Ejemplo n.º 1
double ChannelHeadTracker::computeChannelShift(DblRasterMx & channelTrackPrev, DblRasterMx & channelTrackNew)
	if (_lastID < 1 || _prevChannels.getColNr() < 1 ||  _prevChannels.getRowNr() < 1)
		return 0;

	DblRasterMx distances; 
	RasterPositionMatrix positions;
	distanceTransform(channelTrackPrev, distances, positions);

	DblRasterMx::iterator it1 = channelTrackNew.begin(), end = channelTrackNew.end();
	DblRasterMx::iterator iDistences = distances.begin();

	double shiftSum = 0.0;
	for (; it1 != end; ++it1, ++iDistences) {
		if (*it1 > 0.0)
	return shiftSum;
Ejemplo n.º 2
std::vector<float> ShapeFit::fit(cv::Mat& image, float threshold) {
	time_t start = clock();

	// cretae a binary image
	cv::Mat image2;
	cv::threshold(image, image2, 254, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

	// compute a distance map
	cv::Mat distMap;
	cv::distanceTransform(image2, distMap, CV_DIST_L2, 3);
	distMap.convertTo(distMap, CV_32F);

	//cv::imwrite("distMap.png", distMap);
	int WIDTH = image.cols;
	int HEIGHT = image.rows;

	// initialize the parameters
	std::vector<float> params(4);
	params[0] = WIDTH * 0.25;
	params[1] = HEIGHT * 0.25;
	params[2] = WIDTH * 0.5;
	params[3] = HEIGHT * 0.5;

	float delta = 10.0f;
	int stepsize = 10;

	int step_count = 0;
	float dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
		///////////////////////////////// DEBUG ///////////////////////////////// 
		cv::Mat hoge(HEIGHT, WIDTH, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255));
		cv::rectangle(hoge, cv::Rect(params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]), cv::Scalar(0), 1, CV_AA);
		char filename[256];
		sprintf(filename, "results/image_%04d.png", i);
		cv::imwrite(filename, hoge);
		///////////////////////////////// DEBUG ///////////////////////////////// 

		int r = i % params.size();
		float old_value = params[r];

		// dist from the proposal 1
		params[r] = std::max(0.0f, old_value - delta);
		float dist1 = distanceTransform(distMap, params);

		// dist from the proposal 2
		params[r] = old_value + delta;
		float dist2 = distanceTransform(distMap, params);

		if (dist1 <= dist2 && dist1 <= dist) {
			params[r] = std::max(0.0f, old_value - delta);
			dist = dist1;
		else if (dist2 <= dist1 && dist2 <= dist) {
			params[r] = old_value + delta;
			dist = dist2;
		else {
			params[r] = old_value;

		if (step_count >= stepsize) {
			step_count = 0;
			delta = std::max(1.0f, delta * 0.8f);

		if (dist < threshold) break;

	time_t end = clock();
	std::cout << "Duration: " << (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "sec." << std::endl;

	return params;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// A4
int HistologicalEntities::plSeparateNuclei(const Mat& img, const Mat& seg_open, Mat& seg_nonoverlap,
		::cciutils::SimpleCSVLogger *logger, ::cciutils::cv::IntermediateResultHandler *iresHandler) {
	seg_big = imdilate(bwareaopen(seg_open,30),strel('disk',1));
	// bwareaopen is done as a area threshold.
	int compcount2;
//#if defined (USE_UF_CCL)
	Mat seg_big_t = ::nscale::bwareaopen2(seg_open, false, true, 30, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 8, compcount2);
//	printf(" cpu compcount 30-1000 = %d\n", compcount2);

//	Mat seg_big_t = ::nscale::bwareaopen<unsigned char>(seg_open, 30, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 8, compcount2);
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("30To1000");
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(seg_big_t, 14);

	Mat disk3 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(3,3));

	Mat seg_big = Mat::zeros(seg_big_t.size(), seg_big_t.type());
	dilate(seg_big_t, seg_big, disk3);
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(seg_big, 15);

//	imwrite("test/out-nucleicandidatesbig.ppm", seg_big);
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("dilate");

		distance = -bwdist(~seg_big);
		distance(~seg_big) = -Inf;
		distance2 = imhmin(distance, 1);
	// distance transform:  matlab code is doing this:
	// invert the image so nuclei candidates are holes
	// compute the distance (distance of nuclei pixels to background)
	// negate the distance.  so now background is still 0, but nuclei pixels have negative distances
	// set background to -inf

	// really just want the distance map.  CV computes distance to 0.
	// background is 0 in output.
	// then invert to create basins
	Mat dist(seg_big.size(), CV_32FC1);

//	imwrite("seg_big.pbm", seg_big);

	// opencv: compute the distance to nearest zero
	// matlab: compute the distance to the nearest non-zero
	distanceTransform(seg_big, dist, CV_DIST_L2, CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE);
	double mmin, mmax;
	minMaxLoc(dist, &mmin, &mmax);
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(dist, 16);

	// invert and shift (make sure it's still positive)
	//dist = (mmax + 1.0) - dist;
	dist = - dist;  // appears to work better this way.

//	cciutils::cv::imwriteRaw("test/out-dist", dist);

	// then set the background to -inf and do imhmin
	//Mat distance = Mat::zeros(dist.size(), dist.type());
	// appears to work better with -inf as background
	Mat distance(dist.size(), dist.type(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
	dist.copyTo(distance, seg_big);
//	cciutils::cv::imwriteRaw("test/out-distance", distance);
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("distTransform");
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(distance, 17);

	// then do imhmin. (prevents small regions inside bigger regions)
//	imwrite("in-imhmin.ppm", distance);

	Mat distance2 = ::nscale::imhmin<float>(distance, 1.0f, 8);
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("imhmin");
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(distance2, 18);

//	imwrite("distance2.ppm", dist);
//cciutils::cv::imwriteRaw("test/out-distanceimhmin", distance2);

		seg_big(watershed(distance2)==0) = 0;
		seg_nonoverlap = seg_big;

	Mat nuclei = Mat::zeros(img.size(), img.type());
//	Mat distance3 = distance2 + (mmax + 1.0);
//	Mat dist4 = Mat::zeros(distance3.size(), distance3.type());
//	distance3.copyTo(dist4, seg_big);
//	Mat dist5(dist4.size(), CV_8U);
//	dist4.convertTo(dist5, CV_8U, (std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max() / mmax));
//	cvtColor(dist5, nuclei, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	img.copyTo(nuclei, seg_big);
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("nucleiCopy");
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(nuclei, 19);

	// watershed in openCV requires labels.  input foreground > 0, 0 is background
	// critical to use just the nuclei and not the whole image - else get a ring surrounding the regions.
//#if defined (USE_UF_CCL)
	Mat watermask = ::nscale::watershed2(nuclei, distance2, 8);
//	Mat watermask = ::nscale::watershed(nuclei, distance2, 8);
//	cciutils::cv::imwriteRaw("test/out-watershed", watermask);
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("watershed");
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(watermask, 20);

// MASK approach
	seg_nonoverlap = Mat::zeros(seg_big.size(), seg_big.type());
	seg_big.copyTo(seg_nonoverlap, (watermask >= 0));
	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("water to mask");
	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(seg_nonoverlap, 21);

//// ERODE has been replaced with border finding and moved into watershed.
//	Mat twm(seg_nonoverlap.rows + 2, seg_nonoverlap.cols + 2, seg_nonoverlap.type());
//	Mat t_nonoverlap = Mat::zeros(twm.size(), twm.type());
//	//ERODE to fix border
//	if (seg_nonoverlap.type() == CV_32S)
//		copyMakeBorder(seg_nonoverlap, twm, 1, 1, 1, 1, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar_<int>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
//	else
//		copyMakeBorder(seg_nonoverlap, twm, 1, 1, 1, 1, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar_<unsigned char>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()));
//	erode(twm, t_nonoverlap, disk3);
//	seg_nonoverlap = t_nonoverlap(Rect(1,1,seg_nonoverlap.cols, seg_nonoverlap.rows));
//	if (logger) logger->logTimeSinceLastLog("watershed erode");
//	if (iresHandler) iresHandler->saveIntermediate(seg_nonoverlap, 22);
//	twm.release();
//	t_nonoverlap.release();

	// LABEL approach -erode does not support 32S
//	seg_nonoverlap = ::nscale::PixelOperations::replace<int>(watermask, (int)0, (int)-1);
	// watershed output: 0 for background, -1 for border.  bwlabel before watershd has 0 for background

	return ::nscale::HistologicalEntities::CONTINUE;

void TRop::expandPaint(const TRasterCM32P &rasCM) {
  distanceTransform(rasCM, SomePaint(), CopyPaint());
Ejemplo n.º 5
void VolumeDistanceTransform::process() {
Ejemplo n.º 6
int ChannelHeadTracker::track(const DblRasterMx & currentChannelHeads, DblRasterMx & currentChannels, double time)
	DblRasterMx currentChannelHeadsCopy(currentChannelHeads);

	DblRasterMx channelTrackPrev;

	DblRasterMx channelTrackNew;

	//first try to track the current channel heads:
	IntRasterMx::iterator iChannelHeads = _channelHeads.begin(),  endChannelHeads = _channelHeads.end();
	int nr_of_captures = 0;
	for (; iChannelHeads != endChannelHeads; ++iChannelHeads) {
		int id = *iChannelHeads;

		if (id > 0) {
			size_t row = iChannelHeads.getRow();
			size_t col = iChannelHeads.getCol();

			DblRasterMx::iterator iCurrentChannelHead = currentChannelHeadsCopy.getIteratorAt(row, col);
			// the channel head did not move
			if (*iCurrentChannelHead > 1e-6) {
				copyChannelTo(_prevChannels, row, col, channelTrackPrev, 1.0);
				copyChannelTo(currentChannels, row, col, channelTrackNew, 1.0);
				*iCurrentChannelHead = 0.0;

			// check if the channel head moved
			DblRasterMx::iterator::dCoords delta;
			delta._nDCol = 0;
			delta._nDRow = 0;
			RasterPositionVector neighbourChannelHeadPositions;
			for (unsigned char cc = 1; cc < 10; ++cc) {
				if (cc==5 || !iCurrentChannelHead.isValidItemByChainCode(cc))
				double val = iCurrentChannelHead.chain_code(cc);
				if (val > 1e-6) {
					delta = iCurrentChannelHead.getChainCodeDelta(cc);
					RasterPosition pos(row + delta._nDRow, col + delta._nDCol);
			size_t n = neighbourChannelHeadPositions.size();
			RasterPosition new_pos;
			if (n == 0) { // the channel head is ereased 
				*iChannelHeads = 0;

				if (currentChannels(row, col) > 1e-6) {
			} else if (n == 1) { // the channel head moved, and there is only one direction	
				new_pos = neighbourChannelHeadPositions.front();
			} else if (n > 1) { // the channel head moved, but there are multiple directions
				DblRasterMx channelPixels;
				copyChannelTo(_prevChannels, row, col, channelPixels, 1.0); 
				DblRasterMx distances; 
				RasterPositionMatrix positions;
				distanceTransform(channelPixels, distances, positions);
				double minDistance = DoubleUtil::getMAXValue();
				int minDistanceIndex = 0;

				for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
					RasterPosition & pos = neighbourChannelHeadPositions[i];
					double distance = channelDistance( currentChannels, pos.getRow(), pos.getCol(), distances);
					if (distance < minDistance ) {
						minDistance = distance;
						minDistanceIndex = i;
				new_pos = neighbourChannelHeadPositions[minDistanceIndex];

			copyChannelTo(_prevChannels, row, col, channelTrackPrev, 1.0);
			copyChannelTo(currentChannels, new_pos.getRow(), new_pos.getCol(), channelTrackNew, 1.0);

			*iChannelHeads = 0;
			_channelHeads(new_pos.getRow(), new_pos.getCol()) = id;
		    _channelHeadMap[id].moveTo(new_pos, time);
		    currentChannelHeadsCopy(new_pos.getRow(), new_pos.getCol()) = 0.0;

	_channelShift = computeChannelShift(channelTrackPrev, channelTrackNew);

	// find the new channel heads
	DblRasterMx::iterator iCurrentChannelHead = currentChannelHeadsCopy.begin(), endCurrentChannelHead = currentChannelHeadsCopy.end();

	for (; iCurrentChannelHead != endCurrentChannelHead; ++iCurrentChannelHead) {
		if (*iCurrentChannelHead > 1e-6) {
			RasterPosition pos(iCurrentChannelHead.getRow(), iCurrentChannelHead.getCol());
			_channelHeadMap[_lastID] = ChannelHead(_lastID, pos, time);
			_channelHeads(pos.getRow(), pos.getCol()) = _lastID;


	_prevChannels = currentChannels;

	return nr_of_captures;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    std::pair<std::vector<StateOfCar>, Seed> AStarSeed::findPathToTargetWithAstar(const cv::Mat& img,const State&  start,const State&  goal) {
        // USE : for garanteed termination of planner
        int no_of_iterations = 0;

        fusionMap = img;
        MAP_MAX_ROWS = img.rows;
        MAP_MAX_COLS = img.cols;
        if (DEBUG)  {
            image = fusionMap.clone();
        StateOfCar startState(start), targetState(goal);

        std::map<StateOfCar, open_map_element> openMap;

        std::map<StateOfCar,StateOfCar, comparatorMapState> came_from;

        SS::PriorityQueue<StateOfCar> openSet;


        if (startState.isCloseTo(targetState)) {
            std::cout<<"Bot is On Target"<<std::endl;
            return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());
        else if(isOnTheObstacle(startState)){
            std::cout<<"Bot is on the Obstacle Map \n";
            return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());
        else if(isOnTheObstacle(targetState)){
            std::cout<<"Target is on the Obstacle Map \n";
            return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());

        while (!openSet.empty() && ros::ok()) {
            // std::cout<<"openSet size : "<<openSet.size()<<"\n";

            if(no_of_iterations > MAX_ITERATIONS){
                std::cerr<<"Overflow : openlist size : "<<openSet.size()<<"\n";
            return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());

            StateOfCar currentState=openSet.top();

            if (openMap.find(currentState)!=openMap.end() && openMap[currentState].membership == CLOSED) {

            if (DEBUG)  {
               std::cout<<"current x : "<<currentState.x()<<" current y : "<<currentState.y()<<std::endl;

               cv::imshow("[PLANNER] Map", image);
            // TODO : use closeTo instead of onTarget
            if (currentState.isCloseTo(targetState)) {
               std::cout<<"openSet size : "<<openSet.size()<<"\n";
//                std::cout<<"Target Reached"<<std::endl;
                return reconstructPath(currentState, came_from);
            openMap[currentState].membership = UNASSIGNED;
            std::vector<StateOfCar> neighborsOfCurrentState = neighborNodesWithSeeds(currentState);
            for (unsigned int iterator=0; iterator < neighborsOfCurrentState.size(); iterator++) {
                StateOfCar neighbor = neighborsOfCurrentState[iterator];

                double tentativeGCostAlongFollowedPath = neighbor.gCost() + currentState.gCost();
                double admissible = neighbor.distanceTo(targetState);
                double consistent = admissible;
                double intensity = fusionMap.at<uchar>(neighbor.y(), neighbor.x());
                double consistentAndIntensity = (neighbor.hCost()*neighbor.hCost()+2 + intensity*intensity)/(neighbor.hCost()+intensity+2);

                if (!((openMap.find(neighbor) != openMap.end()) &&
                      (openMap[neighbor].membership == OPEN))) {
                    came_from[neighbor] = currentState;
                    neighbor.gCost( tentativeGCostAlongFollowedPath) ;
                        neighbor.hCost( consistent) ;

                    openMap[neighbor].membership = OPEN;
                    openMap[neighbor].cost = neighbor.gCost();
        std::cerr<<"NO PATH FOUND"<<std::endl;
            return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());
Ejemplo n.º 8
void RecognitionDemos( Mat& full_image, Mat& template1, Mat& template2, Mat& template1locations, Mat& template2locations, VideoCapture& bicycle_video, Mat& bicycle_background, Mat& bicycle_model, VideoCapture& people_video, CascadeClassifier& cascade, Mat& numbers, Mat& good_orings, Mat& bad_orings, Mat& unknown_orings )
	Timestamper* timer = new Timestamper();

	// Principal Components Analysis
    char ch = cvWaitKey();

    ch = cvWaitKey();

	// Statistical Pattern Recognition
	Mat gray_numbers,binary_numbers;
	cvtColor(numbers, gray_numbers, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    vector<vector<Point>> contours;
	vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
	Mat contours_image = Mat::zeros(binary_numbers.size(), CV_8UC3);
	contours_image = Scalar(255,255,255);
	// Do some processing on all contours (objects and holes!)
	vector<RotatedRect> min_bounding_rectangle(contours.size());
	vector<vector<Point>> hulls(contours.size());
	vector<vector<int>> hull_indices(contours.size());
	vector<vector<Vec4i>> convexity_defects(contours.size());
	vector<Moments> contour_moments(contours.size());
	for (int contour_number=0; (contour_number<(int)contours.size()); contour_number++)
		if (contours[contour_number].size() > 10)
			min_bounding_rectangle[contour_number] = minAreaRect(contours[contour_number]);
			convexHull(contours[contour_number], hulls[contour_number]);
			convexHull(contours[contour_number], hull_indices[contour_number]);
			convexityDefects( contours[contour_number], hull_indices[contour_number], convexity_defects[contour_number]);
			contour_moments[contour_number] = moments( contours[contour_number] );
	for (int contour_number=0; (contour_number>=0); contour_number=hierarchy[contour_number][0])
		if (contours[contour_number].size() > 10)
        Scalar colour( rand()&0x7F, rand()&0x7F, rand()&0x7F );
        drawContours( contours_image, contours, contour_number, colour, CV_FILLED, 8, hierarchy );
		char output[500];
		double area = contourArea(contours[contour_number])+contours[contour_number].size()/2+1;
		// Process any holes (removing the area from the are of the enclosing contour)
		for (int hole_number=hierarchy[contour_number][2]; (hole_number>=0); hole_number=hierarchy[hole_number][0])
			area -= (contourArea(contours[hole_number])-contours[hole_number].size()/2+1);
			Scalar colour( rand()&0x7F, rand()&0x7F, rand()&0x7F );
 			drawContours( contours_image, contours, hole_number, colour, CV_FILLED, 8, hierarchy );
			sprintf(output,"Area=%.0f", contourArea(contours[hole_number])-contours[hole_number].size()/2+1);
			Point location( contours[hole_number][0].x +20, contours[hole_number][0].y +5 );
			putText( contours_image, output, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
		// Draw the minimum bounding rectangle
		Point2f bounding_rect_points[4];
		line( contours_image, bounding_rect_points[0], bounding_rect_points[1], Scalar(0, 0, 127));
		line( contours_image, bounding_rect_points[1], bounding_rect_points[2], Scalar(0, 0, 127));
		line( contours_image, bounding_rect_points[2], bounding_rect_points[3], Scalar(0, 0, 127));
		line( contours_image, bounding_rect_points[3], bounding_rect_points[0], Scalar(0, 0, 127));
		float bounding_rectangle_area = min_bounding_rectangle[contour_number].size.area();
		// Draw the convex hull
        drawContours( contours_image, hulls, contour_number, Scalar(127,0,127) );
		// Highlight any convexities
		int largest_convexity_depth=0;
		for (int convexity_index=0; convexity_index < (int)convexity_defects[contour_number].size(); convexity_index++)
			if (convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][3] > largest_convexity_depth)
				largest_convexity_depth = convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][3];
			if (convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][3] > 256*2)
				line( contours_image, contours[contour_number][convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][0]], contours[contour_number][convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][2]], Scalar(0,0, 255));
				line( contours_image, contours[contour_number][convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][1]], contours[contour_number][convexity_defects[contour_number][convexity_index][2]], Scalar(0,0, 255));
		double hu_moments[7];
		HuMoments( contour_moments[contour_number], hu_moments );
		sprintf(output,"Perimeter=%d, Area=%.0f, BArea=%.0f, CArea=%.0f", contours[contour_number].size(),area,min_bounding_rectangle[contour_number].size.area(),contourArea(hulls[contour_number]));
		Point location( contours[contour_number][0].x, contours[contour_number][0].y-3 );
		putText( contours_image, output, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
		sprintf(output,"HuMoments = %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", hu_moments[0],hu_moments[1],hu_moments[2]);
		Point location2( contours[contour_number][0].x+100, contours[contour_number][0].y-3+15 );
		putText( contours_image, output, location2, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	imshow("Shape Statistics", contours_image );
	char c = cvWaitKey();

	// Support Vector Machine
	imshow("Good - original",good_orings);
	imshow("Defective - original",bad_orings);
	imshow("Unknown - original",unknown_orings);
	c = cvWaitKey();

	// Template Matching
	Mat display_image, correlation_image;
	full_image.copyTo( display_image );
	double min_correlation, max_correlation;
	Mat matched_template_map;
	int result_columns =  full_image.cols - template1.cols + 1;
	int result_rows = full_image.rows - template1.rows + 1;
	correlation_image.create( result_columns, result_rows, CV_32FC1 );
	double before_tick_count = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
	matchTemplate( full_image, template1, correlation_image, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED );
	double after_tick_count = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
	double duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after_tick_count-before_tick_count)/getTickFrequency();
	minMaxLoc( correlation_image, &min_correlation, &max_correlation );
	FindLocalMaxima( correlation_image, matched_template_map, max_correlation*0.99 );
	timer->recordTime("Template Matching (1)");
	Mat matched_template_display1;
	cvtColor(matched_template_map, matched_template_display1, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	Mat correlation_window1 = convert_32bit_image_for_display( correlation_image, 0.0 );
	DrawMatchingTemplateRectangles( display_image, matched_template_map, template1, Scalar(0,0,255) );
	double precision, recall, accuracy, specificity, f1;
	Mat template1locations_gray;
	cvtColor(template1locations, template1locations_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	CompareRecognitionResults( matched_template_map, template1locations_gray, precision, recall, accuracy, specificity, f1 );
	char results[400];
	Scalar colour( 255, 255, 255);
	sprintf( results, "precision=%.2f", precision);
	Point location( 7, 213 );
	putText( display_image, "Results (1)", location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "recall=%.2f", recall);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "accuracy=%.2f", accuracy);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "specificity=%.2f", specificity);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "f1=%.2f", f1);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	result_columns =  full_image.cols - template2.cols + 1;
	result_rows = full_image.rows - template2.rows + 1;
	correlation_image.create( result_columns, result_rows, CV_32FC1 );
	matchTemplate( full_image, template2, correlation_image, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED );
	minMaxLoc( correlation_image, &min_correlation, &max_correlation );
	FindLocalMaxima( correlation_image, matched_template_map, max_correlation*0.99 );
	timer->recordTime("Template Matching (2)");
	Mat matched_template_display2;
	cvtColor(matched_template_map, matched_template_display2, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	Mat correlation_window2 = convert_32bit_image_for_display( correlation_image, 0.0 );
	DrawMatchingTemplateRectangles( display_image, matched_template_map, template2, Scalar(0,0,255) );
	Mat template2locations_gray;
	cvtColor(template2locations, template2locations_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	CompareRecognitionResults( matched_template_map, template2locations_gray, precision, recall, accuracy, specificity, f1 );
	sprintf( results, "precision=%.2f", precision);
	location.x = 123;
	location.y = 213;
	putText( display_image, "Results (2)", location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "recall=%.2f", recall);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "accuracy=%.2f", accuracy);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "specificity=%.2f", specificity);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	sprintf( results, "f1=%.2f", f1);
	location.y += 13;
	putText( display_image, results, location, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, colour );
	Mat correlation_display1, correlation_display2;
	cvtColor(correlation_window1, correlation_display1, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	cvtColor(correlation_window2, correlation_display2, CV_GRAY2BGR);

	Mat output1 = JoinImagesVertically(template1,"Template (1)",correlation_display1,"Correlation (1)",4);
	Mat output2 = JoinImagesVertically(output1,"",matched_template_display1,"Local maxima (1)",4);
	Mat output3 = JoinImagesVertically(template2,"Template (2)",correlation_display2,"Correlation (2)",4);
	Mat output4 = JoinImagesVertically(output3,"",matched_template_display2,"Local maxima (2)",4);
	Mat output5 = JoinImagesHorizontally( full_image, "Original Image", output2, "", 4 );
	Mat output6 = JoinImagesHorizontally( output5, "", output4, "", 4 );
	Mat output7 = JoinImagesHorizontally( output6, "", display_image, "", 4 );
	imshow( "Template matching result", output7 );
	c = cvWaitKey();

	// Chamfer Matching
    Mat model_gray,model_edges,model_edges2;
	cvtColor(bicycle_model, model_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	Mat current_frame;
	bicycle_video.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,400);  // Just in case the video has already been used.
	bicycle_video >> current_frame;
	bicycle_background = current_frame.clone();
	int count = 0;
	while (!current_frame.empty() && (count < 8))
		Mat result_image = current_frame.clone();
		Mat difference_frame, difference_gray, current_edges;
		cvtColor(difference_frame, difference_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
		Canny(difference_frame, current_edges, 100, 200, 3);

		vector<vector<Point> > results;
		vector<float> costs;
		Mat matching_image, chamfer_image, local_minima;
		distanceTransform( current_edges, chamfer_image, CV_DIST_L2 , 3);
		timer->recordTime("Chamfer Image");
		ChamferMatching( chamfer_image, model_edges, matching_image );
		FindLocalMinima( matching_image, local_minima, 500.0 );
		timer->recordTime("Find Minima");
		DrawMatchingTemplateRectangles( result_image, local_minima, model_edges, Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ) );
		Mat chamfer_display_image = convert_32bit_image_for_display( chamfer_image );
		Mat matching_display_image = convert_32bit_image_for_display( matching_image );
		Mat current_edges_display, local_minima_display, model_edges_display, colour_matching_display_image, colour_chamfer_display_image;
		cvtColor(current_edges, current_edges_display, CV_GRAY2BGR);
		cvtColor(local_minima, local_minima_display, CV_GRAY2BGR);
		cvtColor(model_edges, model_edges_display, CV_GRAY2BGR);
		cvtColor(matching_display_image, colour_matching_display_image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
		cvtColor(chamfer_display_image, colour_chamfer_display_image, CV_GRAY2BGR);

		Mat output1 = JoinImagesVertically(current_frame,"Video Input",current_edges_display,"Edges from difference", 4);
		Mat output2 = JoinImagesVertically(output1,"",model_edges_display,"Model", 4);
		Mat output3 = JoinImagesVertically(bicycle_background,"Static Background",colour_chamfer_display_image,"Chamfer image", 4);
		Mat output4 = JoinImagesVertically(output3,"",colour_matching_display_image,"Degree of fit", 4);
		Mat output5 = JoinImagesVertically(difference_frame,"Difference",result_image,"Result", 4);
		Mat output6 = JoinImagesVertically(output5,"",local_minima_display,"Local minima", 4);
		Mat output7 = JoinImagesHorizontally( output2, "", output4, "", 4 );
		Mat output8 = JoinImagesHorizontally( output7, "", output6, "", 4 );
		imshow("Chamfer matching", output8);
		c = waitKey(1000);  // This makes the image appear on screen
		bicycle_video >> current_frame;
	c = cvWaitKey();

	// Cascade of Haar classifiers (most often shown for face detection).
    VideoCapture camera;
	camera.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320);
	camera.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);
    if( camera.isOpened() )
		Mat current_frame;
		do {
			camera >> current_frame;
			if( current_frame.empty() )
			vector<Rect> faces;
			Mat gray;
			cvtColor( current_frame, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );
			equalizeHist( gray, gray );
			cascade.detectMultiScale( gray, faces, 1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(30, 30) );
			timer->recordTime("Haar Classifier");
			for( int count = 0; count < (int)faces.size(); count++ )
				rectangle(current_frame, faces[count], cv::Scalar(255,0,0), 2);
			imshow( "Cascade of Haar Classifiers", current_frame );
			c = waitKey(10);  // This makes the image appear on screen
        } while (c == -1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void createWeightMap(const Mat &mask, float sharpness, Mat &weight)
    CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
    distanceTransform(mask, weight, DIST_L1, 3);
    threshold(weight * sharpness, weight, 1.f, 1.f, THRESH_TRUNC);
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: text.cpp Proyecto: DCayee/iDSL
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  if(argc != 9){
    printf("wrong # args\n");
    printf("inputfile outDir(./lol/) invert (0 or 1) k*1000 windowRadius gaussPyramidThresh(>= survive) finalMixThresh(>= survive) writeDebugImages(0 or 1)\n");

  int width, height, channels;
  unsigned char *data;
  char *dir = argv[2];
  int inv = atoi(argv[3]);
  float k = float(atoi(argv[4]))/1000.f;
  int window = atoi(argv[5]);
  int gaussPyramidThresh = atoi(argv[6]);
  int finalMixThresh = atoi(argv[7]);
  bool debugImages = atoi(argv[8]);

  bool res = loadImage(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, &data);

    printf("error reading image\n");
    return 1;


  // to grayscale
  unsigned char *dataGray = new unsigned char[width*height];

  // build SAT
  unsigned int *sat = new unsigned int[width*height];
  float * satSquared = new float[width*height];

  // do thresh
  thresh(dataGray, sat, satSquared, width, height, k, window);

  char filename[200];
  if(debugImages){saveImage(filename, width, height, 1, dataGray);}

  unsigned char ** pyramid=NULL;
  makePyramid(dataGray, &pyramid, pyramidLevels, gaussPyramidThresh, width,height);

  for(int L=0; L<pyramidLevels; L++){
    char filename[200];

  // label
  int vecSizeY=32;
  int vecSizeX=128;

  unsigned char *dist=new unsigned char[width*height];
  unsigned short *labels = new unsigned short[width*height];
  unsigned short area[maxLabels];
  unsigned char *reason = new unsigned char[width*height];
  unsigned char *tile = new unsigned char[width*height];
  for(int l = pyramidLevels-1; l>=0; l--){
    int lw = width/pow(2,l);
    int lh = height/pow(2,l);
    // write out debug data
    char filename[200];
    if(debugImages){saveImage(filename, lw,lh, 1, pyramid[l]);}

  for(int L = pyramidLevels-1; L>=0; L--){
    int lw = width/pow(2,L);
    int lh = height/pow(2,L);

    // clear out labels so that we can do progressive cleanup passes
    for(int i=0; i<lw*lh; i++){reason[i]=0;labels[i]=0;}

    unsigned short firstId = 1;

    int tileId = 0;

    int minArea = 6;
    if(L<2){minArea = 30;}

    int nTilesX = ceil((float)lw/(float)vecSizeX);
    int nTilesY = ceil((float)lh/(float)vecSizeY);

    int lastFixup = 0;

    for(int by=0; by<nTilesY; by++){
      int endY = (by+1)*vecSizeY;
      bool fixupRanThisRow = false;

      for(int bx=0; bx<nTilesX; bx++){

	int endX = (bx+1)*vecSizeX;

	unsigned short lastId=0;
	  printf("Error: ran out of labels!\n");
	  goto writeout;  // an exception occured
	//printf("ML %d\n",(int)firstId);
	// for debugging
	for(int x=vecSizeX*bx; x<endX; x++){
	  for(int y=vecSizeY*by; y<endY; y++){


	if(firstId > (maxLabels*4)/5 && !fixupRanThisRow){
	  printf("fixup TL %d\n",firstId);
	  lastFixup = (by+1)*vecSizeY;

    // fix labels across region boundries
    //printf("TL %d\n",firstId);

    // now what's left "must" be text, so delete it from other pyrmid levels and save it
    // write out debug data
    char filename[200];
      saveImage(filename, lw,lh, labels);
      saveImage(filename, lw,lh, 1, dist);
      saveImage(filename, lw,lh, 1, pyramid[L]);
      saveImage(filename, lw,lh, 1, reason);
      saveImage(filename, lw,lh, 1, tile);

      for(int l = 2; l>=0; l--){
	int lw = width/pow(2,l);
	int lh = height/pow(2,l);
	// write out debug data
	char filename[200];
	if(debugImages){saveImage(filename, lw,lh, 1, pyramid[l]);}
  for(int y=0; y<height; y++){
    for(int x=0; x<width; x++){
      int count=0;
      for(int l=0; l<pyramidLevels; l++){
	int lx = x/pow(2,l);
	int ly = y/pow(2,l);

	int lw = width/pow(2,l);


  saveImage(filename, width, height, 1, dataGray);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
std::pair <std::vector<StateOfCar>, Seed> AStarSeed::findPathToTarget(const cv::Mat& map, const State& start, const State& goal, const int distance_transform, const int debug_current_state, int& status) {
    // USE : for guaranteed termination of planner
    int no_of_iterations = 0;
    int max_iterations = 10000;

    node_handle.getParam("local_planner/max_iterations", max_iterations);

    fusion_map = map;
    map_max_rows = map.rows;
    map_max_cols = map.cols;

    if (distance_transform == 1) {

    if (debug_current_state) {
        image = fusion_map.clone();

    StateOfCar start_state(start), target_state(goal);
    std::map<StateOfCar, open_map_element> open_map;
    std::map<StateOfCar, StateOfCar, comparatorMapState> came_from;
    SS::PriorityQueue<StateOfCar> open_set;


    if (start_state.isCloseTo(target_state)) {
        status = 1;
        return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());
    } else if (isOnTheObstacle(start_state)) {
        std::cout << "Bot is on the Obstacle Map \n";
        return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());
    } else if (isOnTheObstacle(target_state)) {
        std::cout << "Target is on the Obstacle Map \n";
        return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());

    while (!open_set.empty() && ros::ok()) {
        if (no_of_iterations > max_iterations) {
            status = open_set.size();
            return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());

        StateOfCar current_state = open_set.top();

        if (open_map.find(current_state) != open_map.end() && open_map[current_state].membership == CLOSED) {

        current_state = open_set.top();
        if (debug_current_state) {
            std::cout << "current x : " << current_state.x() << " current y : " << current_state.y() << std::endl;

            cv::imshow("[PLANNER] Map", image);
        // TODO : use closeTo instead of onTarget
        if (current_state.isCloseTo(target_state)) {
            status = 2;
            return reconstructPath(current_state, came_from);

        open_map[current_state].membership = UNASSIGNED;
        open_map[current_state].cost = -current_state.gCost();
        open_map[current_state].membership = CLOSED;

        std::vector<StateOfCar> neighbors_of_current_state = neighborNodesWithSeeds(current_state);

        for (unsigned int iterator = 0; iterator < neighbors_of_current_state.size(); iterator++) {
            StateOfCar neighbor = neighbors_of_current_state[iterator];

            double tentative_gcost_along_followed_path = neighbor.gCost() + current_state.gCost();
            double admissible = neighbor.distanceTo(target_state);
            double consistent = admissible;

            if (!((open_map.find(neighbor) != open_map.end()) &&
                    (open_map[neighbor].membership == OPEN))) {
                came_from[neighbor] = current_state;
                open_map[neighbor].membership = OPEN;
                open_map[neighbor].cost = neighbor.gCost();
    status = 0;
    return std::make_pair(std::vector<StateOfCar>(), Seed());