Ejemplo n.º 1
   Crypt::Validate(const String &password, const String &originalHash, EncryptionType iType) const
      switch (iType)
      case ETMD5:
            // Salts are not used for the MD5 hashes.
            HashCreator encrypter(HashCreator::MD5);
            bool result = encrypter.ValidateHash(password, originalHash, false);
            return result;
      case ETSHA256:
            // Salts are always used for the SHA256 hashes.
            HashCreator encrypter(HashCreator::SHA256);
            bool result = encrypter.ValidateHash(password, originalHash, true);
            return result;

      return false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void encrypt(char pstring[26], char cstring[26], int key)
	int i;
	//printf("\nKey at start: %d\n", key);
	for(i = 0; i < 26; i++)
		pstring[i] = reduce(pstring[i]);
		//printf("%d ", pstring[i]);

	for(i = 0; i < 26; i++)
		cstring[i] = encrypter(key, pstring[i]);
		//printf("%d ", cstring[i]);

	for(i = 0; i < 26; i++)
		cstring[i] = modulo(cstring[i]);
		//printf("%d ", cstring[i]);

	for(i = 0; i < 26; i++)
		cstring[i] = enlarge(cstring[i]);
		//printf("%d ", cstring[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   Crypt::EnCrypt(const String &sInput,EncryptionType iType) const
      switch (iType)
      case ETNone:
         return sInput;
      case ETBlowFish:
            if (sInput.IsEmpty())
               return "";

            return blow_fish_->EncryptToString(sInput);
      case ETMD5:
            HashCreator crypter(HashCreator::MD5);
            String sResult = crypter.GenerateHashNoSalt(sInput, HashCreator::hex);
            return sResult;
      case ETSHA256:
            HashCreator encrypter(HashCreator::SHA256);
            AnsiString result = encrypter.GenerateHash(sInput, "");
            return result;

      return "";

Ejemplo n.º 4
bool EncryptedStore::closeWrite()
    bool passWasAsked = false;
    if (d->fileName == MANIFEST_FILE) {
        m_manifestBuffer = static_cast<QBuffer*>(d->stream)->buffer();
        return true;

    // Find a password
    // Do not accept empty passwords for compatibility with OOo
    if (m_password.isEmpty()) {
    while (m_password.isEmpty()) {
        QPointer<KNewPasswordDialog> dlg = new KNewPasswordDialog(d->window);
        dlg->setPrompt(i18n("Please enter the password to encrypt the document with."));
        if (! dlg->exec()) {
            // Without the first password, prevent asking again by deadsimply refusing to continue functioning
            // TODO: This feels rather hackish. There should be a better way to do this.
            delete m_pZip;
            m_pZip = 0;
            d->good = false;
	    delete dlg;
            return false;
	if (dlg){
            m_password = QCA::SecureArray(dlg->password().toUtf8());
            passWasAsked = true;
	delete dlg;

    // Ask the user to save the password
    if (passWasAsked && KMessageBox::questionYesNo(d->window, i18n("Do you want to save the password?")) == KMessageBox::Yes) {

    QByteArray resultData;
    if (d->fileName == THUMBNAIL_FILE) {
        // TODO: Replace with a generic 'encrypted'-thumbnail
        resultData = static_cast<QBuffer*>(d->stream)->buffer();
    } else if (!isToBeEncrypted(d->fileName)) {
        resultData = static_cast<QBuffer*>(d->stream)->buffer();
    } else {
        m_bPasswordUsed = true;
        // Build all cryptographic data
        QCA::SecureArray passwordHash = QCA::Hash("sha1").hash(m_password);
        QCA::Random random;
        KoEncryptedStore_EncryptionData encData;
        encData.initVector = random.randomArray(8);
        encData.salt = random.randomArray(16);
        encData.iterationCount = 1024;
        QCA::SymmetricKey key = QCA::PBKDF2("sha1").makeKey(passwordHash, QCA::InitializationVector(encData.salt), 16, encData.iterationCount);
        QCA::Cipher encrypter("blowfish", QCA::Cipher::CFB, QCA::Cipher::DefaultPadding, QCA::Encode, key, QCA::InitializationVector(encData.initVector));

        // Get the written data
        QByteArray data = static_cast<QBuffer*>(d->stream)->buffer();
        encData.filesize = data.size();

        // Compress the data
        QBuffer compressedData;
        QIODevice *compressDevice = KFilterDev::device(&compressedData, "application/x-gzip", false);
        if (!compressDevice) {
            return false;
        if (!compressDevice->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
            delete compressDevice;
            return false;
        if (compressDevice->write(data) != data.size()) {
            delete compressDevice;
            return false;
        delete compressDevice;

        encData.checksum = QCA::Hash("sha1").hash(QCA::SecureArray(compressedData.buffer()));
        encData.checksumShort = false;

        // Encrypt the data
        QCA::SecureArray result = encrypter.update(QCA::SecureArray(compressedData.buffer()));
        result += encrypter.final();
        resultData = result.toByteArray();

        m_encryptionData.insert(d->fileName, encData);

    if (!m_pZip->writeData(resultData.data(), resultData.size())) {
        return false;

    return m_pZip->finishWriting(resultData.size());