Ejemplo n.º 1
void init()
	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
	//me.row     = me.row - E_FIRST_CORE_ROW;
	//me.col     = me.col - E_FIRST_CORE_COL;
    me.corenum = me.row * e_group_config.group_cols + me.col;
	//me.corenum = me.row * E_COLS_IN_CHIP + me.col;
	//me.coreIDn = me.coreID;
	//e_neighbor_id((e_coreid_t *) &me.coreIDn, E_NEXT_CORE, E_CHIP_WRAP);

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *)  MAILBOX_ADDRESS;
	Mailbox.pGo = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, go[0]);
	Mailbox.pReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, ready[0]);
	Mailbox.pClocks = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, clocks);

#if 0
	Mailbox.pOutputBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_buffer[0]);
	Mailbox.pOutputReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_ready);

	Mailbox.pTimer0 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer0);
	Mailbox.pTimer1 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer1);

	// Init the ports

	// Set the port pointer, the address must be global
	scale.X = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &X;

#ifdef FULL
	scale.Y = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &Y;

	scale.coreID = me.coreID;

	// Set the global actor pointer(don't forget to use global address)
	actors.scale = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &scale;

	me.count = 0;

	// Coefficients
	W0[0] = 2048;	W0[1] = 2676;	W0[2] = 2841;	W0[3] = 1609;
	W1[0] = 2048;	W1[1] = 1108;	W1[2] = 565;	W1[3] = 2408;

	ww0 = W0[0];
	ww1 = 2048;

	index0 = 0;

	// Init the host-accelerator sync signals
	Mailbox.pReady[me.corenum] = &me.mystate;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void init(){

	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
	me.row     = me.row - E_FIRST_CORE_ROW;
	me.col     = me.col - E_FIRST_CORE_COL;
	me.corenum = me.row * E_COLS_IN_CHIP + me.col;

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *)  MAILBOX_ADDRESS;
	Mailbox.pGo = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, go[0]);
	Mailbox.pReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, ready[0]);
	Mailbox.pClocks = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, clocks);

#if 0	
	// ## For debugging ##
Mailbox.pOutputBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_buffer[0]);
Mailbox.pOutputReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_ready);
	Mailbox.pTimer0 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer0);
	Mailbox.pTimer1 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer1);

	me.count = 0;
	// Init the ports

// Set the port pointers of the actor struct
	final.X = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &X;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(void) {
	const char		  ShmName[] = "hello_shm"; 
	const char        Msg[] = "Hello World from core 0x%03x!";
	char              buf[256] = { 0 };
	e_coreid_t		  coreid;
	e_memseg_t   	  emem;
	unsigned          my_row;
	unsigned          my_col;

	// Who am I? Query the CoreID from hardware.
	coreid = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(coreid, &my_row, &my_col);

	if ( E_OK != e_shm_attach(&emem, ShmName) ) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Attach to the shm segment
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), Msg, coreid);

	if ( emem.size >= strlen(buf) + 1 ) {
		// Write the message (including the null terminating
		// character) to shared memory
		e_write((void*)&emem, buf, my_row, my_col, NULL, strlen(buf) + 1);
	} else {
		// Shared memory region is too small for the message
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

Ejemplo n.º 4
void init()
	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
	me.row     = me.row - E_FIRST_CORE_ROW;
	me.col     = me.col - E_FIRST_CORE_COL;
	me.corenum = me.row * E_COLS_IN_CHIP + me.col;
	me.coreIDh = me.coreID;
	e_neighbor_id((e_coreid_t *) &me.coreIDh, E_PREV_CORE, E_ROW_WRAP);
	me.coreIDv = me.coreID;
	e_neighbor_id((e_coreid_t *) &me.coreIDv, E_PREV_CORE, E_COL_WRAP);
	me.coreIDn = me.coreID;
	e_neighbor_id((e_coreid_t *) &me.coreIDn, E_NEXT_CORE, E_CHIP_WRAP);

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *) SHARED_DRAM;
	Mailbox.pA    = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(shared_buf_t, A[0]);
	Mailbox.pB    = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(shared_buf_t, B[0]);
	Mailbox.pC    = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(shared_buf_t, C[0]);
	Mailbox.pCore = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(shared_buf_t, core);

	// Initialize per-core parameters - core data structure
	// Initialize pointers to the operand matrices ping-pong arrays
	me.bank[_BankA][_PING] = (void *) &(AA[0][0][0]);
	me.bank[_BankA][_PONG] = (void *) &(AA[1][0][0]);
	me.bank[_BankB][_PING] = (void *) &(BB[0][0][0]);
	me.bank[_BankB][_PONG] = (void *) &(BB[1][0][0]);
	me.bank[_BankC][_PING] = (void *) &(CC   [0][0]);

	// Initialize the pointer addresses of the arrays in the horizontal and vertical target
	// cores, where the submatrices data will be swapped, and the inter-core sync signals.
	me.tgt_bk[_BankA][_PING] = _gptr(me.coreIDh, me.bank[_BankA][_PONG]);
	me.tgt_bk[_BankA][_PONG] = _gptr(me.coreIDh, me.bank[_BankA][_PING]);
	me.tgt_synch             = _gptr(me.coreIDh, (&(me.synch)));
	me.tgt_bk[_BankB][_PING] = _gptr(me.coreIDv, me.bank[_BankB][_PONG]);
	me.tgt_bk[_BankB][_PONG] = _gptr(me.coreIDv, me.bank[_BankB][_PING]);
	me.tgt_syncv             = _gptr(me.coreIDv, (&(me.syncv)));

	me.tgt_go_sync  = _gptr(me.coreIDn, (&(me.go_sync)));
	me.tgt_dma_sync = _gptr(me.coreIDn, (&(me.dma_sync)));

	me.pingpong = _PING;

	// Clear the inter-core sync signals
	me.synch = 0;
	me.syncv = 0;
	me.go_sync = 0;
	me.dma_sync = (me.corenum == 0) ? 1 : 0;
	// Init the host-accelerator sync signals
	Mailbox.pCore->go[me.corenum] = 0;
	if (me.corenum == 0)
		Mailbox.pCore->ready = 1;
	me.count = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 5
void init()
	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
	//me.row     = me.row - E_FIRST_CORE_ROW;
	//me.col     = me.col - E_FIRST_CORE_COL;
	//me.corenum = me.row * E_COLS_IN_CHIP + me.col;
    me.corenum = me.row * e_group_config.group_cols + me.col;

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *)  MAILBOX_ADDRESS;
	Mailbox.pGo = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, go[0]);
	Mailbox.pReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, ready[0]);
	Mailbox.pClocks = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, clocks);

#if 0
	// ## For debugging ##
Mailbox.pOutputBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_buffer[0]);
Mailbox.pOutputReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_ready);

	Mailbox.pTimer0 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer0);
	Mailbox.pTimer1 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer1);

	// Init the ports

	// Set the port pointer
	scale.X = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &X;
	scale.Y = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &Y;
	scale.coreID = me.coreID;

	// Set the global actor pointer
	actors.scaleCol = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &scale;

	me.count = 0;

	// Coefficients
	W0[0] = 2048;	W0[1] = 2676;	W0[2] = 2841;	W0[3] = 1609;
	W1[0] = 2048;	W1[1] = 1108;	W1[2] = 565;	W1[3] = 2408;

	ww0 = W0[0];
	ww1 = 2048;

	index0 = 0;

	// Init the host-accelerator sync signals

	Mailbox.pReady[me.corenum] = 1;


Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  e_coreid_t core_id = e_get_coreid();

  int row, col;
  e_coords_from_coreid(core_id, &row, &col);
  e_write(&e_group_config, &core_id, row, col, (int*) 0x2000, sizeof(int));

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(void) {
    e_coreid_t coreid;
    unsigned row, col, i;

    coreid = e_get_coreid();
    e_coords_from_coreid(coreid, &row, &col);
    printf("Core id: %x row=%u col=%u\n", (unsigned)coreid, row, col);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(void)
    e_coreid_t coreid = e_get_coreid();
    unsigned int row, col;
    e_coords_from_coreid(coreid, &row, &col);

    //volatile Mailbox* mailbox = (Mailbox*)e_emem_config.base;
    mailbox->sync[row][col] = 1; //(int)(row * 10 + col);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void init(){

	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
	me.row     = me.row - E_FIRST_CORE_ROW;
	me.col     = me.col - E_FIRST_CORE_COL;
	me.corenum = me.row * E_COLS_IN_CHIP + me.col;
	// corenum 12 is empty because of our structure
// hence this core gets num 13 but it should be 12

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *) MAILBOX_ADDRESS;
	Mailbox.pGo = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, go[0]);
	Mailbox.pReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, ready[0]);
	Mailbox.pClocks = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, clocks);

	Mailbox.pSignedBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, signed_buffer[0]);
	Mailbox.pSignedBufferSize = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, signed_buffer_size);

	Mailbox.pOutputReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_ready);	
	Mailbox.pOutputBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_buffer[0]);

	Mailbox.pTimer0 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer0);
	Mailbox.pTimer1 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer1);

	me.count = 0;

	// Init the global variables
	clip.count = -1;
	clip.coreID = me.coreID;

	// Init the ports

	// Set the port pointers of the actor struct
	//clip.SIGNED = &SIGNED;
	clip.I = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &I;
	//clip.O = &O;

	// Set the global actor pointer
	actors.clip = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &clip;

	// Init the host-accelerator sync signals
	// Let the host know that we are ready (for sync)	
	Mailbox.pReady[me.corenum] = 3;

Ejemplo n.º 10
void init()
    unsigned next_row, next_col;
	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
    me.corenum = me.row * e_group_config.group_cols + me.col;
	//e_neighbor_id(E_NEXT_CORE, E_GROUP_WRAP, &next_row, &next_col);
	//me.coreIDn = next_row * e_group_config.group_cols + next_col;
	////e_neighbor_id(E_NEXT_CORE, E_GROUP_WRAP, (e_coreid_t *) &me.coreIDn);

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *) MAILBOX_ADDRESS;//(void*) SHARED_DRAM;
	Mailbox.pGo = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, go[0]);
	Mailbox.pReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, ready[0]);
	Mailbox.pClocks = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, clocks);
	Mailbox.pInBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, in_buffer[0]);
	Mailbox.pInBufferSize = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, in_buffer_size);
	Mailbox.pConnectActors = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, connectActors);
#if 0
	// Debug 
Mailbox.pOutputReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_ready);
Mailbox.pOutputBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_buffer);

	Mailbox.pTimer0 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer0);
	Mailbox.pTimer1 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer1);

	// initialize the port

	// Set the port pointer
	rowSort.Y = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &Y;

	rowSort.coreID = me.coreID;

	// Set the global actor pointer
	actors.rowSort = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &rowSort;

        // Init the host-accelerator sync signals
        Mailbox.pReady[me.corenum] = &me.mystate;

Ejemplo n.º 11
void init(){

	// Init core enumerations
	me.coreID  = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(me.coreID, &me.row, &me.col);
	me.row     = me.row - E_FIRST_CORE_ROW;
	me.col     = me.col - E_FIRST_CORE_COL;
	me.corenum = me.row * E_COLS_IN_CHIP + me.col;

	// Initialize the mailbox shared buffer pointers
	Mailbox.pBase = (void *)  MAILBOX_ADDRESS;
	Mailbox.pGo = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, go[0]);
	Mailbox.pReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, ready[0]);
	Mailbox.pClocks = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, clocks);

#if 0
	// ## For debugging ##
	Mailbox.pOutputBuffer = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_buffer[0]);
	Mailbox.pOutputReady = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, output_ready);

	Mailbox.pTimer0 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer0);
	Mailbox.pTimer1 = Mailbox.pBase + offsetof(mbox_t, timer1);

	me.count = 0;
	// Init the ports

	// Set the port pointers of the actor struct
	shuffle.X = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &X;
	shuffle.Y = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &Y;

	shuffle.coreID = me.coreID;

	// Set the global actor pointer
	actors.shuffleRow = (me.coreID << 20) | (int) &shuffle;

	// Init the host-accelerator sync signals
	// Let the host know that we are ready (for sync)
	Mailbox.pGo[me.corenum] = 0;	
	Mailbox.pReady[me.corenum] = me.corenum;
 This function calculates the coreid of the neighboring core, where neighbor
 can be the next core to north, east, south, or west. It will always calculate
 the id of another core on the same chip, wrapping on a row, column, or chip
 boundary as specified by the wrap argument.
 The return value is the difference between the neighboring coreid and the current
int e_neighbor_id(e_coreid_t *coreid, e_coreid_wrap_t dir, e_coreid_wrap_t wrap)
	unsigned   row, col;
	e_coreid_t next;
	int        diff;
	unsigned   chip_mask;

	/* Indexed by [wrap][dir] */
	static const int core_adjust_table[3][2] =
		{ 1,   -1 }, /* CHIP_WRAP */
		{ 1,   -1 }, /* ROW_WRAP  */
		{ 64, -64 }  /* COL_WRAP  */

	chip_mask = *coreid & ~INTERNAL_CORE_MASK;
	next = ((*coreid + core_adjust_table[wrap][dir]) & INTERNAL_CORE_MASK) | chip_mask;
	if (wrap == E_CHIP_WRAP)
		e_coords_from_coreid(next, &row, &col);
		if (dir == E_NEXT_CORE)
		{ /* if we wrapped back to the first column, we need to advance to the next row. */
			/* if (col == e_get_chip_min_col(next)) */
			if (col == CHIP_MIN_COL(next))
				next = ((next + 0x40) & INTERNAL_CORE_MASK) | chip_mask;
		else /* dir == E_PREV_CORE */
		{ /* if we wrapped to the last column, we need to advance to the previous row. */
			/* if (col == e_get_chip_max_col(next)) */
			if (col == CHIP_MAX_COL(next))
				next = ((next - 0x40) & INTERNAL_CORE_MASK) | chip_mask;

	diff = next - *coreid;
	*coreid = next;

	return diff;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(void)
	e_coreid_t id = e_get_coreid();
	unsigned row, col;
	unsigned long number;

	// Get the row, column coordinates of this core
	e_coords_from_coreid(id, &row, &col);

	// Assign the starting value for each core (3,5,7,..33)
	// Each core starts with a unique odd number (2 is the only even prime number)
	number = 2 + ((2*row*4) + (2*col+1));

	// Initialize this core number starting with
	(*num) = number;

	// Initialize this core iteration count for stats
	(*count) = 0;

	// Initialize the number of found primes counter
	(*primes) = 0;

	// while(*count < *max_tests)
	while(number < *max_tests)

		// Skip to the next odd number for this core to test, assuming total of 16 cores
		// Core (0,0) started with 3 on the first iteration, and next test 35
		// Core (0,1) started with 5 on the first iteration, and next test 37
		// etc
		number += (2*16);

		*num = number;


Ejemplo n.º 14
int main () {
  e_coreid_t coreid;
  unsigned int row, col, core, trow, tcol, *ec;
  volatile msg_block_t *msg = (msg_block_t *) BUF_ADDRESS;
  e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, 0xffffffff);
  e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
  ec = (unsigned int *) 0x4000;
  *ec = 0;
  coreid = e_get_coreid();
  e_coords_from_coreid(coreid, &row, &col);
  core = row*e_group_config.group_cols + col;
  msg->shared_msg[core].seed = msg->shared_msg[core].seed + 10;
  trow = ((core + 1) % E_GROUP_CORES) / e_group_config.group_rows;
  tcol =  (core + 1) % e_group_config.group_cols;
  ec = e_get_global_address(trow, tcol, ec);
  e_write(&e_group_config, &coreid, 0, 0, ec, sizeof(e_coreid_t));
  /**ec = coreid;*/
  msg->shared_msg[core].msg = e_coreid_from_coords(trow, tcol);
  msg->shared_msg[core].external = *(unsigned int *) 0x4000;
  /* Sync */
  e_wait(E_CTIMER_1, 2000); 
  msg->shared_msg[core].timer = 0xffffffff - e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);
  msg->shared_msg[core].coreid = coreid;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int task_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) 
        e_coreid_t coreid;
        unsigned row, col;
        int wg_rows, wg_cols, my_row, my_col;
        coreid = e_get_coreid();
        e_coords_from_coreid (coreid, &row, &col);
        x_get_task_environment (&wg_rows, &wg_cols, &my_row, &my_col);
        x_set_task_status ("Hello from core 0x%03x (%d,%d) taskpos %d %d in %d %d", 
                           coreid, col, row, my_col, my_row, wg_cols, wg_rows);
        if (row == 1 && col == 1) {
        else if (row == 1 && col == 0) {
        else {
          x_set_task_status ("Goodbye from core 0x%03x (%d,%d) pid %d", 
                             coreid, col, row, my_col, my_row);
        return X_SUCCESSFUL_TASK;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	size_t shm_size = 1024;
	(void) shm_size;
	char tmp[17];

	unsigned my_row;
	unsigned my_col;
	e_coreid_t coreid;

	coreid = e_get_coreid();
	e_coords_from_coreid(coreid, &my_row, &my_col);

	barelog_mem_space_t mem_space =
		{ .phy_base = (void *) 0x8f000000, .length = 0x01000000,
			.alignment = 1, .word_size = 4, .data = 0 };

	barelog_platform_t platform = { .name = "PARALLELLA", .mem_space =
		mem_space, };

	barelog_policy_t policy = REPLACE;

	barelog_init_logger(my_row * 4 + my_col, platform, policy, policy, my_read,
		my_write, get_clock, init_clock, start_clock);


	uint32_t clock00 = get_clock();
	barelog_log(BARELOG_CRITICAL_LVL, "Program starts at %u.", clock00);

	uint32_t clock01 = get_clock();
	(void) clock01;

	char buff[50] = {0};
	barelog_log(BARELOG_INFO_LVL, "e_read begins.");
	e_read(&e_emem_config, tmp, 0, 0, (void *)(0x8f000000+BARELOG_SHARED_MEM_MAX), 17);
	barelog_log(BARELOG_INFO_LVL, "e_read ends.%u", get_clock());

	uint32_t clock1 = get_clock();
	(void) clock1;

	// Uncomment to test the fulfillment of the events buffer.
	/*for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 1; ++k) {
		for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 200;  ++i) {
			barelog_log("Test %u %u %u", get_clock(), k, i);
			__asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");
		__asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");

	uint32_t clock2 = get_clock();
	(void) clock2;

	// Uncomment to access various clocks data.
	barelog_log("Results %u %u %u %u", clock00, clock01, clock1, clock2);
	if (barelog_flush_buffer() != BARELOG_SUCCESS) {

	snprintf(buff, 50, "%s from core %u", tmp, (my_row*4 + my_col));

	barelog_log(BARELOG_DEBUG_LVL, "e_write begins.");
	e_write((void*) &e_emem_config, buff, 0, 0, (void *)(0x8f000000+BARELOG_SHARED_MEM_MAX + (my_row*4+my_col)*50), 50);

	barelog_immediate_log(BARELOG_DEBUG_LVL, "e_write ends.");
	barelog_log(BARELOG_CRITICAL_LVL, "Program ends at %u", get_clock());
	barelog_flush(6); // Voluntary flushing too many events to check everything went well.
