Ejemplo n.º 1
doc:	<routine name="execute_scoop_call" return_type="void" export="private">
doc:		<summary> Execute the feature in 'a_call' and do not catch exceptions. </summary>
doc:		<param name="a_call" type="struct eif_scoop_call_data*"> The feature to be executed. Must not be NULL. </param>
doc:		<thread_safety> Safe, if arguments differ. </thread_safety>
doc:		<synchronization> None. </synchronization>
doc:	</routine>
rt_private void execute_scoop_call (struct eif_scoop_call_data* a_call)
	a_call->pattern (a_call); /* Execute a feature in finalized mode. */
		/* Execute a feature in workbench mode. */
	uint32            pid = 0; /* Pattern id of the frozen feature */
	EIF_NATURAL_32    i;
	EIF_NATURAL_32    n;
	BODY_INDEX        body_id;

	REQUIRE("call_not_null", a_call);
	REQUIRE("target_not_null", a_call->target);

		/* Push arguments to the evaluation stack */
	for (n = a_call->count, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		v = eif_opstack_push_empty(&op_stack);
		* v = a_call->argument [i];
	if (a_call->routine_id >= 0) { /*NOTE: Tuple access has a negative routine ID.*/
			/* Regular feature call. */
			/* Push current to the evaluation stack */
		v = eif_opstack_push_empty(&op_stack);
		v->it_r = a_call->target;
		v->type = SK_REF;
			/* Make a feature call. */
		CBodyId(body_id, a_call->routine_id,Dtype(a_call->target));
		if (egc_frozen [body_id]) {		/* We are below zero Celsius, i.e. ice */
			pid = (uint32) FPatId(body_id);
			(pattern[pid].toc)(egc_frozen[body_id]); /* Call pattern */
		} else {
			/* The proper way to start the interpretation of a melted feature is to call `xinterp'
			 * in order to initialize the calling context (which is not done by `interpret').
			 * `tagval' will therefore be set, but we have to resynchronize the registers anyway.
			xinterp(MTC melt[body_id], 0);
			/* Save result of a call if any. */
		v = a_call->result;
		if (v) {
			* v = * eif_opstack_pop_address(&op_stack);
	else {
			/* Tuple access. */
		if (n == 0) {
				/* Access to a tuple field. */
			v = a_call->result;
			eif_tuple_access (a_call->target, - a_call->routine_id, v);
		else {
				/* Assignment to a tuple field. */
			v = eif_opstack_pop_address(&op_stack);
			eif_tuple_assign (a_call->target, - a_call->routine_id, v);
Ejemplo n.º 2
rt_private void rt_apply_wcall (call_data *data)
	uint32            pid = 0; /* Pattern id of the frozen feature */
	EIF_NATURAL_32    i;
	EIF_NATURAL_32    n;
	BODY_INDEX        body_id;

	REQUIRE("has data", data);
	REQUIRE("has target", data->target);

		/* Push arguments to the evaluation stack */
	for (n = data->count, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		v = eif_opstack_push_empty(&op_stack);
		* v = data->argument [i];
	if (data->routine_id >= 0) {
			/* Regular feature call. */
			/* Push current to the evaluation stack */
		v = eif_opstack_push_empty(&op_stack);
		v->it_r = data->target;
		v->type = SK_REF;
			/* Make a feature call. */
		CBodyId(body_id, data->routine_id,Dtype(data->target));
		if (egc_frozen [body_id]) {		/* We are below zero Celsius, i.e. ice */
			pid = (uint32) FPatId(body_id);
			(pattern[pid].toc)(egc_frozen[body_id]); /* Call pattern */
		} else {
			/* The proper way to start the interpretation of a melted feature is to call `xinterp'
			 * in order to initialize the calling context (which is not done by `interpret').
			 * `tagval' will therefore be set, but we have to resynchronize the registers anyway.
			xinterp(MTC melt[body_id], 0);
			/* Save result of a call if any. */
		v = data->result;
		if (v) {
			* v = * eif_opstack_pop_address(&op_stack);
	else {
			/* Tuple access. */
		if (n == 0) {
				/* Access to a tuple field. */
			v = data->result;
			eif_tuple_access (data->target, - data->routine_id, v);
		else {
				/* Assignment to a tuple field. */
			v = eif_opstack_pop_address(&op_stack);
			eif_tuple_assign (data->target, - data->routine_id, v);
Ejemplo n.º 3
rt_public void rout_obj_call_function_dynamic (
	int routine_id, int is_basic_type, int written_type_id_inline_agent,
	EIF_TYPED_VALUE* closed_args, int closed_count,
	EIF_TYPED_VALUE* open_args, int open_count,
	EIF_REFERENCE open_map, void* res)

	rout_obj_call_procedure_dynamic (routine_id, is_basic_type, written_type_id_inline_agent,
									 closed_args, closed_count, open_args, open_count, open_map);

	it = eif_opstack_pop_address(&op_stack);

	switch (it->type)
		case SK_BOOL: *((EIF_BOOLEAN *) res) = it->it_bool; break;
		case SK_CHAR8: *((EIF_CHARACTER_8 *) res) = it->it_char; break;
		case SK_REAL64: *((EIF_REAL_64 *)res) = it->it_real64; break;
		case SK_UINT8: *((EIF_NATURAL_8* )res) = it->it_uint8; break;
		case SK_UINT16: *((EIF_NATURAL_16 *)res) = it->it_uint16; break;
		case SK_UINT32: *((EIF_NATURAL_32 *)res) = it->it_uint32; break;
		case SK_UINT64: *((EIF_NATURAL_64 *)res)= it->it_uint64; break;
		case SK_INT8: *((EIF_INTEGER_8 *)res) = it->it_int8; break;
		case SK_INT16: *((EIF_INTEGER_16 *)res) = it->it_int16; break;
		case SK_INT32: *((EIF_INTEGER_32 *)res) = it->it_int32; break;
		case SK_INT64: *((EIF_INTEGER_64 *)res) = it->it_int64; break;
		case SK_POINTER: *((EIF_POINTER *)res) = it->it_ptr; break;
		case SK_REAL32: *((EIF_REAL_32 *)res) = it->it_real32; break;
		case SK_CHAR32: *((EIF_CHARACTER_32* )res) = it->it_wchar; break;
			*((EIF_REFERENCE *)res) = it->it_ref;