Ejemplo n.º 1
ImageProcessing::drawRectangle( FrameBuffer * frame, Rect const & rect, RawPixel const & colour )
  Point tl = const_cast<Rect &>(rect).topLeft();
  Point br = const_cast<Rect &>(rect).bottomRight();

  unsigned int tlx = tl.x();
  unsigned int tly = tl.y();
  unsigned int brx = br.x();
  unsigned int bry = br.y();

  drawBresenhamLine( frame, tlx, tly, brx, tly, colour );
  drawBresenhamLine( frame, brx, tly, brx, bry, colour );
  drawBresenhamLine( frame, brx, bry, tlx, bry, colour );
  drawBresenhamLine( frame, tlx, bry, tlx, tly, colour );
Ejemplo n.º 2
renderGElement(XPM *canvas, GElement *el){
  case LINE:
    printf("Original Line := start{x:%4d y:%4d}, end{x:%4d y:%4d}\n", el->data.line.st.x, el->data.line.st.y, el->data.line.en.x, el->data.line.en.y);
    if(cohenSutherlandFrameLine(canvas, &el->data.line.st, &el->data.line.en) == 1){
      printf("Trimed Line := start{x:%4d y:%4d}, end{x:%4d y:%4d}\n", el->data.line.st.x, el->data.line.st.y, el->data.line.en.x, el->data.line.en.y);
      drawBresenhamLine(canvas, el->data.line.st, el->data.line.en, 1);
      fprintf(stderr, "*** Line was totally outside the canvas.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled type!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 3
void drawScene(void) {

    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    glTranslatef(-1, -1, 0);

    glScalef((GLfloat) 2 / MATRIX_SIZE, (GLfloat) 2 / MATRIX_SIZE, 0);
    glColor3f(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);

    for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_SIZE; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_SIZE; j++) {
            glTranslatef((GLfloat) i, (GLfloat) j, 0);


    /* making sure we have both points set */
    if (linex1 * liney1 * linex2 * liney2 > 0) {



Ejemplo n.º 4
void drawPendulum(pstate *states, int states_len) {
  int left_loopings = 0, right_loopings = 0;
  int green_color = COLOR_GREEN;
  int red_color = COLOR_RED;
  int blue_color = COLOR_BLUE;
  // clear surface
  if (whitebg) {
    generic_surface_fill(sf, COLOR_WHITE);
    green_color = 0xff009600;
    red_color = 0xff960000;
    blue_color = 0xff000096;
  } else generic_surface_fill(sf, COLOR_BLACK);
  // precompute scaling
  double maxpendlength = l1 + l2b;
  // this scale is in pixels per meter
  double scale = (double)(sf->width < sf->height ? sf->width : sf->height) / 2.0 * (4.0/5.0) / maxpendlength;
  // draw center (main axis of pendulum)
  drawDot(sf, sf->width/2, sf->height/2, red_color);
  // draw maximum reach of common axis and outer pendulum
  drawCircle(sf, sf->width/2, sf->height/2, scale*l1, red_color);
  drawCircle(sf, sf->width/2, sf->height/2, scale*(l1+l2b), red_color);
  // draw data
  int last_xpos, last_ypos, xpos, ypos;
  int last_section, cur_section;
  double xpos_, ypos_;
  for (int i = 0; i < states_len; i++) {
    pstate *s = &states[i];
    pstateToCartesianEnd(s, &xpos_, &ypos_);
    xpos = (int)(xpos_ * scale);
    ypos = (int)(ypos_ * scale);
    xpos += sf->width/2;
    ypos += sf->height/2;
    cur_section = s->phi2/(M_PI/2);
    if (cur_section < 0) cur_section *= -1;
    cur_section = cur_section%4;
    assert(cur_section >= 0 && cur_section < 4);
    if (i != 0) {
      // the first point does not have a previous one
      // to which we could draw a line, so ignore it
      //fprintf(stderr, "(%d|%d)->(%d|%d)\n", last_xpos, last_ypos, xpos, ypos);
      int color = green_color;
      if (last_section == 1/*upper left*/ && cur_section == 2/*upper right*/) { color = red_color; right_loopings++; }
      if (last_section == 2/*upper right*/ && cur_section == 1/*upper left*/) { color = blue_color; left_loopings++; }
      if (show_normal_lines || color != green_color) {
        drawBresenhamLine(sf, last_xpos, last_ypos, xpos, ypos, color);
    last_xpos = xpos;
    last_ypos = ypos;
    last_section = cur_section;
  fprintf(stderr, "pendulum rendered. %d loopings to the left, %d loopings to the right.\n", left_loopings, right_loopings);
Ejemplo n.º 5
ImageProcessing::drawBresenhamLine( FrameBuffer * frame, Point const start, Point const end, RawPixel const colour )
  drawBresenhamLine( frame, start.x(), start.y(), end.x(), end.y(), colour );
Ejemplo n.º 6
ImageProcessing::SegmentColours( FrameBuffer * frame, 
				 FrameBuffer * outFrame, 
				 unsigned int threshold, 
				 unsigned int minLength,
				 unsigned int minSize,
				 unsigned int subSample,
				 ColourDefinition const & target,
				 RawPixel const & mark,
				 std::vector<VisionObject> & results
  FrameBufferIterator it( frame );
  FrameBufferIterator oit( outFrame );
  Pixel cPixel;
  RawPixel oPixel;
  //  unsigned int len;
  FloodFillState state;
  unsigned int count;
  for( unsigned int row = 0; row < frame->height; row = row + subSample )
      it.goPosition(row, subSample);
      oit.goPosition(row, subSample);

      count = 0;
      for( unsigned int col = subSample; col < frame->width; col = col + subSample, it.goRight( subSample ),oit.goRight( subSample ) )
	  oit.getPixel( & oPixel );
	  if ( oPixel == RawPixel( 0, 0, 0 ) )
	      it.getPixel( & cPixel );
	      if ( target.isMatch( cPixel ) )
		  count = 0;
	      if ( count >= minLength )
		  doFloodFill( frame, outFrame, Point( col, row), 
			       cPixel, threshold, & target, 
			       subSample, & state );
#ifdef XX_DEBUG
		  if ( state.size() > minSize )
		      std::cout << "Flood fill returns size " << state.size() << std::endl;
		  if ( state.size() > minSize )
		      unsigned int tlx = state.bBox().topLeft().x();
		      unsigned int tly = state.bBox().topLeft().y();
		      unsigned int brx = state.bBox().bottomRight().x();
		      unsigned int bry = state.bBox().bottomRight().y();
		      drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, tlx, tly, tlx, bry, mark );
		      drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, tlx, bry, brx, bry, mark );
		      drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, brx, bry, brx, tly, mark );
		      drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, brx, tly, tlx, tly, mark );

		      drawBresenhamLine( frame, tlx, tly, tlx, bry, mark );
		      drawBresenhamLine( frame, tlx, bry, brx, bry, mark );
		      drawBresenhamLine( frame, brx, bry, brx, tly, mark );
		      drawBresenhamLine( frame, brx, tly, tlx, tly, mark );
		      //		      swapColours( outFrame, 0, state.bBox(), 1, ColourDefinition( Pixel(colour), Pixel(colour) ), state.averageColour() );
		      VisionObject vo( target.name, state.size(), state.x(), state.y(), state.averageColour(), state.bBox() );

		      std::vector<VisionObject>::iterator i;

		      for( i = results.begin();
			   i != results.end();
			  if ( (*i).size < vo.size )
		      results.insert(i, vo );
		  count = 0;
	      count = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
ImageProcessing::segmentScanLines( FrameBuffer * frame, 
				   FrameBuffer * outFrame, 
				   unsigned int threshold, 
				   unsigned int minLength,
                                   unsigned int maxLength,
				   unsigned int minSize,
                                   RawPixel const & mark,
				   unsigned int subSample,
				   ColourDefinition const * target )
  FrameBufferIterator it( frame );
  RawPixel pPixel;
  RawPixel cPixel;
  unsigned int startLine;
  int diff;
  unsigned int avgRed, avgGreen, avgBlue;
  unsigned int len;
  FloodFillState state;

  for( unsigned int row = 0; row < frame->height; row = row + subSample )
      it.goPosition( row, 0 );

      it.getPixel( & pPixel ); // Extend to the left

      startLine = 0;

      avgRed = 0;
      avgGreen = 0;
      avgBlue = 0;
      it.goPosition(row, subSample);

      for( unsigned int col = subSample; col <= frame->width + subSample; col = col + subSample, it.goRight( subSample ) )
	  if ( col < frame->width )
	      it.getPixel( & cPixel );
	      diff = cPixel.diffIntensity( pPixel );
	      if ( diff < 0 )
		  diff = -diff;

	  if ( ( static_cast<unsigned int>(diff) > threshold ) || ( col >= static_cast<unsigned int>( frame->width - 1 ) ) )
	      len = col - startLine;

              if ( ( len >= minLength ) && (len <= maxLength) )
		  Pixel colour( (subSample * avgRed ) / len,(subSample * avgGreen ) / len,(subSample * avgBlue ) / len);
		  if ( target == 0 )
		      FrameBufferIterator out( outFrame, row, startLine );
		      for( unsigned int i = startLine; i < col; i++, out.goRight() )
			  out.setPixel( colour );
		  else if (target->isMatch( colour ) ) 
		      doFloodFill( frame, outFrame, Point( startLine, row), colour, threshold, target, 1, & state );
#ifdef XX_DEBUG
		      if ( state.size() > minSize )
			  std::cout << "Flood fill returns size " << state.size() << std::endl;
		      if ( state.size() > minSize )
			  unsigned int tlx = state.bBox().topLeft().x();
			  unsigned int tly = state.bBox().topLeft().y();
			  unsigned int brx = state.bBox().bottomRight().x();
			  unsigned int bry = state.bBox().bottomRight().y();
			  drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, tlx, tly, tlx, bry, mark );
			  drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, tlx, bry, brx, bry, mark );
			  drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, brx, bry, brx, tly, mark );
			  drawBresenhamLine( outFrame, brx, tly, tlx, tly, mark );

			  drawBresenhamLine( frame, tlx, tly, tlx, bry, mark );
			  drawBresenhamLine( frame, tlx, bry, brx, bry, mark );
			  drawBresenhamLine( frame, brx, bry, brx, tly, mark );
			  drawBresenhamLine( frame, brx, tly, tlx, tly, mark );
			  //		      swapColours( outFrame, 0, state.bBox(), 1, ColourDefinition( Pixel(colour), Pixel(colour) ), state.averageColour() );

	      avgRed = 0;
	      avgGreen = 0;
	      avgBlue = 0;
	      startLine = col;
	      avgRed = avgRed + cPixel.red;
	      avgGreen = avgGreen + cPixel.green;
	      avgBlue = avgBlue + cPixel.blue;
	  pPixel = cPixel;