Ejemplo n.º 1
void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const
#if defined(USE_FREETYPE)
    if (!primaryFont()->platformData().m_pattern) {
        drawSimpleText(context, run, point, from, to);

    cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext();
    PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr);
    setPangoAttributes(this, run, layout);

    gchar* utf8 = convertUniCharToUTF8(run.characters(), run.length(), 0, run.length());
    pango_layout_set_text(layout, utf8, -1);

    // Our layouts are single line
    PangoLayoutLine* layoutLine = pango_layout_get_line_readonly(layout, 0);

    // Get the region where this text will be laid out. We will use it to clip
    // the Cairo context, for when we are only painting part of the text run and
    // to calculate the size of the shadow buffer.
    PangoRegionType partialRegion = 0;
    char* start = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(utf8, from);
    char* end = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(start, to - from);
    int ranges[] = {start - utf8, end - utf8};
    partialRegion = gdk_pango_layout_line_get_clip_region(layoutLine, 0, 0, ranges, 1);

    drawGlyphsShadow(context, cr, point, layoutLine, partialRegion);

    cairo_translate(cr, point.x(), point.y());

    float red, green, blue, alpha;
    context->fillColor().getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
    cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha);
    gdk_cairo_region(cr, partialRegion);

    pango_cairo_show_layout_line(cr, layoutLine);

    if (context->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) {
        Color strokeColor = context->strokeColor();
        strokeColor.getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
        cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, red, green, blue, alpha);
        pango_cairo_layout_line_path(cr, layoutLine);
        cairo_set_line_width(cr, context->strokeThickness());

    // Pango sometimes leaves behind paths we don't want


void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                      int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    if (!font->platformData().size())

    GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = const_cast<GlyphBufferGlyph*>(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from));

    float offset = point.x();
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        glyphs[i].x = offset;
        glyphs[i].y = point.y();
        offset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i).width();

    PlatformContextCairo* platformContext = context->platformContext();
    drawGlyphsShadow(context, point, font, glyphs, numGlyphs);

    cairo_t* cr = platformContext->cr();

    if (context->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) {
        platformContext->prepareForFilling(context->state(), PlatformContextCairo::AdjustPatternForGlobalAlpha);
        drawGlyphsToContext(cr, font, glyphs, numGlyphs);

    // Prevent running into a long computation within cairo. If the stroke width is
    // twice the size of the width of the text we will not ask cairo to stroke
    // the text as even one single stroke would cover the full wdth of the text.
    //  See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33759.
    if (context->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke && context->strokeThickness() < 2 * offset) {
        cairo_set_line_width(cr, context->strokeThickness());

        // This may disturb the CTM, but we are going to call cairo_restore soon after.
        cairo_set_scaled_font(cr, font->platformData().scaledFont());
        cairo_glyph_path(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);
