startup(int argc, char *argv[])
	Dampkt		dam_p;
	char		tmp;
	char		*ep = &tmp;
	ulong		start = 0;
	long		sluimer;
	int		period = 0;
	int		tmpperiod, tmp_alpha, tmp_beta, tmp_ftable_alpha,
			tmp_eij, tmp_maxhops;

	strncpy(dam_myID, (char *)NIC_OUI, DAM_ID_LEN);
	print("DAM node [%s] installed vector code.\n", dam_myID);

	print("DAM node [%s] powered up NIC.\n", dam_myID);

	dam_period = DAM_PROTOCOL_PERIOD;
	if (argc == 6)
		tmpperiod = strtol(argv[0], &ep, 0);
		if (*ep != '\0')
			printf("Invalid DAM period supplied as argument.\n");
			dam_period = tmpperiod;
			printf("Set dam_period to [%d] usecs\n", dam_period);

		tmp_alpha = strtol(argv[1], &ep, 0);
		if (*ep != '\0')
			printf("Invalid EAR alpha supplied as argument.\n");
		tmp_beta = strtol(argv[2], &ep, 0);
		if (*ep != '\0')
			printf("Invalid EAR beta supplied as argument.\n");

		tmp_ftable_alpha = strtol(argv[3], &ep, 0);
		if (*ep != '\0')
			printf("Invalid EAR ftable_alpha supplied as argument.\n");

		tmp_eij = strtol(argv[4], &ep, 0);
		if (*ep != '\0')
			printf("Invalid EAR eij supplied as argument.\n");

		tmp_maxhops = strtol(argv[5], &ep, 0);
		if (*ep != '\0')
			printf("Invalid EAR maxhops supplied as argument.\n");

		Ear = ear_init(dam_myID, 0, tmp_alpha, tmp_beta, tmp_ftable_alpha,
				tmp_eij, tmp_maxhops,
			(uchar)devloc_getxloc(), (uchar)devloc_getyloc(), (uchar)devloc_getzloc());
		fprintf(stderr, "DAM node [%s] completed EAR init with runtime args:\n"
			dam_myID, tmp_alpha, tmp_beta, tmp_ftable_alpha, tmp_eij, tmp_maxhops);

		Ear = ear_init(dam_myID, 0, 1, 50, 1, 1 /* eij */, 8 /* maxhops */,
			(uchar)devloc_getxloc(), (uchar)devloc_getyloc(), (uchar)devloc_getzloc());
		print("DAM node [%s] completed EAR init using defaults.\n\n\n", dam_myID);

	/*							*/
	/*	Implemented to mirror description in paper	*/
	/*	All variables beginning w/ dam_ correspond	*/
	/*	to variables in the paper's algorithm descr.	*/
	/*							*/
	while (1)
		start = devrtc_getusecs();
		dam_p.timestamp = start;

		/*									*/
		/*	Write the log for the previous period. We want all actions to	*/
		/*	be in the timed loop, and though this log writing may seem to	*/
		/*	be not inherent to application, you can think of it as some	*/
		/*	post-peak detection actions that the algorithm must perform.	*/
		/*									*/
		if ((period > 0) && dam_participating)
			if (strlen(dam_sink) > 0)
				int		id;
				char		tmp;
				char		*ep = &tmp;

				id = strtol(dam_leaderID, &ep, 0);
				ear_response(Ear, dam_sink, NULL, 0, id);
//print("\n\ndam_sink = [%s]\n\n\n", dam_sink);
			write_log(period - 1);

		/*								*/
		/*	The values in this case are in Lux (see test.m)		*/
		/*	Noise floor is 0.1 Lux. DAM_THRESHOLD_ELECTION is	*/
		/*	thus set to 10 Lux.					*/
		/*								*/
		dam_myPr = devsignal_read(LIGHT_SENSOR);

		/*								*/
		/*	Algorithm description in PARC paper does not reset	*/
		/*	maxPrHeard. For each DAM period, until a packet is	*/
		/*	received, or our local reading is > threshold, the	*/
		/*	maxPrHeard should be 0.					*/
		/*								*/
		dam_maxPrHeard = 0;

			dam_participating = TRUE;
			dam_maxPrHeard = dam_myPr;
			strncpy(dam_leaderID, dam_myID, DAM_ID_LEN);
			dam_p.maxPr = dam_p.transPr = dam_myPr;
			strncpy((char *)dam_p.transID, dam_myID, DAM_ID_LEN);
			strncpy((char *)dam_p.maxID, dam_myID, DAM_ID_LEN);

			dam_participating = FALSE;

		sluimer = dam_period - (devrtc_getusecs() - start);
		sluimer = max(sluimer, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void triangulate ( int nvertices, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, 
  int scale )


    TRIANGULATE prints N-3 diagonals which triangulate the polygon.


    30 April 2007


    Joseph O'Rourke


    Input, int NVERTICES, the number of vertices.

    Input, int XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX, the minimum and maximum
    X and Y values of the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon.

    Input, int SCALE, an appropriate scaling for the data.
  tVertex v0, v1, v2, v3, v4;  /* five consecutive vertices */
  int x;
  int y;
  int n = nvertices;
  N is the "current" number of vertices;
  It starts at NVERTICES, but shrinks to 3.
  ear_init ( );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "newpath\n" );
  Each step of outer loop removes one ear.
  while ( 3 < n )
  Inner loop searches for an ear.
    v2 = vertices;
      if ( v2->ear )
  Ear found. Fill variables.
        v3 = v2->next;
        v4 = v3->next;
        v1 = v2->prev;
        v0 = v1->prev;
  (v1,v3) is a diagonal
        printf ( "%%Diagonal: (%d,%d)\n", v1->vnum, v3->vnum );
        x = 36 + scale * ( v1->v[X] - xmin );
        y = 36 + scale * ( v1->v[Y] - ymin );
        printf ( "%d\t%d\tmoveto\n", x, y );
        x = 36 + scale * ( v3->v[X] - xmin );
        y = 36 + scale * ( v3->v[Y] - ymin );
        printf ( "%d\t%d\tlineto\n", x, y );
  Update earity of diagonal endpoints.
        v1->ear = diagonal ( v0, v3 );
        v3->ear = diagonal ( v1, v4 );
  Cut off the ear v2.
        v1->next = v3;
        v3->prev = v1;
        vertices = v3;
  In case the head was v2.
  End if ear found.
      v2 = v2->next;
    } while ( v2 != vertices );

  printf ( "closepath stroke\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
