Downloader::Downloader(const string *url, bool post, const string *postData, bool async, bool callbackImmediately, DownloadCallback callback, void *callbackArg, const map<string, string> *headers) { init(); downloadURL(url, post, postData, async, callbackImmediately, callback, callbackArg, headers); }
ofxSimpleHttpResponse ofxSimpleHttp::fetchURLBlocking(string url){ response.url = url; response.downloadCanceled = false; response.fileName = extractFileFromUrl(url); response.extension = extractExtensionFromFileName(response.fileName); response.notifyOnSuccess = true; bool ok = downloadURL(&response, false/*send res through events*/, true/*beingCalledFromMainThread*/, false/*to disk*/ ); return response; }
InstVersion *MinecraftVersion::copyVersion(InstVersionList *newParent) const { if (isMeta()) { MinecraftVersion *version = new MinecraftVersion((MinecraftVersion *)m_linkedVersion); return version; } else { MinecraftVersion *version = new MinecraftVersion( descriptor(), name(), timestamp(), downloadURL(), etag(), newParent); version->setVersionType(versionType()); version->setIsForNewLauncher(isForNewLauncher()); return version; } }
void *downloadSingleURL(void *x) { struct thread_args* args = (struct thread_args*)x; zlog_info(c, "Downloading Single URL"); if(args->callback == NULL){ zlog_info(c, "Abort - callback function was null\n"); return (void*)0; } unsigned int self = (unsigned int)pthread_self(); args->callback(1, "[%u] In Thread loop\n", self); CURL *curl; curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!curl) { args->callback(1, "Exiting... Curl didn't seem to init correctly\n"); return (void*)0; } args->callback(1, "[After init] In Thread loop\n"); if (args->queue == NULL) { args->callback(1, "Queue was null..."); } ; args->callback(1, "[%u] Starting up thread while()..\n", self); int tries = 3; while (tries > 0) { while (QSize(args->queue) > 0) { if(tries == 1){ tries++; } downloadURL(lock, args, self, curl); int _sz = QSize(args->queue); args->callback(1, "[Thread %u] Computing size ", self); args->callback(1, "[Thread %u] Iteration Complete [%d] ", _sz, self); //free(response_string.ptr); } tries--; sleep(1); args->callback(1, "[%u] Loop end... tries are now %d", self, tries); } args->callback(1, "[Thread %u] Complete and exiting (errors=%d)... ", self, args->error_code); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return (void*)0; }
void ofxSimpleHttp::threadedFunction(){ #ifdef TARGET_OSX pthread_setname_np("ofxSimpleHttp"); #endif ofLogVerbose("ofxSimpleHttp", "start threadedFunction"); queueLenEstimation = 0; lock(); queueLenEstimation = q.size(); while( queueLenEstimation > 0 && timeToStop == false && isThreadRunning()){ ofxSimpleHttpResponse * r = q.front(); unlock(); downloadURL( r, /*response*/ true, /*sendResultThroughEvents*/ false, /*calling from main thread*/ r->downloadToDisk ); lock(); q.pop(); if(r->emptyWholeQueue){ queue<ofxSimpleHttpResponse*> tempQ; q = tempQ; } delete r; queueLenEstimation = q.size(); } unlock(); //if no more pending requests, let the thread die... ofLogVerbose("ofxSimpleHttp", "exiting threadedFunction (queue len %d)", queueLenEstimation); #if defined(TARGET_OSX) || defined(TARGET_LINUX) /*I'm not 100% sure of linux*/ if (!timeToStop){ //if we are naturally exiting the thread; if TimeToStop==true it means we are being destructed, and the thread will be joined (so no need to detach!) pthread_detach( pthread_self() ); //this is a workaround for this issue } #endif }
void SelfUpdater::downloadNewVersion() { qDebug() << "SelfUpdater::downloadNewVersion"; QString downloadURL(versionInfo["url"].toString()); QNetworkRequest request(downloadURL); downloadManager.setDownloadFolder(downloadFolder); downloadManager.setDownloadMode(Downloader::DownloadItem::DownloadMode::SkipIfExists); downloadManager.setQueueMode(Downloader::DownloadManager::QueueMode::Serial); downloadManager.get(request); Downloader::TransferItem *transfer = downloadManager.findTransfer(downloadURL); connect(transfer, SIGNAL(transferFinished(Downloader::TransferItem*)), this, SLOT(extract())); // finally: invoke downloading QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&downloadManager, "checkForAllDone", Qt::QueuedConnection); }
ofxSimpleHttpResponse ofxSimpleHttp::fetchURLtoDiskBlocking(string url, string dirWhereToSave){ string savePath = dirWhereToSave == "" ? extractFileFromUrl(url) : ofToDataPath(dirWhereToSave) + "/" + extractFileFromUrl(url); ofDirectory d; d.createDirectory(dirWhereToSave, true, true); //create the download dir first response.absolutePath = savePath; response.url = url; response.downloadCanceled = false; response.fileName = extractFileFromUrl(url); response.extension = extractExtensionFromFileName(response.fileName); response.notifyOnSuccess = true; response.downloadToDisk = true; bool ok = downloadURL(&response, false,/*send result through events*/ true, /*beingCalledFromMainThread*/ true/*to disk*/ ); return response; }