Ejemplo n.º 1
dtPolyRef PathFinder::getPathPolyByPosition(const dtPolyRef* polyPath, uint32 polyPathSize, const float* point, float* distance) const
    if (!polyPath || !polyPathSize)
        return INVALID_POLYREF;

    dtPolyRef nearestPoly = INVALID_POLYREF;
    float minDist2d = FLT_MAX;
    float minDist3d = 0.0f;

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < polyPathSize; ++i)
        float closestPoint[VERTEX_SIZE];
        dtStatus dtResult = m_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPoly(polyPath[i], point, closestPoint);
        if (dtStatusFailed(dtResult))

        float d = dtVdist2DSqr(point, closestPoint);
        if (d < minDist2d)
            minDist2d = d;
            nearestPoly = polyPath[i];
            minDist3d = dtVdistSqr(point, closestPoint);

        if (minDist2d < 1.0f) // shortcut out - close enough for us

    if (distance)
        *distance = dtSqrt(minDist3d);

    return (minDist2d < 3.0f) ? nearestPoly : INVALID_POLYREF;
Ejemplo n.º 2
dtPolyRef PathFinder::getPathPolyByPosition(const dtPolyRef *polyPath, uint32 polyPathSize, const float* point, float *distance) const
    if (!polyPath || !polyPathSize)
        return INVALID_POLYREF;

    dtPolyRef nearestPoly = INVALID_POLYREF;
    float minDist2d = FLT_MAX;
    float minDist3d = 0.0f;

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < polyPathSize; ++i)
        // skip DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION they aren't handled in closestPointOnPoly
        const dtMeshTile* tile = 0;
        const dtPoly* poly = 0;
        if (m_navMesh->getTileAndPolyByRef(polyPath[i], &tile, &poly) != DT_SUCCESS)

        if (poly->getType() == DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)

        float closestPoint[VERTEX_SIZE];
        if (DT_SUCCESS != m_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPoly(polyPath[i], point, closestPoint))

        float d = dtVdist2DSqr(point, closestPoint);
        if (d < minDist2d)
            minDist2d = d;
            nearestPoly = m_pathPolyRefs[i];
            minDist3d = dtVdistSqr(point, closestPoint);

        if(minDist2d < 1.0f) // shortcut out - close enough for us

    if (distance)
        *distance = dtSqrt(minDist3d);

    return (minDist2d < 3.0f) ? nearestPoly : INVALID_POLYREF;
static int sweepCircleCircle(const float* c0, const float r0, const float* v,
                             const float* c1, const float r1,
                             float& tmin, float& tmax)
    static const float EPS = 0.0001f;
    float s[3];
    float r = r0+r1;
    float c = dtVdot2D(s,s) - r*r;
    float a = dtVdot2D(v,v);
    if (a < EPS) return 0;  // not moving
    // Overlap, calc time to exit.
    float b = dtVdot2D(v,s);
    float d = b*b - a*c;
    if (d < 0.0f) return 0; // no intersection.
    a = 1.0f / a;
    const float rd = dtSqrt(d);
    tmin = (b - rd) * a;
    tmax = (b + rd) * a;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Returns a random point in a convex polygon.
// Adapted from Graphics Gems article.
void dtRandomPointInConvexPoly(const float* pts, const int npts, float* areas,
							   const float s, const float t, float* out)
	// Calc triangle araes
	float areasum = 0.0f;
	for (int i = 2; i < npts; i++) {
		areas[i] = dtTriArea2D(&pts[0], &pts[(i-1)*3], &pts[i*3]);
		areasum += dtMax(0.001f, areas[i]);
	// Find sub triangle weighted by area.
	const float thr = s*areasum;
	float acc = 0.0f;
	float u = 0.0f;
	int tri = 0;
	for (int i = 2; i < npts; i++) {
		const float dacc = areas[i];
		if (thr >= acc && thr < (acc+dacc))
			u = (thr - acc) / dacc;
			tri = i;
		acc += dacc;
	float v = dtSqrt(t);
	const float a = 1 - v;
	const float b = (1 - u) * v;
	const float c = u * v;
	const float* pa = &pts[0];
	const float* pb = &pts[(tri-1)*3];
	const float* pc = &pts[tri*3];
	out[0] = a*pa[0] + b*pb[0] + c*pc[0];
	out[1] = a*pa[1] + b*pb[1] + c*pc[1];
	out[2] = a*pa[2] + b*pb[2] + c*pc[2];
Ejemplo n.º 5
dtStatus PathInfo::findSmoothPath(const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
                                     const dtPolyRef* polyPath, const uint32 polyPathSize,
                                     float* smoothPath, int* smoothPathSize, bool &usedOffmesh, const uint32 maxSmoothPathSize)
    *smoothPathSize = 0;
    uint32 nsmoothPath = 0;
    usedOffmesh = false;

    dtPolyRef polys[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
    memcpy(polys, polyPath, sizeof(dtPolyRef)*polyPathSize);
    uint32 npolys = polyPathSize;

    float iterPos[VERTEX_SIZE], targetPos[VERTEX_SIZE];
    if(DT_SUCCESS != m_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPolyBoundary(polys[0], startPos, iterPos))
        return DT_FAILURE;

    if(DT_SUCCESS != m_navMeshQuery->closestPointOnPolyBoundary(polys[npolys-1], endPos, targetPos))
        return DT_FAILURE;

    dtVcopy(&smoothPath[nsmoothPath*VERTEX_SIZE], iterPos);

    // Move towards target a small advancement at a time until target reached or
    // when ran out of memory to store the path.
    while (npolys && nsmoothPath < maxSmoothPathSize)
        // Find location to steer towards.
        float steerPos[VERTEX_SIZE];
        unsigned char steerPosFlag;
        dtPolyRef steerPosRef = INVALID_POLYREF;

        if (!getSteerTarget(iterPos, targetPos, SMOOTH_PATH_SLOP, polys, npolys, steerPos, steerPosFlag, steerPosRef))

        bool endOfPath = (steerPosFlag & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_END);
        bool offMeshConnection = (steerPosFlag & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_OFFMESH_CONNECTION);

        // Find movement delta.
        float delta[VERTEX_SIZE];
        dtVsub(delta, steerPos, iterPos);
        float len = dtSqrt(dtVdot(delta,delta));
        // If the steer target is end of path or off-mesh link, do not move past the location.
        if ((endOfPath || offMeshConnection) && len < SMOOTH_PATH_STEP_SIZE)
            len = 1.0f;
            len = SMOOTH_PATH_STEP_SIZE / len;

        float moveTgt[VERTEX_SIZE];
        dtVmad(moveTgt, iterPos, delta, len);

        // Move
        float result[VERTEX_SIZE];
        const static uint32 MAX_VISIT_POLY = 16;
        dtPolyRef visited[MAX_VISIT_POLY];

        uint32 nvisited = 0;
        m_navMeshQuery->moveAlongSurface(polys[0], iterPos, moveTgt, &m_filter, result, visited, (int*)&nvisited, MAX_VISIT_POLY);
        npolys = fixupCorridor(polys, npolys, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, visited, nvisited);

        m_navMeshQuery->getPolyHeight(polys[0], result, &result[1]);
        dtVcopy(iterPos, result);

        // Handle end of path and off-mesh links when close enough.
        if (endOfPath && inRangeYZX(iterPos, steerPos, SMOOTH_PATH_SLOP, 2.0f))
            // Reached end of path.
            dtVcopy(iterPos, targetPos);
            if (nsmoothPath < maxSmoothPathSize)
                dtVcopy(&smoothPath[nsmoothPath*VERTEX_SIZE], iterPos);
        else if (offMeshConnection && inRangeYZX(iterPos, steerPos, SMOOTH_PATH_SLOP, 2.0f))
            // Reached off-mesh connection.
            usedOffmesh = true;

            // Advance the path up to and over the off-mesh connection.
            dtPolyRef prevRef = INVALID_POLYREF;
            dtPolyRef polyRef = polys[0];
            uint32 npos = 0;
            while (npos < npolys && polyRef != steerPosRef)
                prevRef = polyRef;
                polyRef = polys[npos];

            for (uint32 i = npos; i < npolys; ++i)
                polys[i-npos] = polys[i];

            npolys -= npos;

            // Handle the connection.
            float startPos[VERTEX_SIZE], endPos[VERTEX_SIZE];
            if (DT_SUCCESS == m_navMesh->getOffMeshConnectionPolyEndPoints(prevRef, polyRef, startPos, endPos))
                if (nsmoothPath < maxSmoothPathSize)
                    dtVcopy(&smoothPath[nsmoothPath*VERTEX_SIZE], startPos);
                // Move position at the other side of the off-mesh link.
                dtVcopy(iterPos, endPos);
                m_navMeshQuery->getPolyHeight(polys[0], iterPos, &iterPos[1]);

        // Store results.
        if (nsmoothPath < maxSmoothPathSize)
            dtVcopy(&smoothPath[nsmoothPath*VERTEX_SIZE], iterPos);

    *smoothPathSize = nsmoothPath;

    // this is most likely loop
    return nsmoothPath < maxSmoothPathSize ? DT_SUCCESS : DT_FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void NavMeshTesterTool::recalc()
	if (!m_navMesh)
	if (m_sposSet)
		m_navQuery->findNearestPoly(m_spos, m_polyPickExt, &m_filter, &m_startRef, 0);
		m_startRef = 0;
	if (m_eposSet)
		m_navQuery->findNearestPoly(m_epos, m_polyPickExt, &m_filter, &m_endRef, 0);
		m_endRef = 0;
	m_pathFindStatus = DT_FAILURE;
		m_pathIterNum = 0;
		if (m_sposSet && m_eposSet && m_startRef && m_endRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("pi  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_epos[0],m_epos[1],m_epos[2],
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags()); 

			m_navQuery->findPath(m_startRef, m_endRef, m_spos, m_epos, &m_filter, m_polys, &m_npolys, MAX_POLYS);

			m_nsmoothPath = 0;

			if (m_npolys)
				// Iterate over the path to find smooth path on the detail mesh surface.
				dtPolyRef polys[MAX_POLYS];
				memcpy(polys, m_polys, sizeof(dtPolyRef)*m_npolys); 
				int npolys = m_npolys;
				float iterPos[3], targetPos[3];
				m_navQuery->closestPointOnPolyBoundary(m_startRef, m_spos, iterPos);
				m_navQuery->closestPointOnPolyBoundary(polys[npolys-1], m_epos, targetPos);
				static const float STEP_SIZE = 0.5f;
				static const float SLOP = 0.01f;
				m_nsmoothPath = 0;
				dtVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], iterPos);
				// Move towards target a small advancement at a time until target reached or
				// when ran out of memory to store the path.
				while (npolys && m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
					// Find location to steer towards.
					float steerPos[3];
					unsigned char steerPosFlag;
					dtPolyRef steerPosRef;
					if (!getSteerTarget(m_navQuery, iterPos, targetPos, SLOP,
										polys, npolys, steerPos, steerPosFlag, steerPosRef))
					bool endOfPath = (steerPosFlag & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_END) ? true : false;
					bool offMeshConnection = (steerPosFlag & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) ? true : false;
					// Find movement delta.
					float delta[3], len;
					dtVsub(delta, steerPos, iterPos);
					len = dtSqrt(dtVdot(delta,delta));
					// If the steer target is end of path or off-mesh link, do not move past the location.
					if ((endOfPath || offMeshConnection) && len < STEP_SIZE)
						len = 1;
						len = STEP_SIZE / len;
					float moveTgt[3];
					dtVmad(moveTgt, iterPos, delta, len);
					// Move
					float result[3];
					dtPolyRef visited[16];
					int nvisited = 0;
					m_navQuery->moveAlongSurface(polys[0], iterPos, moveTgt, &m_filter,
												 result, visited, &nvisited, 16);
					npolys = fixupCorridor(polys, npolys, MAX_POLYS, visited, nvisited);
					float h = 0;
					m_navQuery->getPolyHeight(polys[0], result, &h);
					result[1] = h;
					dtVcopy(iterPos, result);

					// Handle end of path and off-mesh links when close enough.
					if (endOfPath && inRange(iterPos, steerPos, SLOP, 1.0f))
						// Reached end of path.
						dtVcopy(iterPos, targetPos);
						if (m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
							dtVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], iterPos);
					else if (offMeshConnection && inRange(iterPos, steerPos, SLOP, 1.0f))
						// Reached off-mesh connection.
						float startPos[3], endPos[3];
						// Advance the path up to and over the off-mesh connection.
						dtPolyRef prevRef = 0, polyRef = polys[0];
						int npos = 0;
						while (npos < npolys && polyRef != steerPosRef)
							prevRef = polyRef;
							polyRef = polys[npos];
						for (int i = npos; i < npolys; ++i)
							polys[i-npos] = polys[i];
						npolys -= npos;
						// Handle the connection.
						if (m_navMesh->getOffMeshConnectionPolyEndPoints(prevRef, polyRef, startPos, endPos) == DT_SUCCESS)
							if (m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
								dtVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], startPos);
								// Hack to make the dotted path not visible during off-mesh connection.
								if (m_nsmoothPath & 1)
									dtVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], startPos);
							// Move position at the other side of the off-mesh link.
							dtVcopy(iterPos, endPos);
							float h;
							m_navQuery->getPolyHeight(polys[0], iterPos, &h);
							iterPos[1] = h;
					// Store results.
					if (m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
						dtVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], iterPos);

			m_npolys = 0;
			m_nsmoothPath = 0;
	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT)
		if (m_sposSet && m_eposSet && m_startRef && m_endRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("ps  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_epos[0],m_epos[1],m_epos[2],
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags()); 
			m_navQuery->findPath(m_startRef, m_endRef, m_spos, m_epos, &m_filter, m_polys, &m_npolys, MAX_POLYS);
			m_nstraightPath = 0;
			if (m_npolys)
				// In case of partial path, make sure the end point is clamped to the last polygon.
				float epos[3];
				dtVcopy(epos, m_epos);
				if (m_polys[m_npolys-1] != m_endRef)
					m_navQuery->closestPointOnPoly(m_polys[m_npolys-1], m_epos, epos);
				m_navQuery->findStraightPath(m_spos, epos, m_polys, m_npolys,
											 m_straightPath, m_straightPathFlags,
											 m_straightPathPolys, &m_nstraightPath, MAX_POLYS);
			m_npolys = 0;
			m_nstraightPath = 0;
	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_SLICED)
		if (m_sposSet && m_eposSet && m_startRef && m_endRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("ps  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_epos[0],m_epos[1],m_epos[2],
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags()); 
			m_npolys = 0;
			m_nstraightPath = 0;
			m_pathFindStatus = m_navQuery->initSlicedFindPath(m_startRef, m_endRef, m_spos, m_epos, &m_filter);
			m_npolys = 0;
			m_nstraightPath = 0;
	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_RAYCAST)
		m_nstraightPath = 0;
		if (m_sposSet && m_eposSet && m_startRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("rc  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_epos[0],m_epos[1],m_epos[2],
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags()); 
			float t = 0;
			m_npolys = 0;
			m_nstraightPath = 2;
			m_straightPath[0] = m_spos[0];
			m_straightPath[1] = m_spos[1];
			m_straightPath[2] = m_spos[2];
			m_navQuery->raycast(m_startRef, m_spos, m_epos, &m_filter, &t, m_hitNormal, m_polys, &m_npolys, MAX_POLYS);
			if (t > 1)
				// No hit
				dtVcopy(m_hitPos, m_epos);
				m_hitResult = false;
				// Hit
				m_hitPos[0] = m_spos[0] + (m_epos[0] - m_spos[0]) * t;
				m_hitPos[1] = m_spos[1] + (m_epos[1] - m_spos[1]) * t;
				m_hitPos[2] = m_spos[2] + (m_epos[2] - m_spos[2]) * t;
				if (m_npolys)
					float h = 0;
					m_navQuery->getPolyHeight(m_polys[m_npolys-1], m_hitPos, &h);
					m_hitPos[1] = h;
				m_hitResult = true;
			dtVcopy(&m_straightPath[3], m_hitPos);
	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_DISTANCE_TO_WALL)
		m_distanceToWall = 0;
		if (m_sposSet && m_startRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("dw  %f %f %f  %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], 100.0f,
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags()); 
			m_distanceToWall = 0.0f;
			m_navQuery->findDistanceToWall(m_startRef, m_spos, 100.0f, &m_filter, &m_distanceToWall, m_hitPos, m_hitNormal);
	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_CIRCLE)
		if (m_sposSet && m_startRef && m_eposSet)
			const float dx = m_epos[0] - m_spos[0];
			const float dz = m_epos[2] - m_spos[2];
			float dist = sqrtf(dx*dx + dz*dz);
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("fpc  %f %f %f  %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], dist,
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags());
			m_navQuery->findPolysAroundCircle(m_startRef, m_spos, dist, &m_filter,
											  m_polys, m_parent, 0, &m_npolys, MAX_POLYS);

	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_SHAPE)
		if (m_sposSet && m_startRef && m_eposSet)
			const float nx = (m_epos[2] - m_spos[2])*0.25f;
			const float nz = -(m_epos[0] - m_spos[0])*0.25f;
			const float agentHeight = m_sample ? m_sample->getAgentHeight() : 0;

			m_queryPoly[0] = m_spos[0] + nx*1.2f;
			m_queryPoly[1] = m_spos[1] + agentHeight/2;
			m_queryPoly[2] = m_spos[2] + nz*1.2f;

			m_queryPoly[3] = m_spos[0] - nx*1.3f;
			m_queryPoly[4] = m_spos[1] + agentHeight/2;
			m_queryPoly[5] = m_spos[2] - nz*1.3f;

			m_queryPoly[6] = m_epos[0] - nx*0.8f;
			m_queryPoly[7] = m_epos[1] + agentHeight/2;
			m_queryPoly[8] = m_epos[2] - nz*0.8f;

			m_queryPoly[9] = m_epos[0] + nx;
			m_queryPoly[10] = m_epos[1] + agentHeight/2;
			m_queryPoly[11] = m_epos[2] + nz;
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("fpp  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags());
			m_navQuery->findPolysAroundShape(m_startRef, m_queryPoly, 4, &m_filter,
											 m_polys, m_parent, 0, &m_npolys, MAX_POLYS);
		if (m_sposSet && m_startRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("fln  %f %f %f  %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				   m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_neighbourhoodRadius,
				   m_filter.getIncludeFlags(), m_filter.getExcludeFlags());
			m_navQuery->findLocalNeighbourhood(m_startRef, m_spos, m_neighbourhoodRadius, &m_filter,
											   m_polys, m_parent, &m_npolys, MAX_POLYS);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void dtCrowd::update(const float dt, dtCrowdAgentDebugInfo* debug)
	m_velocitySampleCount = 0;
	const int debugIdx = debug ? debug->idx : -1;
	dtCrowdAgent** agents = m_activeAgents;
	int nagents = getActiveAgents(agents, m_maxAgents);
	// Check that all agents still have valid paths.
	checkPathValidity(agents, nagents, dt);
	// Update async move request and path finder.

	// Optimize path topology.
	updateTopologyOptimization(agents, nagents, dt);
	// Register agents to proximity grid.
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		const float* p = ag->npos;
		const float r = ag->params.radius;
		m_grid->addItem((unsigned short)i, p[0]-r, p[2]-r, p[0]+r, p[2]+r);
	// Get nearby navmesh segments and agents to collide with.
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];

		// Update the collision boundary after certain distance has been passed or
		// if it has become invalid.
		const float updateThr = ag->params.collisionQueryRange*0.25f;
		if (dtVdist2DSqr(ag->npos, ag->boundary.getCenter()) > dtSqr(updateThr) ||
			!ag->boundary.isValid(m_navquery, &m_filter))
			ag->boundary.update(ag->corridor.getFirstPoly(), ag->npos, ag->params.collisionQueryRange,
								m_navquery, &m_filter);
		// Query neighbour agents
		ag->nneis = getNeighbours(ag->npos, ag->params.height, ag->params.collisionQueryRange,
								  ag, ag->neis, DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_NEIGHBOURS,
								  agents, nagents, m_grid);
		for (int j = 0; j < ag->nneis; j++)
			ag->neis[j].idx = getAgentIndex(agents[ag->neis[j].idx]);
	// Find next corner to steer to.
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE || ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY)
		// Find corners for steering
		ag->ncorners = ag->corridor.findCorners(ag->cornerVerts, ag->cornerFlags, ag->cornerPolys,
												DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_CORNERS, m_navquery, &m_filter);
		// Check to see if the corner after the next corner is directly visible,
		// and short cut to there.
		if ((ag->params.updateFlags & DT_CROWD_OPTIMIZE_VIS) && ag->ncorners > 0)
			const float* target = &ag->cornerVerts[dtMin(1,ag->ncorners-1)*3];
			ag->corridor.optimizePathVisibility(target, ag->params.pathOptimizationRange, m_navquery, &m_filter);
			// Copy data for debug purposes.
			if (debugIdx == i)
				dtVcopy(debug->optStart, ag->corridor.getPos());
				dtVcopy(debug->optEnd, target);
			// Copy data for debug purposes.
			if (debugIdx == i)
				dtVset(debug->optStart, 0,0,0);
				dtVset(debug->optEnd, 0,0,0);
	// Trigger off-mesh connections (depends on corners).
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE || ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY)
		// Check 
		const float triggerRadius = ag->params.radius*2.25f;
		if (overOffmeshConnection(ag, triggerRadius))
			// Prepare to off-mesh connection.
			const int idx = (int)(ag - m_agents); // heat-modif: mendsley - Fixing 64bit compile issues
			dtCrowdAgentAnimation* anim = &m_agentAnims[idx];
			// Adjust the path over the off-mesh connection.
			dtPolyRef refs[2];
			if (ag->corridor.moveOverOffmeshConnection(ag->cornerPolys[ag->ncorners-1], refs,
													   anim->startPos, anim->endPos, m_navquery))
				dtVcopy(anim->initPos, ag->npos);
				anim->polyRef = refs[1];
				anim->active = 1;
				anim->t = 0.0f;
				anim->tmax = (dtVdist2D(anim->startPos, anim->endPos) / ag->params.maxSpeed) * 0.5f;
				ag->ncorners = 0;
				ag->nneis = 0;
				// Path validity check will ensure that bad/blocked connections will be replanned.
	// Calculate steering.
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];

		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE)
		float dvel[3] = {0,0,0};

		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY)
			dtVcopy(dvel, ag->targetPos);
			ag->desiredSpeed = dtVlen(ag->targetPos);
			// Calculate steering direction.
			if (ag->params.updateFlags & DT_CROWD_ANTICIPATE_TURNS)
				calcSmoothSteerDirection(ag, dvel);
				calcStraightSteerDirection(ag, dvel);
			// Calculate speed scale, which tells the agent to slowdown at the end of the path.
			const float slowDownRadius = ag->params.radius*2;	// TODO: make less hacky.
			const float speedScale = getDistanceToGoal(ag, slowDownRadius) / slowDownRadius;
			ag->desiredSpeed = ag->params.maxSpeed;
			dtVscale(dvel, dvel, ag->desiredSpeed * speedScale);

		// Separation
		if (ag->params.updateFlags & DT_CROWD_SEPARATION)
			const float separationDist = ag->params.collisionQueryRange; 
			const float invSeparationDist = 1.0f / separationDist; 
			const float separationWeight = ag->params.separationWeight;
			float w = 0;
			float disp[3] = {0,0,0};
			for (int j = 0; j < ag->nneis; ++j)
				const dtCrowdAgent* nei = &m_agents[ag->neis[j].idx];
				float diff[3];
				dtVsub(diff, ag->npos, nei->npos);
				diff[1] = 0;
				const float distSqr = dtVlenSqr(diff);
				if (distSqr < 0.00001f)
				if (distSqr > dtSqr(separationDist))
				const float dist = dtSqrt(distSqr);
				const float weight = separationWeight * (1.0f - dtSqr(dist*invSeparationDist));
				dtVmad(disp, disp, diff, weight/dist);
				w += 1.0f;
			if (w > 0.0001f)
				// Adjust desired velocity.
				dtVmad(dvel, dvel, disp, 1.0f/w);
				// Clamp desired velocity to desired speed.
				const float speedSqr = dtVlenSqr(dvel);
				const float desiredSqr = dtSqr(ag->desiredSpeed);
				if (speedSqr > desiredSqr)
					dtVscale(dvel, dvel, desiredSqr/speedSqr);
		// Set the desired velocity.
		dtVcopy(ag->dvel, dvel);
	// Velocity planning.	
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		if (ag->params.updateFlags & DT_CROWD_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE)
			// Add neighbours as obstacles.
			for (int j = 0; j < ag->nneis; ++j)
				const dtCrowdAgent* nei = &m_agents[ag->neis[j].idx];
				m_obstacleQuery->addCircle(nei->npos, nei->params.radius, nei->vel, nei->dvel);

			// Append neighbour segments as obstacles.
			for (int j = 0; j < ag->boundary.getSegmentCount(); ++j)
				const float* s = ag->boundary.getSegment(j);
				if (dtTriArea2D(ag->npos, s, s+3) < 0.0f)
				m_obstacleQuery->addSegment(s, s+3);

			dtObstacleAvoidanceDebugData* vod = 0;
			if (debugIdx == i) 
				vod = debug->vod;
			// Sample new safe velocity.
			bool adaptive = true;
			int ns = 0;

			const dtObstacleAvoidanceParams* params = &m_obstacleQueryParams[ag->params.obstacleAvoidanceType];
			if (adaptive)
				ns = m_obstacleQuery->sampleVelocityAdaptive(ag->npos, ag->params.radius, ag->desiredSpeed,
															 ag->vel, ag->dvel, ag->nvel, params, vod);
				ns = m_obstacleQuery->sampleVelocityGrid(ag->npos, ag->params.radius, ag->desiredSpeed,
														 ag->vel, ag->dvel, ag->nvel, params, vod);
			m_velocitySampleCount += ns;
			// If not using velocity planning, new velocity is directly the desired velocity.
			dtVcopy(ag->nvel, ag->dvel);

	// Integrate.
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		integrate(ag, dt);
	// Handle collisions.
	static const float COLLISION_RESOLVE_FACTOR = 0.7f;
	for (int iter = 0; iter < 4; ++iter)
		for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
			dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
			const int idx0 = getAgentIndex(ag);
			if (ag->state != DT_CROWDAGENT_STATE_WALKING)

			dtVset(ag->disp, 0,0,0);
			float w = 0;

			for (int j = 0; j < ag->nneis; ++j)
				const dtCrowdAgent* nei = &m_agents[ag->neis[j].idx];
				const int idx1 = getAgentIndex(nei);

				float diff[3];
				dtVsub(diff, ag->npos, nei->npos);
				diff[1] = 0;
				float dist = dtVlenSqr(diff);
				if (dist > dtSqr(ag->params.radius + nei->params.radius))
				dist = dtSqrt(dist);
				float pen = (ag->params.radius + nei->params.radius) - dist;
				if (dist < 0.0001f)
					// Agents on top of each other, try to choose diverging separation directions.
					if (idx0 > idx1)
						dtVset(diff, -ag->dvel[2],0,ag->dvel[0]);
						dtVset(diff, ag->dvel[2],0,-ag->dvel[0]);
					pen = 0.01f;
					pen = (1.0f/dist) * (pen*0.5f) * COLLISION_RESOLVE_FACTOR;
				dtVmad(ag->disp, ag->disp, diff, pen);			
				w += 1.0f;
			if (w > 0.0001f)
				const float iw = 1.0f / w;
				dtVscale(ag->disp, ag->disp, iw);
		for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
			dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
			if (ag->state != DT_CROWDAGENT_STATE_WALKING)
			dtVadd(ag->npos, ag->npos, ag->disp);
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		// Move along navmesh.
		ag->corridor.movePosition(ag->npos, m_navquery, &m_filter);
		// Get valid constrained position back.
		dtVcopy(ag->npos, ag->corridor.getPos());

		// If not using path, truncate the corridor to just one poly.
		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE || ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY)
			ag->corridor.reset(ag->corridor.getFirstPoly(), ag->npos);

	// Update agents using off-mesh connection.
	for (int i = 0; i < m_maxAgents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgentAnimation* anim = &m_agentAnims[i];
		if (!anim->active)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];

		anim->t += dt;
		if (anim->t > anim->tmax)
			// Reset animation
			anim->active = 0;
			// Prepare agent for walking.
		// Update position
		const float ta = anim->tmax*0.15f;
		const float tb = anim->tmax;
		if (anim->t < ta)
			const float u = tween(anim->t, 0.0, ta);
			dtVlerp(ag->npos, anim->initPos, anim->startPos, u);
			const float u = tween(anim->t, ta, tb);
			dtVlerp(ag->npos, anim->startPos, anim->endPos, u);
		// Update velocity.
		dtVset(ag->vel, 0,0,0);
		dtVset(ag->dvel, 0,0,0);