Ejemplo n.º 1
CompilerInterface::extension_t CompilerInterface::extension(const char *name) const
  int pos;
  int lg =strlen(name);
  int i;

  for (i=0;ignore_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(ignore_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],ignore_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_IGNORE;

  for (i=0;cpp_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(cpp_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],cpp_ext()[i])==0 )
      switch (_language)
        case LANGUAGE_C:
          return EXT_SOURCE_C;
        case LANGUAGE_CPP:
        case LANGUAGE_AUTO:
          return EXT_SOURCE_CPP;

  for (i=0;cs_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(cs_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],cs_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_SOURCE_CS;

  for (i=0;c_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(c_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],c_ext()[i])==0 )
      switch (_language)
        case LANGUAGE_C:
        case LANGUAGE_AUTO:
          return EXT_SOURCE_C;
        case LANGUAGE_CPP:
          return EXT_SOURCE_CPP;

  for (i=0;dyn_lib_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(dyn_lib_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],dyn_lib_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_DYN_LIB;

  for (i=0;static_lib_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(static_lib_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],static_lib_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_STATIC_LIB;

  for (i=0;obj_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(obj_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],obj_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_OBJECT;

  for (i=0;pdb_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(pdb_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],pdb_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_FILE_SBR;

  for (i=0;sbr_ext()[i]!=NULL;i++)
    if ( ((pos=lg-strlen(sbr_ext()[i]))>0) && ext_strcmp(&name[pos],sbr_ext()[i])==0 )
      return EXT_FILE_SBR;
  return EXT_UNKNOWN;
Ejemplo n.º 2
InitializeOgreBase( const Ogre::String& name )
    Ogre::LogManager* log_manager = new Ogre::LogManager();
    log_manager->createLog( "q-gears.log", true, true );
    log_manager->getDefaultLog()->setLogDetail( ( Ogre::LoggingLevel )3 );

    Ogre::String ressource_cfg("");
    Ogre::String plugins_cfg("");
    Ogre::String dyn_lib_ext("");
    Ogre::String render_system("");

    dyn_lib_ext = ".dll";
#else // Assume Linux for now
    dyn_lib_ext = ".so";

#ifdef NDEBUG
    ressource_cfg = "resources.cfg";
    plugins_cfg = "plugins.cfg";
    render_system = "./RenderSystem_GL" + dyn_lib_ext;
    ressource_cfg = "resources_d.cfg";
    plugins_cfg = "plugins_d.cfg";
    render_system = "./RenderSystem_GL_d" + dyn_lib_ext;

    // init root early
    root = new Ogre::Root( plugins_cfg );

    // set up resources
    // Load resource paths from config file
    Ogre::ConfigFile cf;
    cf.load( ressource_cfg );

    // Go through all sections & settings in the file
    Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator();

    Ogre::String secName, typeName, archName;
    Ogre::ResourceGroupManager &res_gm( Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton() );
    while (seci.hasMoreElements())
        secName = seci.peekNextKey();
        Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext();
        Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i;
        for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i)
            typeName = i->first;
            archName = i->second;
            res_gm.addResourceLocation( archName, typeName, secName, true );

    // configure
    // Show the configuration dialog and initialise the system
    // You can skip this and use root.restoreConfig() to load configuration
    // settings if you were sure there are valid ones saved in ogre.cfg
    if( !root->restoreConfig() && !root->showConfigDialog() )
        root->setRenderSystem( root->getAvailableRenderers()[ 0 ] );

    root->initialise( false );
    Ogre::NameValuePairList misc;
    misc[ "title" ] = name;
    window = root->createRenderWindow( "QGearsWindow", 800, 600, false, &misc );

    // initialize resource
    Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( "./", "FileSystem", "General" );
    Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( "./exported", "FileSystem", "General" );

    Ogre::SceneManager* scene_manager;
    Ogre::Viewport*     viewport;

    Ogre::FontManager* fmgr = new Ogre::FontManager;
    Ogre::OverlayManager* overlay = new Ogre::OverlayManager();

    frame_listener = new DisplayFrameListener( window );
    root->addFrameListener( frame_listener );

    scene_manager = root->createSceneManager( Ogre::ST_GENERIC, "Scene" );
    scene_manager->setAmbientLight( Ogre::ColourValue( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) );
    Ogre::Light* directionalLight = scene_manager->createLight("directionalLight");
    directionalLight->setType( Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL );
    directionalLight->setDiffuseColour( Ogre::ColourValue( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) );
    directionalLight->setSpecularColour( Ogre::ColourValue( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) );
    directionalLight->setDirection( Ogre::Vector3( 0, 0, -1 ) );

    camera = scene_manager->createCamera( "Camera" );
    camera->setNearClipDistance( 0.01f );
    camera->setPosition( 0, 5, 10 );
    camera->lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );

    viewport = window->addViewport( camera );
    viewport->setBackgroundColour( Ogre::ColourValue( 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f ) );
    camera->setAspectRatio( Ogre::Real( viewport->getActualWidth() ) / Ogre::Real( viewport->getActualHeight() ) );

    LOGGER = new Logger( "game.log" );