Ejemplo n.º 1
int datAnnul( HDSLoc **locator, int * status ) {
  /* Attempts to run even if status is bad */
  int lstat = SAI__OK;

  /* Sanity check argument */
  if (!locator) return *status;
  if (! *locator) return *status;

  /* Begin an entirely new error context as we need to run this
     regardless of external errors */
  lstat = *status;
  emsBegin( &lstat );

  /* Free file resources */
  dat1Annul( *locator, &lstat );

  /* Free the memory associated with this locator */
  *locator = dat1FreeLoc( *locator, &lstat );

  /* End the error context and return the final status */
  emsEnd( &lstat );
  *status = lstat;

  return *status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
datValid(const HDSLoc *locator, hdsbool_t *valid, int *status) {

/* Initialise the returned value */
   *valid = 0;

/* Check a locator was supplied. */
   if ( !locator ) return *status;

/* Begin a new error reporting context */
   emsBegin( status );

/* Check the validity of the locator */
   if (locator->group_id > 0 || locator->dataset_id > 0 ) {
      if( HANDLE_VALID(locator->handle) ) *valid = 1;

/* End the current error reporting context */
   emsEnd( status );

   return *status;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   void rec_stop( void )
/*+                                                                         */
/* Name:                                                                    */
/*    rec_stop                                                              */

/* Purpose:                                                                 */
/*    Close down the rec_ facility.                                         */

/* Invocation:                                                              */
/*    rec_stop( )                                                           */

/* Description:                                                             */
/*    This function ensures that the rec_ facility is closed down. All      */
/*    cached data are written back to disk and associated resources are     */
/*    released. It returns without action if the rec_ facility is already   */
/*    inactive.                                                             */

/* Parameters:                                                              */
/*    void                                                                  */

/* Returned Value:                                                          */
/*    void                                                                  */

/* Notes:                                                                   */
/*    This routine attempts to execute even if the global HDS status is set */
/*    on entry, although no further error report will be made if it         */
/*    subsequently fails under these circumstances.                         */

/* Copyright:                                                               */
/*    Copyright (C) 1992 Science & Engineering Research Council             */
/*    Copyright (C) 2006 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council    */

/*  Licence:                                                                */
/*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        */
/*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as       */
/*     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of       */
/*     the License, or (at your option) any later version.                  */

/*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be              */
/*     useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied           */
/*     warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR              */
/*     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.        */

/*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public            */
/*     License along with this program; if not, write to the Free           */
/*     Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,       */
/*     MA 02110-1301, USA                                                   */

/* Authors:                                                                 */
/*    RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (STARLINK)                                    */
/*    TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)                                       */
/*    {@enter_new_authors_here@}                                            */

/* History:                                                                 */
/*    22-APR-1991 (RFWS):                                                   */
/*       Added prologue and error handling and tidied.                      */
/*    12-JUN-1991 (RFWS):                                                   */
/*       Removed unnecessary flushing of the Working Page List - cached     */
/*       blocks are flushed when the File Control Vector slots are closed.  */
/*    30-OCT-1992 (RFWS):                                                   */
/*       Added deallocation of remaining wild-card file search contexts.    */
/*    25-NOV-1992 (RFWS):                                                   */
/*       Changed to deallocate the File Control Vector and to return a void */
/*       value.                                                             */
/*    31-JAN-2006 (TIMJ):                                                   */
/*        Free memory associated with the Block Control Packets             */
/*    01-FEB-2006 (TIMJ):                                                   */
/*        Free memory allocated by rec1_getcwd                              */
/*    {@enter_further_changes_here@}                                        */

/* Bugs:                                                                    */
/*    {@note_any_bugs_here@}                                                */

/*-                                                                         */

/* Local Variables:                                                         */
      INT slot;                  /* Loop counter for File Control Vector    */
      struct WLD *context;       /* Pointer to wild-card search context     */

/*.                                                                         */

/* Check that the rec_ facility is active. There is nothing to do if it is  */
/* not.                                                                     */
      if ( rec_gl_active )

/* Begin a new error reporting context.                                     */
         emsBegin( &hds_gl_status );

/* Shut down all the open slots in the File Control Vector. Then deallocate */
/* the FCV itself.                                                          */
         for ( slot = 0; slot < rec_gl_endslot; slot++ )
            rec1_close_slot( slot );
         rec_deall_mem( rec_gl_mxslot * sizeof( struct FCV ),
                        (void **) &rec_ga_fcv );

/* Deallocate any remaining wild-card file search contexts.                 */
         while ( rec_gl_wldque != NULL )
            context = rec_gl_wldque;
            rec_end_wild( &context );

	 /* Deallocate the memory associated with the free page list */
	 /* The malloced memory area may not even be reachable in the
	    linked list so we obtain the pointer from the global that exists
	    for exactly this purpose */
	 if (rec_ga_fpl_malloced != NULL)
	   rec_deall_mem( hds_gl_maxwpl * sizeof( struct BCP ),
			  (void **)&rec_ga_fpl_malloced );

	 /* Free the getcwd buffer */
	 rec1_getcwd_free( );

/* Note that the rec_ facility is no longer active.                         */
         rec_gl_active = 0;

/* End the error reporting context.                                         */
         emsEnd( &hds_gl_status );

/* Exit the routine.                                                        */
Ejemplo n.º 4
dau_flush_data(struct LCP_DATA *data)

 * DAU_FLUSH_DATA - Flush mapped data
 * This routine will unmap any primitive data that is currently mapped to the
 * specified  locator.  If  the  data object is a discontiguous slice, then a
 * scatter write-back is performed if mapped in either 'WRITE' or 'UPDATE' mode.
 * Calling sequence:
 * DATA    is the address of the data part of the Locator Control Packet.
 * Routine value:
 *        DAT__OK    if successful.

   struct LCP_STATE        *state;
   struct PDD              *app;
   struct PDD              *obj;
   unsigned char *dom;
   int                      writing;
   INT_BIG                  objlen;
   INT_BIG                  objoff;
   INT_BIG                  applen;
   int nbad;
   int mapsave;

/* Return if no data currently mapped.  */
   state = &data->state;
   if ( !state->mapped )
      return hds_gl_status;

/* Begin a new error reporting context.                                     */
   emsBegin( &hds_gl_status );

/* Set the global file mapping flag to the value used when the data were    */
/* originally mapped.                                                       */
   mapsave = hds_gl_map;
   hds_gl_map = data->filemap;

/* Associate the application data and object data attributes descriptors. */

   app     = &data->app;
   obj     = &data->obj;
   writing = (data->mode != 'R');

/* Calculate the length (in bytes) of the virtual memory allocated to the
   application program data and the corresponding length of the object data.
   Determine the byte-offset into the object record's dynamic domain.   */

   applen  = app->length * data->size;
   objlen  = obj->length * data->size;
   objoff  = obj->length * data->offset;

/* Scatter discontiguous object data if the program is writing or updating. */

   if (state->broken)
      if (writing)
         dau_scatter_data(1, data, &nbad );

/* If conversion errors occurred, then report contextual information.       */
         if ( hds_gl_status == DAT__CONER )
            emsSeti( "NBAD", nbad );
            emsRep( "DAU_FLUSH_1",
                       "A total of ^NBAD data conversion error(s) occurred.",
                       &hds_gl_status );
     rec_deall_xmem( applen, (void **) &app->body );

/* If a copy of the object data was given to the program, then locate the
   record's dynamic domain and translate the data from the virtual memory copy.

   else if (state->vmcopy)
      if (writing)
         rec_locate_data(&data->han, objlen, objoff, 'W', &dom);
         obj->body = dom;
         dat1_cvt( 1, data->size, app, obj, &nbad );

/* If conversion errors occurred, then report contextual information.       */
         if ( hds_gl_status == DAT__CONER )
            emsSeti( "NBAD", nbad );
            emsRep( "DAU_FLUSH_2",
                       "A total of ^NBAD data conversion error(s) occurred.",
                       &hds_gl_status );

         rec_release_data(&data->han, objlen, objoff, 'W', &dom);
      rec_deall_xmem( applen, (void **) &app->body );

/* Otherwise, the application program was given direct access to the data. */

      dom = app->body;
      rec_release_data(&data->han, objlen, objoff, data->mode, &dom);

/* Clear the pointer and the map flags. */

   app->body          = 0;
   state->mapped      = 0;
   state->unlike      = 0;
   state->vmcopy      = 0;

/* Restore the global file mapping flag.                                    */
   hds_gl_map = mapsave;

/* End the error reporting context.                                         */
   emsEnd( &hds_gl_status );

   return hds_gl_status;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main (void) {

    /*  Local Variables: */
    const char path[] = "hds_ctest";
    int status = DAT__OK;
    hdsdim dim[] = { 10, 20 };
    hdsdim dimd[1];
    const char * chararr[] = { "TEST1", "TEST2", "Longish String" };
    char *retchararr[4];
    char buffer[1024];  /* plenty large enough */
    double darr[] = { 4.5, 2.5 };
    double retdarr[2];
    void *mapv;    /* Mapped void* */
    double *mapd;  /* Mapped _DOUBLE */
    float  *mapf;  /* Mapped _REAL */
    int *mapi;     /* Mapped _INTEGER */
    int64_t *mapi64; /* Mapped _INT64 */
    HDSLoc * loc1 = NULL;
    HDSLoc * loc2 = NULL;
    HDSLoc * loc3 = NULL;
    size_t actval;
    size_t nel;
    size_t nelt;
    size_t nbytes;
    size_t i;
    int n;
    double sumd;
    int sumi;
    int64_t sumi64;
    int64_t test64;
    int64_t testin64;
    const int64_t VAL__BADK = (-9223372036854775807 - 1);


    /* Force 64-bit mode */
    hdsTune( "64BIT", 1, &status );

    /* Create a new container file */
    hdsNew( path, "HDS_TEST", "NDF", 0, dim, &loc1, &status );

    /* Some components */
    datNew( loc1, "DATA_ARRAY", "_INTEGER", 2, dim, &status );
    datNew1C( loc1, "ONEDCHAR", 14, 3, &status );
    datNew1D( loc1, "ONEDD", 2, &status );
    datNew0K( loc1, "TESTI64", &status );
    datNew0K( loc1, "TESTBADI64", &status );

    /* Populate */
    testin64 = 9223372036854775800;
    datFind( loc1, "TESTI64", &loc2, &status );
    datPut0K( loc2, testin64, &status );
    datGet0K( loc2, &test64, &status );
    datAnnul( &loc2, &status );
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if ( test64 != testin64 ) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsRepf( "TESTI64", "Test _INT64 value %" PRIi64 " did not match expected %"PRIi64,
                     &status, test64, testin64 );

    datFind( loc1, "TESTBADI64", &loc2, &status );
    datPut0K( loc2, VAL__BADK, &status );
    datGet0K( loc2, &test64, &status );
    datAnnul( &loc2, &status );
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if ( test64 != VAL__BADK ) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsRepf( "TESTBADI64", "Test _INT64 value %" PRIi64 " did not match expected VAL__BADK",
                     &status, test64 );

    datFind( loc1, "ONEDCHAR", &loc2, &status );
    datPutVC( loc2, 3, chararr, &status );

    /* Check contents */
    datGetVC(loc2, 3, 1024, buffer, retchararr, &actval, &status);
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if (actval == 3) {
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
                if (strncmp( chararr[i], retchararr[i], strlen(chararr[i]) ) ) {
                    status = DAT__DIMIN;
                    emsSetc( "IN", chararr[i]);
                    emsSetc( "OUT", retchararr[i] );
                    emsRep( "GET1C","Values from Get1C differ (^IN != ^OUT)", &status);
        } else {
            status = DAT__DIMIN;
            emsRep( "GET1C","Did not get back as many strings as put in", &status);

    datAnnul( &loc2, &status );

    datFind( loc1, "ONEDD", &loc2, &status );
    datPutVD( loc2, 2, darr, &status );

    /* Check contents */
    datGetVD( loc2, 2, retdarr, &actval, &status);
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if (actval == 2) {
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
                if (darr[i] != retdarr[i]) {
                    status = DAT__DIMIN;
                    emsRep( "GETVD","Values from getVD differ", &status);
        } else {
            status = DAT__DIMIN;
            emsRep( "GETVD","Did not get back as many values as put in", &status);

    /* Try mapping - _DOUBLE */
    dimd[0] = 2;
    datMapD(loc2, "READ", 1, dimd, &mapd, &status);
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
            if (darr[i] != mapd[i]) {
                status = DAT__DIMIN;
                emsRep( "MAPD","Values from MapD differ", &status);
    datUnmap(loc2, &status);

    /* Try mapping - _FLOAT */
    datMapR(loc2, "READ", 1, dimd, &mapf, &status);
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
            if ( (float)darr[i] != mapf[i]) {
                status = DAT__DIMIN;
                emsRep( "MAPR","Values from MapR differ", &status);
    datUnmap(loc2, &status);

    /* Annul */
    datAnnul( &loc2, &status );

    /* Find and map DATA_ARRAY */
    datFind( loc1, "DATA_ARRAY", &loc2, &status );
    datMapV( loc2, "_REAL", "WRITE", &mapv, &nel, &status );
    mapf = mapv;
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        nelt = dim[0] * dim[1];
        if ( nelt != nel) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "NEL", (int)nel );
            emsSeti( "NORI", (int)nelt );
            emsRep( "SIZE","Number of elements originally (^NORI) not the same as now (^NEL)", &status);
    sumd = 0.0;
    for (i = 1; i <= nel; i++) {
        mapf[i-1] = (float)i;
        sumd += (double)i;
    datUnmap( loc2, &status );
    datAnnul( &loc2, &status );
    hdsClose( &loc1, &status );

    /* Re-open */
    hdsOpen( path, "UPDATE", &loc1, &status );

    /* Look for the data array and map it */
    datFind( loc1, "DATA_ARRAY", &loc2, &status );
    datVec( loc2, &loc3, &status );
    datSize( loc3, &nel, &status);
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        nelt = dim[0] * dim[1];
        if ( nelt != nel) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "NEL", (int)nel );
            emsSeti( "NORI", (int)nelt );
            emsRep( "SIZE","Number of elements before (^NORI) not the same as now (^NEL)", &status);

    datPrec( loc3, &nbytes, &status );
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if ( nbytes != 4) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "NB", nbytes );
            emsRep( "PREC","Precision for _REAL not 4 bytes but ^NB", &status);

    /* Try hdsShow */
    hdsShow("LOCATORS", &status);
    hdsShow("FILES", &status);
    hdsInfoI(NULL, "LOCATORS", "!HDS_TEST.,YYY", &n, &status );
    hdsInfoI(NULL, "FILES", NULL, &n, &status );

    datAnnul( &loc3, &status );

    datMapV( loc2, "_INTEGER", "READ", &mapv, &nel, &status );
    mapi = mapv;
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        nelt = dim[0] * dim[1];
        if ( nelt != nel) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "NEL", (int)nel );
            emsSeti( "NORI", (int)nelt );
            emsRep( "SIZE","Number of elements originally (^NORI) not the same as now (^NEL)", &status);
    sumi = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nel; i++) {
        sumi += mapi[i];
    datUnmap( loc2, &status );

    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if (sumi != (int)sumd) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "I", sumi );
            emsSeti( "D", (int)sumd );
            emsRep("SUM","Sum was not correct. Got ^I rather than ^D", &status );

    /* _INT64 test */
    datMapV( loc2, "_INT64", "READ", &mapv, &nel, &status );
    mapi64 = mapv;
    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        nelt = dim[0] * dim[1];
        if ( nelt != nel) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "NEL", (int)nel );
            emsSeti( "NORI", (int)nelt );
            emsRep( "SIZE","Number of elements originally (^NORI) not the same as now (^NEL)", &status);
    sumi64 = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nel; i++) {
        sumi64 += mapi64[i];
    datUnmap( loc2, &status );

    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        if (sumi64 != (int)sumd) {
            status = DAT__FATAL;
            emsSeti( "I", (int)sumi64 );
            emsSeti( "D", (int)sumd );
            emsRep("SUM","Sum was not correct. Got ^I rather than ^D", &status );

    /* Tidy up and close */
    hdsErase( &loc1, &status );

    if (status == DAT__OK) {
        printf("HDS C installation test succeeded\n");
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        printf("HDS C installation test failed\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
