Ejemplo n.º 1
RpcPdu::makeReplyBuffer (char*& buf, size_t& buflen)
    int hdrLength = hdrLen ();
    int payloadLength = payloadLen ();

    buflen = hdrLength + payloadLength;

    buf = new char[buflen];

    if (buf)
        // Set the fragment-length field, and the DREP...
        fragLenSet ();
        drepSet ();

        // Format the packet into the correct NDR mode...
        commonHdrReformat (drep ());
        extHdrReformat (drep ());

        char* header = reinterpret_cast<char*> (&m_header);

        ::memcpy (buf, header, hdrLength);

        if (payloadLength > 0)
            ::memcpy (buf + hdrLength, stubData (), payloadLength);

    return buf ? 0 : -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
RpcPdu::appendExtendedHdr (const char* buf, size_t len)
    COM_ASSERT (m_pduState & HAVE_HDR);

    size_t n = min(len, m_requiredOctets); // octets to copy

    ::memcpy (m_headerOffset, buf, n);

    m_headerOffset += n;
    m_requiredOctets -= n;

    if (m_requiredOctets == 0)
        // Un-NDR the remainder of the header...
        extHdrReformat (drep ());

        // mark the next state's requirements
        m_pduState = HAVE_XHDR;
        m_requiredOctets = fragLen () - hdrLen ();

        if (m_requiredOctets > 0)
            m_stubData.reserve (m_requiredOctets);

        if (m_requiredOctets > 0 && (len - n) > 0)
            n += appendStubData (buf + n, len - n);
        else if (m_requiredOctets == 0)
            m_pduState = HAVE_STUB;

    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 3
RpcPdu::appendCommonHdr (const char* buf, size_t len)
    COM_ASSERT (m_pduState & HAVE_NONE);

    size_t n = min(len, m_requiredOctets); // octets to copy

    ::memcpy (m_headerOffset, buf, n);

    m_headerOffset += n;
    m_requiredOctets -= n;

    if (m_requiredOctets == 0)
        // Un-NDR the packet header...
        commonHdrReformat (drep ());

        // mark the next state's requirements
        m_pduState = HAVE_HDR;
        m_requiredOctets = hdrLen () - sizeof (rpc_cn_common_hdr_t);

        if (len - n > 0)
            n += appendExtendedHdr (buf + n, len - n);

    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void gamlr(int *famid, // 1 gaus, 2 bin, 3 pois
            int *n_in, // nobs 
            int *p_in, // nvar
            int *N_in, // length of nonzero x entries
            int *xi_in, // length-l row ids for nonzero x
            int *xp_in, // length-p+1 pointers to each column start
            double *xv_in, // nonzero x entry values
            double *y_in, // length-n y
            int *doxx_in, // indicator for pre-calc xx
            double *xxv_in, // dense columns of upper tri for xx
            double *eta, // length-n fixed shifts (assumed zero for gaussian)
            double *varweight, // length-p weights
            double *obsweight, // length-n weights
            int *standardize, // whether to scale penalty by sd(x_j)
            int *nlam, // length of the path
            double *delta, // path stepsize
            double *penscale,  // gamma in the GL paper
            double *thresh,  // cd convergence
            int *maxit, // cd max iterations 
            double *lambda, // output lambda
            double *deviance, // output deviance
            double *df, // output df
            double *alpha,  // output intercepts
            double *beta, // output coefficients
            int *exits, // exit status.  0 is normal
            int *verb) // talk? 
  dirty = 1; // flag to say the function has been called
  // time stamp for periodic R interaction
  time_t itime = time(NULL);  

  /** Build global variables **/
  fam = *famid;
  n = *n_in;
  p = *p_in;
  nd = (double) n;
  pd = (double) p;
  N = *N_in;

  E = eta;
  Y = y_in;
  ysum = sum_dvec(Y,n); 
  ybar = ysum/nd;

  xi = xi_in;
  xp = xp_in;
  xv = xv_in;
  xbar = new_dzero(p);
  for(int j=0; j<p; j++){
    for(int i=xp[j]; i<xp[j+1]; i++) 
      xbar[j] += xv[i];
    xbar[j] *= 1.0/nd; }

  doxx = *doxx_in;
  xxv = xxv_in;
  H = new_dvec(p);
  W = varweight;
  V = obsweight;
  Z = new_dup_dvec(Y,n);
  vxbar = new_dvec(p);
  vxz = new_dvec(p);
  vsum = sum_dvec(V,n);

  xsd = drep(1.0,p);
    for(int j=0; j<p; j++){
      if(H[j]==0.0) W[j] = INFINITY;
      else xsd[j] = sqrt(H[j]/vsum);

  B = new_dzero(p);
  G = new_dzero(p);
  ag0 = new_dzero(p);
  gam = *penscale;
  npass = itertotal = 0;

  // some local variables
  double Lold, NLLHD, Lsat;
  int s;

  // family dependent settings
  switch( fam )
    case 2:
      nllhd = &bin_nllhd;
      reweight = &bin_reweight;
      A = log(ybar/(1-ybar));
      Lsat = 0.0;
    case 3:
      nllhd = &po_nllhd;
      reweight = &po_reweight;
      A = log(ybar);
      // nonzero saturated deviance
      Lsat = ysum;
      for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        if(Y[i]!=0) Lsat += -Y[i]*log(Y[i]);
      fam = 1; // if it wasn't already
      nllhd = &sse;
      A = intercept(n, E, V, Z, vsum);
      for(int j=0; j<p; j++) dograd(j);

  l1pen = INFINITY;
  Lold = INFINITY;
  NLLHD =  nllhd(n, A, E, Y, V);

    speak("*** n=%d observations and p=%d covariates ***\n", n,p);

  // move along the path
  for(s=0; s<*nlam; s++){

    // deflate the penalty
      lambda[s] = lambda[s-1]*(*delta);
    l1pen = lambda[s]*nd;

    // run descent
    exits[s] = cdsolve(*thresh,*maxit);

    // update parameters and objective
    itertotal += npass;
    Lold = NLLHD;
    NLLHD =  nllhd(n, A, E, Y, V);
    deviance[s] = 2.0*(NLLHD - Lsat);
    df[s] = dof(s, lambda, NLLHD);
    alpha[s] = A;

    if(s==0) *thresh *= deviance[0]; // relativism
    // gamma lasso updating
    for(int j=0; j<p; j++) 
        if( (W[j]>0.0) & isfinite(W[j]) )
          W[j] = 1.0/(1.0+gam*fabs(B[j]));
      } else if(B[j]!=0.0){
        W[j] = 0.0;

    // verbalize
      speak("segment %d: lambda = %.4g, dev = %.4g, npass = %d\n", 
          s+1, lambda[s], deviance[s], npass);

    // exit checks
      exits[s] = 1;
      shout("Warning: negative deviance.  ");
    if(df[s] >= nd){
      exits[s] = 1;
      shout("Warning: saturated model.  "); 
      shout("Finishing path early.\n");
      *nlam = s; break; }

    itime = interact(itime); 

  *maxit = itertotal;