int handle_decode(char **argv, Images &images, int quality, int scale) { char *ext = strrchr(argv[1],'.'); if (!check_compatible_extension(ext)) { e_printf("Error: expected \".png\", \".pnm\" or \".pam\" file name extension for output file\n"); return 1; } if (!decode_flif(argv, images, quality, scale)) {e_printf("Error: could not decode FLIF file\n"); return 3; } if (scale>1) v_printf(3,"Downscaling output: %ux%u -> %ux%u\n",images[0].cols(),images[0].rows(),images[0].cols()/scale,images[0].rows()/scale); if (images.size() == 1) { if (!images[0].save(argv[1],scale)) return 2; } else { int counter=0; std::vector<char> vfilename(strlen(argv[1])+6); char *filename = &vfilename[0]; strcpy(filename,argv[1]); char *a_ext = strrchr(filename,'.'); for (Image& image : images) { sprintf(a_ext,"-%03d%s",counter++,ext); if (!,scale)) return 2; v_printf(2," (%i/%i) \r",counter,(int)images.size()); v_printf(4,"\n"); } } v_printf(2,"\n"); return 0; }
/* * Return address of the stub function is passed into eip */ static int m_munprotect(unsigned int addr, unsigned int len, unsigned char *eip) { if (debug_level('e')>3) e_printf("\tM_MUNPROT %08x:%p [%08x]\n", addr,eip,*((int *)(eip-3))); /* verify that data, not code, has been hit */ if (!e_querymark(addr, len)) return e_check_munprotect(addr, len); /* Oops.. we hit code, maybe the stub was set up before that * code was parsed. Ok, undo the patch and clear that code */ if (debug_level('e')>1) e_printf("CODE %08x hit in DATA %p patch\n",addr,eip); /* if (UnCpatch((void *)(eip-3))) leavedos_main(0); */ InvalidateNodePage(addr,len,eip,NULL); return e_check_munprotect(addr, len); }
bool read_subtree(int pos, Ranges &subrange, Tree &tree) { PropertyDecisionNode &n = tree[pos]; int p = = coder.read_int(0,nb_properties)-1; if (p != -1) { int oldmin = subrange[p].first; int oldmax = subrange[p].second; if (oldmin >= oldmax) { e_printf( "Invalid tree. Aborting tree decoding.\n"); return false; } n.count = coder.read_int(CONTEXT_TREE_MIN_COUNT, CONTEXT_TREE_MAX_COUNT); // * CONTEXT_TREE_COUNT_QUANTIZATION; assert(oldmin < oldmax); int splitval = n.splitval = coder.read_int(oldmin, oldmax-1); int childID = n.childID = tree.size(); // e_printf( "Pos %i: prop %i splitval %i in [%i..%i]\n", pos,, splitval, oldmin, oldmax-1); tree.push_back(PropertyDecisionNode()); tree.push_back(PropertyDecisionNode()); // > splitval subrange[p].first = splitval+1; if (!read_subtree(childID, subrange, tree)) return false; // <= splitval subrange[p].first = oldmin; subrange[p].second = splitval; if (!read_subtree(childID+1, subrange, tree)) return false; subrange[p].second = oldmax; } return true; }
void snap(const int p, const prevPlanes &pp, ColorVal &minv, ColorVal &maxv, ColorVal &v) const { const ColorBucket& b = bucket(p,pp); minv=b.min; maxv=b.max; if (b.min > b.max) { assert(false); e_printf("Corruption detected!\n"); exit(4); } // this should only happen on malicious input files v=b.snapColor(v); }
void e_priv_iopl(int pl) { pl &= 3; TheCPU.eflags = (TheCPU.eflags & ~EFLAGS_IOPL) | (pl << 12); e_printf("eIOPL: set IOPL to %d, flags=%#x\n",pl,TheCPU.eflags); }
bool Image::load(const char *filename) { const char *f = strrchr(filename,'/'); const char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(filename,'.'); v_printf(2,"Loading input file: %s ",filename); if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".png")) { return !image_load_png(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pnm")) { return image_load_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pbm")) { return image_load_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pgm")) { return image_load_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".ppm")) { return image_load_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pam")) { return image_load_pam(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".rggb")) { return image_load_rggb(filename,*this); } if (image_load_pnm(filename,*this) || !image_load_png(filename,*this)) return true; e_printf("ERROR: Unknown input file type to read from: %s\n",ext ? ext : "(none)"); return false; }
bool Image::save(const char *filename) const { const char *f = strrchr(filename,'/'); const char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(filename,'.'); v_printf(2,"Saving output file: %s ",filename); if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".png")) { return !image_save_png(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pnm")) { return image_save_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pgm")) { return image_save_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".ppm")) { return image_save_pnm(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".pam")) { return image_save_pam(filename,*this); } if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext,".rggb")) { return image_save_rggb(filename,*this); } e_printf("ERROR: Unknown extension to write to: %s\n",ext ? ext : "(none)"); return false; }
static ssize_t pipe_blocked_read_header(int fd, void *hd) { if (fd_read_ignoreEOF(fd, hd, PIPE_HEADER_LEN) != PIPE_HEADER_LEN) { e_printf("Can't read EMON message header.\n"); return PIPE_ERROR; } if(pipe_get_version(hd)!=1) { e_printf("Unavailable EMON message version %d.\n",pipe_get_version(hd)); return PIPE_ERROR; } if(pipe_get_length(hd)==END_FLAG) { return PIPE_END; } return PIPE_HEADER_LEN; }
/* * Return address of the stub function is passed into eip */ static void m_munprotect(unsigned int addr, unsigned int len, unsigned char *eip) { if (debug_level('e')>3) e_printf("\tM_MUNPROT %08x:%p [%08x]\n", addr,eip,*((int *)(eip-3))); /* if only data in aliased low memory is hit, nothing to do */ if (LINEAR2UNIX(addr) != MEM_BASE32(addr) && !e_querymark(addr, len)) return; /* Always unprotect and clear all code in the pages * for either DPMI data or code. * Maybe the stub was set up before that code was parsed. * Clear that code */ if (debug_level('e')>1 && e_querymark(addr, len)) e_printf("CODE %08x hit in DATA %p patch\n",addr,eip); /* if (UnCpatch((void *)(eip-3))) leavedos_main(0); */ InvalidateNodePage(addr,len,eip,NULL); e_resetpagemarks(addr,len); e_munprotect(addr,len); }
bool ioget_int_8bit (IO& io, int* result) { int c = io.getc(); if (c == io.EOS) { e_printf ("Unexpected EOS"); return false; } *result = c; return true; }
const ColorRanges *meta(Images& images, const ColorRanges *srcRanges) { if (max_lookback >= (int)images.size()) { e_printf("Bad value for FRA lookback\n"); exit(4);} was_grayscale = srcRanges->numPlanes() < 2; was_flat = srcRanges->numPlanes() < 4; for (unsigned int fr=0; fr<images.size(); fr++) { Image& image = images[fr]; image.ensure_frame_lookbacks(); } int lookback = (int)images.size()-1; if (lookback > max_lookback) lookback=max_lookback; return new ColorRangesFC(lookback, (srcRanges->numPlanes() == 4 ? srcRanges->min(3) : 255), (srcRanges->numPlanes() == 4 ? srcRanges->max(3) : 255), srcRanges); }
bool load(const ColorRanges *, RacIn<IO> &rac) { SimpleSymbolCoder<FLIFBitChanceMeta, RacIn<IO>, 18> coder(rac); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nb; i+=1) {b.push_back(coder.read_int(0,cols));} for (unsigned int i=0; i<nb; i+=1) { e.push_back(cols-coder.read_int(0,cols-b[i])); if (e[i] > cols || e[i] < b[i] || e[i] <= 0) { e_printf("\nError: FRS transform: invalid end column\n"); return false; } } return true; }
bool encode_load_input_images(int argc, char **argv, Images &images) { int nb_input_images = argc-1; while(argc>1) { Image image; v_printf(2,"\r"); if (!image.load(argv[0])) { e_printf("Could not read input file: %s\n", argv[0]); return false; }; images.push_back(std::move(image)); Image& last_image = images.back(); if (last_image.rows() != images[0].rows() || last_image.cols() != images[0].cols()) { e_printf("Dimensions of all input images should be the same!\n"); e_printf(" First image is %ux%u\n",images[0].cols(),images[0].rows()); e_printf(" This image is %ux%u: %s\n",last_image.cols(),last_image.rows(),argv[0]); return false; } if (last_image.numPlanes() < images[0].numPlanes()) { if (images[0].numPlanes() == 3) last_image.ensure_chroma(); else if (images[0].numPlanes() == 4) last_image.ensure_alpha(); else { e_printf("Problem while loading input images, please report this.\n"); return false; } } else if (last_image.numPlanes() > images[0].numPlanes()) { if (last_image.numPlanes() == 3) { for (Image& i : images) i.ensure_chroma(); } else if (last_image.numPlanes() == 4) { for (Image& i : images) i.ensure_alpha(); } else { e_printf("Problem while loading input images, please report this.\n"); return false; } } argc--; argv++; if (nb_input_images>1) {v_printf(2," (%i/%i) ",(int)images.size(),nb_input_images); v_printf(4,"\n");} } v_printf(2,"\n"); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { opt_t OPT; if (opt_etc(argc, argv, &OPT) < 0){ return -1; } if ((OPT.clock % OPT.freq) != 0){ e_printf("Frames per sec(=clock/freq) must be integar.\n"); return -1; } if (isatty(STDOUT)) { e_printf("Standard output must be binded with pipe.\n"); return -1; } capt_init(&OPT); capt_capt(&OPT); capt_end(&OPT); return 0; }
bool encode_load_input_images(int argc, char **argv, Images &images) { int nb_input_images = argc-1; while(argc>1) { Image image; v_printf(2,"\r"); if (!image.load(argv[0])) { e_printf("Could not read input file: %s\n", argv[0]); return false; }; images.push_back(std::move(image)); const Image& last_image = images.back(); if (last_image.rows() != images[0].rows() || last_image.cols() != images[0].cols() || last_image.numPlanes() != images[0].numPlanes()) { e_printf("Dimensions of all input images should be the same!\n"); e_printf(" First image is %ux%u, %i channels.\n",images[0].cols(),images[0].rows(),images[0].numPlanes()); e_printf(" This image is %ux%u, %i channels: %s\n",last_image.cols(),last_image.rows(),last_image.numPlanes(),argv[0]); return false; } argc--; argv++; if (nb_input_images>1) {v_printf(2," (%i/%i) ",(int)images.size(),nb_input_images); v_printf(4,"\n");} } v_printf(2,"\n"); return true; }
int handle_decode(int argc, char **argv, Images &images, int quality, int scale, int resize_width, int resize_height) { if (scale < 0) { // just identify the file(s), don't actually decode while (argc>0) { decode_flif(argv, images, quality, scale, resize_width, resize_height); argv++; argc--; } return 0; } char *ext = strrchr(argv[1],'.'); if (!check_compatible_extension(ext) && strcmp(argv[1],"null:")) { e_printf("Error: expected \".png\", \".pnm\" or \".pam\" file name extension for output file\n"); return 1; } if (!decode_flif(argv, images, quality, scale, resize_width, resize_height)) { e_printf("Error: could not decode FLIF file\n"); return 3; } if (!strcmp(argv[1],"null:")) return 0; // if (scale>1) // v_printf(3,"Downscaling output: %ux%u -> %ux%u\n",images[0].cols(),images[0].rows(),images[0].cols()/scale,images[0].rows()/scale); if (images.size() == 1) { if (!images[0].save(argv[1])) return 2; } else { int counter=0; std::vector<char> vfilename(strlen(argv[1])+6); char *filename = &vfilename[0]; strcpy(filename,argv[1]); char *a_ext = strrchr(filename,'.'); for (Image& image : images) { sprintf(a_ext,"-%03d%s",counter++,ext); if (! return 2; v_printf(2," (%i/%i) \r",counter,(int)images.size()); v_printf(4,"\n"); } } v_printf(2,"\n"); return 0; }
bool init(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, ColorVal min, ColorVal max, int p) { width = w; height = h; minval = min; maxval = max; col_begin.clear(); col_begin.resize(height,0); col_end.clear(); col_end.resize(height,width); num = p; seen_before = -1; #ifdef SUPPORT_HDR if (max < 256) depth=8; else depth=16; #else assert(max<256); #endif frame_delay=0; palette=false; assert(min == 0); assert(max < (1<<depth)); assert(p <= 4); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) constant[i] = false; clear(); try { if (depth <= 8) { if (p>0) plane_8_1 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_8>>(width, height); // R,Y if (p>1) plane_16_1 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_16>>(width, height); // G,I if (p>2) plane_16_2 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_16>>(width, height); // B,Q if (p>3) plane_8_2 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_8>>(width, height); // A #ifdef SUPPORT_HDR } else { if (p>0) plane_16_1 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_16>>(width, height); // R,Y if (p>1) plane_32_1 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_32>>(width, height); // G,I if (p>2) plane_32_2 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_32>>(width, height); // B,Q if (p>3) plane_16_2 = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_16>>(width, height); // A #endif } if (p>4) plane_frame_lookbacks = make_unique<Plane<ColorVal_intern_8>>(width, height); // A } catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) { e_printf("Error: could not allocate enough memory for image data.\n"); return false; } return true; }
bool load(const ColorRanges *srcRanges, RacIn<IO> &rac) override { SimpleSymbolCoder<SimpleBitChance, RacIn<IO>, 18> coder(rac); subtract = coder.read_int2(0, 1); if (subtract) v_printf(4,"Subtract"); bool from[4] = {false, false, false, false}, to[4] = {false, false, false, false}; for (int p=0; p<srcRanges->numPlanes(); p++) { permutation[p] = coder.read_int2(0, srcRanges->numPlanes()-1); v_printf(5,"[%i->%i]",p,permutation[p]); from[p] = true; to[permutation[p]] = true; } for (int p=0; p<srcRanges->numPlanes(); p++) { if (!from[p] || !to[p]) { e_printf("\nNot a valid permutation!\n"); return false; } } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Images images; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER int mode = 0; // 0 = encode, 1 = decode, 2 = transcode flifEncodingOptional method; int learn_repeats = -1; int acb = -1; // try auto color buckets int frame_delay = 100; int palette_size = 512; int lookback = 1; #else int mode = 1; #endif int quality = 100; // 100 = everything, positive value: partial decode, negative value: only rough data int scale = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"flif") == 0) mode = 0; if (strcmp(argv[0],"dflif") == 0) mode = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"deflif") == 0) mode = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"decflif") == 0) mode = 1; static struct option optlist[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"decode", 0, NULL, 'd'}, {"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"quality", 1, NULL, 'q'}, {"scale", 1, NULL, 's'}, #ifdef HAS_ENCODER {"encode", 0, NULL, 'e'}, {"transcode", 0, NULL, 't'}, {"interlace", 0, NULL, 'i'}, {"no-interlace", 0, NULL, 'n'}, {"acb", 0, NULL, 'a'}, {"no-acb", 0, NULL, 'b'}, {"palette", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"repeats", 1, NULL, 'r'}, {"frame-delay", 1, NULL, 'f'}, {"lookback", 1, NULL, 'l'}, #endif {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int i,c; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hedtvinabq:s:p:r:f:l:", optlist, &i)) != -1) { #else while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hdvq:s:", optlist, &i)) != -1) { #endif switch (c) { case 'd': mode=1; break; case 'v': increase_verbosity(); break; case 'q': quality=atoi(optarg); if (quality < 0 || quality > 100) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -q\n"); return 1; } break; case 's': scale=atoi(optarg); if (scale < 1 || scale > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -s\n"); return 1; } break; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER case 'e': mode=0; break; case 't': mode=2; break; case 'i': method.encoding=flifEncoding::interlaced; break; case 'n': method.encoding=flifEncoding::nonInterlaced; break; case 'a': acb=1; break; case 'b': acb=0; break; case 'p': palette_size=atoi(optarg); if (palette_size < -1 || palette_size > 30000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -p\n"); return 1; } if (palette_size == 0) {v_printf(2,"Palette disabled\n"); } break; case 'r': learn_repeats=atoi(optarg); if (learn_repeats < 0 || learn_repeats > 1000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -r\n"); return 1; } break; case 'f': frame_delay=atoi(optarg); if (frame_delay < 0 || frame_delay > 60000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -f\n"); return 1; } break; case 'l': lookback=atoi(optarg); if (lookback < -1 || lookback > 256) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -l\n"); return 1; } break; #endif case 'h': default: show_help(); return 0; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; show_banner(); if (argc == 0) { //e_printf("Input file missing.\n"); if (get_verbosity() == 1) show_help(); return 1; } if (argc == 1) { show_help(); e_printf("\nOutput file missing.\n"); return 1; } if (file_exists(argv[0])) { #ifdef HAS_ENCODER if (mode == 0 && file_is_flif(argv[0])) { char *f = strrchr(argv[1],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[1],'.'); if (check_compatible_extension(ext)) { v_printf(2,"Input file is a FLIF file, adding implicit -d\n"); mode = 1; } else if ((ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flif") || ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flf") )))) { v_printf(2,"Input and output file are both FLIF file, adding implicit -t\n"); mode = 2; } } #endif char *f = strrchr(argv[0],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[0],'.'); if (mode == 0) { if (!check_compatible_extension(ext)) { e_printf("Warning: expected \".png\" or \".pnm\" file name extension for input file, trying anyway...\n"); } } else { if (!(ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flif") || ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flf") )))) { e_printf("Warning: expected file name extension \".flif\" for input file, trying anyway...\n"); } } } else if (argc>0) { e_printf("Input file does not exist: %s\n",argv[0]); return 1; } if (mode > 0 && argc > 2) { e_printf("Too many arguments.\n"); return 1; } #ifdef HAS_ENCODER if (mode == 0) { if (!handle_encode(argc, argv, images, palette_size, acb, method, lookback, learn_repeats, frame_delay)) return 2; } else if (mode == 1) { #endif if (!handle_decode(argv, images, quality, scale)) return 2; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER } else if (mode == 2) { if (scale > 1) {e_printf("Not yet supported: transcoding downscaled image; use decode + encode!\n");} if (!decode_flif(argv, images, quality, scale)) return 2; argc--; argv++; if (!encode_flif(argc, argv, images, palette_size, acb, method, lookback, learn_repeats, frame_delay)) return 2; } #endif return 0; }
static int opt_etc(int argc, char *argv[], opt_t *opt) { int ch; int loop_flag = 1; char *temp; char *opts = "r:nD:d:g:T:bs:W:"; char *helpmes = "usage : %s [-r <framerate>] [-D <debug level>]" " [-d <YUV|RGB|GRB>] [-n] [-T <window title>]" " [-g <xsize>x<ysize> (not supported)] [-b]" "\n" " -n : no display (decode only)\n" " -b : if frame loss,fill screen with blue [require -d BRG]\n" " -s <n> : max frame size\n" " -W <n> : max delay # msec\n" ; int w, h; opt->clock = DEF_EMON_CLOCK; opt->freq = DEF_EMON_FREQ; opt->f_disp = 1; opt->exec_opt_p = 0; opt->output_width = 0; opt->output_height = 0; opt->loss_visual = 0; #if 0 opt->dformat = DF_YUV; #else opt->dformat = DF_BGR; #endif opt->dsize =DEF_JPEGPLAY_DSIZE; opt->delay_limit=DEF_JPEGPLAY_DELAY_LIMIT; strncpy(opt->title, "jpegplay", sizeof(opt->title) - 1); if ((temp = getenv("EMON_CLOCK")) != NULL) opt->clock = atoi(temp); if ((temp = getenv("EMON_FREQ")) != NULL) opt->freq = atoi(temp); if ((temp = getenv("JPEGPLAY_DSIZE")) != NULL) opt->dsize = atoi(temp); if ((temp = getenv("JPEGPLAY_DELAY_LIMIT")) != NULL) opt->delay_limit = atoi(temp); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, opts)) != -1 && loop_flag == 1) { switch (ch) { case 'r': opt->frame_rate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': /* display format */ if (strcasecmp(optarg, "YUV") == 0) { opt->dformat = DF_YUV; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "RGB") == 0) { opt->dformat = DF_RGB; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "BGR") == 0) { opt->dformat = DF_BGR; } else { opt->dformat = DF_YUV; fprintf(stderr, "invalid option in -d option"); } break; case 'g': /* geometry () */ sscanf(optarg, "%dx%d", &w, &h); if (!((0 < w && w <= 1280) && (0 < h && h <= 1024))) { break; } opt->output_width = w; opt->output_height = h; break; case 'n': opt->f_disp = 0; break; case 'b': opt->loss_visual = 1; break; case 's': opt->dsize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'W': opt->delay_limit = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': /* Window Title */ strncpy(opt->title, optarg, sizeof(opt->title) - 1); break; default: fprintf(stderr, helpmes, argv[0]); return -1; } } if (opt->freq < 0){ e_printf("freq (-F or EMON_FREQ) value must be over 0\n"); return -1; } opt->frame_rate = opt->clock / opt->freq; if (opt->frame_rate == 0) { opt->frame_rate=30; opt->mspf_org = 1000.0 / 30; } else { opt->mspf_org = 1000.0 / opt->frame_rate; } opt->mspf = opt->mspf_org; return 0; }
int jpeg_display_rgb(int argc, char *argv[]) { u_int8_t *rgb_buf;/* RGB data */ u_int8_t *jpeg_buf; /* JPEG data */ buf_t jpeg_src_buf; size_t read_size; /* read size from file */ int row_stride; int w, h, d;/* display size and depth(byte) */ boolean draw_screen; /* draw screen surface or another * surface */ int screen_status; /* 0=general 1=blue 2=red */ /* for jpeg library */ struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; /* for SDL */ SDL_Surface *screen; SDL_Surface *sdl_image = NULL; // SDL_Rect dstrect; /* for visualize packet loss */ SDL_Surface *sdl_img_blue = NULL; SDL_Surface *sdl_img_red = NULL; u_int8_t pixel_blue[]={0,0,0xff}; u_int8_t pixel_red[]={0xff,0,0}; u_int32_t tick_start, tick_now; int buf_status; /* -1=full */ /* for realtime play */ struct timeval tv_start,tv_now; int64_t ts_display,ts_diff; u_int32_t ts_nowblk,ts_lastblk=0; /* for debug */ struct timeval tv_tmp1, tv_tmp2; /* SDL init */ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { ComplainAndExit(); } atexit(SDL_Quit); /* jpeg library init / get image size and depth */ cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); cinfo.err->error_exit = my_jpeg_abort_decompress; jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); #ifdef USE_JPEG_MEM_SRC jpeg_buf = jpeg_mem_src_init(&cinfo, JPEG_BUF_MAX); /* init */ #else jpeg_buf = (u_int8_t *) malloc(JPEG_BUF_MAX); #endif decoder_buf_read(); read_size = decoder_buf_get(jpeg_buf, JPEG_BUF_MAX,&ts_nowblk); #ifdef USE_JPEG_MEM_SRC jpeg_mem_src(&cinfo, jpeg_buf, read_size); /* read from memory */ #else jpeg_src_buf.buf = jpeg_buf; jpeg_buf_src(&cinfo, jpeg_buf, read_size); /* read from memory */ #endif jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); w = cinfo.image_width; h = cinfo.image_height; d = cinfo.num_components; jpeg_abort_decompress(&cinfo); d_printf("\nJPEG info: image=(%d,%d), output=(%d,%d), Bpp=%d\n", cinfo.image_width, cinfo.image_height, w, h, d); /* SDL setup / cleanup screen-surface */ screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 0, SDL_HWSURFACE); if (screen == NULL) { ComplainAndExit(); } if (OPT.loss_visual){ sdl_img_blue = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_HWSURFACE, w, h, 24 ,OPT.sdl_mask_R, OPT.sdl_mask_G ,OPT.sdl_mask_B, OPT.sdl_mask_A); sdl_img_red = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_HWSURFACE, w, h, 24 ,OPT.sdl_mask_R, OPT.sdl_mask_G ,OPT.sdl_mask_B, OPT.sdl_mask_A); jpeg_fillimg1color(sdl_img_red,pixel_red,3); jpeg_fillimg1color(sdl_img_blue,pixel_blue,3); } if (screen->format->BytesPerPixel == RGB_PIXELSIZE && screen->format->Rmask == OPT.sdl_mask_R && screen->format->Gmask == OPT.sdl_mask_G && screen->format->Bmask == OPT.sdl_mask_B) { draw_screen = TRUE; } else { draw_screen = FALSE; } d1_printf("\nSDL screen info: bpp=%d, Bpp=%d, " "R/G/B-mask=%06x/%06x/%06x, Direct=%s", screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->BytesPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask, screen->format->Gmask, screen->format->Bmask, draw_screen ? "ON" : "OFF"); if (draw_screen==TRUE) { /* RGB_PIXELSIZE is defined in jmorecfg.h */ row_stride = screen->pitch; rgb_buf = (u_int8_t *) screen->pixels; } else { sdl_image = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_HWSURFACE, w, h, 24, /* depth (bit per pixel) */ OPT.sdl_mask_R, OPT.sdl_mask_G, OPT.sdl_mask_B, OPT.sdl_mask_A); row_stride = sdl_image->pitch; d1_printf("\nSDL surface info: bpp=%d, Bpp=%d, " "R/G/B-mask=%06x/%06x/%06x\n", sdl_image->format->BitsPerPixel, sdl_image->format->BytesPerPixel, sdl_image->format->Rmask, sdl_image->format->Gmask, sdl_image->format->Bmask ); rgb_buf = (u_int8_t *) sdl_image->pixels; } STAT.skip_count = 0; STAT.wait_count = 0; tick_start = SDL_GetTicks(); /* get start time */ gettimeofday(&STAT.start, NULL); gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); ts_display=0; STAT.f_sigint = 0; signal(SIGINT, sigint_trap); jpeg_fillimg1color(screen,pixel_blue,3); screen_status=1; for (STAT.frame_count = 1;; STAT.frame_count++) { if (STAT.f_sigint) sigint_quit(); jpeg_has_error = 0; /* reset flag */ buf_status=decoder_buf_read(); #if 0 read_size = decoder_buf_get(jpeg_buf, JPEG_BUF_MAX); #ifdef REALTIME_PLAY tick_now = SDL_GetTicks(); if (tick_now - tick_start > STAT.frame_count * OPT.mspf) { /* skip frame because it's too late */ STAT.skip_count++; continue; } #endif #else read_size = decoder_buf_get(jpeg_buf, JPEG_BUF_MAX,&ts_nowblk); #ifdef REALTIME_PLAY if(buf_status==-1){ /* need more cpu power */ if(OPT.loss_visual){ jpeg_blitimg2screen(sdl_img_red,screen); screen_status=2; } d1_printf("INFO:buffer skip\n"); STAT.skip_count+=decoder_buf_get_datanum()/2; STAT.frame_count+=decoder_buf_get_datanum()/2; decoder_buf_rm(decoder_buf_get_datanum()/2); ts_display=0; gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); continue; } #endif #endif if (read_size == 0) { /* buffer empty */ d1_printf("INFO:buffer empty\n"); STAT.frame_count--; /* no skip, no display */ if(OPT.loss_visual && screen_status!=1){ jpeg_blitimg2screen(sdl_img_blue,screen); screen_status=1; } decoder_buf_prebuf(); ts_display=0; gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); continue; } else if (read_size == -2) { break; /* end of all files */ } #ifdef USE_JPEG_MEM_SRC jpeg_mem_src(&cinfo, jpeg_buf, read_size); #else jpeg_src_buf.buf = jpeg_buf; jpeg_buf_src(&cinfo, jpeg_buf, read_size); #endif jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); cinfo.output_width = w; cinfo.output_height = h; cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB; /* default */ cinfo.output_components = d; /* more fast decompression */ cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST; //cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FLOAT; cinfo.do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE; jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); /* screen surface lock */ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) { if (SDL_LockSurface(screen) < 0) { ComplainAndExit(); } } /* JPEG decode start */ gettimeofday(&tv_tmp1, NULL); while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height && !jpeg_has_error) { JSAMPLE *rgb_scanline; rgb_scanline = &(rgb_buf[cinfo.output_scanline * row_stride]); jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &rgb_scanline, 1); } /* screen surface unlock */ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) { SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); } jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); /* JPEG decode finish */ gettimeofday(&tv_tmp2, NULL); STAT.decode_usec += timeval_diff_usec(&tv_tmp2, &tv_tmp1); #ifdef REALTIME_PLAY wait4rtdisplay(&tv_start,ts_display); if(ts_display==0){ ts_diff=OPT.freq; }else{ ts_diff=(u_int32_t)(ts_nowblk-ts_lastblk); } ts_lastblk=ts_nowblk; if(ts_diff<OPT.freq){ e_printf("INFO:reset TS interval\n"); } if(ts_diff>OPT.freq){ d2_printf("blue back start for %u TS\n",(u_int32_t)ts_diff-OPT.freq); ts_display+=(ts_diff-OPT.freq); if(OPT.loss_visual && screen_status!=1){ jpeg_blitimg2screen(sdl_img_blue,screen); screen_status=1; } wait4rtdisplay(&tv_start,ts_display); d2_printf("blue back end.\n"); }else{ d3_printf("no blue back .\n"); } ts_display+= OPT.freq; #endif if (draw_screen==TRUE) { SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0); screen_status=0; } else { jpeg_blitimg2screen(sdl_image,screen); screen_status=0; #if 0 dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = 0; dstrect.w = sdl_image->w; dstrect.h = sdl_image->h; if (SDL_BlitSurface(sdl_image, NULL, screen, &dstrect) < 0) { SDL_FreeSurface(sdl_image); ComplainAndExit(); } #if 0 if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) { SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); } #endif SDL_UpdateRects(screen, 1, &dstrect); #endif } } /* loop for all jpeg file */ STAT.frame_count--; /* because count from 1 */ tick_now = SDL_GetTicks(); if (!draw_screen) { SDL_FreeSurface(sdl_image); } jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); statistics_print(&STAT); return 0; }
static eint item_clicked(eHandle hobj, ePointer data) { e_printf(_("%s\n"), data); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifndef RTPESND char p_header[PIPE_HEADER_LEN]; #endif RTPSEND char r_header[RTP_HEADER_LEN]; char *buffer; struct iovec iov[3]; ssize_t length; u_int16_t seq; PIPE_CONTEXT p; int dummy_cnt; /* dummy(very old packet)cnt */ #ifdef RTPSEND int count=0; /* for Debug */ struct timeval blk_start_tv; int blk_wait4start=1; int blk_pktcnt = 0; u_int32_t waitperframe; #endif sigset_t sigset; ssize_t io_ret; /* sigfillset(&sigset); */ /* sigdelset(&sigset,SIGINT); */ /* sigdelset(&sigset,SIGTSTP); */ if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sigset,NULL)!=0){ e_printf("sigprocmask fail.\n"); exit(0); } signal(SIGINT,cb_sig); signal(SIGTSTP,cb_sig); signal(SIGPIPE,cb_sig); if (opt_etc(argc, argv) == -1) { return -1; } if (isatty(STDIN)) { e_printf("Standard input must be binded with pipe.\n"); return -1; } #ifndef RTPSEND if (isatty(STDOUT)) { e_printf("Standard output must be binded with pipe.\n"); return -1; } #endif /* ! RTPSEND */ if ((buffer = malloc(OPT.plen)) == NULL) { e_printf("cannot malloc for buffer\n"); return -1; } if (OPT.compatible_mode) { seq = 0; } else { srand(time(NULL)); seq = rand() & 0xffff; } d1_printf("first seq/rtp=%u\n",seq); rtp_reset(r_header, RTP_HEADER_LEN); rtp_set_version(r_header, 1); rtp_set_ptype(r_header, OPT.payload_type); memset(buffer, 0, OPT.plen); #ifdef RTPSEND switch(OPT.shaping_lev) { case 0: default: OPT.shaping_lev=0; waitperframe=1; d1_printf("shaping_mode : frame\n"); break; case 1: waitperframe=OPT.rs_N; d1_printf("shaping_mode : packet with dups\n"); break; case 2: waitperframe=OPT.rs_N*OPT.send_double; d1_printf("shaping_mode : all packet(include dups)\n"); break; } iov[0].iov_base = r_header; iov[0].iov_len = RTP_HEADER_LEN; iov[1].iov_base = buffer; /* iov[1].iov_len = OPT.plen;*/ #else /* RTPSEND */ iov[0].iov_base = p_header; iov[0].iov_len = PIPE_HEADER_LEN; iov[1].iov_base = r_header; iov[1].iov_len = RTP_HEADER_LEN; iov[2].iov_base = buffer; /* iov[2].iov_len = OPT.plen;*/ #endif /* RTPSEND */ p=pipe_context_init(STDIN,1 /*OPT.rs_N*/, OPT.plen); wclk_ps_tvstart.tv_sec=0; while ((length = pipe_blocked_read_packet_ex(p, p_header, buffer))>=0){ #ifdef RTPSEND if(wclk_ps_tvstart.tv_sec==0){ /* recode start time */ gettimeofday(&wclk_ps_tvstart, NULL); } count++; if(blk_wait4start){ gettimeofday(&blk_start_tv,NULL); blk_wait4start=0; blk_pktcnt = 0; }else{ blk_pktcnt++; } blk_wait4start=pipe_get_marker(p_header); #endif #ifdef RTPSEND iov[1].iov_len =length; pipe_set_length(p_header,length); #else iov[2].iov_len =length; pipe_set_length(p_header,length + RTP_HEADER_LEN); #endif /* RTPSEND*/ rtp_set_timestamp(r_header, pipe_get_timestamp(p_header)); rtp_set_marker(r_header, pipe_get_marker(p_header)); rtp_set_seqnum(r_header, seq++); if(seq>=0x10000) seq-=0x10000; d3_printf("rtpenc: marker %d : seq %d\n",pipe_get_marker(p_header),seq-1); #ifdef RTPSEND if (display_time_all_packet) { d_printf("\n%d:", seq); } rtsend_tslimit+=(u_int32_t)(pipe_get_timestamp(p_header) - pkt_tslast); pkt_tslast=pipe_get_timestamp(p_header); #if 0 wait4rtsend(&wclk_tvstart,blk_pktcnt); #else if(!(OPT.shaping_lev==0 && blk_pktcnt>=1)){ wait4rtsend(&wclk_tvstart,&rtsend_tslimit,blk_pktcnt,waitperframe); } #endif if (OPT.send_err_rate > 0) { if ((rand() % OPT.send_err_rate) == 0) { total_drop++; continue; } } d2_printf(" write %d bytes", pipe_get_length(p_header)); if (writev(OPT.sfd, iov, 2) == -1) { total_drop++; d2_printf(" writev-NG(ts/sq=%d/%d)\n", pipe_get_timestamp(p_header), count); } else { d2_printf(" writev-OK(ts/sq=%d/%d)\n", pipe_get_timestamp(p_header), count); total_send++; } if(OPT.dup2dummy){ rtp_set_seqnum(r_header, (seq+0x10000-0x100)&0xffff); } for(dummy_cnt=1;dummy_cnt<OPT.send_double;dummy_cnt++){ if(OPT.shaping_lev==2){ blk_pktcnt++; wait4rtsend(&wclk_tvstart,&rtsend_tslimit,blk_pktcnt,waitperframe); } d2_printf(" write dup(%d/%d) \n",dummy_cnt,OPT.send_double); io_ret=writev(OPT.sfd, iov, 2); if ( io_ret == -1) { total_drop++; d2_printf(" writev-NG(ts/sq=%d/%d)\n", pipe_get_timestamp(p_header), count); } else { d2_printf(" writev-OK(ts/sq=%d/%d)\n", pipe_get_timestamp(p_header), count); total_send++; } } #else /* RTPSEND */ d2_printf(" write pkt\n"); writev(STDOUT, iov, 3); if(OPT.dup2dummy){ rtp_set_seqnum(r_header, (seq+0x10000-0x100)&0xffff); } for(dummy_cnt=1;dummy_cnt<OPT.send_double;dummy_cnt++){ d2_printf(" write dup(%d/%d) \n",dummy_cnt,OPT.send_double); io_ret=writev(STDOUT, iov, 3); if(io_ret==-1){ exit_req=1; break; } } #endif /* RTPSEND */ if(exit_req==1){ break; } } #ifdef RTPSEND last_seq=seq-1; statistics_display(); sleep(1); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Images images; flif_options options = FLIF_DEFAULT_OPTIONS; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER int mode = -1; // 0 = encode, 1 = decode, 2 = transcode #else int mode = 1; #endif bool showhelp = false; if (strcmp(argv[0],"cflif") == 0) mode = 0; if (strcmp(argv[0],"dflif") == 0) mode = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"deflif") == 0) mode = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"decflif") == 0) mode = 1; static struct option optlist[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"decode", 0, NULL, 'd'}, {"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"no-crc", 0, NULL, 'c'}, {"no-metadata", 0, NULL, 'm'}, {"no-color-profile", 0, NULL, 'p'}, {"quality", 1, NULL, 'q'}, {"scale", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"resize", 1, NULL, 'r'}, {"fit", 1, NULL, 'f'}, {"identify", 0, NULL, 'i'}, {"version", 0, NULL, 'V'}, {"overwrite", 0, NULL, 'o'}, {"breakpoints", 0, NULL, 'b'}, {"keep-palette", 0, NULL, 'k'}, #ifdef HAS_ENCODER {"encode", 0, NULL, 'e'}, {"transcode", 0, NULL, 't'}, {"interlace", 0, NULL, 'I'}, {"no-interlace", 0, NULL, 'N'}, {"frame-delay", 1, NULL, 'F'}, {"keep-invisible-rgb", 0, NULL, 'K'}, {"max-palette-size", 1, NULL, 'P'}, {"force-color-buckets", 0, NULL, 'A'}, {"no-color-buckets", 0, NULL, 'B'}, {"no-ycocg", 0, NULL, 'Y'}, {"no-channel-compact", 0, NULL, 'C'}, {"max-frame-lookback", 1, NULL, 'L'}, {"no-frame-shape", 0, NULL, 'S'}, {"maniac-repeats", 1, NULL, 'R'}, {"maniac-divisor", 1, NULL, 'D'}, {"maniac-min-size", 1, NULL, 'M'}, {"maniac-threshold", 1, NULL, 'T'}, {"chance-cutoff", 1, NULL, 'X'}, {"chance-alpha", 1, NULL, 'Z'}, {"lossy", 1, NULL, 'Q'}, {"adaptive", 0, NULL, 'U'}, {"guess", 1, NULL, 'G'}, {"invisible-guess", 1, NULL, 'H'}, {"effort", 1, NULL, 'E'}, {"chroma-subsample", 0, NULL, 'J'}, {"no-subtract-green", 0, NULL, 'W'}, #endif {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int i,c; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hdvcmiVq:s:r:f:obketINnF:KP:ABYWCL:SR:D:M:T:X:Z:Q:UG:H:E:J", optlist, &i)) != -1) { #else while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hdvcmiVq:s:r:f:obk", optlist, &i)) != -1) { #endif switch (c) { case 'd': mode=1; break; case 'v': increase_verbosity(); break; case 'V': increase_verbosity(3); break; case 'c': options.crc_check = 0; break; case 'm': options.metadata = 0; break; case 'p': options.color_profile = 0; break; case 'o': options.overwrite = 1; break; case 'q': options.quality=atoi(optarg); if (options.quality < 0 || options.quality > 100) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -q\n"); return 1; } break; case 's': options.scale=atoi(optarg); if (options.scale < 1 || options.scale > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -s\n"); return 1; } break; case 'r': if (sscanf(optarg,"%ix%i", &options.resize_width, &options.resize_height) < 1) { if (sscanf(optarg,"x%i", &options.resize_height) < 1) {e_printf("Not a sensible value for option -r (expected WxH)\n"); return 1; } } if (!options.resize_height) options.resize_height = options.resize_width; break; case 'f': if (sscanf(optarg,"%ix%i", &options.resize_width, &options.resize_height) < 1) { if (sscanf(optarg,"x%i", &options.resize_height) < 1) {e_printf("Not a sensible value for option -f (expected WxH)\n"); return 1; } }; break; case 'i': options.scale = -1; break; case 'b': options.show_breakpoints = 8; mode=1; break; case 'k': options.keep_palette = true; break; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER case 'e': mode=0; break; case 't': mode=2; break; case 'I': options.method.encoding=flifEncoding::interlaced; break; case 'n': // undocumented: lower case -n still works case 'N': options.method.encoding=flifEncoding::nonInterlaced; break; case 'A': options.acb=1; break; case 'B': options.acb=0; break; case 'P': options.palette_size=atoi(optarg); if (options.palette_size < -32000 || options.palette_size > 32000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -P\n"); return 1; } if (options.palette_size > 512) {v_printf(1,"Warning: palette size above 512 implies that simple FLIF decoders (8-bit only) cannot decode this file.\n"); } if (options.palette_size == 0) {v_printf(5,"Palette disabled\n"); } break; case 'R': options.learn_repeats=atoi(optarg); if (options.learn_repeats < 0 || options.learn_repeats > 20) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -R\n"); return 1; } break; case 'F': options.frame_delay.clear(); while(optarg != 0) { int d=strtol(optarg,&optarg,10); if (d==0) break; if (*optarg == ',' || *optarg == '+' || *optarg == ' ') optarg++; options.frame_delay.push_back(d); if (d < 0 || d > 60000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -F: %i\n",d); return 1; } } if (options.frame_delay.size() < 1) options.frame_delay.push_back(100); break; case 'L': options.lookback=atoi(optarg); if (options.lookback < -1 || options.lookback > 256) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -L\n"); return 1; } break; case 'D': options.divisor=atoi(optarg); if (options.divisor <= 0 || options.divisor > 0xFFFFFFF) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -D\n"); return 1; } break; case 'M': options.min_size=atoi(optarg); if (options.min_size < 0) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -M\n"); return 1; } break; case 'T': options.split_threshold=atoi(optarg); if (options.split_threshold <= 3 || options.split_threshold > 100000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -T\n"); return 1; } options.split_threshold *= 5461; break; case 'Y': options.ycocg=0; break; case 'W': options.ycocg=0; options.subtract_green=0; break; case 'C': options.plc=0; break; case 'S': options.frs=0; break; case 'K': options.alpha_zero_special=0; break; case 'X': options.cutoff=atoi(optarg); if (options.cutoff < 1 || options.cutoff > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -X (try something between 1 and 128)\n"); return 1; } break; case 'Z': options.alpha=atoi(optarg); if (options.alpha < 2 || options.alpha > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -Z (try something between 2 and 128)\n"); return 1; } break; case 'Q': options.loss=100-atoi(optarg); // can't go above quality 100 = lossless // can go way below 0 if you want if (options.loss < 0) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -Q (try something between 0 and 100)\n"); return 1; } break; case 'U': options.adaptive=1; break; case 'G': { int p=0; while(*optarg != 0) { int d=0; switch (*optarg) { case '?': case 'G': case 'g': case 'H': case 'h': // guess/heuristically choose d = -2; break; case '0': case 'A': case 'a': // average d = 0; break; case '1': case 'M': case 'm': // median of 3 values (avg, grad1, grad2) d = 1; break; case '2': case 'N': case 'n': // median of 3 neighbors d = 2; break; case '3': case 'X': case 'x': // auto/mixed, usually a bad idea d = -1; break; case ' ': case ',': case '+': optarg++; continue; default: e_printf("Not a sensible value for option -G\nValid values are: 0 (avg), 1 (median avg/gradients), 2 (median neighbors), X (auto/mixed), ? (heuristically pick 0-2)\n"); return 1; } if (p>4) {e_printf("Error while parsing option -G: too many planes specified\n"); return 1; } options.predictor[p] = d; p++; optarg++; } for (; p<5; p++) options.predictor[p]=options.predictor[0]; } break; case 'H': options.invisible_predictor=atoi(optarg); if (options.invisible_predictor < 0 || options.invisible_predictor > 2) {e_printf("Not a sensible value for option -H\nValid values are: 0 (avg), 1 (median avg/gradients), 2 (median neighbors)\n"); return 1; } break; case 'J': options.chroma_subsampling = 1; break; case 'E': { int effort=atoi(optarg); if (effort < 0 || effort > 100) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -E (try something between 0 and 100)\n"); return 1; } // set some parameters automatically if (effort < 10) options.learn_repeats=0; else if (effort <= 50) {options.learn_repeats=1; options.split_threshold=5461*8*5;} else if (effort <= 70) {options.learn_repeats=2; options.split_threshold=5461*8*8;} else if (effort <= 90) {options.learn_repeats=3; options.split_threshold=5461*8*10;} else if (effort <= 100) {options.learn_repeats=4; options.split_threshold=5461*8*12;} if (effort < 15) { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) options.predictor[i]=0; } else if (effort < 30) { options.predictor[1]=0; options.predictor[2]=0; } if (effort < 5) options.acb=0; if (effort < 8) options.palette_size=0; if (effort < 25) options.plc=0; if (effort < 30) options.lookback=0; if (effort < 5) options.frs=0; v_printf(3,"Encode effort: %i, corresponds to parameters -R%i -T%i%s%s%s%s\n", effort, options.learn_repeats, options.split_threshold/5461, (effort<15?" -G0":(effort<30?" -G?00":"")), (effort<5?" -B":""), (effort<8?" -P0":""), (effort<25?" -C":"")); // not mentioning animation options since they're usually irrelevant } break; #endif case 'h': showhelp=true; break; default: show_help(mode); return 0; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; bool last_is_output = (options.scale != -1); if (options.show_breakpoints && argc == 1) { last_is_output = false; options.no_full_decode = 1; options.scale = 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"-")) { // writing output to stdout, so redirecting verbose output to stderr to avoid contaminating the output stream redirect_stdout_to_stderr(); } show_banner(); if (argc == 0 || showhelp) { if (get_verbosity() == 1 || showhelp) show_help(mode); return 0; } if (argc == 1 && last_is_output) { show_help(mode); e_printf("\nOutput file missing.\n"); return 1; } if (options.scale == -1) mode = 1; if (mode < 0) mode = 0; if (file_exists(argv[0])) { char *f = strrchr(argv[0],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[0],'.'); #ifdef HAS_ENCODER if (mode == 0 && file_is_flif(argv[0])) { char *f = strrchr(argv[1],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[1],'.'); if ((ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flif") || ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flf") )))) { v_printf(3,"Input and output file are both FLIF file, adding implicit -t\n"); mode = 2; } else { v_printf(3,"Input file is a FLIF file, adding implicit -d\n"); mode = 1; } } if (mode == 0) { char *f = strrchr(argv[argc-1],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[argc-1],'.'); if (ext && !options.loss && strcasecmp(ext,".flif") && strcasecmp(ext,".flf") ) { e_printf("Warning: expected file name extension \".flif\" for output file.\n"); } else if (options.loss && check_compatible_extension(ext)) { v_printf(2,"Not doing actual lossy encoding to FLIF, just applying loss.\n"); options.just_add_loss = 1; } } if (mode != 0) { #endif if (!(ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flif") || ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flf") )))) { e_printf("Warning: expected file name extension \".flif\" for input file, trying anyway...\n"); } #ifdef HAS_ENCODER } else { if (!check_compatible_extension(ext)) { e_printf("Warning: expected \".png\", \".pnm\" or \".pam\" file name extension for input file, trying anyway...\n"); } } #endif } else if (argc>0) { if (!strcmp(argv[0],"-")) { v_printf(4,"Taking input from standard input. Mode: %s\n", (mode==0?"encode": (mode==1?"decode":"transcode"))); } else if (!strchr(argv[0],'%')) { e_printf("Error: input file does not exist: %s\n",argv[0]); return 1; } } if (last_is_output && file_exists(argv[argc-1]) && !options.overwrite) { e_printf("Error: output file already exists: %s\nUse --overwrite to force overwrite.\n",argv[argc-1]); return 1; } if (mode > 0 && argc > 2 && options.scale != -1) { e_printf("Too many arguments.\n"); return 1; } #ifdef HAS_ENCODER if (options.chroma_subsampling) v_printf(1,"Warning: chroma subsampling produces a truncated FLIF file. Image will not be lossless!\n"); if (options.loss > 0) options.keep_palette = false; // not going to add loss to indexed colors if (options.adaptive) options.loss = -options.loss; // use negative loss to indicate we want to do adaptive lossy encoding if (mode == 0) { if (!handle_encode(argc, argv, images, options)) return 2; } else if (mode == 1) { #endif return handle_decode(argc, argv, images, options); #ifdef HAS_ENCODER } else if (mode == 2) { // if (scale > 1) {e_printf("Not yet supported: transcoding downscaled image; use decode + encode!\n");} if (!decode_flif(argv, images, options)) return 2; argc--; argv++; if (!encode_flif(argc, argv, images, options)) return 2; } #endif return 0; }
bool encode_load_input_images(int argc, char **argv, Images &images, flif_options &options) { int nb_input_images = argc-1; int nb_actual_images = 0; metadata_options md; md.icc = options.color_profile; md.xmp = options.metadata; md.exif = options.metadata; while(argc>1) { int maxlength = strlen(argv[0])+100; std::vector<char> vfilename(maxlength); char *filename = argv[0]; int framecounter = 0; int stop_searching = 0; bool multiple=false; if (!file_exists(argv[0]) && strchr(argv[0],'%')) { multiple=true; filename = &vfilename[0]; } for ( ; framecounter < 0xFFFFFFF && stop_searching < 1000; framecounter++ ) { if (multiple) { snprintf(filename,maxlength,argv[0],framecounter); if (!file_exists(filename)) { stop_searching++; continue; } stop_searching = 0; } Image image; if (options.keep_palette) image.palette = true; // tells the PNG loader to keep palette intact v_printf_tty(2,"\r"); if (!image.load(filename,md)) { e_printf("Could not read input file: %s\n", argv[0]); return false; }; if (image.numPlanes() > 0) { nb_actual_images++; images.push_back(std::move(image)); Image& last_image = images.back(); if (last_image.rows() != images[0].rows() || last_image.cols() != images[0].cols()) { e_printf("Dimensions of all input images should be the same!\n"); e_printf(" First image is %ux%u\n",images[0].cols(),images[0].rows()); e_printf(" This image is %ux%u: %s\n",last_image.cols(),last_image.rows(),filename); return false; } if (last_image.numPlanes() < images[0].numPlanes()) { if (images[0].numPlanes() == 3) last_image.ensure_chroma(); else if (images[0].numPlanes() == 4) last_image.ensure_alpha(); else { e_printf("Problem while loading input images, please report this.\n"); return false; } } else if (last_image.numPlanes() > images[0].numPlanes()) { if (last_image.numPlanes() == 3) { for (Image& i : images) i.ensure_chroma(); } else if (last_image.numPlanes() == 4) { for (Image& i : images) i.ensure_alpha(); } else { e_printf("Problem while loading input images, please report this.\n"); return false; } } } else { if (images.size() == 0) { e_printf("First specify the actual image(s), then the metadata.\n"); return false; } for (size_t i=0; i<image.metadata.size(); i++) images[0].metadata.push_back(image.metadata[i]); } if (nb_input_images>1) {v_printf(2," (%i/%i) ",(int)images.size(),nb_input_images); v_printf(4,"\n");} if (!multiple) break; } argc--; argv++; } if (nb_actual_images > 0) return true; e_printf("Error: no actual input images to be encoded!\n"); return false; }
int capt_capt(opt_t *opt) { int frame_size; unsigned int frame_num; unsigned char *frame_buf_yuv, *frame_buf_rgb, *jpeg_buf; struct timeval start; const int fps = opt->fps_opt; const int wait_flag = (opt->fps_opt < opt->fps_dev); const int w = opt->width, h = opt->height; int q = 75; /* jpeg compress quality */ int len; char mh[PIPE_HEADER_LEN]; /* EMON system Message Header */ unsigned int ts; /* timestamp in Message Header */ frame_size = mchip_hsize() * mchip_vsize() * 3; frame_buf_yuv = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size); frame_buf_rgb = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size); jpeg_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size); /* allocate enougth memory for jpeg_buf */ if (frame_buf_yuv == NULL || frame_buf_rgb == NULL ||jpeg_buf == NULL){ e_printf("cannot malloc for frame_buf or jpeg_buf\n"); return -1; } stat_init(&STAT); ts = rand() * opt->freq; mchip_continuous_start(); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); STAT.start = start; /* copy struct timeval */ d2_printf("\njpegcapt: %ld.%06ld: wait_flag=%d", start.tv_sec, start.tv_usec, wait_flag); for (frame_num = 0; opt->max_frame == 0 || frame_num < opt->max_frame; frame_num++, ts += opt->freq){ struct timeval c, b, a; /* capture, before(encoding), after */ int d1, d2; if (debug_level > 0 && (frame_num % opt->stat_freq)== 0){ stat_print(&STAT, frame_num); } if (wait_proper_time(&start, fps, frame_num, 1) < 0){ STAT.skip_count++; continue; /* skip capture because it's too late */ } STAT.capt_count++; gettimeofday(&c, NULL); mchip_continuous_read(frame_buf_yuv, mchip_hsize()*mchip_vsize()*2); yuv_convert(frame_buf_yuv, frame_buf_rgb, mchip_hsize(), mchip_vsize()); gettimeofday(&b, NULL); len = jpeg_encode(frame_buf_rgb, jpeg_buf, w, h, q); gettimeofday(&a, NULL); d1 = timeval_diff_usec(&b, &c); d2 = timeval_diff_usec(&a, &b); timeval_add_usec(&STAT.capt_total, d1); timeval_add_usec(&STAT.jpgenc_total, d2); d3_printf("\n frame=%d, ts=%d, jpg_len=%d, q=%d" ", t1=%d, t2=%d", frame_num, ts, len, q, d1, d2); if (len > opt->dsize ){ q *= 0.75; continue; /* skip this picture */ }else if (len < opt->dsize * 0.9 && q < 90) { q++; } bzero(&mh, PIPE_HEADER_LEN); pipe_set_version(&mh, 1); pipe_set_marker(&mh, 1); pipe_set_length(&mh, len); pipe_set_timestamp(&mh, ts); if (pipe_blocked_write_block(STDOUT, &mh, jpeg_buf) ==PIPE_ERROR){ d1_printf("\npipe_blocked_write_block error!!" "len=%d, ts=%ud", len, ts); } else { STAT.out_count++; } } if (debug_level > 0){ stat_print(&STAT, frame_num); } return 0; }
static int m_mprotect(unsigned int addr, size_t len) { if (debug_level('e')>3) e_printf("\tM_MPROT %08x\n",addr); return e_mprotect(addr, len); }
void cb_sig(int signo){ pipe_exit_req(); e_printf("caught signal %d\n",signo); exit_req=1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Images images; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER int mode = 0; // 0 = encode, 1 = decode, 2 = transcode flifEncodingOptional method; int learn_repeats = -1; int acb = -1; // try auto color buckets std::vector<int> frame_delay; frame_delay.push_back(100); int palette_size = -1; int lookback = 1; int divisor=CONTEXT_TREE_COUNT_DIV; int min_size=CONTEXT_TREE_MIN_SUBTREE_SIZE; int split_threshold=CONTEXT_TREE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD; int yiq = 1; int plc = 1; int frs = 1; bool alpha_zero_special = true; int alpha=19; int cutoff=2; #else int mode = 1; #endif int quality = 100; // 100 = everything, positive value: partial decode, negative value: only rough data int scale = 1; int resize_width = 0, resize_height = 0; bool showhelp = false; if (strcmp(argv[0],"flif") == 0) mode = 0; if (strcmp(argv[0],"dflif") == 0) mode = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"deflif") == 0) mode = 1; if (strcmp(argv[0],"decflif") == 0) mode = 1; static struct option optlist[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"decode", 0, NULL, 'd'}, {"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"quality", 1, NULL, 'q'}, {"scale", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"resize", 1, NULL, 'r'}, {"identify", 0, NULL, 'i'}, {"version", 0, NULL, 'V'}, #ifdef HAS_ENCODER {"encode", 0, NULL, 'e'}, {"transcode", 0, NULL, 't'}, {"interlace", 0, NULL, 'I'}, {"no-interlace", 0, NULL, 'N'}, {"frame-delay", 1, NULL, 'F'}, {"keep-invisible-rgb", 0, NULL, 'K'}, {"max-palette-size", 1, NULL, 'P'}, {"force-color-buckets", 0, NULL, 'A'}, {"no-color-buckets", 0, NULL, 'B'}, {"no-ycocg", 0, NULL, 'Y'}, {"no-channel-compact", 0, NULL, 'C'}, {"max-frame-lookback", 1, NULL, 'L'}, {"no-frame-shape", 0, NULL, 'S'}, {"maniac-repeats", 1, NULL, 'R'}, {"maniac-divisor", 1, NULL, 'D'}, {"maniac-min-size", 1, NULL, 'M'}, {"maniac-threshold", 1, NULL, 'T'}, {"chance-cutoff", 1, NULL, 'X'}, {"chance-alpha", 1, NULL, 'Z'}, #endif {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int i,c; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hdviVq:s:r:etINnF:KP:ABYCL:SR:D:M:T:X:Z:", optlist, &i)) != -1) { #else while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hdviVq:s:r:", optlist, &i)) != -1) { #endif switch (c) { case 'd': mode=1; break; case 'v': increase_verbosity(); break; case 'V': increase_verbosity(3); break; case 'q': quality=atoi(optarg); if (quality < 0 || quality > 100) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -q\n"); return 1; } break; case 's': scale=atoi(optarg); if (scale < 1 || scale > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -s\n"); return 1; } break; case 'r': if (sscanf(optarg,"%ix%i", &resize_width, &resize_height) < 1) {e_printf("Not a sensible value for option -r (expected WxH)\n"); return 1; } if (!resize_height) resize_height = resize_width; break; case 'i': scale = -1; break; #ifdef HAS_ENCODER case 'e': mode=0; break; case 't': mode=2; break; case 'I': method.encoding=flifEncoding::interlaced; break; case 'n': // undocumented: lower case -n still works case 'N': method.encoding=flifEncoding::nonInterlaced; break; case 'A': acb=1; break; case 'B': acb=0; break; case 'P': palette_size=atoi(optarg); if (palette_size < -32000 || palette_size > 32000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -P\n"); return 1; } if (palette_size == 0) {v_printf(5,"Palette disabled\n"); } break; case 'R': learn_repeats=atoi(optarg); if (learn_repeats < 0 || learn_repeats > 20) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -R\n"); return 1; } break; case 'F': frame_delay.clear(); while(optarg != 0) { int d=strtol(optarg,&optarg,10); if (d==0) break; if (*optarg == ',' || *optarg == '+') optarg++; frame_delay.push_back(d); if (d < 0 || d > 60000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -F: %i\n",d); return 1; } } if (frame_delay.size() < 1) frame_delay.push_back(100); break; case 'L': lookback=atoi(optarg); if (lookback < -1 || lookback > 256) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -L\n"); return 1; } break; case 'D': divisor=atoi(optarg); if (divisor <= 0 || divisor > 0xFFFFFFF) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -D\n"); return 1; } break; case 'M': min_size=atoi(optarg); if (min_size < 0) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -M\n"); return 1; } break; case 'T': split_threshold=atoi(optarg); if (split_threshold <= 3 || split_threshold > 100000) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -T\n"); return 1; } split_threshold *= 5461; break; case 'Y': yiq=0; break; case 'C': plc=0; break; case 'S': frs=0; break; case 'K': alpha_zero_special=false; break; case 'X': cutoff=atoi(optarg); if (cutoff < 1 || cutoff > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -X (try something between 1 and 128)\n"); return 1; } break; case 'Z': alpha=atoi(optarg); if (alpha < 2 || alpha > 128) {e_printf("Not a sensible number for option -Z (try something between 2 and 128)\n"); return 1; } break; #endif case 'h': showhelp=true; break; default: show_help(); return 0; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; show_banner(); if (argc == 0 || showhelp) { if (get_verbosity() == 1 || showhelp) show_help(); return 0; } if (argc == 1 && scale != -1) { show_help(); e_printf("\nOutput file missing.\n"); return 1; } if (scale == -1) mode = 1; if (file_exists(argv[0])) { char *f = strrchr(argv[0],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[0],'.'); #ifdef HAS_ENCODER if (mode == 0 && file_is_flif(argv[0])) { char *f = strrchr(argv[1],'/'); char *ext = f ? strrchr(f,'.') : strrchr(argv[1],'.'); if ((ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flif") || ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flf") )))) { v_printf(3,"Input and output file are both FLIF file, adding implicit -t\n"); mode = 2; } else { v_printf(3,"Input file is a FLIF file, adding implicit -d\n"); mode = 1; } } if (mode != 0) { #endif if (!(ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flif") || ( !strcasecmp(ext,".flf") )))) { e_printf("Warning: expected file name extension \".flif\" for input file, trying anyway...\n"); } #ifdef HAS_ENCODER } else { if (!check_compatible_extension(ext)) { e_printf("Warning: expected \".png\", \".pnm\" or \".pam\" file name extension for input file, trying anyway...\n"); } } #endif } else if (argc>0) { e_printf("Input file does not exist: %s\n",argv[0]); return 1; } if (mode > 0 && argc > 2 && scale != -1) { e_printf("Too many arguments.\n"); return 1; } #ifdef HAS_ENCODER if (mode == 0) { if (!handle_encode(argc, argv, images, palette_size, acb, method, lookback, learn_repeats, frame_delay, divisor, min_size, split_threshold, yiq, plc, alpha_zero_special, frs, cutoff, alpha)) return 2; } else if (mode == 1) { #endif return handle_decode(argc, argv, images, quality, scale, resize_width, resize_height); #ifdef HAS_ENCODER } else if (mode == 2) { // if (scale > 1) {e_printf("Not yet supported: transcoding downscaled image; use decode + encode!\n");} if (!decode_flif(argv, images, quality, scale, resize_width, resize_height)) return 2; argc--; argv++; if (!encode_flif(argc, argv, images, palette_size, acb, method, lookback, learn_repeats, frame_delay, divisor, min_size, split_threshold, yiq, plc, frs, cutoff, alpha)) return 2; } #endif return 0; }
int handle_decode(int argc, char **argv, Images &images, flif_options &options) { if (options.scale < 0) { // just identify the file(s), don't actually decode while (argc>0) { decode_flif(argv, images, options); argv++; argc--; } return 0; } if (argc == 1 && options.show_breakpoints) { decode_flif(argv, images, options); return 0; } char *ext = strrchr(argv[1],'.'); if (check_metadata_extension(ext)) { // only requesting metadata, no need to actually decode the file options.scale = -2; decode_flif(argv, images, options); if (!images[0].save(argv[1])) return 2; v_printf(2,"\n"); return 0; } if (!check_compatible_extension(ext) && strcmp(argv[1],"null:") && strcmp(argv[1],"-")) { e_printf("Error: expected \".png\", \".pnm\" or \".pam\" file name extension for output file\n"); return 1; } if (!(ext && ( !strcasecmp(ext,".png")))) options.keep_palette = false; // don't try to make a palette PNM try { if (!decode_flif(argv, images, options)) { e_printf("Error: could not decode FLIF file\n"); return 3; } } catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) { e_printf("Error: memory allocation problem (unexpected)\n"); return 3; } if (!strcmp(argv[1],"null:")) return 0; // if (scale>1) // v_printf(3,"Downscaling output: %ux%u -> %ux%u\n",images[0].cols(),images[0].rows(),images[0].cols()/scale,images[0].rows()/scale); if (images.size() == 1) { if (!images[0].save(argv[1])) return 2; } else { bool to_stdout=false; if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-")) { to_stdout=true; v_printf(1,"Warning: writing animation to standard output as a concatenation of PAM files.\n"); } int counter=0; int maxlength = strlen(argv[1])+100; std::vector<char> vfilename(maxlength); char *filename = &vfilename[0]; bool use_custom_format = false; if (strchr(argv[1],'%')) use_custom_format = true; strcpy(filename,argv[1]); char *a_ext = strrchr(filename,'.'); if (!a_ext && !to_stdout) { e_printf("Problem saving animation to %s\n",filename); return 2; } for (Image& image : images) { if (!to_stdout) { if (use_custom_format) snprintf(filename,maxlength,argv[1],counter); else if (images.size() < 1000) sprintf(a_ext,"-%03d%s",counter,ext); else if (images.size() < 10000) sprintf(a_ext,"-%04d%s",counter,ext); else if (images.size() < 100000) sprintf(a_ext,"-%05d%s",counter,ext); else sprintf(a_ext,"-%08d%s",counter,ext); if (file_exists(filename) && !options.overwrite) { e_printf("Error: output file already exists: %s\nUse --overwrite to force overwrite.\n",filename); return 4; } if (! return 2; } else { if (![1])) return 2; } counter++; v_printf(2," (%i/%i) \r",counter,(int)images.size()); v_printf(4,"\n"); } } // get rid of palette (should also do this in the non-standard/error paths, but being lazy here since the tool will exit anyway) images[0].clear(); v_printf(2,"\n"); return 0; }