Ejemplo n.º 1
    void emitEncodedSizeNohash()
        const char *sn = ls.structname.shortname.c_str();
        emit(0, "int %s::_getEncodedSizeNoHash() const", sn);
        emit(0, "{");
        if(ls.members.size() == 0) {
            emit(1,     "return 0;");
        emit(1,     "int enc_size = 0;");
        for (auto& lm : ls.members) {
            auto& mtn = lm.type.fullname;
            auto *mn = lm.membername.c_str();
            int ndim = (int)lm.dimensions.size();

            if (ZCMGen::isPrimitiveType(mtn) && mtn != "string") {
                emitStart(1, "enc_size += ");
                for(int n = 0; n < ndim-1; n++) {
                    auto& dim = lm.dimensions[n];
                    emitContinue("%s%s * ", dimSizePrefix(dim.size).c_str(), dim.size.c_str());
                if(ndim > 0) {
                    auto& dim = lm.dimensions[ndim-1];
                    emitEnd("__%s_encoded_array_size(NULL, %s%s);",
                            mtn.c_str(), dimSizePrefix(dim.size).c_str(), dim.size.c_str());
                } else {
                    emitEnd("__%s_encoded_array_size(NULL, 1);", mtn.c_str());
            } else {
                for(int n = 0; n < ndim; n++) {
                    auto& dim = lm.dimensions[n];
                    emit(1+n, "for (int a%d = 0; a%d < %s%s; a%d++) {",
                         n, n, dimSizePrefix(dim.size).c_str(), dim.size.c_str(), n);
                emitStart(ndim + 1, "enc_size += this->%s", mn);
                for(int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                if (mtn == "string") {
                    emitEnd(".size() + 4 + 1;");
                } else {
                for(int n = ndim-1; n >= 0; n--) {
                    emit(1 + n, "}");
        emit(1, "return enc_size;");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void _encodeRecursive(ZCMMember& lm, int depth, int extraIndent)
        auto& mtn = lm.type.fullname;
        int indent = extraIndent + 1 + depth;
        int ndims = (int)lm.dimensions.size();
        // primitive array
        if (depth+1 == ndims &&
            ZCMGen::isPrimitiveType(mtn) && mtn != "string") {

            auto& dim = lm.dimensions[depth];
            emitStart(indent, "tlen = __%s_encode_%sarray(buf, offset + pos, maxlen - pos, &this->%s",
                      zcm.gopt->getBool("little-endian-encoding") ? "little_endian_" : "",
            for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
            emitEnd("[0], %s%s);", dimSizePrefix(dim.size).c_str(), dim.size.c_str());

            emit(indent, "if(tlen < 0) return tlen; else pos += tlen;");
        if(depth == ndims) {
            if(mtn == "string") {
                emitStart(indent, "char* __cstr = (char*) this->%s", lm.membername.c_str());
                for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                emit(indent, "tlen = __string_encode_%sarray(buf, offset + pos, maxlen - pos, &__cstr, 1);",
                             zcm.gopt->getBool("little-endian-encoding") ? "little_endian_" : "");
            } else {
                emitStart(indent, "tlen = this->%s", lm.membername.c_str());
                for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                emitEnd("._encodeNoHash(buf, offset + pos, maxlen - pos);");
            emit(indent, "if(tlen < 0) return tlen; else pos += tlen;");

        auto& dim = lm.dimensions[depth];
        emit(indent, "for (int a%d = 0; a%d < %s%s; a%d++) {",
             depth, depth, dimSizePrefix(dim.size).c_str(), dim.size.c_str(), depth);

        _encodeRecursive(lm, depth+1, extraIndent);

        emit(indent, "}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
ExportAppInfoDlg::ExportAppInfoDlg(QString path, int targetId)
	: QDialog(0)
	, m_path(path)
	this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint);

	connect(ui.btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBtnCancelClicked()));

	connect(this, SIGNAL(emitStart(QString, int)), DM, SLOT(StartExportAppRecord(QString, int)));

	connect(DM, SIGNAL(emitAppRecordCount(int)), this, SLOT(GetRecordCount(int)));
	connect(DM, SIGNAL(emitAppCurrentRecordAdd()), this, SLOT(CurrentRecordAdd()));
	connect(DM, SIGNAL(emitAppExportFinished()), this, SLOT(ExportFinished()));
	connect(DM, SIGNAL(emitAppExportCanceled()), this, SLOT(ExportCanceled()));

	emitStart(path, targetId);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    void _decodeRecursive(ZCMMember& lm, int depth)
        auto& mtn = lm.type.fullname;
        auto *mn = lm.membername.c_str();

        int ndims = (int)lm.dimensions.size();
        // primitive array
        if (depth+1 == ndims &&
            ZCMGen::isPrimitiveType(mtn) && mtn != "string") {

            auto& dim = lm.dimensions[depth];
            int decodeIndent = 1 + depth;
            if(!lm.isConstantSizeArray()) {
                emit(1 + depth, "if(%s > 0) {", dimSizeAccessor(dim.size).c_str());
                emitStart(2 + depth, "this->%s", mn);
                for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                emitEnd(".resize(%s);", dimSizeAccessor(dim.size).c_str());

            emitStart(decodeIndent, "tlen = __%s_decode_%sarray(buf, offset + pos, maxlen - pos, &this->%s",
                                    zcm.gopt->getBool("little-endian-encoding") ? "little_endian_" : "",
            for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
            emitEnd("[0], %s);", dimSizeAccessor(dim.size).c_str());
            emit(decodeIndent, "if(tlen < 0) return tlen; else pos += tlen;");
            if (!lm.isConstantSizeArray()) {
                emit(1 + depth, "}");
        } else if(depth == ndims) {
            if (mtn == "string") {
                emit(1 + depth, "int32_t __elem_len;");
                emit(1 + depth, "tlen = __int32_t_decode_%sarray(buf, offset + pos, maxlen - pos, &__elem_len, 1);",
                                zcm.gopt->getBool("little-endian-encoding") ? "little_endian_" : "");
                emit(1 + depth, "if(tlen < 0) return tlen; else pos += tlen;");
                emit(1 + depth, "if(__elem_len > maxlen - pos) return -1;");
                emitStart(1 + depth, "this->%s", mn);
                for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                emitEnd(".assign(((const char*)buf) + offset + pos, __elem_len -  1);");
                emit(1 + depth, "pos += __elem_len;");
            } else {
                emitStart(1 + depth, "tlen = this->%s", mn);
                for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                emitEnd("._decodeNoHash(buf, offset + pos, maxlen - pos);");
                emit(1 + depth, "if(tlen < 0) return tlen; else pos += tlen;");
        } else {
            auto& dim = lm.dimensions[depth];
            if(!lm.isConstantSizeArray()) {
                emitStart(1+depth, "this->%s", mn);
                for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
                    emitContinue("[a%d]", i);
                emitEnd(".resize(%s);", dimSizeAccessor(dim.size).c_str());
            emit(1+depth, "for (int a%d = 0; a%d < %s; a%d++) {",
                 depth, depth, dimSizeAccessor(dim.size).c_str(), depth);

            _decodeRecursive(lm, depth+1);

            emit(1+depth, "}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void emitHeaderStart()
        const char *tn = ls.structname.fullname.c_str();
        const char *sn = ls.structname.shortname.c_str();
        string tnDots = dotsToUnderscores(ls.structname.fullname);
        const char *tn_ = tnDots.c_str();


        emit(0, "#include <zcm/zcm_coretypes.h>");
        emit(0, "");
        emit(0, "#ifndef __%s_hpp__", tn_);
        emit(0, "#define __%s_hpp__", tn_);
        emit(0, "");

        // do we need to #include <vector> and/or <string>?
        bool emitIncludeVector = false;
        bool emitIncludeString = false;
        for (auto& lm : ls.members) {
            if (!emitIncludeVector &&
                lm.dimensions.size() != 0 && !lm.isConstantSizeArray()) {
                emit(0, "#include <vector>");
                emitIncludeVector = true;
            if (!emitIncludeString &&
                lm.type.fullname == "string") {
                emit(0, "#include <string>");
                emitIncludeString = true;

        // include header files for other ZCM types
        for (auto& lm : ls.members) {
            auto& mtn = lm.type.fullname;
            if (!ZCMGen::isPrimitiveType(mtn) && mtn != tn) {
                emit(0, "#include \"%s%s%s.hpp\"",
                     zcm.gopt->getString("cpp-include").size()>0 ? "/":"",

        emit(0, "\n");

        // define the class
        emitComment(0, ls.comment);
        emit(0, "class %s", sn);
        emit(0, "{");

        // data members
        if(ls.members.size() > 0) {
            emit(1, "public:");
            for (auto& lm : ls.members) {
                auto& mtn = lm.type.fullname;
                emitComment(2, lm.comment);
                string mappedTypename = mapTypeName(mtn);
                int ndim = (int)lm.dimensions.size();
                if (ndim == 0) {
                    emit(2, "%-10s %s;", mappedTypename.c_str(), lm.membername.c_str());
                } else {
                    if (lm.isConstantSizeArray()) {
                        emitStart(2, "%-10s %s", mappedTypename.c_str(), lm.membername.c_str());
                        for (auto& ld : lm.dimensions)
                            emitContinue("[%s]", ld.size.c_str());
                    } else {
                        emitStart(2, "");
                        for (int d = 0; d < ndim; d++)
                            emitContinue("std::vector< ");
                        emitContinue("%s", mappedTypename.c_str());
                        for (int d = 0; d < ndim; d++)
                            emitContinue(" >");
                        emitEnd(" %s;", lm.membername.c_str());
                emit(0, "");

        // constants
        if (ls.constants.size() > 0) {
            emit(1, "public:");
            emit(2, "#if __cplusplus > 199711L /* if c++11 */");
            for (auto& lc : ls.constants) {
                emitComment(2, lc.comment);
                string mt = mapTypeName(lc.type);
                const char *suffix = lc.type == "int64_t" ? "LL" : "";
                emit(2, "static constexpr %-8s %s = %s%s;", mt.c_str(),
                        lc.membername.c_str(), lc.valstr.c_str(), suffix);
            emit(2, "#else");
            for (auto& lc : ls.constants) {
                string mt = mapTypeName(lc.type);
                const char *suffix = lc.type == "int64_t" ? "LL" : "";
                emit(2, "static const     %-8s %s = %s%s;", mt.c_str(),
                        lc.membername.c_str(), lc.valstr.c_str(), suffix);
            emit(2, "#endif");
            emit(0, "");

        emit(1, "public:");
        emit(2, "/**");
        emit(2, " * Destructs a message properly if anything inherits from it");
        emit(2, "*/");
        emit(2, "virtual ~%s() {}", ls.structname.shortname.c_str());
        emit(0, "");
        emit(2, "/**");
        emit(2, " * Encode a message into binary form.");
        emit(2, " *");
        emit(2, " * @param buf The output buffer.");
        emit(2, " * @param offset Encoding starts at thie byte offset into @p buf.");
        emit(2, " * @param maxlen Maximum number of bytes to write.  This should generally be");
        emit(2, " *  equal to getEncodedSize().");
        emit(2, " * @return The number of bytes encoded, or <0 on error.");
        emit(2, " */");
        emit(2, "inline int encode(void *buf, int offset, int maxlen) const;");
        emit(0, "");
        emit(2, "/**");
        emit(2, " * Check how many bytes are required to encode this message.");
        emit(2, " */");
        emit(2, "inline int getEncodedSize() const;");
        emit(0, "");
        emit(2, "/**");
        emit(2, " * Decode a message from binary form into this instance.");
        emit(2, " *");
        emit(2, " * @param buf The buffer containing the encoded message.");
        emit(2, " * @param offset The byte offset into @p buf where the encoded message starts.");
        emit(2, " * @param maxlen The maximum number of bytes to reqad while decoding.");
        emit(2, " * @return The number of bytes decoded, or <0 if an error occured.");
        emit(2, " */");
        emit(2, "inline int decode(const void *buf, int offset, int maxlen);");
        emit(0, "");
        emit(2, "/**");
        emit(2, " * Retrieve the 64-bit fingerprint identifying the structure of the message.");
        emit(2, " * Note that the fingerprint is the same for all instances of the same");
        emit(2, " * message type, and is a fingerprint on the message type definition, not on");
        emit(2, " * the message contents.");
        emit(2, " */");
        emit(2, "inline static int64_t getHash();");
        emit(0, "");
        emit(2, "/**");
        emit(2, " * Returns \"%s\"", ls.structname.shortname.c_str());
        emit(2, " */");
        emit(2, "inline static const char* getTypeName();");

        emit(0, "");
        emit(2, "// ZCM support functions. Users should not call these");
        emit(2, "inline int _encodeNoHash(void *buf, int offset, int maxlen) const;");
        emit(2, "inline int _getEncodedSizeNoHash() const;");
        emit(2, "inline int _decodeNoHash(const void *buf, int offset, int maxlen);");
        emit(2, "inline static uint64_t _computeHash(const __zcm_hash_ptr *p);");
        emit(0, "};");
        emit(0, "");