int main() { FILE *fp; int ep,m,a,b,c; miracl *mip; epoint *g,*public; char ifname[50],ofname[50]; big a2,a6,q,x,y,v,u1,u2,r,s,hash; /* get public data */ fp=fopen("common2.ecs","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common2.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&m); mip=mirsys(3+abs(m)/MIRACL,0); a2=mirvar(0); a6=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); v=mirvar(0); u1=mirvar(0); u2=mirvar(0); s=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); hash=mirvar(0); mip->IOBASE=16; cinnum(a2,fp); cinnum(a6,fp); cinnum(q,fp); cinnum(x,fp); cinnum(y,fp); mip->IOBASE=10; fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&a); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&b); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&c); fclose(fp); ecurve2_init(m,a,b,c,a2,a6,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); /* initialise curve */ g=epoint2_init(); epoint2_set(x,y,0,g); /* initialise point of order q */ /* get public key of signer */ fp=fopen("public.ecs","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file public.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d",&ep); cinnum(x,fp); fclose(fp); public=epoint2_init();
/* * Class: edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECF2m * Method: computeF2mExponentiateWithPrecomputedValues * Signature: (JJ[B)J * This function wraps the actual computation of the exponentation with precomputed values for the requested base for Dlog groups over F2m. It gets as a parameter * a pointer to the ebrick structure created by a previous call to initFpExponentiateWithPrecomputedValues. This implies that initFpExponentiateWithPrecomputedValues * MUST have been called prior to this function for the same base. */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECF2m_computeF2mExponentiateWithPrecomputedValues (JNIEnv * env, jobject, jlong mipp, jlong ebrick2Pointer, jbyteArray exponent){ //private native long computeF2mExponentiateWithPrecomputedValues(long mip, long ebrickPointer, byte[] exponent); //translate parameters to miracl notation miracl* mip = (miracl*)mipp; big exponentB = byteArrayToMiraclBig(env, mip, exponent); //(x,y) are the coordinates of the point which is the result of the exponentiation big x, y; x = mirvar(mip, 0); y = mirvar(mip, 0); //calculates the required exponent mul2_brick(mip, (ebrick2*)ebrick2Pointer, exponentB, x, y); epoint* p = new epoint(); p = epoint_init(mip); bool valid = epoint2_set(mip, x, y, 0, p); mirkill(x); mirkill(y); return (jlong)p; }
/* * Returns the identity point */ epoint* getIdentity(miracl* mip, int field){ big x,y; epoint* identity = epoint_init(mip); x = mirvar(mip, 0); y = mirvar(mip, 0); //creation of the point depends on the field type if (field == 1) epoint_set(mip, x, y, 0, identity); else epoint2_set(mip, x, y, 0, identity); mirkill(x); mirkill(y); return identity; }
/* function createInfinityF2mPoint : This function creates the infinity point in F2m * param m : miracl pointer * return : true if the point is on the curve, false otherwise */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECF2m_createInfinityF2mPoint (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong m){ /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/ miracl* mip = (miracl*)m; //create a point with the coordinates 0,0 which is the infinity point in miracl implementation big x,y; epoint* p = epoint_init(mip); x = mirvar(mip, 0); y = mirvar(mip, 0); epoint2_set(mip, x, y, 0, (epoint*)p); mirkill(x); mirkill(y); return (jlong) p; }
/* function createF2mPoint : This function creates a point of elliptic curve over F2m according to the accepted values * param m : pointer to mip * param xVal : x value of the point * param yVal : y value of the point * param validity : indicates if the point is valid for the current curve or not * return : A pointer to the created point. */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_ECF2mPointMiracl_createF2mPoint (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong m, jbyteArray xVal, jbyteArray yVal){ /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/ miracl* mip = (miracl*)m; /* create the point with x,y values */ epoint* p = epoint_init(mip); big x = byteArrayToMiraclBig(env, mip, xVal); big y = byteArrayToMiraclBig(env, mip, yVal); bool valid = epoint2_set(mip, x, y, 0, p); mirkill(x); mirkill(y); if (!valid) { epoint_free(p); return 0; } return (jlong) p; // return the point }
/* function invertF2mPoint : This function return the inverse of ec point * param m : miracl pointer * param p1 : ellitic curve point * return : the inverse point */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECF2m_invertF2mPoint (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong m, jlong p1){ /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/ miracl* mip = (miracl*)m; big x, y; epoint* p2; x= mirvar(mip, 0); y= mirvar(mip, 0); //init the result point and copy p1 values to it p2 = epoint_init(mip); epoint2_get(mip, (epoint*)p1, x, y); epoint2_set(mip, x,y,0, p2); mirkill(x); mirkill(y); //inverse the point epoint2_negate(mip, p2); return (jlong)p2; // return the inverse }
/* function isF2mMember : This function checks if the accepted point is a point of the current elliptic curve (over F2m) * param m : miracl pointer * param point : ellitic curve point to check * return : true if the point is on the curve, false otherwise */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECF2m_isF2mMember (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong m, jlong point){ int member = 0; /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/ miracl* mip = (miracl*)m; /* get the x,y, values of the point */ big x,y; epoint* p = epoint_init(mip); x = mirvar(mip, 0); y = mirvar(mip, 0); epoint2_get(mip, (epoint*)point, x, y); /* try to create another point with those values. if succeded - the point is in the curve */ if (epoint2_set(mip, x, y, 0, p)==1) member = 1; mirkill(x); mirkill(y); return member; }
/* function multiplyF2mPoints : This function multiplies two point of ec over F2m * param m : miracl pointer * param p1 : ellitic curve point * param p2 : ellitic curve point * return : the multiplication result */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECF2m_multiplyF2mPoints (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong m, jlong p1, jlong p2){ big x, y; epoint *p3; /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/ miracl* mip = (miracl*)m; x= mirvar(mip, 0); y= mirvar(mip, 0); /* create the result point with the values of p2. This way, p2 values won't damage in the multiplication operation */ p3 = epoint_init(mip); epoint2_get(mip, (epoint*)p2, x, y); epoint2_set(mip, x,y,0, p3); mirkill(x); mirkill(y); /* The multiply operation is converted to addition because miracl treat EC as additive group */ ecurve2_add(mip, (epoint*)p1, p3); return (jlong)p3; //return the result }
int main() { int ia,ib,promptr; epoint *PA,*PB; big A,B,a,b,q,pa,pb,key,x,y; ebrick2 binst; miracl instance; /* create miracl workspace on the stack */ /* Specify base 16 here so that HEX can be read in directly without a base-change */ miracl *mip=mirsys(&instance,WORDS*HEXDIGS,16); /* size of bigs is fixed */ char mem_big[MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)]; /* we need 10 bigs... */ char mem_ecp[MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)]; /* ..and two elliptic curve points */ memset(mem_big, 0, MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)); /* clear the memory */ memset(mem_ecp, 0, MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); A=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 0); /* Initialise big numbers */ B=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 1); pa=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 2); pb=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 3); key=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 4); x=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 5); y=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 6); q=mirvar_mem(mip,mem_big,7); a=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 8); b=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 9); PA=epoint_init_mem(mip, mem_ecp, 0); /* initialise Elliptic Curve points */ PB=epoint_init_mem(mip, mem_ecp, 1); irand(mip, 3L); /* change parameter for different random numbers */ promptr=0; init_big_from_rom(B,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); /* Read in curve parameter B from ROM */ /* don't need q or G(x,y) (we have precomputed table from it) */ init_big_from_rom(q,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); init_big_from_rom(x,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); init_big_from_rom(y,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); convert(mip,1,A); /* set A=1 */ /* Create precomputation instance from precomputed table in ROM */ ebrick2_init(&binst,prom,A,B,CURVE_M,CURVE_A,CURVE_B,CURVE_C,WINDOW,CURVE_M); /* offline calculations */ bigbits(mip,CURVE_M,a); /* A's random number */ ia=mul2_brick(mip,&binst,a,pa,pa); /* a*G =(pa,ya), ia is sign of ya */ bigbits(mip,CURVE_M,b); /* B's random number */ ib=mul2_brick(mip,&binst,b,pb,pb); /* b*G =(pb,yb), ib is sign of yb */ /* online calculations */ ecurve2_init(mip,CURVE_M,CURVE_A,CURVE_B,CURVE_C,A,B,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); epoint2_set(mip,pb,pb,ib,PB); /* decompress PB */ ecurve2_mult(mip,a,PB,PB); epoint2_get(mip,PB,key,key); /* since internal base is HEX, can use otnum instead of cotnum - avoiding a base change */ printf("Alice's Key= "); otnum(mip,key,stdout); epoint2_set(mip,pa,pa,ia,PB); /* decompress PA */ ecurve2_mult(mip,b,PB,PB); epoint2_get(mip,PB,key,key); printf("Bob's Key= "); otnum(mip,key,stdout); /* clear the memory */ memset(mem_big, 0, MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)); memset(mem_ecp, 0, MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; int m,a,b,c; big e,a2,a6,x,y,r; epoint *g; ebrick2 binst; int i,d,ndig,nb,best,time,store,base; miracl *mip=mirsys(50,0); e=mirvar(0); a2=mirvar(0); a6=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); fp=fopen("common2.ecs","r"); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&m); mip->IOBASE=16; cinnum(a2,fp); cinnum(a6,fp); cinnum(r,fp); cinnum(x,fp); cinnum(y,fp); mip->IOBASE=10; fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&a); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&b); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&c); printf("modulus is %d bits in length\n",m); printf("Enter size of exponent in bits = "); scanf("%d",&nb); getchar(); ebrick2_init(&binst,x,y,a2,a6,m,a,b,c,nb); printf("%d big numbers have been precomputed and stored\n",; bigdig(nb,2,e); /* random exponent */ printf("naive method\n"); ecurve2_init(m,a,b,c,a2,a6,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint2_init(); epoint2_set(x,y,0,g); ecurve2_mult(e,g,g); epoint2_get(g,x,y); cotnum(x,stdout); cotnum(y,stdout); zero(x); zero(y); printf("Brickel et al method\n"); mul2_brick(&binst,e,x,y); ebrick2_end(&binst); cotnum(x,stdout); cotnum(y,stdout); return 0; }
int main() { int j,k; big a,b,x,y,p,A2; time_t seed; epoint *g; double tr1,tr2,ts,tv1,tv2,tp,td; #ifndef MR_NOFULLWIDTH miracl *mip=mirsys(300,0); #else miracl *mip=mirsys(300,MAXBASE); #endif p=mirvar(0); a=mirvar(-3); b=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(1); y=mirvar(0); A2=mirvar(0); mip->IOBASE=60; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); printf("MIRACL - %d bit version\n",MIRACL); #ifdef MR_LITTLE_ENDIAN printf("Little Endian processor\n"); #endif #ifdef MR_BIG_ENDIAN printf("Big Endian processor\n"); #endif #ifdef MR_NOASM printf("C-Only Version of MIRACL\n"); #else printf("Using some assembly language\n"); #endif #ifdef MR_STRIPPED_DOWN printf("Stripped down version of MIRACL - no error messages\n"); #endif #ifdef MR_KCM k=MR_KCM*MIRACL; printf("Using KCM method \n"); printf("Optimized for %d, %d, %d, %d...etc. bit moduli\n",k,k*2,k*4,k*8); #endif #ifdef MR_COMBA k=MR_COMBA*MIRACL; printf("Using COMBA method \n"); printf("Optimized for %d bit moduli\n",k); #endif #ifdef MR_PENTIUM printf("Floating-point co-processor arithmetic used for Pentium\n"); #endif #ifndef MR_KCM #ifndef MR_COMBA #ifndef MR_PENTIUM printf("No special optimizations\n"); #endif #endif #endif printf("Precomputation uses fixed Window size = %d\n",WINDOW); printf("So %d values are precomputed and stored\n",(1<<WINDOW)); #ifdef MR_NOFULLWIDTH printf("No Fullwidth base possible\n"); #else printf("NOTE: No optimizations/assembly language apply to GF(2^m) Elliptic Curves\n"); #endif printf("NOTE: times are elapsed real-times - so make sure nothing else is running!\n\n"); printf("Modular exponentiation benchmarks - calculating g^e mod p\n"); printf("From these figures it should be possible to roughly estimate the time\n"); printf("required for your favourite PK algorithm, RSA, DSA, DH, etc.\n"); printf("Key R - random base bits/random exponent bits \n"); printf(" V - random base bits/(small exponent e) \n"); printf(" S - (small base g) /random exponent bits \n"); printf(" P - exponentiation with precomputation (fixed base g)\n"); printf(" D - double exponentiation g^e.a^b mod p\n"); printf("F3 = 257, F4 = 65537\n"); printf("RSA - Rivest-Shamir-Adleman\n"); printf("DH - Diffie Hellman Key exchange\n"); printf("DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm\n"); printf("\n512 bit prime....\n"); cinstr(p,p512); k=512; j=160; tr1=powers(k,j,p); td=powers_double(k,j,p); tr2=powers(k,k,p); ts=powers_small_base(3,j,p); tp=powers_precomp(k,j,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit RSA decryption %8.2lf ms \n",2*k,2*tr2); printf("%4d bit DH %d bit exponent:-\n",k,j); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, small base %8.2lf ms \n",ts); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit DSA %d bit exponent:-\n",k,j); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n1024 bit prime....\n"); cinstr(p,p1024); k=1024; j=160; tr1=powers(k,j,p); td=powers_double(k,j,p); tr2=powers(k,k,p); tv1=powers_small_exp(k,3,p); tv2=powers_small_exp(k,65537L,p); ts=powers_small_base(3,j,p); tp=powers_precomp(k,j,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit RSA decryption %8.2lf ms \n",2*k,2*tr2); printf("%4d bit RSA encryption e=3 %8.2lf ms \n",k,tv1); printf("%4d bit RSA encryption e=65537 %8.2lf ms \n",k,tv2); printf("%4d bit DH %d bit exponent:-\n",k,j); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, small base %8.2lf ms \n",ts); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit DSA %d bit exponent:-\n",k,j); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n2048 bit prime....\n"); cinstr(p,p2048); k=2048; j=256; tr1=powers(k,j,p); td=powers_double(k,j,p); powers(k,k,p); tv1=powers_small_exp(k,3,p); tv2=powers_small_exp(k,65537L,p); ts=powers_small_base(3,j,p); tp=powers_precomp(k,j,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit RSA encryption e=3 %8.2lf ms \n",k,tv1); printf("%4d bit RSA encryption e=65537 %8.2lf ms \n",k,tv2); printf("%4d bit DH %d bit exponent:-\n",k,j); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, small base %8.2lf ms \n",ts); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit DSA %d bit exponent:-\n",k,j); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n"); printf("Elliptic Curve point multiplication benchmarks - calculating r.P\n"); printf("From these figures it should be possible to roughly estimate the time\n"); printf("required for your favourite EC PK algorithm, ECDSA, ECDH, etc.\n"); printf("Key - ER - Elliptic Curve point multiplication r.P\n"); printf(" ED - Elliptic Curve double multiplication r.P + s.Q\n"); printf(" EP - Elliptic Curve multiplication with precomputation\n"); printf("EC - Elliptic curve GF(p) - p of no special form \n"); printf("ECDH - Diffie Hellman Key exchange\n"); printf("ECDSA - Digital Signature Algorithm\n"); mip->IOBASE=10; printf("\n160 bit GF(p) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=160; cinstr(p,p160); cinstr(b,b160); cinstr(y,y160); ecurve_init(a,b,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults(k,g); td=mult_double(k,g); tp=mult_precomp(k,x,y,a,b,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n192 bit GF(p) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=192; cinstr(p,p192); cinstr(b,b192); cinstr(y,y192); ecurve_init(a,b,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults(k,g); td=mult_double(k,g); tp=mult_precomp(k,x,y,a,b,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n224 bit GF(p) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=224; cinstr(p,p224); cinstr(b,b224); cinstr(y,y224); ecurve_init(a,b,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults(k,g); td=mult_double(k,g); tp=mult_precomp(k,x,y,a,b,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n256 bit GF(p) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=256; cinstr(p,p256); cinstr(b,b256); cinstr(y,y256); ecurve_init(a,b,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults(k,g); td=mult_double(k,g); tp=mult_precomp(k,x,y,a,b,p); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); #ifndef MR_FP printf("\n163 bit GF(2^m) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=163; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,B163); cinstr(x,x163); cinstr(y,y163); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(A163,A2); ecurve2_init(m163,a163,b163,c163,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m163,a163,b163,c163); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n163 bit GF(2^m) Koblitz Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=163; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,KB163); cinstr(x,Kx163); cinstr(y,Ky163); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(KA163,A2); ecurve2_init(m163,a163,b163,c163,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m163,a163,b163,c163); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n233 bit GF(2^m) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=233; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,B233); cinstr(x,x233); cinstr(y,y233); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(A233,A2); ecurve2_init(m233,a233,b233,c233,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m233,a233,b233,c233); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n233 bit GF(2^m) Koblitz Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=233; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,KB233); cinstr(x,Kx233); cinstr(y,Ky233); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(KA233,A2); ecurve2_init(m233,a233,b233,c233,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m233,a233,b233,c233); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n283 bit GF(2^m) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=283; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,B283); cinstr(x,x283); cinstr(y,y283); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(A283,A2); ecurve2_init(m283,a283,b283,c283,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m283,a283,b283,c283); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n283 bit GF(2^m) Koblitz Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=283; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,KB283); cinstr(x,Kx283); cinstr(y,Ky283); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(KA283,A2); ecurve2_init(m283,a283,b283,c283,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m283,a283,b283,c283); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n571 bit GF(2^m) Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=571; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,B571); cinstr(x,x571); cinstr(y,y571); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(A571,A2); ecurve2_init(m571,a571,b571,c571,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m571,a571,b571,c571); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); printf("\n571 bit GF(2^m) Koblitz Elliptic Curve....\n"); k=571; mip->IOBASE=16; cinstr(b,KB571); cinstr(x,Kx571); cinstr(y,Ky571); mip->IOBASE=10; convert(KA571,A2); ecurve2_init(m571,a571,b571,c571,A2,b,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); if (!epoint2_set(x,y,0,g)) { printf("This is not a point on the curve!\n"); exit(0); } tr1=mults2(k,g); td=mult2_double(k,g); tp=mult2_precomp(k,x,y,A2,b,m571,a571,b571,c571); printf("\n"); printf("%4d bit ECDH :-\n",k); printf(" offline, no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" offline, w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" online %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf("%4d bit ECDSA :-\n",k); printf(" signature no precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tr1); printf(" signature w. precomputation %8.2lf ms \n",tp); printf(" verification %8.2lf ms \n",td); #endif return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; int ep,m,a,b,c; epoint *g,*public; char ifname[50],ofname[50]; big a2,a6,q,x,y,v,u1,u2,r,s,hash; miracl instance; miracl *mip=&instance; char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(11)]; /* reserve space on the stack for 11 bigs */ char mem1[MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)]; /* and two elliptic curve points */ memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(11)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); /* get public data */ fp=fopen("common2.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common2.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&m); mip=mirsys(mip,MR_ROUNDUP(abs(m),4),16); a2=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,0); a6=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,1); q=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,2); x=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,3); y=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,4); v=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,5); u1=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,6); u2=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,7); s=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,8); r=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,9); hash=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,10); innum(mip,a2,fp); innum(mip,a6,fp); innum(mip,q,fp); innum(mip,x,fp); innum(mip,y,fp); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&a); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&b); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&c); fclose(fp); ecurve2_init(mip,m,a,b,c,a2,a6,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); /* initialise curve */ g=epoint_init_mem(mip,mem1,0); epoint2_set(mip,x,y,0,g); /* initialise point of order q */ /* get public key of signer */ fp=fopen("public.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file public.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d",&ep); innum(mip,x,fp); fclose(fp); public=epoint_init_mem(mip,mem1,1);
int main() { FILE *fp; int m,a,b,c,cf; miracl *mip; char ifname[13],ofname[13]; big a2,a6,q,x,y,d,r,s,k,hash; epoint *g; long seed; /* get public data */ fp=fopen("common2.ecs","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common2.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&m); mip=mirsys(3+m/MIRACL,0); a2=mirvar(0); a6=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); d=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); s=mirvar(0); k=mirvar(0); hash=mirvar(0); mip->IOBASE=16; cinnum(a2,fp); /* curve parameters */ cinnum(a6,fp); /* curve parameters */ cinnum(q,fp); /* order of (x,y) */ cinnum(x,fp); /* (x,y) point on curve of order q */ cinnum(y,fp); mip->IOBASE=10; fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&a); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&b); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&c); fclose(fp); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); ecurve2_init(m,a,b,c,a2,a6,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); /* initialise curve */ g=epoint2_init(); epoint2_set(x,y,0,g); /* set point of order q */ /* calculate r - this can be done offline, and hence amortized to almost nothing */ bigrand(q,k); ecurve2_mult(k,g,g); /* see ebrick2.c for method to speed this up */ epoint2_get(g,r,r); divide(r,q,q); /* get private key of signer */ fp=fopen("private.ecs","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file private.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } cinnum(d,fp); fclose(fp); /* calculate message digest */ printf("file to be signed = "); gets(ifname); strcpy(ofname,ifname); strip(ofname); strcat(ofname,".ecs"); if ((fp=fopen(ifname,"rb"))==NULL) { printf("Unable to open file %s\n",ifname); return 0; } hashing(fp,hash); fclose(fp); /* calculate s */ xgcd(k,q,k,k,k); mad(d,r,hash,q,q,s); mad(s,k,k,q,q,s); fp=fopen(ofname,"w"); cotnum(r,fp); cotnum(s,fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }