HRESULT ElementRatings::ValidateXML(const CStdString& sXML, const CStdString& sXSD) { try { if(m_sSchemaFilePath.IsEmpty()) { m_sSchemaFilePath = CGeneral::GetTemporaryFileNameWithExtension(_T("xsd")); CTextFileWrite docWriter(m_sSchemaFilePath.c_str(), CTextFileBase::UTF_8); docWriter.Write(sXSD.c_str()); docWriter.Close(); } if(m_pXMLSchemaDoc == NULL) { m_pXMLSchemaDoc.CreateInstance((_T("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"))); m_pXMLSchemaDoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE; MSXML2::IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2Ptr pSchemas; pSchemas.CreateInstance((_T("Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.6.0"))); pSchemas->add(_T(""), _variant_t(m_sSchemaFilePath.c_str())); VARIANT varValue; varValue.vt = VT_DISPATCH; varValue.pdispVal = pSchemas; m_pXMLSchemaDoc->PutRefschemas(varValue); m_pXMLSchemaDoc->loadXML(sXML.c_str()); } MSXML2::IXMLDOMParseErrorPtr pError = NULL; if(FAILED(m_pXMLSchemaDoc->raw_validate(&pError))) { CStdString sErr; sErr.Format(_T("The xml did not conform to the specified schema. Error: %s"), pError->reason); LOG_WS_ERROR(sErr.c_str()); return E_FAIL; } } catch(_com_error& e) { CStdString sInfo = _T("Validation failed : ") + CStdString(e.ErrorMessage()); LOG_WS_ERROR(sInfo.c_str()); return e.Error(); } return S_OK; }
void DocInverterPerField::processFields(Collection<FieldablePtr> fields, int32_t count) { fieldState->reset(docState->doc->getBoost()); int32_t maxFieldLength = docState->maxFieldLength; bool doInvert = consumer->start(fields, count); DocumentsWriterPtr docWriter(docState->_docWriter); DocInverterPerThreadPtr perThread(_perThread); for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { FieldablePtr field = fields[i]; if (field->isIndexed() && doInvert) { bool anyToken; if (fieldState->length > 0) fieldState->position += docState->analyzer->getPositionIncrementGap(fieldInfo->name); if (!field->isTokenized()) { // un-tokenized field String stringValue(field->stringValue()); int32_t valueLength = (int32_t)stringValue.length(); perThread->singleToken->reinit(stringValue, 0, valueLength); fieldState->attributeSource = perThread->singleToken; consumer->start(field); bool success = false; LuceneException finally; try { consumer->add(); success = true; } catch (LuceneException& e) { finally = e; } if (!success) docWriter->setAborting(); finally.throwException(); fieldState->offset += valueLength; ++fieldState->length; ++fieldState->position; anyToken = (valueLength > 0); } else { // tokenized field TokenStreamPtr stream; TokenStreamPtr streamValue(field->tokenStreamValue()); if (streamValue) stream = streamValue; else { // the field does not have a TokenStream, so we have to obtain one from the analyzer ReaderPtr reader; // find or make Reader ReaderPtr readerValue(field->readerValue()); if (readerValue) reader = readerValue; else { String stringValue(field->stringValue()); perThread->stringReader->init(stringValue); reader = perThread->stringReader; } // Tokenize field and add to postingTable stream = docState->analyzer->reusableTokenStream(fieldInfo->name, reader); } // reset the TokenStream to the first token stream->reset(); int32_t startLength = fieldState->length; LuceneException finally; try { int32_t offsetEnd = fieldState->offset - 1; bool hasMoreTokens = stream->incrementToken(); fieldState->attributeSource = stream; OffsetAttributePtr offsetAttribute(fieldState->attributeSource->addAttribute<OffsetAttribute>()); PositionIncrementAttributePtr posIncrAttribute(fieldState->attributeSource->addAttribute<PositionIncrementAttribute>()); consumer->start(field); while (true) { // If we hit an exception in below (which is fairly common, eg if analyzer // chokes on a given document), then it's non-aborting and (above) this one document // will be marked as deleted, but still consume a docID if (!hasMoreTokens) break; int32_t posIncr = posIncrAttribute->getPositionIncrement(); fieldState->position += posIncr; if (fieldState->position > 0) --fieldState->position; if (posIncr == 0) ++fieldState->numOverlap; bool success = false; try { // If we hit an exception in here, we abort all buffered documents since the last // flush, on the likelihood that the internal state of the consumer is now corrupt // and should not be flushed to a new segment consumer->add(); success = true; } catch (LuceneException& e) { finally = e; } if (!success) docWriter->setAborting(); finally.throwException(); ++fieldState->position; offsetEnd = fieldState->offset + offsetAttribute->endOffset(); if (++fieldState->length >= maxFieldLength) { if (docState->infoStream) *docState->infoStream << L"maxFieldLength " << StringUtils::toString(maxFieldLength) << L" reached for field " << fieldInfo->name << L", ignoring following tokens\n"; break; } hasMoreTokens = stream->incrementToken(); } // trigger streams to perform end-of-stream operations stream->end(); fieldState->offset += offsetAttribute->endOffset(); anyToken = (fieldState->length > startLength); } catch (LuceneException& e) { finally = e; } stream->close(); finally.throwException(); } if (anyToken) fieldState->offset += docState->analyzer->getOffsetGap(field); fieldState->boost *= field->getBoost(); } // don't hang onto the field fields[i].reset(); } consumer->finish(); endConsumer->finish(); }