " " << rz.asDegrees() << " ), setting to 0" << std::endl;
						mP.child( 0 ).setValue( MAngle( 0.0 ) );
						mP.child( 1 ).setValue( MAngle( 0.0 ) );
						mP.child( 2 ).setValue( MAngle( 0.0 ) );

			MDagPath aimAt;
			optSelectionList.getDagPath( 0, aimAt );
			const MFnDagNode aimAtFn( aimAt );

			// toAim.rotateOrder -> vstAim.rotateOrder
			sP = toAimFn.findPlug( "rotateOrder" );
			dP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "rotateOrder" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			// toAim.translate -> vstAim.translate
			sP = toAimFn.findPlug( "translate" );
			dP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "translate" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			// toAim.parentMatrix[ instance ] -> vstAim.parentSpace
			sP = toAimFn.findPlug( "parentMatrix" );
			sP = sP.elementByLogicalIndex( toAim.instanceNumber() );
			dP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "parentSpace" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			// aimAt.worldMatrix[ instance ] -> vstAim.aimSpace
			sP = aimAtFn.findPlug( "worldMatrix" );
			sP = sP.elementByLogicalIndex( aimAt.instanceNumber() );
			dP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "aimSpace" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			// vstAim.rotation -> toAim.rotation
			// These have to be connected individually because Maya plays stupid tricks
			// with rotateOrder if they aren't
			sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "rotateX" );
			dP = toAimFn.findPlug( "rotateX" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "rotateY" );
			dP = toAimFn.findPlug( "rotateY" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			sP = vstAimFn.findPlug( "rotateZ" );
			dP = toAimFn.findPlug( "rotateZ" );
			m_mDagModifier->connect( sP, dP );

			if ( m_mDagModifier->doIt() != MS::kSuccess )
				displayWarning( MString( GetName() ) + ": Couldn't connect everything when creating" );

			// Save the current selection just in case we want to undo stuff
			MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( m_mSelectionList );

			MGlobal::select( vstAimObj, MGlobal::kReplaceList );
			setResult( vstAimFn.name() );
		else if ( m_mArgDatabase->isFlagSet( "select" ) )
			MSelectionList mSelectionList;
			MDagPath mDagPath;

			for ( MItDag dagIt; !dagIt.isDone(); dagIt.next() )
				if ( MFnDependencyNode( dagIt.item() ).typeName() == GetName() )
					dagIt.getPath( mDagPath );
					mSelectionList.add( mDagPath, MObject::kNullObj, true );

			if ( mSelectionList.length() )
				m_undoable = true;
				// Save the current selection just in case we want to undo stuff
				MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( m_mSelectionList );
				MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( mSelectionList, MGlobal::kReplaceList );
			displayError( GetName() + ": No valid operation specified via command line arguments\n" );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 12
MStatus meshOp::doIt( const MArgList& argList )
//	Description:
//		implements the MEL meshOp command.
//	Arguments:
//		argList - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL
//	Return Value:
//		MS::kSuccess - command succeeded
//		MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the 
//                     MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the
//                     error is caught using a "catch" statement.
	MStatus status;
	bool badArgument = false;

	// Only one parameter is expected to be passed to this command: the mesh
	// operation type. Get it, validate it or stop prematurely
	if (argList.length() == 1)
		int operationTypeArgument = argList.asInt(0);
		if (operationTypeArgument < 0
			|| operationTypeArgument > kMeshOperationCount - 1)
			badArgument = true;
			fOperation = (MeshOperation)operationTypeArgument;
	else badArgument = true;

	if (badArgument)
		cerr << "Expecting one parameter: the operation type." << endl;
		cerr << "Valid types are: " << endl;
		cerr << "   0 - Subdivide edge(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   1 - Subdivide face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   2 - Extrude edge(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   3 - Extrude face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   4 - Collapse edge(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   5 - Collapse face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   6 - Duplicate face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   7 - Extract face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   8 - Split face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   8 - Chamfer vertex(s)." << endl;
		displayError(" Expecting one parameter: the operation type.");
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Each mesh operation only supports one type of components
	MFn::Type componentType = meshOpFty::getExpectedComponentType(fOperation);

	// Parse the selection list for selected components of the right type.
	// To simplify things, we only take the first object that we find with
	// selected components and operate on that object alone.
	// All other objects are ignored and return warning messages indicating
	// this limitation.
	MSelectionList selList;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selList );
	MItSelectionList selListIter( selList );
	selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh );

	// The meshOperation node only accepts a component list input, so we build
	// a component list using MFnComponentListData.
	// MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the ids,
	// but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive 
	// components are bundled into a single entry in component lists.
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	bool found = false;
	bool foundMultiple = false;

	for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); selListIter.next() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;
		selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );

		// Check for selected components of the right type
		if( component.apiType() == componentType )
			if( !found )
				// The variable 'component' holds all selected components 
				// on the selected object, thus only a single call to 
				// MFnComponentListData::add() is needed to store the selected
				// components for a given object.
				compListFn.add( component );

				// Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData
				// into our local component list MObject member.
				fComponentList = compListFn.object();

				// Locally store the actual ids of the selected components so 
				// that this command can directly modify the mesh in the case 
				// when there is no history and history is turned off.
				MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component );

				// Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape 
				// of our object. Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd.
				setMeshNode( dagPath );
				found = true;
				// Break once we have found a multiple object holding 
				// selected components, since we are not interested in how 
				// many multiple objects there are, only the fact that there
				// are multiple objects.
				foundMultiple = true;
	if( foundMultiple )
		displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected components.");
		displayWarning("Only operating on first found object.");

	// Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set
	setModifierNodeType( meshOpNode::id );

	if( found )
		// Now, pass control over to the polyModifierCmd::doModifyPoly() method
		// to handle the operation.
		status = doModifyPoly();
		if( status == MS::kSuccess )
			setResult( "meshOp command succeeded!" );
			displayError( "meshOp command failed!" );
			"meshOp command failed: Unable to find selected components" );
		status = MS::kFailure;
	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 13
MStatus boingRbCmd::redoIt()
    if (argParser->isFlagSet("help") || argParser->isFlagSet("h"))
        MString helpMsg = "boingRB - command : Boing - bullet plugin by Risto Puukko\n";
        helpMsg += "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
        helpMsg += "boingRB [flag] [args] \n";
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "flags :\n";
        helpMsg += "  -getAttr [name.attr]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -getAttr (\"boingRb1.velocity\");\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -getAttr [*.attr]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -getAttr (\"*.name\");\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -setAttr [name.attr] -value [float float float ]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -setAttr (\"boingRb1.velocity\") -value 0 4 3 ;\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -addAttr [name.attr] -type [int/double/string/vector]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -addAttr \"sampleRb.IntAttribute\" -type \"int\";\n" ;
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -addAttr \"sampleRb.VectorAttribute\" -type \"vector\";\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -create [ ( \"name=string;geo=string;velocity/vel=float,float,float;position/pos=float,float,float\" )]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -create (\"name=sampleRb;geo=pCubeShape1;pos=0,4,0\");\n";
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -exists [name]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -exists \"sampleRb\";\n" ;
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "  -delete [name]\n";
        helpMsg += "     example : boingRb -delete \"sampleRb\";\n";
        helpMsg += "\n";
        helpMsg += "---------------------------------------------------------\n";

        return MS::kSuccess;
    isSetAttr = argParser->isFlagSet("-setAttr");
    isGetAttr = argParser->isFlagSet("-getAttr");
    isAddAttr = argParser->isFlagSet("-addAttr");
    isType = argParser->isFlagSet("-type");
    isExists = argParser->isFlagSet("-exists");
    isAttributeExist = argParser->isFlagSet("-attributeExist");
    isCreate = argParser->isFlagSet("-create");
    isDelete = argParser->isFlagSet("-delete");
    isValue = argParser->isFlagSet("-value");
    //std::cout<<"argsList : "<<*argsList<<std::endl;
    //unsigned i;
    //MStatus stat;
    //MVector res;
    // Parse the arguments.
    for (i = 0; i <argsList->length (); i++) {
        //MString arg = argsList->asString(i, &stat);
        //if (MS::kSuccess == stat) std::cout<<"arg["<<i<<"] : "<<arg<<std::endl;
        if (
            MString ("-setAttr") == argsList->asString(i, &stat) &&
            MString ("-value") == argsList->asString(i+2, &stat) &&
            MS::kSuccess == stat
            ) {
            for (unsigned j=3; j!=6; ++j)
                res[j-3 ] = argsList->asDouble (j, &stat);
    std::cout<<"res : "<<res<<std::endl;
    if (isSetAttr && isValue) {
        MString sAttr;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("setAttr", 0, sAttr);
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(sAttr, ".");
        MString rbName = jobArgsArray[0];
        MString attr = checkAttribute(jobArgsArray[1]);
        //std::cout<<"attr : "<<attr<<std::endl;
        if ( attr == "custom" ) {
            MString customAttr = jobArgsArray[1];
            //char * custAttr = (char*)customAttr.asChar();
            //std::cout<<"customAttr : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbName);
            //std::cout<<"data : "<<data<<std::endl;
            if (!data) return MS::kFailure;
            //std::cout<<"data->m_int_data : "<<data->m_int_data<<std::endl;
            MString type = b_solv->getAttrType(data, customAttr);
            //std::cout<<"attrype : "<<type<<std::endl;
            if (type == "string") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom string : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                MString value;
                value = argsList->asString(3);
                b_solv->set_custom_data_string(data, customAttr, value);
                //char * chars = (char *)value.asChar();
                //void * char_ptr = (void *)chars;
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, char_ptr);
            } else if (type == "double") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom double : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                double value;
                value = argsList->asDouble(3);
                b_solv->set_custom_data_double(data, customAttr, value);
                //void *val = &value;
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, val);
            } else if (type == "int") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom int : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                int value;
                value = argsList->asInt(3);
                //std::cout<<"argsList->get(3, value) -> value : "<<value<<std::endl;
                b_solv->set_custom_data_int(data, customAttr, value);
                //std::cout<<"data->m_int_data : "<<data->m_int_data<<std::endl;
                //void *val = &value;
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, val);
                //std::cout<<"b_solv->set_custom_data,static_cast<void*>(&value)) DONE!!!"<<std::endl;
            } else if (type == "vector") {
                //std::cout<<"saving custom vector : "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
                MVector value = MVector();
                value.x = argsList->asDouble(3);
                value.y = argsList->asDouble(4);
                value.z = argsList->asDouble(5);
                b_solv->set_custom_data_vector(data, customAttr, value);
                //MVector *MVecPtr = &value;
                //void * vec_ptr = static_cast<void*const>(MVecPtr);
                //b_solv->set_custom_data(customAttr, vec_ptr);
        } else {
            if (attr == "velocity" ||
                attr == "position" ||
                attr == "angularVelocity")
                MVector value;
                value.x = argsList->asDouble(3);
                value.y = argsList->asDouble(4);
                value.z = argsList->asDouble(5);
                //std::cout<<"vector argument : "<<value<<std::endl;
                setBulletVectorAttribute(rbName, attr, value);
    } else if ( isAttributeExist ) {
        MString exAttr;
        bool result = false;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("attributeExist", 0, exAttr);
        //std::cout<<"exAttr : "<<exAttr<<std::endl;
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(exAttr, ".");
        MString rbname = jobArgsArray[0];
        //std::cout<<"rbname : "<<rbname<<std::endl;
        MString attrToQuery = jobArgsArray[1];
        //std::cout<<"attrToQuery : "<<attrToQuery<<std::endl;
        MString attr = checkAttribute(attrToQuery);
        //std::cout<<"attr : "<<attr<<std::endl;
        if ( attr == "custom" ){ // here we check if user attribute by the name attrToQuery exists
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            //char * queryAttr = (char*)attrToQuery.asChar();
            MString attrResult = b_solv->getAttrType(b_solv->getdata(rbname), attrToQuery);
            if (attrResult != "")
            //if (b_solv->attribute_exists(attrToQuery))
                result =  true;

    } else if ( isAddAttr && isType ) {
        MString aAttr;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("addAttr", 0, aAttr);
        //std::cout<<"aAttr : "<<aAttr<<std::endl;
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(aAttr, ".");
        //std::cout<<"jobArgsArray : "<<jobArgsArray<<std::endl;
        MString rbname = jobArgsArray[0];
        MString attrAdded = jobArgsArray[1];
        //char *added = (char *)attrAdded.asChar();
        MString attrType;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-type", 0, attrType);
        //char *type = (char *)attrType.asChar();
        //std::cout<<"attrType : "<<attrType<<std::endl;
        shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
        bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
        b_solv->saveAttrType(data, attrAdded, attrType);
        //std::cout<<"attr "<<aAttr<<" added"<<std::endl;
        //std::cout<<"data->m_attr_type : "<<data->m_attr_type<<std::endl;
        //std::cout<<"data->m_attr_name : "<<data->m_attr_name<<std::endl;
    } else if ( isGetAttr) {
        MString gAttr;
        shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
        argParser->getFlagArgument("getAttr", 0, gAttr);
        MStringArray jobArgsArray = parseArguments(gAttr, ".");
        MString rbname = jobArgsArray[0];
        //std::cout<<"name : "<<rbname<<std::endl;
        if ( rbname == "" ) {
            MString errorMsg = "ERROR ! boing -getAttr must provide a rigid body name!";
            displayWarning(errorMsg, true);
            return MS::kFailure;
        MString attr = checkAttribute(jobArgsArray[1]);
        //std::cout<<"attr = "<<attr<<std::endl;
        if ( attr=="velocity" || attr=="position" || attr=="angularVelocity" ) {
            //MVector result =
            MDoubleArray dResult = getBulletVectorAttribute(rbname, attr);
        } else if (attr == "contactPositions") {
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            MDoubleArray d_points = MDoubleArray();
            if ( data->m_contact_count > 0 ) {
                MPointArray points = data->m_contact_positions;
                for (int i=0; i<points.length();i++) {
        } else if (attr == "contactGeos") {
            MStringArray contact_objects = MStringArray();
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            if ( data->m_contact_count > 0 ) {
                MStringArray contact_objects = data->m_contact_objects;
        } else if (attr == "contactCount") {
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            int contact_count = data->m_contact_count;
        } else if (attr == "name") {
            MStringArray result;
            MStringArray names = b_solv->get_all_keys();
            //std::cout<<"names : "<<names<<std::endl;
            //std::cout<<"b_solv->getdatalength() : "<<b_solv->getdatalength()<<std::endl;
            for(int i=0; i < names.length(); i++) {
                bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(names[i]);
                if ( NULL != data) {
                    //std::cout<<"data->name : "<<data->name<<std::endl;
                    //std::cout<<"data->m_initial_position: "<<data->m_initial_position<<std::endl;
        } else if ( attr == "" ) {
            MString errorMsg = "ERROR ! boing -getAttr must provide an attribute name to query!";
            displayWarning(errorMsg, true);
            return MS::kFailure;
        } else if ( attr == "custom" ){ // here we handle user attributes
            MString customAttr = jobArgsArray[1];
            //char * custAttr = (char*)customAttr.asChar();
            //std::cout<<"customAttr :  "<<customAttr<<std::endl;
            MString type = b_solv->getAttrType(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
            //bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(rbname);
            std::cout<<" type :  "<<type<<std::endl;
            if (type == "string") {
                //char * result = static_cast<char*>(b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr));
                MString result = b_solv->get_custom_data_string(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
                if (result != NULL) {
                    //std::cout<<"result : "<<result<<std::endl;
                    MString value(result);
                } else {
                    displayError(MString("Error getting b_solv->get_custom_data_string(\"" + customAttr + "\")"));
            } else if (type == "double") {
                //double *value = static_cast<double*>(b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr));
                double value = b_solv->get_custom_data_double(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
            } else if (type == "int") {
                //int *value = static_cast<int*>(b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr));
                int value = b_solv->get_custom_data_int(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
            } else if (type == "vector") {
                //void * result = b_solv->get_custom_data(customAttr);
                //MVector *vec_res = (MVector*)result;
                MVector result = b_solv->get_custom_data_vector(b_solv->getdata(rbname), customAttr);
                MDoubleArray value;
    } else if ( isCreate  ) {
        MString aArgument;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-create", 0, aArgument);
        MStringArray createArgs = parseArguments(aArgument,";");
        int size = createArgs.length();
        MString inputShape;
        MString rbname = "dummyRb";
        MVector av;
        MVector vel;
        MVector pos;
        MVector rot;
        for (int i=0; i!=size; ++i) {
            MStringArray singleArg = parseArguments(createArgs[i],"=");
            //std::cout<<"singleArg : "<<singleArg<<std::endl;
            if (singleArg[0] == "name") {
                rbname = singleArg[1];
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "geo") {
                inputShape = singleArg[1];
                //std::cout<<"geo = "<<inputShape<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "vel") {
                MStringArray velArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                vel = MVector(velArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"velocity = "<<vel<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "pos") {
                MStringArray posArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                pos = MVector(posArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"position = "<<pos<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "rot") {
                MStringArray rotArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                rot = MVector(rotArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"rotation = "<<rot<<std::endl;
            } else if (singleArg[0] == "av") {
                MStringArray avArray = parseArguments(singleArg[1], ",");
                av = MVector(avArray[0].asDouble(),
                //std::cout<<"initialAngularVelocity = "<<av<<std::endl;
            } else {
                std::cout<<"Unrecognized parameter : "<<singleArg[0]<<std::endl;
        // create boing node
        shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
        MObject node = nameToNode(inputShape);
        float mass = 1.0f;
        MString tname = "boing";
        MStatus stat = b_solv->createNode(node, rbname, tname, pos, vel, rot, av, mass);
        if (MS::kSuccess == stat) {
        } else {
            MGlobal::displayError(MString("Something went wrong when trying to create rigidbody : " + rbname + " ."));
    } else if ( isDelete  ) {
        MString aArgument;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-delete", 0, aArgument);
        //std::cout<<"delete aArgument "<<aArgument<<std::endl;
        if (aArgument != "") {
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            MStatus stat = b_solv->delete_key(aArgument, -1);
            if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
                std::cerr<<"error occurred deleting "<<aArgument<<" ."<<std::endl;
    } else if ( isExists ) {
        MString exArg;
        argParser->getFlagArgument("-exists", 0, exArg);
        //std::cout<<"exArg : "<<exArg<<std::endl;
        if (exArg != "") {
            shared_ptr<bSolverNode> b_solv = bSolverNode::get_bsolver_node();
            bSolverNode::m_custom_data *data = b_solv->getdata(exArg);
            int result = false;
            if ( NULL != data ) {
                //setResult ( data->name );
                result = true;
    return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Dialog::newMessage( af::Msg *msg)
	if( msg == NULL)
		AF_ERR << "msg == NULL";
    #ifdef AFOUTPUT
    printf(" >>> Dialog::newMessage: ");msg->v_stdOut();
    switch( msg->type())
    case af::Msg::TVersionMismatch:
        emit stop();
	case af::Msg::TMonitor:
		af::Monitor monitor( msg);

		idReceived( monitor.getId(), monitor.getUid());

    case af::Msg::TMonitorId:
		idReceived( msg->int32());
	case af::Msg::TInfo:
		std::string kind, info;
		if( msg->getInfo( kind, info))
			QString qinfo = afqt::stoq( info);
			if( kind == "info")
				displayInfo( qinfo);
			else if( kind == "warning")
				displayWarning( qinfo);
			else if( kind == "error")
				displayError( qinfo);
    case af::Msg::TDATA:
        new WndText( "Data", msg);
    case af::Msg::TStringList:
        new WndText( "List", msg);
    case af::Msg::TString:
        std::string str = msg->getString();
        if( LabelVersion::getStringStatus( str) != LabelVersion::SS_None )
            announce( str);
			new WndText("Message", msg);
	case af::Msg::TTaskFiles:
		af::MCTaskUp taskup( msg);
		Watch::filesReceived( taskup);
	case af::Msg::TJSON:
	case af::Msg::TJSONBIN:
	case af::Msg::THTTP:
	case af::Msg::THTTPGET:
		static int unused;
		unused = ::write( 1, " >>> ", 5);
		msg->stdOutData( false);
		unused = ::write( 1, "\n", 1);
        Watch::caseMessage( msg);
    delete msg;