Ejemplo n.º 1
static void test(void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof TestCase / sizeof TestCase[0]; i++) {
    char p0fbuf[256];
    parse_frame pf = { PROT_IPv4, T->iplen, T->ip, NULL };
    parse_frame pf2 = { PROT_TCP, T->tcplen, T->tcp, NULL };
    /* print */
    printf("#%2u:\n", i);
    /* parse ip and tcp in order */
    ipv4_parse(T->ip, T->iplen, &pf, NULL);
    tcp_parse(T->tcp, T->tcplen, &pf2, NULL);
    /* generate fingerprint */
    p0f2str(p0fbuf, sizeof p0fbuf, (tcp*)T->tcp, T->tcplen,
                                   (ipv4*)T->ip, T->iplen, 0);
    if (0 == strcmp(p0fbuf, T->expected_p0f)) {
    } else {
      printf("%s p0f:   %s\nexpected: %s)\n", "!!", p0fbuf, T->expected_p0f);
      printf("  IP len=%u ", T->iplen);
      dump_chars(T->ip, T->iplen, stdout);
      fputc('\n', stdout);
      printf("  TCP len=%u ", T->tcplen);
      dump_chars(T->tcp, T->tcplen, stdout);
      fputc('\n', stdout);
      ipv4_dump(&pf, 0, stdout);
      tcp_dump(&pf2, 0, stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void test(void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof TestCase / sizeof TestCase[0]; i++) {
    parse_frame pf = { PROT_SMB, T->smblen, T->smb, NULL };
    parse_frame pf2 = { PROT_BROWSE, T->browselen, T->browse, NULL };
    size_t smbbytes, browsebytes;
    /* print */
    printf("#%2u:\n", i);
    printf("  SMB len=%lu ", T->smblen);
    dump_chars(T->smb, T->smblen, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    printf("  BROWSE len=%lu ", T->browselen);
    dump_chars(T->browse, T->browselen, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    /* parse ip and tcp in order */
    smbbytes = smb_parse(T->smb, T->smblen, &pf, NULL);
    printf("smb parsed %u bytes: ", (unsigned)smbbytes);
    dump_chars((char *)T->smb, smbbytes, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    browsebytes = parse(T->browse, T->browselen, &pf2, NULL);
    printf("browse parsed %u bytes: ", (unsigned)browsebytes);
    dump_chars((char *)T->browse, browsebytes, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    smb_dump(&pf, 0, stdout);
    dump(&pf2, 0, stdout);
    assert(smbbytes == T->smblen);
    assert(browsebytes == T->browselen);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: smb.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
static void test(void)
  parse_frame f = { PROT_SMB, sizeof Sample - 1, Sample, NULL };
  size_t bytes;
  printf("Sample(%u bytes):", (unsigned)f.len);
  dump_chars(Sample, f.len, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  bytes = smb_parse(f.off, f.len, &f, NULL);
  printf("Consumed(%u bytes):", (unsigned)bytes);
  dump_chars(Sample, bytes, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  dump(&f, 0, stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: dns.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
 * parse a variable-length DNS name pointed at by 'buf'; do not exceed
 * 'len' bytes
 * @ref #1 S3.1
size_t dns_calc_len_name(const char *buf, size_t len)
  const char *obuf = buf;
  size_t olen = len;
  while (len > 0) {
    if (0xC0 == (u8)*buf) {
      if (len < 2)
        buf += len, len = 0;
        buf += 2, len -= 2;
    } else if ((u8)*buf >= len) {
      buf += len, len = 0;
    } else if (0 == *buf) {
      buf++, len--;
    } else {
      len -= *buf + 1;
      buf += *buf + 1;
#if 0
  printf("%s name(%u bytes)=", __func__, (unsigned)(buf - obuf));
  dump_chars(obuf, (unsigned)(buf - obuf), stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  assert((size_t)(buf - obuf) <= olen);
  return (size_t)(buf - obuf);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void test(void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof TestCase / sizeof TestCase[0]; i++) {
    parse_frame f = { PROT_SMB, T->len, T->txt, NULL };
    size_t bytes;
    printf("Sample(%u bytes):", (unsigned)f.len);
    dump_chars(f.off, f.len, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    bytes = smb_parse(f.off, f.len, &f, NULL);
    printf("Consumed(%u bytes):", (unsigned)bytes);
    dump_chars(f.off, bytes, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    smb_dump(&f, 0, stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 6
size_t dump(const parse_frame *f, int options, FILE *out)
  const tivoconn *t = (tivoconn *)f->off;
  const tivoconn_kv *kv = f->pass;
  const char *ver = (char *)f->off + sizeof t->tivoconnect + 1;
  int bytes = fprintf(out, "%s ver=%c\n", Iface_TiVoConn.shortname, *ver);
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 1; i < kv->cnt; i++) { /* yes, start at one. skip TiVoConn header */
    bytes += fprintf(out, " %-8.*s %.*s\n",
      kv->item[i].keystr.len, kv->item[i].keystr.start,
      kv->item[i].val.len, kv->item[i].val.start);
    if (Key_Platform == i) {
      char ipbuf[48];
      const parse_frame *fi = f-2;
      const ipv4 *ip = fi->off;
      assert(PROT_IPv4 == fi->id);
      (void)ipv4_addr_format(ipbuf, sizeof ipbuf, ip->src);
      rep_hint("4", ipbuf, "TivoConn.Platform", kv->item[i].val.start, kv->item[i].val.len);
#if 0
  bytes += dump_chars(ver + 2, f->len - ((ver + 2) - (char *)f->off), stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  return (size_t)bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: comp.c Proyecto: Miraculix/dgd
 * NAME:	dump_program()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the program
static void dump_program(control *ctrl)
    if (ctrl->progsize != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic char program[] = {\n");
	size = 0;
	dump_chars(ctrl->prog, ctrl->progsize);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: dns.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
static void test(void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof TestCase / sizeof TestCase[0]; i++) {
    parse_frame pf = { PROT_DNS, T->len, T->txt, NULL };
    printf("#%2u: ", i);
    dump_chars(T->txt, T->len, stdout);
    dns_parse(T->txt, T->len, &pf, NULL);
    dump(&pf, 0, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: dns.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
size_t dns_calc_len_rr(const char *buf, size_t len)
  const char *name = buf;
  size_t namelen = dns_calc_len_name(name, len);
  const dns_answer *a;
  size_t bytes = len;
  if (namelen + sizeof *a > len)
    return len;
  a = (dns_answer *)(buf + namelen); 
  bytes = namelen + sizeof *a + ntohs(a->rrlen);
#if 0
  printf("name(%u byes)=", namelen);
  dump_chars(name, namelen, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  printf("answer(%u byes)=", sizeof *a);
  dump_chars((char*)a, sizeof *a, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  if (bytes > len)
    bytes = len;
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static size_t dump_resp(const parse_frame *f, int opt, FILE *out, const http *h)
  const http_resp *r = &h->data.resp;
  int bytes = fprintf(out, "ver=%.*s code=%.*s (%.*s)\n",
    r->ver.len, r->ver.start,
    r->code.len, r->code.start,
    r->desc.len, r->desc.start);
  bytes += http_dump_headers(&r->headers, opt, out);
  bytes += dump_chars(r->contents.start, r->contents.len, out);
  fputc('\n', out);
  return (size_t)bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static size_t parse_domwg(const browse *b, char *buf, size_t len, const parse_status *st)
  const struct dom_wg *d = (struct dom_wg *)buf;
  size_t bytes,
  if (len < sizeof *d)
    return 0;
  namelen = memcspn((char *)d->master_name, len - sizeof *d, "\x00", 1);
  bytes = sizeof *d + namelen;
  printf("%s %s (bytes=%u):", __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)bytes);
  dump_chars((char *)d, bytes, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void test(void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof TestCase / sizeof TestCase[0]; i++) {
    size_t len = T->len ? T->len : strlen(T->txt);
    parse_frame pf = { PROT_GNUTELLA, len, T->txt, NULL };
    printf("#%2u: ", i);
    dump_chars(T->txt, len, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    parse(T->txt, len, &pf, NULL);
    dump(&pf, 0, stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * parse host comment at the end;
 * NOTE: this *should* go until the end of the packet; however some instances
 * (i.e. BROWSER over LLC) pad the message with NUL bytes.
static size_t parse_host(const browse *b, char *buf, size_t len, const parse_status *st)
  const struct browse_hostann *h = (struct browse_hostann *)buf;
  size_t bytes,
  if (len < sizeof *h)
    return 0;
  commentlen = memcspn((char *)h->host_comment, len - sizeof *h, "\x00", 1);
  bytes = sizeof *h + commentlen;
  if (bytes > len)
    bytes = len;
  printf("%s %s (bytes=%u):", __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)bytes);
  dump_chars((char *)h, bytes, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static size_t parse_elect(const browse *b, char *buf, size_t len, const parse_status *st)
  struct electreq *e = (struct electreq *)buf;
  size_t bytes,
  if (len < sizeof *e)
    return 0;
  namelen = memcspn((char *)e->name, len - sizeof *e, "\x00", 1);
  bytes = sizeof *e + namelen;
  printf("%s %s (bytes=%u):", __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)bytes);
  dump_chars((char *)e, bytes, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  /* fix endianness */
  e->uptime = ltohl(e->uptime);
  assert(bytes == len);
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void test(void)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof TestCase / sizeof TestCase[0]; i++) {
    http_headers h;
    size_t len, bytes;
    len = T->len ? T->len : strlen(T->txt);
    printf("#%2u: ", i);
    dump_chars(T->txt, len, stdout);
    memset(&h, 0, sizeof h);
    bytes = http_parse_headers(T->txt, len, &h);
    printf(" len=%u parsed=%u\n", (unsigned)len, (unsigned)bytes);
    (void)http_dump_headers(&h, 0, stdout);
    assert(bytes <= len);
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: dns.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
static size_t dump_qd(const char *buf, size_t len, FILE *out)
  char namebuf[1024];
  const char *name = (const char *)buf;
  size_t namel = memcspn(name, len, "\x00", 1);
  int bytes = 0;
  const dns_query *q = (dns_query *)(buf + namel + 1);
  (void)dump_chars_buf(namebuf, sizeof namebuf, buf, namel);
#if 0
  printf("len=%u name[namel=%u]=%s name[10]=", (unsigned)len, (unsigned)namel, namebuf);
  dump_chars(name, 10, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  bytes = fprintf(out, " qd name=%s type=%hu(%s) class=%hu(%s)\n", 
    ntohs(q->type), type2str(ntohs(q->type)),
    ntohs(q->class_), class2str(ntohs(q->class_)));
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: comp.c Proyecto: Miraculix/dgd
 * NAME:	dump_strings()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the strings
static void dump_strings(control *ctrl)
    int i;
    long len;

    if (ctrl->nstrings != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic dstrconst sstrings[] = {\n");
	len = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nstrings; i++) {
	    printf("{ %ld, %u },\n", len, ctrl->strings[i]->len);
	    len += ctrl->strings[i]->len;
	printf("};\n\nstatic char stext[] = {\n");
	size = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nstrings; i++) {
	    dump_chars(ctrl->strings[i]->text, ctrl->strings[i]->len);
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: smb.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
 * @return number of octets used by this protocol, or zero upon error
size_t smb_parse(char *buf, size_t len, parse_frame *f, const parse_status *st)
  smb_hdr *h = (smb_hdr *)buf;
  size_t bytes;
  /* sanity check packet */
  if (sizeof *h > len)
    return 0;
  /* convert endianness */
  h->treeid = ntohs(h->treeid);
  h->procid = ntohs(h->procid);
  h->userid = ntohs(h->userid);
  bytes = do_parse(buf + sizeof *h, len - sizeof *h, h);
#if 1
  printf("%s %s do_parse=%u bytes: ",
    __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)bytes);
  dump_chars(buf + sizeof *h, bytes, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  bytes += sizeof *h;
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 19
static size_t do_parse(char *buf, size_t len)
  const char *obuf = buf;
  cdp_data *d = (cdp_data *)buf;
  while (len >= sizeof d->head) {
    d->head.type = ntohs(d->head.type);
    d->head.bytes = ntohs(d->head.bytes);
    if (d->head.bytes > len)
    if (d->head.type < Data_COUNT && DataHandle[d->head.type].parse) {
      (*DataHandle[d->head.type].parse)(d, (char *)d + sizeof d->head,
                                  d->head.bytes - sizeof d->head);
      printf("%s %s (len=%u) bytes=%hu contents=",
        __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)len, d->head.bytes);
      dump_chars((char *)d, d->head.bytes, stdout);
      fputc('\n', stdout);
    len -= d->head.bytes;
    d = (cdp_data *)((char *)d + d->head.bytes);
  return (size_t)((char *)d - obuf);
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: dns.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
 * given an already-overlayed and endian-adjusted 'dns' struct and the rest of
 * the packet, calculate the length of the following variable-length Response Records
size_t dns_calc_len(const char *buf, size_t len, const dns *d)
  const struct {
    u16 cnt;
    size_t (*f)(const char *, size_t);
  } parse[4] = {
    { d->qdcnt, dns_calc_len_qd },
    { d->ancnt, dns_calc_len_rr },
    { d->nscnt, dns_calc_len_rr },
    { d->arcnt, dns_calc_len_rr }
  const char *obuf = buf;
  const size_t olen = len;
  size_t bytes;
  unsigned i;
  printf("%s:%s len=%u d=%p\n", __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)len, (void *)d);
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof parse / sizeof parse[0]; i++) {
    u16 cnt = parse[i].cnt;
    if (cnt)
      printf("%s:%s i=%u cnt=%hu\n", __FILE__, __func__, i, cnt);
    while (cnt--) {
      size_t b = (*parse[i].f)(buf, len);
      printf("%s:%s i=%u cnt=%hu consumed=%hu bytes=",
        __FILE__, __func__, i, cnt, (unsigned)b);
      dump_chars(buf, b, stdout);
      fputc('\n', stdout);
      assert(b <= len);
      /* adjust buffer/length for next pass */
      buf += b, len -= b;
  bytes = (size_t)(buf - obuf);
  printf("bytes=%u olen=%u\n", (unsigned)bytes, (unsigned)olen);
  if (bytes != olen)
    printf("!!! You didn't consume the whole message!\n");
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: smb.c Proyecto: epok76/lanmap2
 * SMB header has been parsed, parse rest of msg
 * @return number of bytes consumed
static size_t do_parse(char *buf, size_t len, const smb_hdr *h)
  size_t bytes = 0;
  printf("do_parse len=%u buf=", (unsigned)len);
  dump_chars(buf, len, stdout);
  fputc('\n', stdout);
  switch ((enum SMB_Cmd)h->cmd) {
  case SMB_Cmd_TransReq:
  { /* TODO: break out into own function */
    size_t namelen;
    smb_trans_req *r = (smb_trans_req *)buf;
    if (sizeof *r > len)
      return 0;
    /* convert endianness */
    r->totalparam       = ltohs(r->totalparam);
    r->totaldata        = ltohs(r->totaldata);
    r->maxparam         = ltohs(r->maxparam);
    r->maxdata          = ltohs(r->maxdata);
    r->param            = ltohs(r->param);
    r->paramoffset      = ltohs(r->paramoffset);
    r->data             = ltohs(r->data);
    r->dataoffset       = ltohs(r->dataoffset);
    r->mailslot.opcode  = ltohs(r->mailslot.opcode);
    r->mailslot.priority= ltohs(r->mailslot.priority);
    r->mailslot.class_  = ltohs(r->mailslot.class_);
    r->mailslot.bytes   = ltohs(r->mailslot.bytes);
    /* calculate length of name */
    namelen = memcspn((char *)r->name, len - sizeof *r - 1, "\x00", 1);
    bytes = namelen + sizeof *r; /* includes trailing \0 */
  return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static size_t dump(const parse_frame *f, int options, FILE *out)
  int bytes = dump_chars(f->off, f->len, stdout);
  return (size_t)bytes;