bool doCmd(const char* path, enum CmdType cmd_type, enum FileType file_type, CacheStat* pStat){ int fd = 0; DIR *dir = NULL; DIR *soft_dir = NULL; struct dirent *dp = NULL; char file_name[256]; char link_name[256]; char real_path[256]; void *pbase = NULL; char *vec = NULL; struct stat st; int in_cache = 0; int str_len = 0; int page_index; int page_count; int pagesize = getpagesize(); int time_used = 0; struct timeval begin, end; if(realpath(path, real_path) == NULL){ goto ERROR; } if(file_type == REGFILE){ fd = open(real_path, O_RDONLY); if(fd<0){ goto ERROR; } if(stat(real_path, &st)<0){ goto ERROR; } switch(cmd_type){ case CLEAR: if(posix_fadvise(fd, 0, st.st_size, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) != 0){ goto ERROR; } fprintf(stdout, "Release:%s\n", real_path); break; case STAT: if(st.st_size == 0) goto EMPTYFILE; pbase = mmap((void *)0, st.st_size, PROT_NONE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(pbase == MAP_FAILED){ goto ERROR; } page_count = (st.st_size+pagesize-1)/pagesize; vec = (char*)calloc(1, page_count); if(mincore(pbase, st.st_size, (unsigned char *)vec) != 0){ goto ERROR; } for(page_index=0; page_index<page_count; page_index++){ if(vec[page_index]&1 != 0){ ++in_cache; } } pStat->page_count += page_count; pStat->in_cache += in_cache; EMPTYFILE: if(pStat->is_print == true){ fprintf(stdout, "Stat:%s size:%s cached:%s\n", real_path, sizeFit(st.st_size, buf1), sizeFit(in_cache*(pagesize), buf2)); } break; case LOCK: if(st.st_size == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Empty file %s\n", real_path); return true; } pbase = mmap((void *)0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(pbase == MAP_FAILED){ goto ERROR; } if(mlock(pbase, st.st_size) == 0){ fprintf(stdout, "Lock %s succeed, size:%s\n", real_path, sizeFit(st.st_size, buf1)); return true; }else{ goto ERROR; } case WARM: gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); if(posix_fadvise(fd, 0, st.st_size, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) != 0){ goto ERROR; } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); time_used = getUsedTime(&begin, &end); fprintf(stdout, "Warmup File:%s TimeUsed:%d ms\n", real_path, time_used); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "do not support cmd type %d\n", cmd_type); goto ERROR; } close(fd); if(vec) free(vec); if(pbase) munmap(pbase, st.st_size); return true; }else if(file_type == DIRECTORY){ if((dir = opendir(real_path)) == NULL){ goto ERROR; } gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); while((dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL){ if(strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") != 0){ memset(file_name, 0, sizeof(file_name)); strcat(file_name, real_path); strcat(file_name, "/"); strcat(file_name, dp->d_name); if(dp->d_type == DT_REG){ doCmd(file_name, cmd_type, REGFILE, pStat); }else if(dp->d_type == DT_DIR){ doCmd(file_name, cmd_type, DIRECTORY, pStat); }else if(dp->d_type == DT_LNK){ if(realpath(file_name, link_name) != NULL){ if(stat(link_name, &st)<0){ goto ERROR; } if(st.st_mode & S_IFREG){ doCmd(file_name, cmd_type, REGFILE, pStat); }else if(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR){ doCmd(file_name, cmd_type, DIRECTORY, pStat); } } }else{ fprintf(stdout, "%s:%c type unsupported!\n", dp->d_name, dp->d_type); } } } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); time_used = getUsedTime(&begin, &end); if(cmd_type == WARM){ fprintf(stdout, "Warmup Dir:%s TimeUsed:%d ms\n", real_path, time_used); } closedir(dir); return true; } ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "File:%s %s\n", real_path, strerror(errno)); if(fd) close(fd); if(dir) closedir(dir); if(vec) free(vec); if(pbase) munmap(pbase, st.st_size); return false; }
int realStat(const char *path, long interval, enum FileType file_type, bool is_suppress){ CacheStat stat; int pre = 0; bool first = true; bool ret = false; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); fprintf(stdout, "file:%s\n", path); fprintf(stdout, "time\tpage_count\tin_cache\tchange\n"); while(1){ pre = stat.in_cache; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); ret = doCmd(path, STAT, file_type, &stat); if(pre==stat.in_cache && is_suppress && !first) continue; first = false; if(ret == false){ fprintf(stderr, "real stat error %s\n", path); exit(0); }else{ fprintf(stdout, "%s %d\t%d\t%d\n", getTimeStr(), stat.page_count, stat.in_cache, stat.in_cache-pre); } usleep(interval); } }
/* * ======== cleanup ======== */ static Void cleanup(Void) { static CmdObj dcmdInit = {NULL, NULL, NONE, NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (curInit != FALSE) { curInit = FALSE; if (dcmd.dproc != NULL) { doCmd(EXIT, NULL); // Thread_join(dcmd.dproc); Thread_delete( dcmd.dproc ); /* will do join first? */ dcmd.dproc = NULL; } if (dcmd.cmdPresent != NULL) { Sem_delete(dcmd.cmdPresent); dcmd.cmdPresent = NULL; } if (dcmd.replyPresent != NULL) { Sem_delete(dcmd.replyPresent); dcmd.replyPresent = NULL; } if (dcmd.gate != NULL) { Lock_delete(dcmd.gate); dcmd.gate = NULL; } dcmd = dcmdInit; } }
void doCommand( const char* cmd, const char* param, ...) { va_list arg; string sarg; va_start(arg,param); sarg = string(va_arg(arg,const char*)); va_end(arg); doCmd(cmd,sarg.c_str()); printf("executing command %s with param %s\n",cmd,param); }
bool GTPWrapper::islegal(bool first) { stringstream ss; string s = getColoredCoord(first); // cout << "s: \"" << s << "\""<<endl; ss << "is_legal " << s; string r = doCmd(ss.str()); // cout << "r: \"" << r << "\"" << endl; r = r.substr(r.find(" ")+1,r.length()); r = r.substr(0,r.length()); return atof(r.c_str()); }
/* * ======== Processor_create ======== */ Processor_Handle Processor_create(String imageName, String memMap, Processor_Attrs *attrs) { Processor_Handle proc = NULL; struct stat statBuf; Assert_isTrue(curInit == TRUE, (Assert_Id)NULL); Log_print3(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_create> " "Enter(imageName='%s', memMap='%s', attrs=0x%x)", (IArg)imageName, (IArg)memMap, (IArg)attrs); if (attrs == NULL) { attrs = &Processor_ATTRS; } if (stat(imageName, &statBuf) != 0) { Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create> " "ERROR: cannot access file %s", (IArg)imageName); return (NULL); } proc = Memory_alloc(sizeof(Processor_Obj), NULL); if (proc == NULL) { Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create> " "ERROR: Memory_alloc failed"); return (NULL); } proc->attrs = *attrs; proc->imageName = imageName; proc->memMapName = memMap; proc->loaded = FALSE; proc->fileId = 0xffffffff; proc->heapH = NULL; proc->procMgrH = NULL; proc->heapId = Processor_INVALID; proc->loadCallBackStatus = -1; proc->startCallBackStatus = -1; proc->useExtLoader = attrs->useExtLoader; if (doCmd(CREATE, proc) != SUCCESS) { Processor_delete(proc); return (NULL); } proc->loaded = TRUE; Log_print1(Diags_EXIT, "[+X] Processor_create> return (0x%x)", (IArg)proc); return (proc); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if(argc<=2){ usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } int pagesize = getpagesize(); CmdParam cmd; CacheStat stat; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); stat.is_print = true; //default true parseArgs(argc, argv, &cmd); if(cmd.is_daemon) daemonMe(); if(cmd.cmd_type == CLEAR){ doCmd(cmd.path, cmd.cmd_type, cmd.file_type, NULL); }else if(cmd.cmd_type == STAT){ doCmd(cmd.path, cmd.cmd_type, cmd.file_type, &stat); if(cmd.file_type == DIRECTORY){ fprintf(stdout, "\nTotal Cache of Directory:%s size:%s cached:%s\n", cmd.path, sizeFit(stat.page_count*pagesize, buf1), sizeFit(stat.in_cache*pagesize, buf2)); } }else if(cmd.cmd_type == RSTAT){ realStat(cmd.path, cmd.interval, cmd.file_type, cmd.is_suppress); }else if(cmd.cmd_type == LOCK){ doCmd(cmd.path, cmd.cmd_type, cmd.file_type, NULL); select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }else if(cmd.cmd_type == WARM){ doCmd(cmd.path, cmd.cmd_type, cmd.file_type, NULL); } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { errorFunnel(setState(argc, argv)); if (hushState.isInteractive) { while(hushState.isRunning) { size_t linecap = 0, lineLen = 0; printf("%s", hushEnv.PS1); lineLen = getline(&([hushState.jobCount].cmdStr), &linecap, stdin); //remove trailing newline if ([hushState.jobCount].cmdStr[lineLen - 1] == '\n') {[hushState.jobCount].cmdStr[lineLen - 1] = '\0'; } errorFunnel(preprocessCmd(lineLen,[hushState.jobCount].cmdStr)); errorFunnel(doCmd([hushState.jobCount].handleInternally)); errorFunnel(postprocessCmd()); //The exit command will exit this loop. } } else { //hush is being run non-interactively with command specified with -n option. errorFunnel(preprocessCmd(strlen([hushState.jobCount].cmdStr),[hushState.jobCount].cmdStr)); doCmd([hushState.jobCount].handleInternally); } return (hushState.hushErrno); }
void GTPWrapper::genmove(bool first) { if(moves==1&&bsize==5&&!first&&board[24]==0&&board[25]==1) {//kens trick if(doMove("white B3")) {board[22]=1;board[23]=0; // = 1;//cout << "setting white at b3.."<<endl; moves++; return;} else{//cout << "could not white at b3.."<<endl; setPass(first); return;} } // to make gnugo play through a 5x5 match.. string r = (first) ? doCmd("genmove black") : doCmd("genmove white"); //int s = first+1; // cout << "r: " << r << endl; if(r.find("?")!=string::npos) return; if(r.find("PASS")!=string::npos){ // string s = (first) ? "black" : "white"; //cout << ((first) ? "black" : "white") << " passed board: "<< endl << getLocalBoardAscii(); setPass(first); return; } moves++; // r = r.substr(r.find(" ")+1,r.length()); // r = r.substr(0,r.length()); // int x = getCol(r[0]); int y = atoi(r.substr(1,r.length()).c_str()); y--; x++; // // cout << "white moved to" << endl; cout << "x:"<<x<<" y:"<<y<<" r: " << r << " s:" << s << " first:" << first << endl; // // cout << "setting board at: " << ((bsize-x)*bsize)+y << " to " << s<<endl; //*bsize)+y) = s; updateFromGnuGo(); // int fanda; // cin >> fanda; // cout << "board at: " << ((x-bsize)*bsize)+y << ": " <<*bsize)+y) <<endl; // cout << getBoardAscii() << endl; }
/* * ======== Processor_create ======== */ Processor_Handle Processor_create(String imageName, String linkCfg, Processor_Attrs *attrs) { Processor_Handle proc = NULL; File_Stat statBuf; GT_assert(curTrace, curInit == TRUE); GT_3trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "Processor_create> " "Enter(imageName='%s', linkCfg='%s', attrs=0x%x)\n", imageName, linkCfg, attrs); if (attrs == NULL) { attrs = &Processor_ATTRS; } if ((!Global_useLinkArbiter) && (File_stat(imageName, &statBuf) != File_EOK)) { GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create> " "ERROR: cannot access file %s\n", imageName); return (NULL); } if ((proc = Memory_alloc(sizeof(Processor_Obj), NULL)) == NULL) { GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create> " "ERROR: Memory_alloc failed\n"); return (NULL); } proc->attrs = *attrs; proc->imageName = imageName; proc->linkConfigName = linkCfg; proc->loaded = FALSE; proc->powerHandle = NULL; proc->connected = FALSE; if (doCmd(CREATE, proc) != SUCCESS) { Processor_delete(proc); return (NULL); } proc->loaded = TRUE; GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "Processor_create> return (0x%x)\n", proc); return (proc); }
/* * ======== Processor_delete ======== */ Void Processor_delete(Processor_Handle proc) { GT_assert(curTrace, curInit == TRUE); GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "Processor_delete> Enter(proc=0x%x)\n", proc); if (proc != NULL) { if (proc->loaded == TRUE && dcmd.dproc != NULL) { doCmd(DELETE, proc); } GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_1CLASS, "Processor_delete(0x%x) freeing object ...\n", proc); Memory_free(proc, sizeof(Processor_Obj), NULL); } GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "Processor_delete> return.\n"); }
/* * ======== Processor_delete ======== */ Void Processor_delete(Processor_Handle proc) { Assert_isTrue(curInit == TRUE, (Assert_Id)NULL); Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_delete> Enter(proc=0x%x)", (IArg)proc); if (proc != NULL) { if (proc->loaded == TRUE && dcmd.dproc != NULL) { doCmd(DELETE, proc); } Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete(0x%x) freeing object ...", (IArg)proc); Memory_free(proc, sizeof(Processor_Obj), NULL); } Log_print0(Diags_EXIT, "[+X] Processor_delete> return"); }
MStatus cgfxShaderCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus stat; try { stat = doCmd( args ); } catch ( cgfxShaderCommon::InternalError* e ) { reportInternalError( __FILE__, (size_t)e ); stat = MS::kFailure; } catch ( ... ) { reportInternalError( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); stat = MS::kFailure; } return stat; } // MStatus cgfxShaderCmd::doIt
/* * ======== cleanup ======== */ static Void cleanup(Void) { static CmdObj dcmdInit = {NULL, NULL, NONE, NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (curInit != FALSE) { curInit = FALSE; if (dcmd.dproc != NULL) { doCmd(EXIT, NULL); // Thread_join(dcmd.dproc); Thread_delete(&dcmd.dproc); /* will do join first? */ dcmd.dproc = NULL; } Log_print0(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor cleanup()> " "SysLink_destroy()..."); SysLink_destroy(); Log_print0(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor cleanup()> " "... SysLink_destroy() complete"); if (dcmd.cmdPresent != NULL) { SemThread_delete(&dcmd.cmdPresent); dcmd.cmdPresent = NULL; } if (dcmd.replyPresent != NULL) { SemThread_delete(&dcmd.replyPresent); dcmd.replyPresent = NULL; } if (dcmd.gate != NULL) { GateThread_delete(&dcmd.gate); dcmd.gate = NULL; } dcmd = dcmdInit; } }
void AdminConnection::on_data() { char buf[1026]; again: size_t sz = ec_->peekIn(buf, 1024); if (sz == 1024) { buf[1024] = '\n'; buf[0] = 0; } else { buf[sz] = 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i != sz; ++i) { if (buf[i] == '\n') { ec_->consume(i + 1); doCmd(std::string(&buf[0], &buf[i])); goto again; } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool isBTSDo = false; // If set, execute one command without prompting, then exit. std::string sCommand(""); progname = argv[0]; argc--; argv++; // Skip program name. while(argc > 0) { if (argv[0][0] == '-') { if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2) { oops("Invalid option '%s'\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } switch(argv[0][1]) { case 'd': // OpenBTSDo interface isBTSDo = true; break; case 'c': // Run command on command line then exit. isBTSDo = true; if (argc == 1) { oops("Missing argument to -c\n"); } { // Gather up the command line. for (int j = 1; j < argc; j++) { sCommand += argv[j]; sCommand += " "; } } argc = 1; // terminates while loop. break; case 'p': // TCP Port number argc--, argv++; port = atoi(argv[0]); printf("TCP %d\n", port); break; case 't': // target argc--, argv++; snprintf(target, sizeof(target)-1, "%s", argv[0]); break; default: oops("Invalid option '%s'\n", argv[0]); exit(1); // NOTREACHED but makes the compiler happy. } argc--; argv++; } else { oops("Invalid argument '%s'\n", argv[0]); exit(1); // NOTREACHED but makes the compiler happy. } } // Note that this only works if we are communicating across localhost. // TODO: Fix this so we can push the file across the socket if done // remotely. // Don't do this if running the single line configuration methods, we // will assume running from an external script is mostly a testing // thing, not a deployment thing for an actual base station. if (sCommand.c_str()[0] == '\0') { banner(); printf("Connecting to %s:%d...\n", target, port); } int sock = -1; char prompt[16] = "OpenBTS> "; // Define this stuff "globally" as it's needed in various places memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); // the socket sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (sock<0) { perror("opening stream socket"); exit(1); } // destination address sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, target, &sa.sin_addr) <= 0) { oops("unable to convert target to an IP address\n"); } if (0) { // (pat) I used this code for testing. // If you wanted to specify the port you were binding from, this is how you would do it... // We dont use this code - we let the connect system call pick the port. struct sockaddr_in sockAddrBuf; memset(&sockAddrBuf,0,sizeof(sockAddrBuf)); // overkill. sockAddrBuf.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddrBuf.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sockAddrBuf.sin_port = htons(13011); if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddrBuf, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) { // Bind the socket to our assigned port. printf("bind call failed: %s",strerror(errno)); exit(2); } } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { perror("connect stream socket"); fprintf(stderr, "Is OpenBTS running?\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE char *history_name = 0; if (!isBTSDo) { // start console using_history(); static const char * const history_file_name = "/.openbts_history"; char *home_dir = getenv("HOME"); if(home_dir) { size_t home_dir_len = strlen(home_dir); size_t history_file_len = strlen(history_file_name); size_t history_len = home_dir_len + history_file_len + 1; if(history_len > home_dir_len) { if(!(history_name = (char *)malloc(history_len))) { perror("malloc failed"); exit(2); } memcpy(history_name, home_dir, home_dir_len); memcpy(history_name + home_dir_len, history_file_name, history_file_len + 1); read_history(history_name); } } } #endif if (!isBTSDo) printf("Remote Interface Ready.\nType:\n \"help\" to see commands,\n \"version\" for version information,\n \"notices\" for licensing information,\n \"quit\" to exit console interface.\n"); if (sCommand.c_str()[0] != '\0') { doCmd(sock, (char *)sCommand.c_str()); } else while (1) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE char *cmd = readline(isBTSDo ? NULL : prompt); if (!cmd) continue; if (cmd[0] == '\0') continue; if (!isBTSDo) if (*cmd) add_history(cmd); #else // HAVE_LIBREADLINE if (!isBTSDo) { printf("%s",prompt); fflush(stdout); } char *inbuf = (char*)malloc(BUFSIZ); char *cmd = fgets(inbuf,BUFSIZ-1,stdin); if (!cmd) { if (isBTSDo) break; continue; } if (cmd[0] == '\0') continue; // strip trailing CR cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = '\0'; #endif if (!isBTSDo) { // local quit? if (strcmp(cmd,"quit")==0) { printf("closing remote console\n"); break; } // shutdown via upstart if (strcmp(cmd,"shutdown")==0) { printf("terminating openbts\n"); if (getuid() == 0) system("stop openbts"); else { printf("If prompted, enter the password you use for sudo\n"); system("sudo stop openbts"); } break; } // shell escape? if (cmd[0]=='!') { int i = system(cmd+1); if (i < 0) { perror("system"); } continue; } } char *pCmd = cmd; while(isspace(*pCmd)) pCmd++; // skip leading whitespace if (*pCmd) { if (doCmd(sock, cmd) == false) { bool sd = false; if (strcmp(cmd,"shutdown")==0) sd = true; else if (strcmp(cmd,"restart")==0) sd = true; free(cmd); //{ if (isBTSDo) break; if (sd) break; continue; //} } } free(cmd); if (isBTSDo) break; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE if (!isBTSDo) { if(history_name) { int e = write_history(history_name); if(e) { fprintf(stderr, "error: history: %s\n", strerror(e)); } free(history_name); history_name = 0; } } #endif close(sock); }
/* * Here, we should handle exit code. * * If each command ran and exit normally, maximum (worst) value of the status code * will be returned. * * If SIGINT is detected, then the status will be set with EC_IFSTOPPED flag, as well as * EC_STOPSIG to SIGINT. In this case, EC_IFSTOPPED will be set and EC_SIGNAL will be * set to SIGKILL as well. Exit status will be set to 2. */ int doCmdList(cmdList_t *cmds) { int ii, jj; xc_status rc = 0; dump_cmdList(cmds); if (cmds->cmds == NULL) return(0); old_HandlerDoShell = signal(SIGINT, do_shell_SigHandler); whereToJumpDoShell = &dcJmpBufDoShell; /* * Invoke remote command with SSH */ prepareStdout(cmds); if (setjmp(dcJmpBufDoShell) == 0) { for (ii = 0; cmds->cmds[ii]; ii++) { if (!isVarYes(VAR_debug)) { if ((cmds->cmds[ii]->pid = fork()) != 0) { if (cmds->cmds[ii]->pid == -1) { elog(ERROR, "Process for \"%s\" failed to start. %s\n", cmds->cmds[ii]->actualCmd, strerror(errno)); cmds->cmds[ii]->pid = 0; } continue; } else exit(doCmd(cmds->cmds[ii])); } else { cmds->cmds[ii]->excode = doCmd(cmds->cmds[ii]); rc = WEXITSTATUS(cmds->cmds[ii]->excode); } } } else { /* Signal exit here */ for (ii = 0; cmds->cmds[ii]; ii++) { if (!isVarYes(VAR_debug)) { if (cmds->cmds[ii]->pid) { /* * We don't care if the process is alive or not. * Try to kill anyway. Then handle remote/local * stdin/stdout in the next step. * * If it's bothering to wait for printing, the user can * issue a SIGINT again. */ kill(cmds->cmds[ii]->pid, SIGKILL); cmds->cmds[ii]->pid = 0; } } else { /* Something to do at non-parallel execution */ } } elog(NOTICE, "%s:%d Finish by interrupt\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return 2; } /* * Handle remote/local stdin/stdout */ signal(SIGINT, do_shell_SigHandler); if (setjmp(dcJmpBufDoShell) == 0) { for (ii = 0; cmds->cmds[ii]; ii++) { int status; cmd_t *cur; if (!isVarYes(VAR_debug)) { if (cmds->cmds[ii]->pid) { int rc_new; rc_new = waitpid(cmds->cmds[ii]->pid, &status, 0); rc = WEXITSTATUS(rc_new); } } cmds->cmds[ii]->pid = 0; for (cur = cmds->cmds[ii]; cur; cur = cur->next) { elogFile(MANDATORY, cur->localStdout); doImmediateRaw("(rm -f %s) < /dev/null > /dev/null", cur->localStdout); freeAndReset(cur->actualCmd); freeAndReset(cur->localStdout); freeAndReset(cur->msg); } } } else { /* Captured SIGINT */ signal(SIGINT, old_HandlerDoShell); for (jj = 0; cmds->cmds[jj]; jj++) { /* Need to handle the case with non-parallel execution */ if (cmds->cmds[jj]->pid) { kill(cmds->cmds[jj]->pid, SIGKILL); cmds->cmds[jj]->pid = 0; } if (cmds->cmds[jj]->localStdout) doImmediate(NULL, NULL, "rm -f %s", cmds->cmds[jj]->localStdout); if (cmds->cmds[jj]->remoteStdout) /* Note that remote stdout will be removed anyway */ doImmediate(cmds->cmds[jj]->host, NULL, "rm -f %s", cmds->cmds[jj]->remoteStdout); freeAndReset(cmds->cmds[jj]->actualCmd); freeAndReset(cmds->cmds[jj]->localStdout); freeAndReset(cmds->cmds[jj]->msg); freeAndReset(cmds->cmds[jj]->remoteStdout); } elog(NOTICE, "%s:%d Finish by interrupt\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return(2); } signal(SIGINT, old_HandlerDoShell); whereToJumpDoShell = NULL; return(rc); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[]) { return doCmd(argc, argv); }