Ejemplo n.º 1
int check_storage_number(calculated_number n, int debug) {
    char buffer[100];
    uint32_t flags = SN_EXISTS;

    storage_number s = pack_storage_number(n, flags);
    calculated_number d = unpack_storage_number(s);

    if(!does_storage_number_exist(s)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Exists flags missing for number " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT "!\n", n);
        return 5;

    calculated_number ddiff = d - n;
    calculated_number dcdiff = ddiff * 100.0 / n;

    if(dcdiff < 0) dcdiff = -dcdiff;

    size_t len = print_calculated_number(buffer, d);
    calculated_number p = strtold(buffer, NULL);
    calculated_number pdiff = n - p;
    calculated_number pcdiff = pdiff * 100.0 / n;
    if(pcdiff < 0) pcdiff = -pcdiff;

    if(debug) {
            CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT " original\n"
            CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT " packed and unpacked, (stored as 0x%08X, diff " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT ", " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT "%%)\n"
            "%s printed after unpacked (%zu bytes)\n"
            CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT " re-parsed from printed (diff " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT ", " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT "%%)\n\n",
            d, s, ddiff, dcdiff,
            len, p, pdiff, pcdiff
        if(len != strlen(buffer)) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: printed number %s is reported to have length %zu but it has %zu\n", buffer, len, strlen(buffer));
        if(dcdiff > ACCURACY_LOSS) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: packing number " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT " has accuracy loss %0.7Lf %%\n", n, dcdiff);
        if(pcdiff > ACCURACY_LOSS) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: re-parsing the packed, unpacked and printed number " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT " has accuracy loss %0.7Lf %%\n", n, pcdiff);

    if(len != strlen(buffer)) return 1;
    if(dcdiff > ACCURACY_LOSS) return 3;
    if(pcdiff > ACCURACY_LOSS) return 4;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static inline void do_dimension(
          RRDR *r
        , long points_wanted
        , RRDDIM *rd
        , long dim_id_in_rrdr
        , long after_slot
        , long before_slot
        , time_t after_wanted
        , time_t before_wanted
    (void) before_slot;

    RRDSET *st = r->st;

        now = after_wanted,
        dt = st->update_every,
        max_date = 0,
        min_date = 0;

        slot = after_slot,
        group_size = r->group,
        points_added = 0,
        values_in_group = 0,
        values_in_group_non_zero = 0,
        rrdr_line = -1,
        entries = st->entries;

        group_value_flags = RRDR_VALUE_NOTHING;

    for( ; points_added < points_wanted ; now += dt, slot++ ) {
        if(unlikely(slot >= entries)) slot = 0;

        // make sure we return data in the proper time range
        if(unlikely(now > before_wanted)) {
            #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS
            r->log = "stopped, because attempted to access the db after 'wanted before'";
        if(unlikely(now < after_wanted)) {
            #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS
            r->log = "skipped, because attempted to access the db before 'wanted after'";

        // read the value from the database
        storage_number n = rd->values[slot];
        calculated_number value = NAN;
        if(likely(does_storage_number_exist(n))) {

            value = unpack_storage_number(n);
            if(likely(value != 0.0))

                group_value_flags |= RRDR_VALUE_RESET;


        // add this value for grouping
        r->grouping_add(r, value);

        if(unlikely(values_in_group == group_size)) {
            rrdr_line = rrdr_line_init(r, now, rrdr_line);

            if(unlikely(!min_date)) min_date = now;
            max_date = now;

            // find the place to store our values
            RRDR_VALUE_FLAGS *rrdr_value_options_ptr = &r->o[rrdr_line * r->d + dim_id_in_rrdr];

            // update the dimension options
                r->od[dim_id_in_rrdr] |= RRDR_DIMENSION_NONZERO;

            // store the specific point options
            *rrdr_value_options_ptr = group_value_flags;

            // store the value
            r->v[rrdr_line * r->d + dim_id_in_rrdr] = r->grouping_flush(r, rrdr_value_options_ptr);

            values_in_group = 0;
            group_value_flags = RRDR_VALUE_NOTHING;
            values_in_group_non_zero = 0;

    r->before = max_date;
    r->after = min_date;
    rrdr_done(r, rrdr_line);

    if(unlikely(r->rows != points_added))
        error("INTERNAL ERROR: %s.%s added %zu rows, but RRDR says I added %zu.", r->st->name, rd->name, (size_t)points_added, (size_t)r->rows);
Ejemplo n.º 3
inline calculated_number backend_calculate_value_from_stored_data(
          RRDSET *st                // the chart
        , RRDDIM *rd                // the dimension
        , time_t after              // the start timestamp
        , time_t before             // the end timestamp
        , uint32_t options          // BACKEND_SOURCE_* bitmap
        , time_t *first_timestamp   // the first point of the database used in this response
        , time_t *last_timestamp    // the timestamp that should be reported to backend
) {
    RRDHOST *host = st->rrdhost;

    // find the edges of the rrd database for this chart
    time_t first_t = rrdset_first_entry_t(st);
    time_t last_t  = rrdset_last_entry_t(st);
    time_t update_every = st->update_every;

    // step back a little, to make sure we have complete data collection
    // for all metrics
    after  -= update_every * 2;
    before -= update_every * 2;

    // align the time-frame
    after  = after  - (after  % update_every);
    before = before - (before % update_every);

    // for before, loose another iteration
    // the latest point will be reported the next time
    before -= update_every;

    if(unlikely(after > before))
        // this can happen when update_every > before - after
        after = before;

    if(unlikely(after < first_t))
        after = first_t;

    if(unlikely(before > last_t))
        before = last_t;

    if(unlikely(before < first_t || after > last_t)) {
        // the chart has not been updated in the wanted timeframe
        debug(D_BACKEND, "BACKEND: %s.%s.%s: aligned timeframe %lu to %lu is outside the chart's database range %lu to %lu",
              host->hostname, st->id, rd->id,
              (unsigned long)after, (unsigned long)before,
              (unsigned long)first_t, (unsigned long)last_t
        return NAN;

    *first_timestamp = after;
    *last_timestamp = before;

    size_t counter = 0;
    calculated_number sum = 0;

    long    start_at_slot = rrdset_time2slot(st, before),
            stop_at_slot  = rrdset_time2slot(st, after),
            slot, stop_now = 0;

    for(slot = start_at_slot; !stop_now ; slot--) {

        if(unlikely(slot < 0)) slot = st->entries - 1;
        if(unlikely(slot == stop_at_slot)) stop_now = 1;

        storage_number n = rd->values[slot];

        if(unlikely(!does_storage_number_exist(n))) {
            // not collected

        calculated_number value = unpack_storage_number(n);
        sum += value;


    if(unlikely(!counter)) {
        debug(D_BACKEND, "BACKEND: %s.%s.%s: no values stored in database for range %lu to %lu",
              host->hostname, st->id, rd->id,
              (unsigned long)after, (unsigned long)before
        return NAN;

    if(unlikely((options & BACKEND_SOURCE_BITS) == BACKEND_SOURCE_DATA_SUM))
        return sum;

    return sum / (calculated_number)counter;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void rrdr_json_wrapper_begin(RRDR *r, BUFFER *wb, uint32_t format, RRDR_OPTIONS options, int string_value) {

    long rows = rrdr_rows(r);
    long c, i;
    RRDDIM *rd;

    //info("JSONWRAPPER(): %s: BEGIN", r->st->id);
    char kq[2] = "",                    // key quote
            sq[2] = "";                     // string quote

    if( options & RRDR_OPTION_GOOGLE_JSON ) {
        kq[0] = '\0';
        sq[0] = '\'';
    else {
        kq[0] = '"';
        sq[0] = '"';

    buffer_sprintf(wb, "{\n"
                       "   %sapi%s: 1,\n"
                       "   %sid%s: %s%s%s,\n"
                       "   %sname%s: %s%s%s,\n"
                       "   %sview_update_every%s: %d,\n"
                       "   %supdate_every%s: %d,\n"
                       "   %sfirst_entry%s: %u,\n"
                       "   %slast_entry%s: %u,\n"
                       "   %sbefore%s: %u,\n"
                       "   %safter%s: %u,\n"
                       "   %sdimension_names%s: ["
                   , kq, kq
                   , kq, kq, sq, r->st->id, sq
                   , kq, kq, sq, r->st->name, sq
                   , kq, kq, r->update_every
                   , kq, kq, r->st->update_every
                   , kq, kq, (uint32_t)rrdset_first_entry_t(r->st)
                   , kq, kq, (uint32_t)rrdset_last_entry_t(r->st)
                   , kq, kq, (uint32_t)r->before
                   , kq, kq, (uint32_t)r->after
                   , kq, kq);

    for(c = 0, i = 0, rd = r->st->dimensions; rd && c < r->d ;c++, rd = rd->next) {
        if(unlikely(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_HIDDEN)) continue;
        if(unlikely((options & RRDR_OPTION_NONZERO) && !(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_NONZERO))) continue;

        if(i) buffer_strcat(wb, ", ");
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
        buffer_strcat(wb, rd->name);
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
    if(!i) {
        error("RRDR is empty for %s (RRDR has %d dimensions, options is 0x%08x)", r->st->id, r->d, options);
        rows = 0;
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
        buffer_strcat(wb, "no data");
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);

    buffer_sprintf(wb, "],\n"
                       "   %sdimension_ids%s: ["
                   , kq, kq);

    for(c = 0, i = 0, rd = r->st->dimensions; rd && c < r->d ;c++, rd = rd->next) {
        if(unlikely(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_HIDDEN)) continue;
        if(unlikely((options & RRDR_OPTION_NONZERO) && !(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_NONZERO))) continue;

        if(i) buffer_strcat(wb, ", ");
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
        buffer_strcat(wb, rd->id);
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
    if(!i) {
        rows = 0;
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
        buffer_strcat(wb, "no data");
        buffer_strcat(wb, sq);

    buffer_sprintf(wb, "],\n"
                       "   %slatest_values%s: ["
                   , kq, kq);

    for(c = 0, i = 0, rd = r->st->dimensions; rd && c < r->d ;c++, rd = rd->next) {
        if(unlikely(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_HIDDEN)) continue;
        if(unlikely((options & RRDR_OPTION_NONZERO) && !(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_NONZERO))) continue;

        if(i) buffer_strcat(wb, ", ");

        storage_number n = rd->values[rrdset_last_slot(r->st)];

            buffer_strcat(wb, "null");
            buffer_rrd_value(wb, unpack_storage_number(n));
    if(!i) {
        rows = 0;
        buffer_strcat(wb, "null");

    buffer_sprintf(wb, "],\n"
                       "   %sview_latest_values%s: ["
                   , kq, kq);

    i = 0;
    if(rows) {
        calculated_number total = 1;

        if(unlikely(options & RRDR_OPTION_PERCENTAGE)) {
            total = 0;
            for(c = 0, rd = r->st->dimensions; rd && c < r->d ;c++, rd = rd->next) {
                calculated_number *cn = &r->v[ (rrdr_rows(r) - 1) * r->d ];
                calculated_number n = cn[c];

                if(likely((options & RRDR_OPTION_ABSOLUTE) && n < 0))
                    n = -n;

                total += n;
            // prevent a division by zero
            if(total == 0) total = 1;

        for(c = 0, i = 0, rd = r->st->dimensions; rd && c < r->d ;c++, rd = rd->next) {
            if(unlikely(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_HIDDEN)) continue;
            if(unlikely((options & RRDR_OPTION_NONZERO) && !(r->od[c] & RRDR_DIMENSION_NONZERO))) continue;

            if(i) buffer_strcat(wb, ", ");

            calculated_number *cn = &r->v[ (rrdr_rows(r) - 1) * r->d ];
            RRDR_VALUE_FLAGS *co = &r->o[ (rrdr_rows(r) - 1) * r->d ];
            calculated_number n = cn[c];

            if(co[c] & RRDR_VALUE_EMPTY) {
                if(options & RRDR_OPTION_NULL2ZERO)
                    buffer_strcat(wb, "0");
                    buffer_strcat(wb, "null");
            else {
                if(unlikely((options & RRDR_OPTION_ABSOLUTE) && n < 0))
                    n = -n;

                if(unlikely(options & RRDR_OPTION_PERCENTAGE))
                    n = n * 100 / total;

                buffer_rrd_value(wb, n);
    if(!i) {
        rows = 0;
        buffer_strcat(wb, "null");

    buffer_sprintf(wb, "],\n"
                       "   %sdimensions%s: %ld,\n"
                       "   %spoints%s: %ld,\n"
                       "   %sformat%s: %s"
                   , kq, kq, i
                   , kq, kq, rows
                   , kq, kq, sq

    rrdr_buffer_print_format(wb, format);

    buffer_sprintf(wb, "%s,\n"
                       "   %sresult%s: "
                   , sq
                   , kq, kq

    if(string_value) buffer_strcat(wb, sq);
    //info("JSONWRAPPER(): %s: END", r->st->id);