MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { qDebug() << "MainWindow::MainWindow() - ThreadId: " << QThread::currentThreadId(); x1 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y1 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y2 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y3 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y4 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); ui->setupUi(this); m_kldatabase = new KLDatabase(this); m_updatePlotTimer = new QTimer(this); m_updatePlotTimer->setInterval(5000); m_startAquisitionTimer = new QTimer(this); m_startAquisitionTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_acquisitionThread = new QThread(this); m_reader = new ReadDataWorker(m_kldatabase); m_reader->moveToThread(m_acquisitionThread); QObject::connect(m_startAquisitionTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(startAquisition()) ); QObject::connect(m_acquisitionThread, SIGNAL(started()), m_reader, SLOT(process()) ); QObject::connect(m_acquisitionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_reader, SLOT(deleteLater()) ); QObject::connect(m_acquisitionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_acquisitionThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); QObject::connect(m_reader, SIGNAL(newData()), this, SLOT(newData()) ); QObject::connect(m_reader, SIGNAL(readErrno(int)), this, SLOT(handleErrNo(int)) ); QObject::connect(m_updatePlotTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onDrawPlot()) ); QObject::connect(ui->pushButton_1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectLongTimespan()) ); QObject::connect(ui->pushButton_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectMediumTimespan()) ); QObject::connect(ui->pushButton_3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectShortTimespan()) ); QObject::connect(this,SIGNAL(drawPlot()),this,SLOT(onDrawPlot()) ); QObject::connect(ui->actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onMenuExit()) ); m_initKl = new InitWidget(this); m_initKl->show(); m_pressUsb = new PressUsb(this); m_pressUsb->hide(); m_timeInterval = TimeInterval::LONG; m_tickSpacing = TickSpacing::DAYS; setButtonActive(ui->pushButton_1); // initialize plot makePlot(); m_startAquisitionTimer->start(500); }
void ofApp::draw(){ //plots int yy;; int xx = 30; int size = 70; //of each plot int rowPad = 40; int colPad = 35; int vOffset = 13; int numCol = (ofGetWidth() - xx) / (size + colPad); yy = numCol * vOffset; int x = 0; int row = 0; int col = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ANIM_CURVES; i++ ){ ofColor c = ofColor::red; c.setHsb(fmod(128 + 3 * 255.0f * i/float(NUM_ANIM_CURVES), 255), 255, 255); AnimCurve curve = (AnimCurve) (EASE_IN_EASE_OUT + i); string curveName = ofxAnimatable::getCurveName((AnimCurve)i); drawPlot( xx + x, yy + row * (size + rowPad) - vOffset * col, size, curve, curveName, c ); x += size + colPad; col ++; if ( x > ofGetWidth() - 1.0f * size - xx){ row++; col = 0; x = 0; } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::draw(){ //all left animation plots int vOff = 8; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ANIM_CURVES; i++ ){ float lineHeight = 1.35f; float yy = vOff + i * lineHeight * width; glColor4ub(255,255,255,64); ofLine(xMargin, yy + width * 0.5, xMargin + widthCol + width, yy + width * 0.5); ofColor c = ofColor::red; c.setHsb(fmod(128 + 3 * 255.0f * i/float(NUM_ANIM_CURVES), 255), 255, 255); ofSetColor(c); ofRect( pos[i].val(), yy, width, width); ofDrawBitmapString( curveNames[i] /*+ " vel: " + ofToString( pos[i].getCurrentSpeed(), 1)*/, xMargin + widthCol + 20, yy + 10); } //ball and floor colorAnim.applyCurrentColor(); ofCircle( ( 2 * ofGetFrameNum() )%ofGetWidth(), ball.val(), width); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); ofRect(0, floorLine + width, ofGetWidth(), 1); //vertical lines ofRect(xMargin, 0, 1, floorLine + width); ofRect(xMargin + widthCol + width, 0, 1, floorLine + width); glColor4f( pointAnim.getPercentDone(), 1 - pointAnim.getPercentDone() , 0, 1); glPointSize(10); pointAnim.draw(); //plots int yy;; int xx = 300; int size = 70; //of each plot int rowPad = 30; int colPad = 25; int vOffset = 13; int numCol = (ofGetWidth() - xx) / (size + colPad); yy = numCol * vOffset; int x = 0; int row = 0; int col = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ANIM_CURVES; i++ ){ ofColor c = ofColor::red; c.setHsb(fmod(128 + 3 * 255.0f * i/float(NUM_ANIM_CURVES), 255), 255, 255); AnimCurve curve = (AnimCurve) (EASE_IN_EASE_OUT + i); string curveName = ofxAnimatable::getCurveName((AnimCurve)i); drawPlot( xx + x, yy + row * (size + rowPad) - vOffset * col, size, curve, curveName, c ); x += size + colPad; col ++; if ( x > ofGetWidth() - 1.0f * size - xx){ row++; col = 0; x = 0; } } }
void Experiment2D22::parallelPlot() { viewer->clear(); drawaxis(); scaling(); drawPlot(); viewer->refresh(); }
void SurfacePlot::draw(Frame *frame, int dir) { HLayout hl(*frame,.9); Frame f = hl.getFrame(0); drawPlot(&f); f = hl.getFrame(1); BorderLayout bl(f,0,0,0, (ylabel.size()?label_style.getPointSize():0)+axis_bottom.label_style.getPointSize()+5); f = bl.getFrame(0); drawKey(&f); // ,dir); }
/** * x - argument vetor * y - value vector (calculated according to script) */ void Snakes::on_drawButton_clicked() { double xMin = ui.xMinBox->value(); double xMax = ui.xMaxBox->value(); if (xMin >= xMax) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Error: Xmin > Xmax !"); msgBox.exec(); return; } int pointsCounter = ui.pointsCounterBox->value(); if (pointsCounter < 1) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Error: Points counter < 1 !"); msgBox.exec(); return; } //Aquiring and calculating data double increment = (xMax - xMin) / pointsCounter; std::vector<double> x; x.push_back(xMin); for (int i=1; i<pointsCounter; i++) { x.push_back(x.back() + increment); } //TODO name of plot //Drawing plot for (std::list<QString>::iterator it = scriptFileNames.begin(); it != scriptFileNames.end(); ++it) { try { std::vector<double> y = calculateOutput(x, *it); drawPlot(x, y); } catch (ScriptException ex) { //Removing corrupted script file QByteArray byteArray = it->toLatin1(); const char *filename =; remove(filename); //Removing corrupted script reference scriptFileNames.erase(it); //Error message QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Error: failed to load script"); msgBox.exec(); } } }
SensorGraph::SensorGraph(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::SensorGraph) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowTitle("Sensor Data"); ui->qwtPlot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, "Temperature"); ui->qwtPlot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, 40, 140); drawPlot(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ int vOff = 10; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ANIM_CURVES; i++ ){ float lineHeight = 2.0; float yy = vOff + i * lineHeight * width; glColor4ub(255,255,255,64); ofLine(300, yy + width * 0.5, 500 + width, yy + width * 0.5); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); ofRect( pos[i].val(), yy, width, width); ofDrawBitmapString( curveNames[i] + " vel: " + ofToString( pos[i].getCurrentSpeed(), 2), 515, yy + 10); } //ball and floor colorAnim.applyCurrentColor(); ofCircle( ( 2 * ofGetFrameNum() )%ofGetWidth(), ball.val(), width); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); ofRect(0, 400 + width, ofGetWidth(), 1); //vertical lines ofRect(300, 0, 1, 400 + width); ofRect(500+width, 0, 1, 400 + width); glColor4f( pointAnim.getPercentDone(), 1 - pointAnim.getPercentDone() , 0, 1); glPointSize(10); pointAnim.draw(); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); ofDrawBitmapString( ofToString( ofGetFrameRate()), 10, 10); int c = 0; int size = 130; int yy = 450; int rowHeight = 180; int xx = 50; int off = size/2.5; int x = 0; int row = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ANIM_CURVES; i++ ){ AnimCurve curve = (AnimCurve) (EASE_IN_EASE_OUT + i); drawPlot( xx + x, yy + row * rowHeight, size, curve, ofxAnimatable::getCurveName(curve) ); x += (size + off); if ( x > ofGetWidth() - 2 * size){ row++; x = 0; } } }
void PieChartDisplay::processMessage(const std_msgs::Float32::ConstPtr& msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); if (!overlay_->isVisible()) { return; } overlay_->updateTextureSize(texture_size_, texture_size_ + caption_offset_); drawPlot(msg->data); overlay_->setPosition(left_, top_); overlay_->setDimensions(overlay_->getTextureWidth(), overlay_->getTextureHeight()); }
void MainWindow::selectShortTimespan() { //qDebug() << "15 Minuten"; setButtonNormal(ui->pushButton_1); setButtonNormal(ui->pushButton_2); setButtonActive(ui->pushButton_3); setTimeInterval(TimeInterval::SHORT); setTickSpacing(TickSpacing::MINUTES); ui->customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickCount(4); ui->customPlot->xAxis->setDateTimeFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm"); emit drawPlot(); }
void MainWindow::selectLongTimespan() { //qDebug() << "7 Tage"; setButtonActive(ui->pushButton_1); setButtonNormal(ui->pushButton_2); setButtonNormal(ui->pushButton_3); setTimeInterval(TimeInterval::LONG); setTickSpacing(TickSpacing::DAYS); ui->customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickCount(3); ui->customPlot->xAxis->setDateTimeFormat("dd.MM.yy"); emit drawPlot(); }
void MainWindow::selectMediumTimespan() { //qDebug() << "24 Stunden"; setButtonNormal(ui->pushButton_1); setButtonActive(ui->pushButton_2); setButtonNormal(ui->pushButton_3); setTimeInterval(TimeInterval::MEDIUM); setTickSpacing(TickSpacing::HOURS); ui->customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickCount(3); ui->customPlot->xAxis->setDateTimeFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm"); emit drawPlot(); }
void Plotter2DDisplay::update(float wall_dt, float ros_dt) { if (draw_required_) { if (wall_dt + last_time_ > update_interval_) { overlay_->updateTextureSize(texture_width_, texture_height_ + caption_offset_); overlay_->setPosition(left_, top_); overlay_->setDimensions(overlay_->getTextureWidth(), overlay_->getTextureHeight()); last_time_ = 0; drawPlot(); draw_required_ = false; } else { last_time_ = last_time_ + wall_dt; } } }
int SensorGraph::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: drawPlot(); break; default: ; } _id -= 1; } return _id; }
Histogram::Histogram(string fl) : filename(fl), ignoreZero(0), numComponents(0), xmax(0), ymax(0) { reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDICOMImageReader>::New() ; reader->SetDirectoryName(filename.c_str()) ; plot = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXYPlotActor>::New() ; numComponents = reader->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() ; drawPlot() ; renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New() ; renderer->AddActor(plot) ; renderWindow = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New() ; renderWindow->AddRenderer(renderer) ; renderWindow->SetSize(600,480) ; iren = new QVTKWidget ; iren->SetRenderWindow(renderWindow) ; //iren->Initialize() ; //interactor->Start() ; }
/* * objective : get the gray level map of the input image and rescale it to the range [0-255] if rescale0_255=TRUE, simply trunks else */ static void rescaleGrayLevelMat(const cv::Mat &inputMat, cv::Mat &outputMat, const float histogramClippingLimit, const bool rescale0_255) { // adjust output matrix wrt the input size but single channel std::cout<<"Input image rescaling with histogram edges cutting (in order to eliminate bad pixels created during the HDR image creation) :"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"=> image size (h,w,channels) = "<<inputMat.size().height<<", "<<inputMat.size().width<<", "<<inputMat.channels()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"=> pixel coding (nbchannel, bytes per channel) = "<<inputMat.elemSize()/inputMat.elemSize1()<<", "<<inputMat.elemSize1()<<std::endl; // get min and max values to use afterwards if no 0-255 rescaling is used double maxInput, minInput, histNormRescalefactor=1.f; double histNormOffset=0.f; minMaxLoc(inputMat, &minInput, &maxInput); histNormRescalefactor=255.f/(maxInput-minInput); histNormOffset=minInput; std::cout<<"Hist max,min = "<<maxInput<<", "<<minInput<<" => scale, offset = "<<histNormRescalefactor<<", "<<histNormOffset<<std::endl; // rescale between 0-255, keeping floating point values cv::Mat normalisedImage; cv::normalize(inputMat, normalisedImage, 0.f, 255.f, cv::NORM_MINMAX); if (rescale0_255) normalisedImage.copyTo(outputMat); // extract a 8bit image that will be used for histogram edge cut cv::Mat intGrayImage; if (inputMat.channels()==1) { normalisedImage.convertTo(intGrayImage, CV_8U); } else { cv::Mat rgbIntImg; normalisedImage.convertTo(rgbIntImg, CV_8UC3); cv::cvtColor(rgbIntImg, intGrayImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } // get histogram density probability in order to cut values under above edges limits (here 5-95%)... usefull for HDR pixel errors cancellation cv::Mat dst, hist; int histSize = 256; calcHist(&intGrayImage, 1, 0, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, &histSize, 0); cv::Mat normalizedHist; normalize(hist, normalizedHist, 1.f, 0.f, cv::NORM_L1, CV_32F); // normalize histogram so that its sum equals 1 // compute density probability cv::Mat denseProb=cv::Mat::zeros(normalizedHist.size(), CV_32F);<float>(0)<float>(0); int histLowerLimit=0, histUpperLimit=0; for (int i=1; i<normalizedHist.size().height; ++i) {<float>(i)<float>(i-1)<float>(i); //std::cout<<<float>(i)<<", "<<<float>(i)<<std::endl; if (<float>(i)<histogramClippingLimit) histLowerLimit=i; if (<float>(i)<1.f-histogramClippingLimit) histUpperLimit=i; } // deduce min and max admitted gray levels float minInputValue = (float)histLowerLimit/histSize*255.f; float maxInputValue = (float)histUpperLimit/histSize*255.f; std::cout<<"=> Histogram limits " <<"\n\t"<<histogramClippingLimit*100.f<<"% index = "<<histLowerLimit<<" => normalizedHist value = "<<<float>(histLowerLimit)<<" => input gray level = "<<minInputValue <<"\n\t"<<(1.f-histogramClippingLimit)*100.f<<"% index = "<<histUpperLimit<<" => normalizedHist value = "<<<float>(histUpperLimit)<<" => input gray level = "<<maxInputValue <<std::endl; //drawPlot(denseProb, "input histogram density probability", histLowerLimit, histUpperLimit); drawPlot(normalizedHist, "input histogram", histLowerLimit, histUpperLimit); if(rescale0_255) // rescale between 0-255 if asked to { cv::threshold( outputMat, outputMat, maxInputValue, maxInputValue, 2 ); //THRESH_TRUNC, clips values above maxInputValue cv::threshold( outputMat, outputMat, minInputValue, minInputValue, 3 ); //THRESH_TOZERO, clips values under minInputValue // rescale image range [minInputValue-maxInputValue] to [0-255] outputMat-=minInputValue; outputMat*=255.f/(maxInputValue-minInputValue); } else { inputMat.copyTo(outputMat); // update threshold in the initial input image range maxInputValue=(float)((maxInputValue-255.f)/histNormRescalefactor+maxInput); minInputValue=(float)(minInputValue/histNormRescalefactor+minInput); std::cout<<"===> Input Hist clipping values (max,min) = "<<maxInputValue<<", "<<minInputValue<<std::endl; cv::threshold( outputMat, outputMat, maxInputValue, maxInputValue, 2 ); //THRESH_TRUNC, clips values above maxInputValue cv::threshold( outputMat, outputMat, minInputValue, minInputValue, 3 ); // } }
void RDK2AnalysisPlotter::makeEPGPlot(CoDet detType) { gROOT->cd(); TCanvas* theCanvas; TPad* mainPad; TPad* titlePad; TPad* gEPad; TPad* detPad; TPad* gEPadSubs[3]; int numTitleLines=getTitleBoxLines( detType); int canvasNumPixelsYPlot=600; int canvasNumPixelsYPlots=2*canvasNumPixelsYPlot; int canvasNumPixelsYTitle=40*numTitleLines; int canvasNumPixelsY=canvasNumPixelsYPlots+canvasNumPixelsYTitle; theCanvas = new TCanvas("EPGExpMCAnalysisComparisonPlot","EPGExpMCAnalysisComparisonPlot",10,10,1200,canvasNumPixelsY); mainPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(0); double ylow,yhigh; yhigh=1; ylow=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; titlePad=new TPad("titlePad", "titlePad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); yhigh=ylow; ylow=ylow-canvasNumPixelsYPlot/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; gEPad=new TPad("gEPad", "gEPad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); yhigh=ylow; ylow=0; detPad=new TPad("detPad", "detPad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); titlePad->Draw(); gEPad->Draw(); detPad->Draw(); // titlePad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(1); // gEPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(2); // detPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(3); // egTPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(4); titlePad->SetMargin(0.05,0.0,0.0,0.0); gEPad->SetMargin(0.05,0.0,0.0,0.05); if(numExp>1 && numMC>1) { gEPad->Divide(2); gEPadSubs[0]=(TPad*) gEPad->GetPad(1); TPad* tempPad; tempPad=(TPad*) gEPad->GetPad(2); tempPad->Divide(1,2); gEPadSubs[1]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(1); gEPadSubs[2]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(2); TPad* allBasePads[5]={titlePad,gEPadSubs[0],gEPadSubs[1],gEPadSubs[2],detPad}; for (int i = 1;i< 5;i++) { allBasePads[i]->SetGrid(1,1); allBasePads[i]->SetTickx(1); allBasePads[i]->SetTicky(1); } gEPadSubs[2]->SetLogx(); gEPadSubs[0]->SetMargin(0.15,0.1,.1,0.1); gEPadSubs[1]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); gEPadSubs[2]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); //Plot gE gEPadSubs[0]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_GE,PLOT_COMP); gEPadSubs[1]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_GE,PLOT_RESID); gEPadSubs[2]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_GEVAR,PLOT_NORMRESID); } else { TPad* allBasePads[3]={titlePad,gEPad,detPad}; for (int i = 1;i< 3;i++) { allBasePads[i]->SetGrid(1,1); allBasePads[i]->SetTickx(1); allBasePads[i]->SetTicky(1); } gEPad->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); //Plot gE gEPad->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_GE,PLOT_COMP); } mainPad->SetFillColor(kGray); ///Make Title box titlePad->cd(); titlePad->SetFillColor(kGray); TPaveText* titleBox = makeTitleBox( detType); titleBox->Draw(); detPad->SetMargin(0.1,0.05,.1,0.1); //Plot det detPad->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_GE,PLOT_DETS); TString coTypeString; if(detType==DET_EP) { coTypeString="EP"; } else if(detType==DET_EPG) { coTypeString="EPG"; } else if(detType==DET_EPBG) { coTypeString="EPBG"; } TString imagePath=GRAPHS_DIR; imagePath+="layouts/PlotLayout"; if(numMC) imagePath+="_MC"; for (int i = 0;i< numMC;i++) { imagePath+=TString("_")+mc[i]->GetName(); } if(numExp) imagePath+="_Exp"; for (int i = 0;i< numExp;i++) { imagePath+=TString("_")+exp[i]->GetName(); } imagePath+="_"+coTypeString+"_EPGPlots.pdf"; theCanvas->SaveAs(imagePath); delete theCanvas; clearPlotHists(); }
void RDK2AnalysisPlotter::makeEPPlot(CoDet detType) { gROOT->cd(); TCanvas* theCanvas; TPad* mainPad; TPad* titlePad; TPad* pTPad; TPad* eEPad; TPad* pEPad; TPad* pTPadSubs[3]; TPad* eEPadSubs[3]; TPad* pEPadSubs[3]; int numTitleLines=getTitleBoxLines( detType); int canvasNumPixelsYPlot=600; int canvasNumPixelsYPlots=3*canvasNumPixelsYPlot; int canvasNumPixelsYTitle=40*numTitleLines; int canvasNumPixelsY=canvasNumPixelsYPlots+canvasNumPixelsYTitle; theCanvas = new TCanvas("EPExpMCAnalysisComparisonPlot","EPExpMCAnalysisComparisonPlot",10,10,1200,canvasNumPixelsY); mainPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(0); double ylow,yhigh; yhigh=1; ylow=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; titlePad=new TPad("titlePad", "titlePad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); yhigh=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; ylow=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY-canvasNumPixelsYPlot/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; pTPad=new TPad("pTPad", "pTPad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); yhigh=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY-canvasNumPixelsYPlot/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; ylow=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY- 2*canvasNumPixelsYPlot/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; eEPad=new TPad("eEPad", "eEPad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); yhigh=1.-canvasNumPixelsYTitle/(double)canvasNumPixelsY-2*canvasNumPixelsYPlot/(double)canvasNumPixelsY; ylow=0; pEPad=new TPad("pEPad", "pEPad", 0., ylow, 1., yhigh, -1, 1, 1); titlePad->Draw(); pTPad->Draw(); eEPad->Draw(); pEPad->Draw(); // titlePad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(1); // pTPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(2); // eEPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(3); // pEPad=(TPad*) theCanvas->GetPad(4); titlePad->SetMargin(0.05,0.0,0.0,0.0); pTPad->SetMargin(0.05,0.0,0.0,0.05); pEPad->SetMargin(0.05,0.0,0.0,0.05); eEPad->SetMargin(0.05,0.0,0.0,0.05); if(numExp+numMC >1) { pTPad->Divide(2); eEPad->Divide(2); pEPad->Divide(2); pTPadSubs[0]=(TPad*) pTPad->GetPad(1); eEPadSubs[0]=(TPad*) eEPad->GetPad(1); pEPadSubs[0]=(TPad*) pEPad->GetPad(1); TPad* tempPad; tempPad=(TPad*) pTPad->GetPad(2); tempPad->Divide(1,2); pTPadSubs[1]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(1); pTPadSubs[2]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(2); tempPad=(TPad*) pEPad->GetPad(2); tempPad->Divide(1,2); pEPadSubs[1]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(1); pEPadSubs[2]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(2); tempPad=(TPad*) eEPad->GetPad(2); tempPad->Divide(1,2); eEPadSubs[1]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(1); eEPadSubs[2]=(TPad*) tempPad->GetPad(2); TPad* allBasePads[10]={titlePad,pTPadSubs[0],pTPadSubs[1],pTPadSubs[2],eEPadSubs[0],eEPadSubs[1],eEPadSubs[2],pEPadSubs[0],pEPadSubs[1],pEPadSubs[2]}; for (int i = 1;i< 10;i++) { allBasePads[i]->SetGrid(1,1); allBasePads[i]->SetTickx(1); allBasePads[i]->SetTicky(1); } pTPadSubs[0]->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); pEPadSubs[0]->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); eEPadSubs[0]->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); pTPadSubs[1]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); pEPadSubs[1]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); eEPadSubs[1]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); pTPadSubs[2]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); pEPadSubs[2]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); eEPadSubs[2]->SetMargin(0.1,0.1,.1,0.1); //Plot pT pTPadSubs[0]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PT,PLOT_COMP); pTPadSubs[1]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PT,PLOT_RESID); pTPadSubs[2]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PT,PLOT_NORMRESID); //Plot eE eEPadSubs[0]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_EE,PLOT_COMP); eEPadSubs[1]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_EE,PLOT_RESID); eEPadSubs[2]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_EE,PLOT_NORMRESID); //Plot pE pEPadSubs[0]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PE,PLOT_COMP); pEPadSubs[1]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PE,PLOT_RESID); pEPadSubs[2]->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PE,PLOT_NORMRESID); } else { TPad* allBasePads[4]={titlePad,pTPad,eEPad,pEPad}; for (int i = 1;i< 4;i++) { allBasePads[i]->SetGrid(1,1); allBasePads[i]->SetTickx(1); allBasePads[i]->SetTicky(1); } pTPad->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); pEPad->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); eEPad->SetMargin(0.13,0.1,.1,0.1); pTPad->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PT,PLOT_COMP); eEPad->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_EE,PLOT_COMP); pEPad->cd(); drawPlot(detType, PLOTVAR_PE,PLOT_COMP); } mainPad->SetFillColor(kGray); ///Make Title box titlePad->cd(); titlePad->SetFillColor(kGray); TPaveText* titleBox = makeTitleBox( detType); titleBox->Draw(); TString coTypeString; if(detType==DET_EP) { coTypeString="EP"; } else if(detType==DET_EPG) { coTypeString="EPG"; } else if(detType==DET_EPBG) { coTypeString="EPBG"; } TString imagePath=GRAPHS_DIR; imagePath+="layouts/PlotLayout"; if(numMC>0) imagePath+="_MC"; for (int i = 0;i< numMC;i++) { imagePath+=TString("_")+mc[i]->GetName(); } if(numExp>0) imagePath+="_Exp"; for (int i = 0;i< numExp;i++) { imagePath+=TString("_")+exp[i]->GetName(); } imagePath+="_"+coTypeString+"_EPPlots.pdf"; theCanvas->SaveAs(imagePath); delete theCanvas; clearPlotHists(); }
/// recalculate and redraw everything that needs it, based on dirty flags void QUProfileController::redrawAllNow() { dbg(1) << "Redrawing quprofile #" << m_myId << " " << m_buffer.width() << "x" << m_buffer.height(); double dotSize = m_vars.dotSize-> get(); // bool updateDc = false; // helper function to format a double to a string auto fmtDouble = [](double x)->QString { if( std::isnan(x)) return "nan"; if( std::isinf(x)) return "inf"; return QString::number( x, 'g', 6); }; int labelFontHeight = m_labelFontMetrics-> height(); // apply autozoom if( m_autoZoom) { m_zoomX1 = m_qmin; m_zoomX2 = m_qmax; m_zoomY1 = m_umax; // max is at the top m_zoomY2 = m_umin; // make sure we are displaying something (cannot have x1==x2) if( m_zoomX2 - m_zoomX1 < 1e-9) { m_zoomX1 -= 1; m_zoomX2 += 1; } if( m_zoomY1 - m_zoomY2 < 1e-9) { m_zoomY2 -= 1; m_zoomY1 += 1; } } // if we are showing grid, make a first (bad) estimate for margins // so that we can adjust vertical zoom if( m_vars.showGrid-> get() && m_autoZoom) { m_x1 = 5; m_x2 = m_buffer.width() - measureLabelX( "0.0000001"); m_y1 = 5; m_y2 = m_buffer.height() - labelFontHeight; double dw = std::fabs(m_zoomX2 - m_zoomX1); double dh = std::fabs(m_zoomY1 - m_zoomY2); double ww = std::fabs(m_x1 - m_x2); double wh = std::fabs(m_y1 - m_y2); // dw/dh = ww/wh if( std::fabs( dw/dh - ww/wh) > 1e-6) { if( dw/dh > ww/wh) { // a1 is wider, so make it taller double s = dw * wh / ww - dh; m_zoomY1 += s/2; m_zoomY2 -= s/2; } else { double s = ww * dh / wh - dw; m_zoomX1 -= s/2; m_zoomX2 += s/2; } } } // setup margins (m_x* and m_y*) & labels // note: this must happen simultaneously because the sizes of the // vertical axis labels will influence the drawing area... // ================================================================ // start with vertical margins, they only depend on the font height, which does not change if( m_vars.showGrid-> get()) { m_y1 = 5; m_y2 = m_buffer.height() - labelFontHeight; // make room for bottom labels // update tty - it won't change anymore m_ty1 = LinearMap1D( m_zoomY1, m_zoomY2, m_y1+dotSize, m_y2-dotSize); // now calculate vertical labels // dont forget y1 = top, y2 = bottom m_vertLabeler-> setZoom( tty1inv( m_y2), tty1inv( m_y1)); m_vertLabeler-> setPixels( m_y2 - m_y1 + 1); m_vertLabels = m_vertLabeler-> compute( std::bind(& QUProfileController::measureLabelY, this, std::placeholders::_1)); // calculate the maximum width of all vertical labels double maxw = measureLabelX( "0"); for( auto label : m_vertLabels) { maxw = std::max( maxw, measureLabelX( label.txt1)); } maxw += measureLabelX( "0"); // now we can set the horizontal margins m_x1 = 5; m_x2 = m_buffer.width() - maxw; } else { m_x1 = 1; m_x2 = m_buffer.width()-2; m_y1 = 1; m_y2 = m_buffer.height()-2; // update tty m_ty1 = LinearMap1D( m_zoomY1, m_zoomY2, m_y1+dotSize, m_y2-dotSize); } // fix aspect ratio by adjusting zoom x1,x2 double dw = std::fabs(m_zoomX2 - m_zoomX1); double dh = std::fabs(m_zoomY1 - m_zoomY2); double ww = std::fabs(m_x1 - m_x2); double wh = std::fabs(m_y1 - m_y2); // dw/dh = ww/wh if( std::fabs( dw/dh - ww/wh) > 1e-6) { if( m_vars.showGrid-> get()) { // note: do not change y-zoom as we already used it to calculate vertical labels double s = ww * dh / wh - dw; m_zoomX1 -= s/2; m_zoomX2 += s/2; } else { // if we are not showing grid, we can decide if we adjust x or y zoom if( dw/dh > ww/wh) { // a1 is wider, so make it taller double s = dw * wh / ww - dh; m_zoomY1 += s/2; m_zoomY2 -= s/2; // re-update tty m_ty1 = LinearMap1D( m_zoomY1, m_zoomY2, m_y1+dotSize, m_y2-dotSize); } else { double s = ww * dh / wh - dw; m_zoomX1 -= s/2; m_zoomX2 += s/2; } } } // at this point margins are set, so update ttx*() functions m_tx1 = LinearMap1D( m_zoomX1, m_zoomX2, m_x1+dotSize, m_x2-dotSize); // calculate labels for the horizontal axis if( m_vars.showGrid-> get()) { m_horizLabeler-> setZoom( ttx1inv( m_x1), ttx1inv(m_x2)); m_horizLabeler-> setPixels( m_x2 - m_x1 + 1); m_horizLabels = m_horizLabeler-> compute( std::bind(& QUProfileController::measureLabelX, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } // do the drawing if( m_dirtyFlags.graph) { m_buffer.fill( 0xffffff); QPainter p( & m_buffer); p.setRenderHint( p.Antialiasing, true); p.setRenderHint( p.TextAntialiasing, true); p.setRenderHint( p.SmoothPixmapTransform, true); // set up clipping to only draw within the main plot area p.setClipRect( QRectF( QPointF(m_x1, m_y1), QPointF(m_x2, m_y2))); p.setClipping( true); // draw the grid drawGrid(p); // draw the plot drawPlot(p); // draw mean if( m_vars.showMean-> get()) { if( std::isfinite(m_meanQ) && std::isfinite(m_meanU)) { double x = ttx1( m_meanQ); double y = tty1( m_meanU); double s = 5; p.setPen( QPen( QColor(255,255,255,200), 5)); p.drawLine( QPointF( x - s, y), QPointF( x + s, y)); p.drawLine( QPointF( x , y - s), QPointF( x, y + s)); s -= 1; if( m_vars.showSunbow-> get()) p.setPen( QPen( QColor(255,0,0), 3)); else p.setPen( QPen( QColor(0,0,128), 3)); p.drawLine( QPointF( x - s, y), QPointF( x + s, y)); p.drawLine( QPointF( x , y - s), QPointF( x, y + s)); } } // draw cursor // if( m_showCursor && m_cursorIndex >= 0 && m_cursorIndex < avail()) { if( getShowCursor() && m_cursorIndex >= 0 && m_cursorIndex < avail()) { double x = m_dataQ[ m_cursorIndex]; double y = m_dataU[ m_cursorIndex]; x = ttx1(x); y = tty1(y); if( std::isfinite(x) && std::isfinite(y)) { p.setPen( QPen(QColor( 0,255,0), 2)); p.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush); p.drawEllipse( QPointF(x,y), 6, 6); } } // if data is not complete yet, show a text p.setClipping( false); // let the clients know the mean m_vars.qMean-> set( fmtDouble( m_meanQ)); m_vars.uMean-> set( fmtDouble( m_meanU)); // updateDc = true; } // draw loading message if appropriate QPainter p( & m_buffer); drawLoadingMessage(p); // tell clients about the cursor if( m_dirtyFlags.cursor1) { if( m_cursorIndex >= 0 && m_cursorIndex < avail()) { m_vars.qVal-> set( fmtDouble( m_dataQ[ m_cursorIndex])); m_vars.uVal-> set( fmtDouble( m_dataU[ m_cursorIndex])); } else { m_vars.qVal-> set( ""); m_vars.uVal-> set( ""); } if( m_cursorIndex >= 0) { m_vars.frame-> set( QString::number( m_cursorIndex + 1)); } else { m_vars.frame-> set( ""); } } // // send additional info to render by the client // if( updateDc ){ // pwsetdc( m_pwPrefix + "dc", qrand()); // } // dbg(1) << "... RedrawAllNow() done in " << debugTimer.elapsed() / 1000.0 << "s\n"; }
/// Draw the Plot to this frame inline void drawPlot(Frame& frame) { drawPlot(&frame); }
void drawSinglePtBin( DrawBase* db, QGLikelihoodCalculator* qglc, TTree* tree, float ptMin, float ptMax ) { std::cout << "-> Processing pt bin: " << ptMin << "-" << ptMax << " GeV..." << std::endl; bool doFwd = (ptMin<100.); float pt; tree->SetBranchAddress("ptJet0", &pt); float eta; tree->SetBranchAddress("etaJet0", &eta); int pdgId; tree->SetBranchAddress("pdgIdPartJet0", &pdgId); float rho; tree->SetBranchAddress("rhoPF", &rho); int nCharged; tree->SetBranchAddress("nChargedJet0", &nCharged); int nNeutral; tree->SetBranchAddress("nNeutralJet0", &nNeutral); float ptD; tree->SetBranchAddress("ptDJet0", &ptD); float ptD_QC; tree->SetBranchAddress("ptD_QCJet0", &ptD_QC); float axis2_QC; tree->SetBranchAddress("axis2_QCJet0", &axis2_QC); int nCharged_QC; tree->SetBranchAddress("nChg_QCJet0", &nCharged_QC); int nNeutral_ptCut; tree->SetBranchAddress("nNeutral_ptCutJet0", &nNeutral_ptCut); float qglMLPJet0; tree->SetBranchAddress("QGLMLP", &qglMLPJet0); float qglJet0; tree->SetBranchAddress("qglJet0", &qglJet0); TH1D* h1_qgl_old_gluon = new TH1D("qgl_old_gluon", "", 100, 0., 1.0001); TH1D* h1_qgl_old_quark = new TH1D("qgl_old_quark", "", 100, 0., 1.0001); TH1D* h1_qgl_new_gluon = new TH1D("qgl_new_gluon", "", 100, 0., 1.0001); TH1D* h1_qgl_new_quark = new TH1D("qgl_new_quark", "", 100, 0., 1.0001); TH1D* h1_qgMLP_gluon = new TH1D("qgMLP_gluon", "", 100, 0., 1.); TH1D* h1_qgMLP_quark = new TH1D("qgMLP_quark", "", 100, 0., 1.); // in the forward: TH1D* h1_qgl_new_F_gluon = new TH1D("qgl_new_F_gluon", "", 100, 0., 1.0001); TH1D* h1_qgl_new_F_quark = new TH1D("qgl_new_F_quark", "", 100, 0., 1.0001); TH1D* h1_qgMLP_F_gluon = new TH1D("qgMLP_F_gluon", "", 100, 0., 1.); TH1D* h1_qgMLP_F_quark = new TH1D("qgMLP_F_quark", "", 100, 0., 1.); int nentries = tree->GetEntries(); for( unsigned int ientry=0; ientry<nentries; ++ientry ) { tree->GetEntry(ientry); if( pt<ptMin || pt>ptMax ) continue; //if( rho>22. ) continue; float qgl_new = qglJet0; if( fabs(eta)<2.5 && h1_qgl_old_gluon->GetEntries()<10000 && h1_qgl_old_quark->GetEntries()<10000 ) { //save time float qgl_old = qglc->computeQGLikelihoodPU( pt, rho, nCharged, nNeutral, ptD); if( fabs(pdgId)<5 ) { h1_qgl_old_quark->Fill( qgl_old ); h1_qgl_new_quark->Fill( qgl_new ); h1_qgMLP_quark->Fill( qglMLPJet0 ); } if( pdgId==21 ) { h1_qgl_old_gluon->Fill( qgl_old ); h1_qgl_new_gluon->Fill( qgl_new ); h1_qgMLP_gluon->Fill( qglMLPJet0 ); } } else if( fabs(eta)>3. ) { if( fabs(pdgId)<5 ) { h1_qgl_new_F_quark->Fill( qgl_new ); h1_qgMLP_F_quark->Fill( qglMLPJet0 ); } if( pdgId==21 ) { h1_qgl_new_F_gluon->Fill( qgl_new ); h1_qgMLP_F_gluon->Fill( qglMLPJet0 ); } } if( h1_qgl_old_gluon->GetEntries()>10000 && h1_qgl_old_quark->GetEntries()>10000 && ( !doFwd || (h1_qgl_new_F_quark->GetEntries()>10000 && h1_qgl_new_F_gluon->GetEntries()>10000) ) ) break; } drawPlot( db, h1_qgl_old_gluon, h1_qgl_old_quark, "old", ptMin, ptMax, "|#eta| < 2.5" ); drawPlot( db, h1_qgl_new_gluon, h1_qgl_new_quark, "new", ptMin, ptMax, "|#eta| < 2.5" ); drawPlot( db, h1_qgMLP_gluon, h1_qgMLP_quark, "MLP", ptMin, ptMax, "|#eta| < 2.5" ); drawPlot( db, h1_qgl_new_F_gluon, h1_qgl_new_F_quark, "new_F", ptMin, ptMax, "3 < |#eta| < 5" ); drawPlot( db, h1_qgMLP_F_gluon, h1_qgMLP_F_quark, "MLP_F", ptMin, ptMax, "3 < |#eta| < 5" ); drawRoC(db, ptMin, ptMax, "", h1_qgl_new_gluon, h1_qgl_new_quark, h1_qgl_old_gluon, h1_qgl_old_quark, 0, 0, "|#eta| < 2.5"); drawRoC(db, ptMin, ptMax, "_withMLP", h1_qgl_new_gluon, h1_qgl_new_quark, h1_qgl_old_gluon, h1_qgl_old_quark, h1_qgMLP_gluon, h1_qgMLP_quark, "|#eta| < 2.5"); drawRoC(db, ptMin, ptMax, "_F", h1_qgl_new_F_gluon, h1_qgl_new_F_quark, 0, 0, h1_qgMLP_F_gluon, h1_qgMLP_F_quark, "3 < |#eta| < 5"); delete h1_qgl_old_gluon; delete h1_qgl_old_quark; delete h1_qgl_new_gluon; delete h1_qgl_new_quark; delete h1_qgMLP_gluon; delete h1_qgMLP_quark; delete h1_qgl_new_F_gluon; delete h1_qgl_new_F_quark; delete h1_qgMLP_F_gluon; delete h1_qgMLP_F_quark; }
void fit2015( TString FileName ="/afs/", int oniamode = 2, // oniamode-> 3: Z, 2: Upsilon and 1: J/Psi bool isData = true, // isData = false for MC, true for Data bool isPbPb = false, // isPbPb = false for pp, true for PbPb bool doFit = false , bool inExcStat = true // if inExcStat is true, then the excited states are fitted ) { InputOpt opt; SetOptions(&opt, isData, isPbPb, oniamode,inExcStat); if (isPbPb) { FileName = "/afs/"; } else { FileName = "/afs/"; } int nbins = 1; //ceil((opt.dMuon->M->Max - opt.dMuon->M->Min)/binw); if (oniamode==1){ nbins = 140; } else if (oniamode==2) { nbins = 70; } else if (oniamode==3) { nbins = 40; } RooWorkspace myws; TH1F* hDataOS = new TH1F("hDataOS","hDataOS", nbins, opt.dMuon.M.Min, opt.dMuon.M.Max); makeWorkspace2015(myws, FileName, opt, hDataOS); RooRealVar* mass = (RooRealVar*) myws.var("invariantMass"); RooDataSet* dataOS_fit = (RooDataSet*)"dataOS"); RooDataSet* dataSS_fit = (RooDataSet*)"dataSS"); RooAbsPdf* pdf = NULL; if (oniamode==3) { doFit=false; } if (doFit) { int sigModel=0, bkgModel=0; if (isData) { if (oniamode==1){ sigModel = inExcStat ? 2 : 3; bkgModel = 1; } else { sigModel = inExcStat ? 1 : 3; // gaussian bkgModel = 2; } } else { if (oniamode==1){ sigModel = inExcStat ? 2 : 3; // gaussian bkgModel = 2; } else { sigModel = inExcStat ? 2 : 3; // gaussian bkgModel = 3; } } if (opt.oniaMode==1) buildModelJpsi2015(myws, sigModel, bkgModel,inExcStat); else if (opt.oniaMode==2) buildModelUpsi2015(myws, sigModel, bkgModel,inExcStat); pdf =(RooAbsPdf*) myws.pdf("pdf"); RooFitResult* fitObject = pdf->fitTo(*dataOS_fit,Save(),Hesse(kTRUE),Extended(kTRUE)); // Fit } RooPlot* frame = mass->frame(Bins(nbins),Range(opt.dMuon.M.Min, opt.dMuon.M.Max)); RooPlot* frame2 = NULL; dataSS_fit->plotOn(frame, Name("dataSS_FIT"), MarkerColor(kRed), LineColor(kRed), MarkerSize(1.2)); dataOS_fit->plotOn(frame, Name("dataOS_FIT"), MarkerColor(kBlue), LineColor(kBlue), MarkerSize(1.2)); if (doFit) { pdf->plotOn(frame,Name("thePdf"),Normalization(dataOS_fit->sumEntries(),RooAbsReal::NumEvent)); RooHist *hpull = frame -> pullHist(0,0,true); hpull -> SetName("hpull"); frame2 = mass->frame(Title("Pull Distribution"),Bins(nbins),Range(opt.dMuon.M.Min,opt.dMuon.M.Max)); frame2 -> addPlotable(hpull,"PX"); } drawPlot(frame,frame2, pdf, opt, doFit,inExcStat); TString OutputFileName = ""; if (isPbPb) { FileName = "/afs/"; opt.RunNb.Start=262548; opt.RunNb.End=262893; if (oniamode==1) {OutputFileName = (TString)("JPSIPbPbDataset.root");} if (oniamode==2) {OutputFileName = (TString)("YPbPbDataset.root");} if (oniamode==3) {OutputFileName = (TString)("ZPbPbDataset.root");} } else { FileName = "/afs/"; opt.RunNb.Start=262163; opt.RunNb.End=262328; if (oniamode==1) {OutputFileName = (TString)("JPSIppDataset.root");} if (oniamode==2) {OutputFileName = (TString)("YppDataset.root");} if (oniamode==3) {OutputFileName = (TString)("ZppDataset.root");} } TFile* oFile = new TFile(OutputFileName,"RECREATE"); oFile->cd(); hDataOS->Write("hDataOS"); dataOS_fit->Write("dataOS_FIT"); oFile->Write(); oFile->Close(); }
/* * objective : get the gray level map of the input image and rescale it to the range [0-255] */ static void rescaleGrayLevelMat(const cv::Mat &inputMat, cv::Mat &outputMat, const float histogramClippingLimit) { // adjust output matrix wrt the input size but single channel std::cout<<"Input image rescaling with histogram edges cutting (in order to eliminate bad pixels created during the HDR image creation) :"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"=> image size (h,w,channels) = "<<inputMat.size().height<<", "<<inputMat.size().width<<", "<<inputMat.channels()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"=> pixel coding (nbchannel, bytes per channel) = "<<inputMat.elemSize()/inputMat.elemSize1()<<", "<<inputMat.elemSize1()<<std::endl; // rescale between 0-255, keeping floating point values cv::normalize(inputMat, outputMat, 0.0, 255.0, cv::NORM_MINMAX); // extract a 8bit image that will be used for histogram edge cut cv::Mat intGrayImage; if (inputMat.channels()==1) { outputMat.convertTo(intGrayImage, CV_8U); }else { cv::Mat rgbIntImg; outputMat.convertTo(rgbIntImg, CV_8UC3); cv::cvtColor(rgbIntImg, intGrayImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } // get histogram density probability in order to cut values under above edges limits (here 5-95%)... usefull for HDR pixel errors cancellation cv::Mat dst, hist; int histSize = 256; calcHist(&intGrayImage, 1, 0, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, &histSize, 0); cv::Mat normalizedHist; normalize(hist, normalizedHist, 1, 0, cv::NORM_L1, CV_32F); // normalize histogram so that its sum equals 1 double min_val, max_val; minMaxLoc(normalizedHist, &min_val, &max_val); //std::cout<<"Hist max,min = "<<max_val<<", "<<min_val<<std::endl; // compute density probability cv::Mat denseProb=cv::Mat::zeros(normalizedHist.size(), CV_32F);<float>(0)<float>(0); int histLowerLimit=0, histUpperLimit=0; for (int i=1;i<normalizedHist.size().height;++i) {<float>(i)<float>(i-1)<float>(i); //std::cout<<<float>(i)<<", "<<<float>(i)<<std::endl; if (<float>(i)<histogramClippingLimit) histLowerLimit=i; if (<float>(i)<1-histogramClippingLimit) histUpperLimit=i; } // deduce min and max admitted gray levels float minInputValue = (float)histLowerLimit/histSize*255; float maxInputValue = (float)histUpperLimit/histSize*255; std::cout<<"=> Histogram limits " <<"\n\t"<<histogramClippingLimit*100<<"% index = "<<histLowerLimit<<" => normalizedHist value = "<<<float>(histLowerLimit)<<" => input gray level = "<<minInputValue <<"\n\t"<<(1-histogramClippingLimit)*100<<"% index = "<<histUpperLimit<<" => normalizedHist value = "<<<float>(histUpperLimit)<<" => input gray level = "<<maxInputValue <<std::endl; //drawPlot(denseProb, "input histogram density probability", histLowerLimit, histUpperLimit); drawPlot(normalizedHist, "input histogram", histLowerLimit, histUpperLimit); // rescale image range [minInputValue-maxInputValue] to [0-255] outputMat-=minInputValue; outputMat*=255.0/(maxInputValue-minInputValue); // cut original histogram and back project to original image cv::threshold( outputMat, outputMat, 255.0, 255.0, 2 ); //THRESH_TRUNC, clips values above 255 cv::threshold( outputMat, outputMat, 0.0, 0.0, 3 ); //THRESH_TOZERO, clips values under 0 }