Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	char line[1024];
	char cmd[1024];
	char arg1[1024];
	char arg2[1024];
	int result, args;

	if(argc!=3) {
		printf("use: %s <diskfile> <nblocks>\n",argv[0]);
		return 1;

	if(!disk_init(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]))) {
		printf("couldn't initialize %s: %s\n",argv[1],strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	printf("opened emulated disk image %s with %d blocks\n",argv[1],disk_size());

	while(1) {
		printf(" prompt> ");

		if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line),stdin)) break;

		if(line[0]=='\n') continue;
		line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;

		args = sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",cmd,arg1,arg2);
		if(args==0) continue;

		if(!strcmp(cmd,"format")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(!fs_format()) {
					printf("disk formatted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("format failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: format\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"mount")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(!fs_mount()) {
					printf("disk mounted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("mount failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: mount\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"debug")) {
			if(args==1) {
			} else {
				printf("use: debug\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"getsize")) {
			if(args==2) {
				result = fs_getsize(arg1);
				if(result>=0) {
					printf("file %s has size %d\n",arg1,result);
				} else {
					printf("getsize failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: getsize <filename>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"create")) {
			if(args==2) {
				result = fs_create(arg1);
				if(result==0) {
					printf("created file %s\n",arg1);
				} else {
					printf("create failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: create <filename>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"delete")) {
			if(args==2) {
				if(!fs_delete(arg1)) {
					printf("file %s deleted.\n",arg1);
				} else {
					printf("delete failed!\n");	
			} else {
				printf("use: delete <filename>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"cat")) {
			if(args==2) {
				if(!do_copyout(arg1,"/dev/stdout")) {
					printf("cat failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: cat <name>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyin")) {
			if(args==3) {
				if(do_copyin(arg1,arg2)) {
					printf("copied file %s to  %s\n",arg1,arg2);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyin <filename in host system> <filename in fs-miei-02>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyout")) {
			if(args==3) {
				if(do_copyout(arg1,arg2)) {
					printf("copied myfs_file %s to file %s\n", arg1,arg2);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyout <inumber> <filename>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"help")) {
			printf("Commands are:\n");
			printf("    format\n");
			printf("    mount\n");
			printf("    debug\n");
			printf("    create\n");
			printf("    delete  <filename>\n");
			printf("    cat     <filename>\n");
			printf("    getsize <filename>\n");
			printf("    copyin  <file name in host system> <miei02-filename>\n");
			printf("    copyout <miei02-filename> <file name in host system>\n");
			printf("	dump <number_of_block_with_text_contents>\n");
			printf("    help\n");
			printf("    quit\n");
			printf("    exit\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"quit")) {
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"exit")) {
		} else if (!strcmp(cmd, "dump")){
			if(args==2) {
				int blNo = atoi(arg1);
				printf("Dumping disk block %d\n", blNo);
				char b[4096];
				disk_read( blNo, b);
				printf("%s", b);
			else {
				printf("use: dump <block_number>\n");
		} else {
			printf("unknown command: %s\n",cmd);
			printf("type 'help' for a list of commands.\n");
			result = 1;

	printf("closing emulated disk.\n");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char **argv)
	MsOle *ole;
	int lp, exit = 0, interact = 0;
	char *buffer = g_new (char, 1024) ;

	if (argc<2)

	if (!g_strcasecmp (argv [1], "regression")) {
		do_regression_tests ();
		return 0;

	printf ("Ole file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
	if (ms_ole_open_vfs (&ole, argv[1], TRUE, NULL)
	    != MS_OLE_ERR_OK) {
		printf ("Creating new file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
		if (ms_ole_create_vfs (&ole, argv[1], TRUE, NULL)
		    != MS_OLE_ERR_OK)
			syntax_error ("Can't open file or create new one");

	if (argc<=2)
		syntax_error ("Need command or -i");

	if (argc>2 && argv[argc-1][0]=='-'
	    && argv[argc-1][1]=='i') 
	else {
		char *str=g_strdup(argv[2]) ;
		for (lp=3;lp<argc;lp++)
			str = g_strconcat(str," ",argv[lp],NULL); /* FIXME Mega leak :-) */
		buffer = str; /* and again */

	cur_dir = g_strdup ("/");

		char *ptr;

		if (interact) {
			fprintf (stdout,"> ");
			fflush (stdout);
			fgets (buffer, 1023, stdin);

		arg_data = g_strsplit (g_strchomp (buffer), delim, -1);
		arg_cur  = 0;
		if (!arg_data && interact) continue;
		if (!interact)
			printf ("Command : '%s'\n", arg_data[0]);
		ptr = arg_data[arg_cur++];
		if (!ptr)

		if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "ls") == 0)
			list_files (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "cd") == 0)
			enter_dir (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "dump") == 0)
			do_dump (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "biff") == 0)
			do_biff (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "biffraw") == 0)
			do_biff_raw (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "get") == 0)
			do_get (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "put") == 0)
			do_put (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "copyin") == 0)
			do_copyin (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "copyout") == 0)
			do_copyout (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "summary") == 0)
			do_summary (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "docsummary") == 0)
			do_docsummary (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "debug") == 0)
			ms_ole_debug (ole, 1);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "tree") == 0)
			ms_ole_debug (ole, 2);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "vba") == 0)
			dump_vba (ole);
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "help") == 0 ||
			 g_strcasecmp (ptr, "?") == 0 ||
			 g_strcasecmp (ptr, "info") == 0 ||
			 g_strcasecmp (ptr, "man") == 0)
			list_commands ();
		else if (g_strcasecmp (ptr, "exit") == 0 ||
			 g_strcasecmp (ptr, "quit") == 0 ||
			 g_strcasecmp (ptr, "q") == 0 ||
			 g_strcasecmp (ptr, "bye") == 0)
			exit = 1;
	while (!exit && interact);

	ms_ole_destroy (&ole);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	char line[1024];
	char cmd[1024];
	char arg1[1024];
	char arg2[1024];
	int inumber, result, args;

	if(argc!=3) {
		printf("use: %s <diskfile> <nblocks>\n",argv[0]);
		return 1;

	if(!disk_init(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]))) {
		printf("couldn't initialize %s: %s\n",argv[1],strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	printf("opened emulated disk image %s with %d blocks\n",argv[1],disk_size());

	while(1) {
		printf(" prompt> ");

		if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line),stdin)) break;

		if(line[0]=='\n') continue;
		line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;

		args = sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",cmd,arg1,arg2);
		if(args==0) continue;

		if(!strcmp(cmd,"format")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(fs_format()) {
					printf("disk formatted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("format failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: format\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"mount")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(fs_mount()) {
					printf("disk mounted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("mount failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: mount\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"umount")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(fs_umount()) {
					printf("disk umounted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("umount failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: mount\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"debug")) {
			if(args==1) {
			} else {
				printf("use: debug\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"getsize")) {
			if(args==2) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				result = fs_getsize(inumber);
				if(result>=0) {
					printf("inode %d has size %d\n",inumber,result);
				} else {
					printf("getsize failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: getsize <inumber>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"create")) {
			if(args==1) {
				inumber = fs_create();
				if(inumber>=0) {
					printf("created inode %d\n",inumber);
				} else {
					printf("create failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: create\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"delete")) {
			if(args==2) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				if(fs_delete(inumber)) {
					printf("inode %d deleted.\n",inumber);
				} else {
					printf("delete failed!\n");	
			} else {
				printf("use: delete <inumber>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"cat")) {
			if(args==2) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				if(!do_copyout(inumber,"/dev/stdout")) {
					printf("cat failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: cat <inumber>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyin")) {
			if(args==3) {
				inumber = atoi(arg2);
				if(do_copyin(arg1,inumber)) {
					printf("copied file %s to inode %d\n",arg1,inumber);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyin <filename> <inumber>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyout")) {
			if(args==3) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				if(do_copyout(inumber,arg2)) {
					printf("copied inode %d to file %s\n",inumber,arg2);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyout <inumber> <filename>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"help")) {
			printf("Commands are:\n");
			printf("    format\n");
			printf("    mount\n");
			printf("    umount\n");
			printf("    debug\n");
			printf("    create\n");
			printf("    delete  <inode>\n");
			printf("    getsize  <inode>\n");
			printf("    cat     <inode>\n");
			printf("    copyin  <file> <inode>\n");
			printf("    copyout <inode> <file>\n");
			printf("    help\n");
			printf("    quit\n");
			printf("    exit\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"quit")) {
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"exit")) {
		} else {
			printf("unknown command: %s\n",cmd);
			printf("type 'help' for a list of commands.\n");
			result = 1;

	printf("closing emulated disk.\n");

	return 0;