Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
Cmd_Alias_f (void)
	cmdalias_t *alias;
	dstring_t  *cmd;
	int         i, c;
	const char *s;

	if (Cmd_Argc () == 1) {
		Sys_Printf ("Current alias commands:\n");
		for (alias = cmd_alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
			Sys_Printf ("alias %s \"%s\"\n", alias->name, alias->value);

	s = Cmd_Argv (1);
	// if the alias already exists, reuse it
	alias = (cmdalias_t *) Hash_Find (cmd_alias_hash, s);
	if (Cmd_Argc () == 2) {
		if (alias)
			Sys_Printf ("alias %s \"%s\"\n", alias->name, alias->value);
	if (alias)
		free ((char *) alias->value);
	else if (!Cmd_Exists (s)) {
		cmdalias_t **a;

		alias = calloc (1, sizeof (cmdalias_t));
		SYS_CHECKMEM (alias);
		alias->name = strdup (s);
		Hash_Add (cmd_alias_hash, alias);
		for (a = &cmd_alias; *a; a = &(*a)->next)
			if (strcmp ((*a)->name, alias->name) >= 0)
		alias->next = *a;
		*a = alias;
		Cmd_AddCommand (alias->name, Cmd_Runalias_f, "Alias command.");
	} else {
		Sys_Printf ("alias: a command with the name \"%s\" already exists.\n", s);
	// copy the rest of the command line
	cmd = dstring_newstr ();
	c = Cmd_Argc ();
	for (i = 2; i < c; i++) {
		dstring_appendstr (cmd, Cmd_Argv (i));
		if (i != c - 1)
			dstring_appendstr (cmd, " ");

	alias->value = dstring_freeze (cmd);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
SV_ConSay (const char *prefix, client_t *client)
	char       *p;
	dstring_t  *text;
	int         j;

	if (Cmd_Argc () < 2)

	p = Hunk_TempAlloc (strlen (Cmd_Args (1)) + 1);
	strcpy (p, Cmd_Args (1));
	if (*p == '"') {
		p[strlen (p) - 1] = 0;
	text = dstring_new ();
	dstring_copystr (text, prefix);
	dstring_appendstr (text, "\x8d ");				// arrow
	j = strlen (text->str);
	dstring_appendstr (text, p);
	SV_Printf ("%s\n", text->str);
	while (text->str[j])
		text->str[j++] |= 0x80;				// non-bold text

	if (client) {
		if (client->state >= cs_zombie) {
			SV_ClientPrintf (1, client, PRINT_CHAT, "\n"); // bell
			SV_ClientPrintf (1, client, PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", text->str);
			SV_ClientPrintf (1, client, PRINT_CHAT, "%s", ""); // bell
	} else {
		for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++, client++) {
			if (client->state < cs_zombie)
			SV_ClientPrintf (0, client, PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", text->str);
			if (*prefix != 'I')		// beep, except for Info says
				SV_ClientPrintf (0, client, PRINT_CHAT, "%s", "");
		if (sv.recorders) {
			sizebuf_t *dbuf;
			dbuf = SVR_WriteBegin (dem_all, 0, strlen (text->str) + 7);
			MSG_WriteByte (dbuf, svc_print);
			MSG_WriteByte (dbuf, PRINT_HIGH);
			MSG_WriteString (dbuf, va ("%s\n", text->str));
			MSG_WriteByte (dbuf, svc_print);
			MSG_WriteByte (dbuf, PRINT_CHAT);
			MSG_WriteString (dbuf, "");
Ejemplo n.º 3
process_wad_script (const char *name)
	char       *buf;
	QFile      *file;
	int         bytes;
	script_t   *script;

	file = Qopen (name, "rt");
	if (!file)
		Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno));
	bytes = Qfilesize (file);
	buf = malloc (bytes + 1);
	bytes = Qread (file, buf, bytes);
	buf[bytes] = 0;
	Qclose (file);

	dstring_copystr (&destfile, name);
	dstring_appendstr (&destfile, ".wad");

	script = Script_New ();
	Script_Start (script, name, buf);

	parse_script (script);

	if (wadfile)
		wad_close (wadfile);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Cmd_StuffCmds (cbuf_t *cbuf)
	int         i, j;
	dstring_t  *build;

	if (!*com_cmdline)

	build = dstring_newstr ();

	// pull out the commands
	for (i = 0; com_cmdline[i]; i++) {
		if (com_cmdline[i] == '+') {

			for (j = i;
				  && !((j == 0 || isspace((byte) com_cmdline[j - 1]))
					   && ((com_cmdline[j] == '+')
						    || (com_cmdline[j] == '-'))));

			dstring_appendsubstr (build, com_cmdline + i, j - i);
			dstring_appendstr (build, "\n");
			i = j - 1;

	if (build->str[0])
		Cbuf_InsertText (cbuf, build->str);

	dstring_delete (build);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
qtv_print (const char *fmt, va_list args)
	static int pending;
	static dstring_t *msg;

	if (!msg)
		msg = dstring_new ();

	dvsprintf (msg, fmt, args);
	if (qtv_redirected)
		dstring_appendstr (&outputbuf, msg->str);
	else {
		time_t      mytime;
		struct tm  *local;
		char        stamp[123];

		if (pending) {
			Con_Printf ("%s", msg->str);
		} else {
			mytime = time (NULL);
			local = localtime (&mytime);
#ifdef _WIN32
			strftime (stamp, sizeof (stamp), "[%b %d %X] ", local);
			strftime (stamp, sizeof (stamp), "[%b %e %X] ", local);
			Con_Printf ("%s%s", stamp, msg->str);
		if (msg->str[0] && msg->str[strlen (msg->str) - 1] != '\n') {
			pending = 1;
		} else {
			pending = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
gl_Mod_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists (model_t *m, aliashdr_t *hdr, void *_m,
								   int _s, int extra)
	dstring_t  *cache, *fullpath;
	unsigned char model_digest[MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES];
	unsigned char mesh_digest[MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES];
	int         i, j;
	int        *cmds;
	QFile      *f;
	qboolean    remesh = true;
	qboolean    do_cache = false;

	aliasmodel = m;
	paliashdr = hdr;

	cache = dstring_new ();
	fullpath = dstring_new ();

	if (!gl_alias_render_tri->int_val) {

		if (gl_mesh_cache->int_val
			&& gl_mesh_cache->int_val <= paliashdr->mdl.numtris) {
			do_cache = true;

			mdfour (model_digest, (unsigned char *) _m, _s);

			// look for a cached version
			dstring_copystr (cache, "glquake/");
			dstring_appendstr (cache, m->name);
			QFS_StripExtension (m->name + strlen ("progs/"),
							cache->str + strlen ("glquake/"));
			dstring_appendstr (cache, ".qfms");

			QFS_FOpenFile (cache->str, &f);
			if (f) {
				unsigned char d1[MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES];
				unsigned char d2[MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES];
				struct mdfour md;
				int			len, vers;
				int         nc = 0, no = 0;
				int        *c = 0, *vo = 0;

				memset (d1, 0, sizeof (d1));
				memset (d2, 0, sizeof (d2));

				Qread (f, &vers, sizeof (int));
				Qread (f, &len, sizeof (int));
				Qread (f, &nc, sizeof (int));
				Qread (f, &no, sizeof (int));

				if (vers == 1 && (nc + no) == len) {
					c = malloc (((nc + 1023) & ~1023) * sizeof (c[0]));
					vo = malloc (((no + 1023) & ~1023) * sizeof (vo[0]));
					if (!c || !vo)
						Sys_Error ("gl_mesh.c: out of memory");
					Qread (f, c, nc * sizeof (c[0]));
					Qread (f, vo, no * sizeof (vo[0]));
					Qread (f, d1, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES);
					Qread (f, d2, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES);
					Qclose (f);

					mdfour_begin (&md);
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &vers, sizeof(int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &len, sizeof(int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &nc, sizeof(int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &no, sizeof(int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) c, nc * sizeof (c[0]));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) vo, no * sizeof (vo[0]));
					mdfour_update (&md, d1, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES);
					mdfour_result (&md, mesh_digest);

					if (memcmp (d2, mesh_digest, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES) == 0
						&& memcmp (d1, model_digest, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES) == 0) {
						remesh = false;
						numcommands = nc;
						numorder = no;
						if (numcommands > commands_size) {
							if (commands)
								free (commands);
							commands_size = (numcommands + 1023) & ~1023;
							commands = c;
						} else {
							memcpy (commands, c, numcommands * sizeof (c[0]));
						if (numorder > vertexorder_size) {
							if (vertexorder)
								free (vertexorder);
							vertexorder_size = (numorder + 1023) & ~1023;
							vertexorder = vo;
						} else {
							memcpy (vertexorder, vo, numorder * sizeof (vo[0]));
							free (vo);
		if (remesh) {
			// build it from scratch
			Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_DEV, "meshing %s...\n", m->name);

			BuildTris ();					// trifans or lists

			if (do_cache) {
				// save out the cached version
				dsprintf (fullpath, "%s/%s", qfs_gamedir->dir.def, cache->str);
				f = QFS_WOpen (fullpath->str, 9);

				if (f) {
					struct mdfour md;
					int         vers = 1;
					int         len = numcommands + numorder;

					mdfour_begin (&md);
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &vers, sizeof (int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &len, sizeof (int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &numcommands,
								   sizeof (int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) &numorder, sizeof (int));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) commands,
								   numcommands * sizeof (commands[0]));
					mdfour_update (&md, (unsigned char *) vertexorder,
								   numorder * sizeof (vertexorder[0]));
					mdfour_update (&md, model_digest, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES);
					mdfour_result (&md, mesh_digest);

					Qwrite (f, &vers, sizeof (int));
					Qwrite (f, &len, sizeof (int));
					Qwrite (f, &numcommands, sizeof (int));
					Qwrite (f, &numorder, sizeof (int));
					Qwrite (f, commands, numcommands * sizeof (commands[0]));
					Qwrite (f, vertexorder, numorder * sizeof (vertexorder[0]));
					Qwrite (f, model_digest, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES);
					Qwrite (f, mesh_digest, MDFOUR_DIGEST_BYTES);
					Qclose (f);

		// save the data out
		paliashdr->poseverts = numorder;

		cmds = Hunk_Alloc (numcommands * sizeof (int));
		paliashdr->commands = (byte *) cmds - (byte *) paliashdr;
		memcpy (cmds, commands, numcommands * sizeof (int));

	} else {
		tex_coord_t *tex_coord;

		numorder = 0;
		for (i=0; i < pheader->mdl.numtris; i++) {
		paliashdr->poseverts = numorder;

		tex_coord = Hunk_Alloc (numorder * sizeof(tex_coord_t));
		paliashdr->tex_coord = (byte *) tex_coord - (byte *) paliashdr;
		for (i=0; i < numorder; i++) {
			float s, t;
			int k;
			k = vertexorder[i];
			s = stverts[k].s;
			t = stverts[k].t;
			if (!triangles[i/3].facesfront && stverts[k].onseam)
				s += pheader->mdl.skinwidth / 2;	// on back side
			s = (s + 0.5) / pheader->mdl.skinwidth;
			t = (t + 0.5) / pheader->mdl.skinheight;
			tex_coord[i].st[0] = s;
			tex_coord[i].st[1] = t;

	if (extra) {
		trivertx16_t *verts;
		verts = Hunk_Alloc (paliashdr->numposes * paliashdr->poseverts
							* sizeof (trivertx16_t));
		paliashdr->posedata = (byte *) verts - (byte *) paliashdr;
		for (i = 0; i < paliashdr->numposes; i++) {
			trivertx_t *pv = poseverts[i];
			for (j = 0; j < numorder; j++) {
				trivertx16_t v;
				// convert MD16's split coordinates into something a little
				// saner. The first chunk of vertices is fully compatible with
				// IDPO alias models (even the scale). The second chunk is the
				// fractional bits of the vertex, giving 8.8. However, it's
				// easier for us to multiply everything by 256 and adjust the
				// model scale appropriately
				VectorMultAdd (pv[vertexorder[j] + hdr->mdl.numverts].v,
							   256, pv[vertexorder[j]].v, v.v);
				v.lightnormalindex =
				*verts++ = v;
	} else {
		trivertx_t *verts;
		verts = Hunk_Alloc (paliashdr->numposes * paliashdr->poseverts
							* sizeof (trivertx_t));
		paliashdr->posedata = (byte *) verts - (byte *) paliashdr;
		for (i = 0; i < paliashdr->numposes; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < numorder; j++)
				*verts++ = poseverts[i][vertexorder[j]];
	dstring_delete (cache);
	dstring_delete (fullpath);