Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Allocate cache.
bool dvmInstanceofStartup()
    gDvm.instanceofCache = dvmAllocAtomicCache(INSTANCEOF_CACHE_SIZE);
    if (gDvm.instanceofCache == NULL)
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Create auxillary data structures.
 * We need a 4-byte pointer for every reference to a class, method, field,
 * or string constant.  Summed up over all loaded DEX files (including the
 * whoppers in the boostrap class path), this adds up to be quite a bit
 * of native memory.
 * For more traditional VMs these values could be stuffed into the loaded
 * class file constant pool area, but we don't have that luxury since our
 * classes are memory-mapped read-only.
 * The DEX optimizer will remove the need for some of these (e.g. we won't
 * use the entry for virtual methods that are only called through
 * invoke-virtual-quick), creating the possibility of some space reduction
 * at dexopt time.
static DvmDex* allocateAuxStructures(DexFile* pDexFile)
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    const DexHeader* pHeader;
    u4 stringCount, classCount, methodCount, fieldCount;

    pDvmDex = (DvmDex*) calloc(1, sizeof(DvmDex));
    if (pDvmDex == NULL)
        return NULL;

    pDvmDex->pDexFile = pDexFile;
    pDvmDex->pHeader = pDexFile->pHeader;

    pHeader = pDvmDex->pHeader;

    stringCount = pHeader->stringIdsSize;
    classCount = pHeader->typeIdsSize;
    methodCount = pHeader->methodIdsSize;
    fieldCount = pHeader->fieldIdsSize;

    pDvmDex->pResStrings = (struct StringObject**)
        calloc(stringCount, sizeof(struct StringObject*));

    pDvmDex->pResClasses = (struct ClassObject**)
        calloc(classCount, sizeof(struct ClassObject*));

    pDvmDex->pResMethods = (struct Method**)
        calloc(methodCount, sizeof(struct Method*));

    pDvmDex->pResFields = (struct Field**)
        calloc(fieldCount, sizeof(struct Field*));

    LOGV("+++ DEX %p: allocateAux %d+%d+%d+%d * 4 = %d bytes\n",
        pDvmDex, stringCount, classCount, methodCount, fieldCount,
        (stringCount + classCount + methodCount + fieldCount) * 4);

    pDvmDex->pInterfaceCache = dvmAllocAtomicCache(DEX_INTERFACE_CACHE_SIZE);

    if (pDvmDex->pResStrings == NULL ||
        pDvmDex->pResClasses == NULL ||
        pDvmDex->pResMethods == NULL ||
        pDvmDex->pResFields == NULL ||
        pDvmDex->pInterfaceCache == NULL)
        LOGE("Alloc failure in allocateAuxStructures\n");
        return NULL;

    return pDvmDex;

Ejemplo n.º 3
static DvmDex* allocateAuxStructures(DexFile* pDexFile)
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    const DexHeader* pHeader;
    u4 stringSize, classSize, methodSize, fieldSize;

    pHeader = pDexFile->pHeader;

    stringSize = pHeader->stringIdsSize * sizeof(struct StringObject*);
    classSize  = pHeader->typeIdsSize * sizeof(struct ClassObject*);
    methodSize = pHeader->methodIdsSize * sizeof(struct Method*);
    fieldSize  = pHeader->fieldIdsSize * sizeof(struct Field*);

    u4 totalSize = sizeof(DvmDex) +
                   stringSize + classSize + methodSize + fieldSize;

    u1 *blob = (u1 *)dvmAllocRegion(totalSize,
                              PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, "dalvik-aux-structure");
    if ((void *)blob == MAP_FAILED)
        return NULL;

    pDvmDex = (DvmDex*)blob;
    blob += sizeof(DvmDex);

    pDvmDex->pDexFile = pDexFile;
    pDvmDex->pHeader = pHeader;

    pDvmDex->pResStrings = (struct StringObject**)blob;
    blob += stringSize;
    pDvmDex->pResClasses = (struct ClassObject**)blob;
    blob += classSize;
    pDvmDex->pResMethods = (struct Method**)blob;
    blob += methodSize;
    pDvmDex->pResFields = (struct Field**)blob;

    ALOGV("+++ DEX %p: allocateAux (%d+%d+%d+%d)*4 = %d bytes",
        pDvmDex, stringSize/4, classSize/4, methodSize/4, fieldSize/4,
        stringSize + classSize + methodSize + fieldSize);

    pDvmDex->pInterfaceCache = dvmAllocAtomicCache(DEX_INTERFACE_CACHE_SIZE);


    return pDvmDex;