Ejemplo n.º 1
time_Dmul (
  pwr_tDeltaTime *result,
  pwr_tDeltaTime *t1,
  pwr_tInt32 fac
  pwr_tInt64 nsec1, nsec2, sum;
  int sec = t1->tv_sec * fac;
  int mul = 1000000000;
  int addend = 0;
  int sts;

  sts = lib$emul(&sec, &mul, &addend, &nsec1);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    return sts;

  sts = lib$emul(&t1->tv_nsec, &fac, &addend, &nsec2);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    return sts;

  sts = lib$addx(&nsec1, &nsec2, &sum);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    return sts;

  sts = lib$ediv(&mul, &sum, &result->tv_sec, &result->tv_nsec);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    return sts;

 return TIME__SUCCESS;

Ejemplo n.º 2
static time_tOs *
abs_to_vms (
  pwr_tStatus	*status,
  time_tOs	*result,
  pwr_tTime	*pt
  time_tOs	tmp;
  time_tOs	ofs = {0x4beb4000, 0x007c9567};
  int		multiplier = 10000000;	/* Used to convert 1 s to 100 ns, delta time.  */
  int		nsec = pt->tv_nsec/100;
  int		sec = pt->tv_sec;
  struct tm	*tmp_tm;
  unsigned long t = 0;

  pwr_dStatus(sts, status, TIME__SUCCESS);

  /* Get the time zone offset. */

  tmp_tm = localtime(&pt->tv_sec);
  sec += tmp_tm->tm_gmtoff - tmp_tm->tm_isdst * 3600;

  *sts = lib$emul(&sec, &multiplier, &nsec, &tmp);
  if (EVEN(*sts)) return NULL;
  *sts = lib$addx(&tmp, &ofs, result);
  if (EVEN(*sts)) return NULL;

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
**  ROUTINE:	sp_show_subprocess
**  	Uses $GETJPI to get info on the subprocess and
**  displays it à la CTRL/T.
**  RETURNS:	cond_value, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
**  	sp_show_subprocess(SPHANDLE ctx)
**  SIDE EFFECTS:   	None.
unsigned int sp_show_subprocess (SPHANDLE ctx) {

    static $DESCRIPTOR(ctrstr, "<<!AD!AD !8%T !9AD CPU=!%T PF=!UL IO=!UL MEM=!UL>>");
    static int neg10000 = -10000;
    static int zero = 0;
    struct dsc$descriptor bufdsc;
    struct {
    	unsigned short len, code;
    	char *ptr;
    	unsigned int term;
    } fscnlst = {0, FSCN$_NAME, 0, 0};
    ITMLST jpilst[8];
    char nodename[33], buf[256];
    char prcnam[16], imgnam[256];
    unsigned short prcnamlen, imgnamlen, iosb[4], buflen;
    unsigned int cputim[2], xcputim;
    unsigned int pageflts, biocnt, diocnt, wssize;
    unsigned int status;

    if (!get_logical("SYS$NODE", nodename, sizeof(nodename))) nodename[0] = '\0';
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[0], JPI$_PRCNAM, sizeof(prcnam), prcnam, &prcnamlen);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[1], JPI$_IMAGNAME, sizeof(imgnam), imgnam, &imgnamlen);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[2], JPI$_CPUTIM, sizeof(xcputim), &xcputim, 0);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[3], JPI$_PAGEFLTS, sizeof(pageflts), &pageflts, 0);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[4], JPI$_DIOCNT, sizeof(diocnt), &diocnt, 0);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[5], JPI$_BIOCNT, sizeof(biocnt), &biocnt, 0);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[6], JPI$_WSSIZE, sizeof(wssize), &wssize, 0);
    ITMLST_INIT(jpilst[7], 0, 0, 0, 0);
    status = sys$getjpiw(0, &ctx->pid, 0, jpilst, iosb, 0, 0);
    if (OK(status)) status = iosb[0];
    if (!OK(status)) return SS$_NORMAL;

    while (imgnamlen > 0 && isspace(imgnam[imgnamlen-1])) imgnamlen--;
    if (imgnamlen > 0) {
    	INIT_SDESC(bufdsc, imgnamlen, imgnam);
    	status = sys$filescan(&bufdsc, &fscnlst, 0);
    	if (!OK(status)) {
    	    fscnlst.ptr = imgnam;
    	    fscnlst.len = imgnamlen;
    } else {
    	strcpy(imgnam, "  (DCL)");
    	imgnamlen = 7;
    lib$emul(&neg10000, &xcputim, &zero, cputim);
    INIT_SDESC(bufdsc, sizeof(buf), buf);
    status = sys$fao(&ctrstr, &buflen, &bufdsc, strlen(nodename), nodename,
    	prcnamlen, prcnam, 0, fscnlst.len, fscnlst.ptr,
    	cputim, pageflts, diocnt+biocnt, wssize);
    if (OK(status)) {
    	bufdsc.dsc$w_length  = buflen;

    return SS$_NORMAL;

} /* sp_show_subprocess */
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void
waitTime (
  pwr_tTime		*t
  pwr_tStatus		sts;
  pwr_tTime		now;
  pwr_tTime		then = *t;
  char tims[24];
  short len;
  struct dsc$descriptor_s tims_desc = {
    sizeof(tims)-1, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S,};

#if 0
  subTime(&then, nowTime(&now));

  if ((int)then.tv_sec > 0 || ((int)then.tv_sec == 0 && then.tv_nsec > 0)) {
#if defined OS_VMS || defined OS_ELN
    int			tv_nsec;
    int			vmstime[2];
    int			multiplier = -10000000;	      /* Used to convert 1 s to 100 ns, delta time.  */
    static pwr_tTime	tick = {0, 10000000};

    addTime(&then, &tick);
    tv_nsec = -then.tv_nsec/100;   /* Convert to 100 ns.  */
    sts = lib$emul(&then.tv_sec, &multiplier, &tv_nsec, vmstime);

#if defined OS_VMS
    tims_desc.dsc$a_pointer = tims;
    sys$asctim( &len, &tims_desc, vmstime, 0);
    tims[len] = '\0';
    printf("  %s\n", tims);
#if 0
    sts = sys$clref(timerFlag);
    sts = sys$setimr(timerFlag, vmstime, 0, 0, 0);
    sts = sys$waitfr(timerFlag);
#elif defined OS_ELN
    eln$time_string(tims, vmstime);
    tims[23] = '\0';
    printf("  %s\n", tims);
#if 0
    ker$wait_any(&sts, NULL, vmstime);

#elif defined OS_LYNX
    pwr_tTime rmt;

    nanosleep(&then, &rmt);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static time_tOs *
delta_to_vms (
  pwr_tStatus *status,
  pwr_tVaxTime *result,
  pwr_tDeltaTime *pt
  int multiplier = -10000000;	/* Used to convert 1 s to 100 ns, delta time.  */
  int nsec = pt->tv_nsec/100;
  int sec = pt->tv_sec;
  pwr_dStatus(sts, status, TIME__SUCCESS);

  *sts = lib$emul(&sec, &multiplier, &nsec, result);
  if (EVEN(*sts)) return NULL;

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
waitClock (
  time_tClock		diff,
  int			*tmo_ms
#if defined OS_VMS || defined OS_ELN
    pwr_tStatus		sts;
    int			sec;
    int			nsec;
    int			vmstime[2];
    int			multiplier = -10000000;	      /* Used to convert 1 s to 100 ns, delta time.  */

    sec = diff / CLK_TCK;
    nsec = - (diff % CLK_TCK * 10000000 / CLK_TCK);   /* Convert to 100 ns.  */
    sts = lib$emul(&sec, &multiplier, &nsec, vmstime);

# if defined OS_VMS
    sts = sys$clref(timer_flag);
    sts = sys$setimr(timer_flag, vmstime, 0, 0, 0);
    sts = sys$waitfr(timer_flag);
# elif defined OS_ELN
    ker$wait_any(&sts, NULL, vmstime);
# endif

#elif defined OS_POSIX
//    pwr_tTime  rmt;
//    pwr_tTime  wait;
    static int tics_per_sec = 0;

    if (tics_per_sec == 0) {
      tics_per_sec = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
//    printf("waitClock: %d\n", diff);
//    time_ClockToD(NULL, (pwr_tDeltaTime *)&wait, diff);
    *tmo_ms = diff * 1000 / tics_per_sec;
//    *tmo_ms = wait.tv_sec * 1000 + wait.tv_nsec / 1000000;
//    nanosleep(&wait, &rmt);
Ejemplo n.º 7
time_tOs *
time_DtoOs (
  pwr_tStatus *status,
  time_tOs *tp,
  pwr_tDeltaTime *dp
  time_tOs os_time;
  int multiplier = -10000000;
  int nsec = dp->tv_nsec/100;
  int sec = dp->tv_sec;

  pwr_dStatus(sts, status, TIME__SUCCESS);

  if (tp == NULL)
    tp = &os_time;

  *sts = lib$emul(&sec, &multiplier, &nsec, tp);
  if (EVEN(*sts)) return NULL;

  return tp;
Ejemplo n.º 8
TMtostr (i4 secs, char* op_str)
    i4 j;
    i4 sts;
    GENERIC_64 vms_time;
    struct dsc$descriptor_s timdsc = {20, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, op_str};

    ** clear output string in case of errors
    ** you will note that there is an implicit assumption that the
    ** the caller provided an output  buffer of at least 21 characters

    op_str[0] = 0;

    /* convert time in secs to VMS 100nSec units */

    sts = lib$emul(&secs, &10000000, &0, (int64 *)&vms_time);
    if (!(sts & STS$M_SUCCESS))
        return 0;
    sts = lib$addx ((u_i8 *)&vms_time, (u_i8 *)&unix_epoch, (u_i8 *)&vms_time);
    if (!(sts & STS$M_SUCCESS))
        return 0;

    ** restrict the o/p buffer length to a max of 20 chars
    ** i.e. lose the trailing ".nn" millisecs of the string

    sts = sys$asctim (&timdsc.dsc$w_length, &timdsc, &vms_time, 0);
    j = (sts & STS$M_SUCCESS) ? timdsc.dsc$w_length : 0;
    op_str[j] = 0;
    return ((sts & STS$M_SUCCESS) ? j : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * init_timer - initialize the timer data structures
	 * Initialize...
	alarm_flag = 0;
	alarm_overflow = 0;
	adjust_timer = 1;
	stats_timer = 0;
	huffpuff_timer = 0;
	interface_timer = 0;
	current_time = 0;
	timer_overflows = 0;
	timer_xmtcalls = 0;
	timer_timereset = 0;

#if !defined(SYS_WINNT)
	 * Set up the alarm interrupt.	The first comes 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT
	 * seconds from now and they continue on every 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT
	 * seconds.
# if !defined(VMS)
#  if defined(HAVE_TIMER_CREATE) && defined(HAVE_TIMER_SETTIME)
	if (timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, &ntpd_timerid) ==
#	else
#	endif
		fprintf (stderr, "timer create FAILED\n");
		exit (0);
	(void) signal_no_reset(SIGALRM, alarming);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec = (1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_nsec = itimer.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
	timer_settime(ntpd_timerid, 0 /*!TIMER_ABSTIME*/, &itimer, NULL);
#  else
	(void) signal_no_reset(SIGALRM, alarming);
	nap_time = 1;
	itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec = nap_time;
	itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, (struct itimerval *)0);
#  endif
# else /* VMS */
	vmsinc[0] = 10000000;		/* 1 sec */
	vmsinc[1] = 0;
	lib$emul(&(1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT), &vmsinc, &0, &vmsinc);

	sys$gettim(&vmstimer);	/* that's "now" as abstime */

	lib$addx(&vmsinc, &vmstimer, &vmstimer);
	sys$setimr(0, &vmstimer, alarming, alarming, 0);
# endif /* VMS */
#else /* SYS_WINNT */
	 * Set up timer interrupts for every 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT seconds
	 * Under Windows/NT, 

	WaitableTimerHandle = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
	if (WaitableTimerHandle == NULL) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "CreateWaitableTimer failed: %m");
	else {
		DWORD Period = (1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT) * 1000;
		DueTime.QuadPart = Period * 10000i64;
		if (!SetWaitableTimer(WaitableTimerHandle, &DueTime, Period, NULL, NULL, FALSE) != NO_ERROR) {
			msyslog(LOG_ERR, "SetWaitableTimer failed: %m");

#endif /* SYS_WINNT */
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * init_timer - initialize the timer data structures
	 * Initialize...
	alarm_flag = FALSE;
	alarm_overflow = 0;
	adjust_timer = 1;
	stats_timer = SECSPERHR;
	leapf_timer = SECSPERDAY;
	huffpuff_timer = 0;
	interface_timer = 0;
	current_time = 0;
	timer_overflows = 0;
	timer_xmtcalls = 0;
	timer_timereset = 0;

#ifndef SYS_WINNT
	 * Set up the alarm interrupt.	The first comes 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT
	 * seconds from now and they continue on every 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT
	 * seconds.
# ifndef VMS
	if (TC_ERR == timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, &timer_id)) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "timer_create failed, %m");
#  endif
	signal_no_reset(SIGALRM, alarming);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_sec =
		itimer.it_value.tv_sec = (1 << EVENT_TIMEOUT);
	itimer.it_interval.itv_frac = itimer.it_value.itv_frac = 0;
# else	/* VMS follows */
	vmsinc[0] = 10000000;		/* 1 sec */
	vmsinc[1] = 0;
	lib$emul(&(1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT), &vmsinc, &0, &vmsinc);

	sys$gettim(&vmstimer);	/* that's "now" as abstime */

	lib$addx(&vmsinc, &vmstimer, &vmstimer);
	sys$setimr(0, &vmstimer, alarming, alarming, 0);
# endif	/* VMS */
#else	/* SYS_WINNT follows */
	 * Set up timer interrupts for every 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT seconds
	 * Under Windows/NT,

	WaitableTimerHandle = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
	if (WaitableTimerHandle == NULL) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "CreateWaitableTimer failed: %m");
	else {
		DWORD		Period;
		BOOL		rc;

		Period = (1 << EVENT_TIMEOUT) * 1000;
		DueTime.QuadPart = Period * 10000i64;
		rc = SetWaitableTimer(WaitableTimerHandle, &DueTime,
				      Period, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
		if (!rc) {
			msyslog(LOG_ERR, "SetWaitableTimer failed: %m");

#endif	/* SYS_WINNT */
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * init_timer - initialize the timer data structures
# if defined SYS_WINNT & !defined(SYS_CYGWIN32)
# endif /* SYS_WINNT */

	 * Initialize...
	alarm_flag = 0;
	alarm_overflow = 0;
	adjust_timer = 1;
	stats_timer = 0;
	huffpuff_timer = 0;
	interface_timer = 0;
	current_time = 0;
	timer_overflows = 0;
	timer_xmtcalls = 0;
	timer_timereset = 0;

#if !defined(SYS_WINNT)
	 * Set up the alarm interrupt.	The first comes 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT
	 * seconds from now and they continue on every 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT
	 * seconds.
# if !defined(VMS)
#  if defined(HAVE_TIMER_CREATE) && defined(HAVE_TIMER_SETTIME)
	if (timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, &ntpd_timerid) ==
#	else
#	endif
		fprintf (stderr, "timer create FAILED\n");
		exit (0);
	(void) signal_no_reset(SIGALRM, alarming);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec = (1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_nsec = itimer.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
	timer_settime(ntpd_timerid, 0 /*!TIMER_ABSTIME*/, &itimer, NULL);
#  else
	(void) signal_no_reset(SIGALRM, alarming);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec = (1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT);
	itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, (struct itimerval *)0);
#  endif
# else /* VMS */
	vmsinc[0] = 10000000;		/* 1 sec */
	vmsinc[1] = 0;
	lib$emul(&(1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT), &vmsinc, &0, &vmsinc);

	sys$gettim(&vmstimer);	/* that's "now" as abstime */

	lib$addx(&vmsinc, &vmstimer, &vmstimer);
	sys$setimr(0, &vmstimer, alarming, alarming, 0);
# endif /* VMS */
#else /* SYS_WINNT */

	 * Get privileges needed for fiddling with the clock

	/* get the current process token handle */
	if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "OpenProcessToken failed: %m");
	/* get the LUID for system-time privilege. */
	LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid);
	tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1;  /* one privilege to set */
	tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
	/* get set-time privilege for this process. */
	AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tkp, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, 0);
	/* cannot test return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges. */
	if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "AdjustTokenPrivileges failed: %m");

	 * Set up timer interrupts for every 2**EVENT_TIMEOUT seconds
	 * Under Windows/NT, 

	WaitableTimerHandle = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
	if (WaitableTimerHandle == NULL) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "CreateWaitableTimer failed: %m");
	else {
		DWORD Period = (1<<EVENT_TIMEOUT) * 1000;
		DueTime.QuadPart = Period * 10000i64;
		if (!SetWaitableTimer(WaitableTimerHandle, &DueTime, Period, NULL, NULL, FALSE) != NO_ERROR) {
			msyslog(LOG_ERR, "SetWaitableTimer failed: %m");

#endif /* SYS_WINNT */