Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: draw_stat.c Proyecto: hfs/afd
/*############################# draw_stat() #############################*/

Ejemplo n.º 2
// Create and output the bar chart from the list
void bar_chart(Bar *pFirst, uint page_width, uint page_height, char *title)
  Bar *pLast = pFirst;                                     // Pointer to previous Bar         
  double max = pFirst->value;                              // Maximum Bar value - 1st to start               
  double min = pFirst->value;                              // Minimum Bar value - 1st to start              
  double vert_step = 0.0;                                  // Unit step in vertical direction 
  uint bar_count = 1;                                      // Number of bars - at least 1     
  uint bar_width = 0;                                      // Width of a Bar                  
  uint space = 2;                                          // Spaces between bars             
  char *column = NULL;                                     // Pointer to Bar column section   
  char *blank = NULL;                                      // Blank string for Bar+space      
  double position = 0.0;                                   // Current vertical position on chart 
  bool axis = false;                                       // Indicates axis drawn            

  // Find maximum and minimum of all Bar values 
  while(pLast = pLast->pNext)
    ++bar_count;              // Increment Bar count 
    max = (max < pLast->value) ? pLast->value : max;
    min = (min > pLast->value) ? pLast->value : min;

  // Always draw chart to horizontal axis
  if(max < 0.0) max = 0.0;
  if(min > 0.0) min = 0.0;
  vert_step = (max - min)/page_height;                     // Calculate step length 

  // Calculate and check Bar width 
  if((bar_width = page_width/bar_count - space) < 1)
    printf_s("\nPage width too narrow.\n");

  // Set up a string that will be used to build the columns 
  if(!(column = chart_string(space, bar_width, '#')))
    printf_s("\nFailed to allocate memory in barchart()"
                           " - terminating program.\n");

  // Set up a string that will be a blank column 
  if(!(blank = chart_string(space, bar_width, ' ')))
    printf_s("\nFailed to allocate memory in barchart()"
                           " - terminating program.\n");

  // Draw the Bar chart. It is drawn line by line starting at the top 
  printf_s("\n^ %s\n", title);                            // Output the chart title
  position = max;                                         // Start at the top
  for(uint i = 0 ; i < page_height ; ++i)                 // page_height lines for chart 
    // Check if we need to output the horizontal axis 
    if(position <= 0.0 && !axis)
      draw_x_axis(bar_count*(bar_width + space));
      axis = true;
    printf_s("|");                                         // Output vertical axis        
    pLast = pFirst;                                        // start with the first Bar    

    // For each Bar... 
    for(uint bars = 1 ; bars <= bar_count ; ++bars)
      // If position is between axis and value, output column. otherwise blank
      printf_s("%s", position <= pLast->value && position > 0.0 ||              
                     position >= pLast->value && position <= 0.0 ? column : blank);
      pLast = pLast->pNext;
    printf_s("\n");                                        // End the line of output        
    position -= vert_step;                                 // Decrement position            
  if(!axis)                                                // Horizontal axis? 
    draw_x_axis(bar_count*(bar_width + space));            // No, so draw it
    printf_s("v\n");                                       // -y axis arrow head

  free(blank);                                             // Free blank string memory    
  free(column);                                            // Free column string memory  