Ejemplo n.º 1
void  SpiceAttitudeKernelReader::GetCoverageStartAndEnd(StringArray       &kernels,
                                                        Integer           forNaifId,
                                                        Real              &start,
                                                        Real              &end,
                                                        bool              needAngVel)
   // first check to see if a kernel specified is not loaded; if not,
   // try to load it
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      if (!IsLoaded(kernels.at(ii)))   LoadKernel(kernels.at(ii));

   SpiceInt         idSpice     = forNaifId;
   SpiceInt         arclen      = 4;
   SpiceInt         typlen      = 5;
   bool             firstInt    = true;
   bool             idOnKernel  = false;
   char             kStr[5]     = "    ";
   char             aStr[4]     = "   ";
   char             levelStr[8] = "SEGMENT";
   char             timeStr[4]  = "TDB";
   SpiceBoolean     needAv      = needAngVel;
   ConstSpiceChar   *kernelName = NULL;
   ConstSpiceChar   *level      = levelStr;
   ConstSpiceChar   *timeSys    = timeStr;
   SpiceDouble      tol         = 0.0;
   SpiceInt         objId       = 0;
   SpiceInt         numInt      = 0;
   SpiceChar        *kernelType;
   SpiceChar        *arch;
   SpiceDouble      b;
   SpiceDouble      e;
   Real             bA1;
   Real             eA1;
   SPICEINT_CELL(ids, 200);
   SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(cover, 200000);

   // look through each kernel
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking coverage for ID %d on kernel %s\n"),
               forNaifId, (kernels.at(ii)).c_str());
      kernelName = kernels[ii].char_str();
      // check the type of kernel
      arch        = aStr;
      kernelType  = kStr;
      getfat_c(kernelName, arclen, typlen, arch, kernelType);
      if (failed_c())
         ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
         SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
         SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
         wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii( err));
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining type of kernel \"");
         errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
         errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel is of type %s\n"),
      // only deal with CK kernels
      if (eqstr_c(kernelType, "ck") || eqstr_c(kernelType, "CK"))
         ckobj_c(kernelName, &ids);
         // get the list of objects (IDs) for which data exists in the CK kernel
         for (SpiceInt jj = 0;  jj < card_c(&ids);  jj++)
            objId = SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I(&ids,jj);
            #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel contains data for object %d\n"),
                     (Integer) objId);
            // look to see if this kernel contains data for the object we're interested in
            if (objId == idSpice)
               idOnKernel = true;
//            if (objId == (idSpice * 1000))
//            {
//               idSpice     = idSpice * 1000;
//               naifIDSPICE = idSpice; // not the way to do this - should pass it back
//               idOnKernel  = true;
//               break;
//            }
         // only deal with kernels containing data for the object we're interested in
         if (idOnKernel)
            #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking kernel %s for data for object %d\n"),
                     (kernels.at(ii)).c_str(), (Integer) objId);
            scard_c(0, &cover);   // reset the coverage cell
            ckcov_c (kernelName, idSpice, needAv, level, tol, timeSys, &cover);
            if (failed_c())
               ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
               SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
               SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
               wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
               wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining coverage for CK kernel \"");
               errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
               errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
               throw UtilityException(errmsg);
            numInt = wncard_c(&cover);
            #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Number of intervals found =  %d\n"),
                     (Integer) numInt);
            if ((firstInt) && (numInt > 0))
               wnfetd_c(&cover, 0, &b, &e);
               if (failed_c())
                  ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
                  SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
                  SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
                  wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
                  wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting interval times for CK kernel \"");
                  errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
                  errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
                  throw UtilityException(errmsg);
               start    = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               end      = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               firstInt = false;
            for (SpiceInt jj = 0; jj < numInt; jj++)
               wnfetd_c(&cover, jj, &b, &e);
               bA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               eA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               if (bA1 < start)  start = bA1;
               if (eA1 > end)    end   = eA1;

   if (firstInt)
      char           itsName[256];
      SpiceChar      *itsNameSPICE = itsName;
      SpiceBoolean   found2;
      bodc2n_c(naifIDSPICE, 256, itsNameSPICE, &found2);
      if (found2 == SPICEFALSE)
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error - unable to find name for body in SPICE kernel pool");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         wxString nameStr = wxString::FromAscii(itsNameSPICE);
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error - no data available for body ");
         errmsg += nameStr + wxT(" on specified CK kernels");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void  SpiceOrbitKernelReader::GetCoverageStartAndEnd(StringArray       &kernels,
                                                     Integer           forNaifId,
                                                     Real              &start,
                                                     Real              &end)
   // first check to see if a kernel specified is not loaded; if not,
   // try to load it
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      if (!IsLoaded(kernels.at(ii)))   LoadKernel(kernels.at(ii));

   SpiceInt         idSpice     = forNaifId;
   SpiceInt         arclen      = 4;
   SpiceInt         typlen      = 5;
   bool             firstInt    = true;
   bool             idOnKernel  = false;
   ConstSpiceChar   *kernelName = NULL;
   SpiceInt         objId       = 0;
   SpiceInt         numInt      = 0;
   SpiceChar        *kernelType;
   SpiceChar        *arch;
   SpiceDouble      b;
   SpiceDouble      e;
   Real             bA1;
   Real             eA1;
   SPICEINT_CELL(ids, 200);
   SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(cover, 200000);
   char             kStr[5] = "    ";
   char             aStr[4] = "   ";

   // look through each kernel
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking coverage for ID %d on kernel %s\n"),
               forNaifId, (kernels.at(ii)).c_str());
      kernelName = kernels[ii].char_str();
      // check the type of kernel
      arch        = aStr;
      kernelType  = kStr;
      getfat_c(kernelName, arclen, typlen, arch, kernelType);
      if (failed_c())
         ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
         SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
         //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
         wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining type of kernel \"");
         errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
         errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
         delete [] err;
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel is of type %s\n"),
      // only deal with SPK kernels
      if (eqstr_c( kernelType, "spk" ))
         spkobj_c(kernelName, &ids);
         // get the list of objects (IDs) for which data exists in the SPK kernel
         for (SpiceInt jj = 0;  jj < card_c(&ids);  jj++)
            objId = SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I(&ids,jj);
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel contains data for object %d\n"),
                     (Integer) objId);
            // look to see if this kernel contains data for the object we're interested in
            if (objId == idSpice)
               idOnKernel = true;
         // only deal with kernels containing data for the object we're interested in
         if (idOnKernel)
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking kernel %s for data for object %d\n"),
                     (kernels.at(ii)).c_str(), (Integer) objId);
            scard_c(0, &cover);   // reset the coverage cell
            spkcov_c (kernelName, idSpice, &cover);
            if (failed_c())
               ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
               SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
               //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
               wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
               wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining coverage for SPK kernel \"");
               errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
               errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
               delete [] err;
               throw UtilityException(errmsg);
            numInt = wncard_c(&cover);
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Number of intervals found =  %d\n"),
                     (Integer) numInt);
            if ((firstInt) && (numInt > 0))
               wnfetd_c(&cover, 0, &b, &e);
               if (failed_c())
                  ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
                  SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
                  //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
                  wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
                  wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting interval times for SPK kernel \"");
                  errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
                  errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
                  delete [] err;
                  throw UtilityException(errmsg);
               start    = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               end      = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               firstInt = false;
            for (SpiceInt jj = 0; jj < numInt; jj++)
               wnfetd_c(&cover, jj, &b, &e);
               bA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               eA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               if (bA1 < start)  start = bA1;
               if (eA1 > end)    end   = eA1;

   if (firstInt)
      wxString errmsg(wxT(""));
      errmsg << wxT("Error - no data available for body with NAIF ID ") << forNaifId << wxT(" on specified SPK kernels\n");
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   void errprt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * op,
                   SpiceInt         lenout,
                   SpiceChar      * list  )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   op         I   The operation:  "GET" or "SET".
   lenout     I   Length of list for output.
   list      I/O  Specification of error messages to be output.


   op      indicates the operation to be performed.  Possible
           values are "GET" and "SET".

           "SET" means, "the following list specifies the default
           selection of error messages to be output."  These are
           the messages that will be output to the default error
           output device (selected by errdev_c) when an error is

           "GET" means, "return the current list of error output
           items."  This is the exact list that was set by the
           last call to this routine with the "SET" option.

           The option can be specified in mixed case.  For example,
           the following call will work:

           errprt_c ( "SeT", lenout, "ALL" )

   lenout  is the allowed length of list when list is returning a
           the error message list.  The size described by lenout
           should be large enough to hold any possible output plus 1.

   list    is a list of error message items.  The items
           are delimited by commas.  The items that can be
           in the list are the words:

           1.  SHORT        ...indicates the short error message
           2.  EXPLAIN      ...the explanation of the short message
           3.  LONG         ...the long error message
           4.  TRACEBACK    ...the traceback
           5.  ALL          ...indicates "output all messages"
           6.  NONE         ...indicates "don't output any messages"
           7.  DEFAULT      ...same as ALL, but includes default

           A "list" is a character string containing some or
           all of the above words, delimited by commas.  Examples

           1.  "SHORT, EXPLAIN"
           2.  "SHORT, LONG"
           3.  "ALL"
           4.  "NONE"
           5.  "ALL, NONE, ALL, SHORT, NONE"

           Each word in the list can be thought of as
           "flipping a switch" to enable or disable the output
           of the message(s) indicated by the word.  The
           words are acted on in the order they occur in the
           list, starting with the leftmost word.  As examples,
           consider the sample lists above.

           The effect of the first list above, "SHORT, EXPLAIN",
           is to enable the output of the short error message
           and the explanatory text corresponding to it.

           The effect of the second list is to enable the output
           of the short and long messages.

           The effect of the third list is to enable the output of
           all of the error messages (short, long, explanation
           of the short message, and traceback).

           The effect of the fourth list is to disable output of
           all of the messages.

           The effect of the fifth list is to disable output of
           all of the messages.  The reason for this is that
           the words in the list are responded to in order,
           from left to right, and "NONE" is the last word.

           If any words other than SHORT, LONG, EXPLAIN, ALL,
           DEFAULT, TRACEBACK or NONE appear in list, those words
           that are recognized are responded to.  The words
           that are not recognized are diagnosed as
           erroneous, and error messages are generated
           for each such unrecognized word.

           The length of list is caller-defined, but only
           the first 100 characters of list will be saved
           for later retrieval.

           Only the first 10 items in the list are used;
           the rest are ignored.


   list    is a list of error message items.  The value of
           list is that set by the last call to this routine
           using the "SET" option.  See "Detailed Input"
           for a description of the possible values and
           meanings of list.

           The initial value returned is "DEFAULT".

           Only the first 100 characters of list are saved
           when the list is set; any additional characters
           are truncated.  Therefore, the first 100
           characters, at most, of the saved value of list
           will be returned.




   1) If the input argument op does not indicate a valid operation,
      the error SPICE(INVALIDOPERATION) will be signaled.
   2) If the input argument list does not indicate a valid list of
      error message types, the error SPICE(INVALIDLISTITEM) will be
   3) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signalled if the input
      string does not contain at least one character, since the
      input string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string
      in this case.
   4) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signalled if the input string
      pointer is null.
   5) The user must pass a value indicating the length of the output
      string, when list is an output.  If this value is not at least 2, 
      the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) is signaled.

   Also, this routine is part of the CSPICE error
   handling mechanism.




   Please read the "required reading"!

   This routine is intended to be used in conjunction with
   errdev_c, which selects the default output device to which
   the error messages selected by this routine will be

   Additionally, the error response action must be
   something other than "IGNORE" if the error messages
   are to be output.  Possible choices of the error
   response action are "RETURN", "REPORT", "ABORT", "DEFAULT", and
   "IGNORE".  Use erract_c to set the error response action.

   Only the first 100 characters of list are saved.

   The default set of error messages that are output is the
   set specified by "DEFAULT"; i.e., all of them, including
   the "default" message.


   1.  In this example, we select as the output device
       the file, SPUD.DAT, and then select the error
       messages to be output.  We choose the short
       error message and the traceback.  Since a
       different set of messages may have been selected
       previously, we clear the old setting by putting
       the word, "NONE", at the beginning of the list.

          Set the error output device to SPUD.DAT:
          errdev_c (  "SET", lenout, "SPUD.DAT" );

          Choose error messages:
          errprt_c (  "SET", lenout, "NONE, SHORT, TRACEBACK" );

   2.  In this example we are retrieving the error message list.

          Declare the output string and its size.

         #define     LENOUT  50

         SpiceChar   list[ LENOUT ];

         errdev_c ( "GET", LENOUT, list );


   The device to which the selected error messages will
   be written must be selected via errdev_c; otherwise,
   messages will be written to the initial default device.

   Only the first 100 characters of list are saved.




   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.3.0, 24-JUN-2003 (NJB)

      Bug fix:  case of invalid operation keyword is now 
      diagnosed, as per the Exceptions section of the header.

   -CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 09-FEB-1998 (NJB) (EDW)

      Input argument op was changed to type ConstSpiceChar *.

      Re-implemented routine without dynamically allocated, temporary 
      Corrected errors in examples in which the call sequence
      was incorrect.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-OCT-1997   (EDW)


   get/set error output items


{ /* Begin errprt_c */

   Participate in error tracing.
   if ( return_c() ) 

   chkin_c ( "errprt_c" );

   Check the input string op to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "errprt_c", op );

   if ( eqstr_c ( op, "SET") )

      Operation is SET. The argument "list" will be an input string.
      Check "list" as well.
      CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "errprt_c", list );

      errprt_( ( char * ) op,
               ( char * ) list,
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(op),
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(list) );

   else if ( eqstr_c (op, "GET" ) )

      Operation is GET.  "list" will be an output string. 
      Make sure the output string has at least enough room for one 
      output character and a null terminator.  Also check for a null 
      CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "errprt_c", list, lenout );
      After the routine call, create a C string from the
      Fortran output string.
      errprt_( ( char * ) op,
               ( char * ) list,
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(op),
               ( ftnlen ) lenout-1     );

      F2C_ConvertStr( lenout, list );

      setmsg_c ( "Input argument op had value: # "
                 "Valid choices are GET or SET."   );   
      errch_c  ( "#",  op                          );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(INVALIDOPERATION)"         );
      chkout_c ( "errprt_c"                        );

   chkout_c ( "errprt_c" );

} /* End errprt_c */
Ejemplo n.º 4
   SpiceInt esrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * value,
                       SpiceInt          ndim,
                       SpiceInt          lenvals,
                       const void      * array    )                    

   VARIABLE  I/O              DESCRIPTION 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   value      I   Key value to be found in array. 
   ndim       I   Dimension of array. 
   lenvals    I   String length.
   array      I   Character string array to search. 
   The function returns the index of the first array entry 
   equivalent to value, or -1 if none is found. 
   value       is the key value to be found in the array.  Trailing
               blanks in this key are not significant:  string matches
               found by this routine do not require trailing blanks in
               value to match those in the corresponding element of

   ndim        is the dimension of the array. 

   lenvals     is the declared length of the strings in the input
               string array, including null terminators.  The input   
               array should be declared with dimension 

   array       is the array of character srings to be searched.  Trailing
               blanks in the strings in this array are not significant.   
   The function returns the index of the first element of the 
   input array equivalent to the input value, or -1 if the 
   array contains no such elements. 
   Two strings are equivalent if they contain the same characters 
   in the same order, when blanks are ignored and uppercase and 
   lowercase characters are considered equal. 
   1) If ndim < 1 the function value is -1.  This is not considered
      an error.

   2) If input key value pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   3) The input key value may have length zero.  This case is not
      considered an error.

   4) If the input array pointer is null,  the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will 
      be signaled.  The function returns -1.

   5) If the input array string's length is less than 2, the error
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.  The function returns -1.
   esrchc_c is identical to isrchc_c, except that it looks for 
   the first equivalent string (as defined by eqstr_c) instead 
   of the first identical one. 
   Let array be declared with dimension


   and contain the following elements: 
      array[0] == "This" 
      array[1] == "little" 
      array[2] == "piggy" 
      array[3] == "went" 
      array[4] == "to" 
      array[5] == "market" 
      esrchc_c ( "PIGGY",      NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  ==  2
      esrchc_c ( " LiTtLe  ",  NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  ==  1 
      esrchc_c ( "W e n t",    NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  ==  3 
      esrchc_c ( "mall",       NDIM,  STRLEN,  array )  == -1 
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 22-JUL-2002 (NJB) (IMU)

   search array for equivalent character_string 

{ /* Begin esrchc_c */

   Local macros 
   #define ARRAY( i )     (  ( (SpiceChar *)array ) + (i)*lenvals  )

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                i;

   Use discovery check-in.

   Return immediately if the array dimension is non-positive. 
   if ( ndim < 1 ) 
      return ( -1 );

   Make sure the input pointer for the key value is non-null 
   and that the length is adequate.  
   CHKPTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "esrchc_c", value, -1 );

   Make sure the input pointer for the string array is non-null 
   and that the length lenvals is sufficient.  
   CHKOSTR_VAL ( CHK_DISCOVER, "esrchc_c", array, lenvals, -1 );

   for ( i = 0;  i < ndim;  i++ )
      if (  eqstr_c( value, ARRAY(i) )  )
         return ( i );

   Indicate no match was found. 
   return ( -1 );

} /* End esrchc_c */
Ejemplo n.º 5
   void timdef_c ( ConstSpiceChar * action,
                   ConstSpiceChar * item,
                   SpiceInt         lenout,
                   SpiceChar      * value )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   action     I   is the kind of action to take "SET" or "GET".
   item       I   is the default item of interest.
   lenout     I   Length of list for output.
   value     I/O  is the value associated with the default item.


   action     is a word that specifies whether timdef_c sets the
              value associated with item or retrieves the value
              associated with item.  The allowed values for
              action are "SET" and "GET".  The routine is not
              sensitive to the case of the letters in action.

   item       is the default items whose value should be set or
              retrieved.  The items that may be requested are:

              item        Allowed Values
              ---------   --------------
              CALENDAR    GREGORIAN

              SYSTEM      TDB

              ZONE        EST, EDT, CST, CDT, MST, MDT, PST, PDT
                          UTC-HR       ( 0 <= HR < 13 )
                          UTC+HR:MN    ( 0 <= MN < 60 )

              The case of item is not significant.

   lenout     is the allowed length of the string when returning a
              value via a "GET".  The size described by lenout should
              be large enough to hold any possible output plus 1.

   value      if the action is "SET" then value is an input and
              is the value to be associated with item.  Note that
              value is checked to ensure it is within the range
              of allowed values for item.  If it is not within
              the expected range and appropriate error message
              is signalled.  The case of value is not significant.


   value      if the action is "GET" then value will be the
              value associated with the requested item.  Note that
              when time zones are set, they are translated to the
              UTC offset form ( UTC(+/-)HR[:MN] ).  When value is
              an output it will be in upper case.






   1) If the action specified is not SET or GET the error
      SPICE(BADACTION) is signalled.

   2) If the item specified is not one the recognized items
      the error SPICE(BADTIMEITEM) is signalled.

   3) If the value associated with a "SET", item input
      is not one of the recognized items, the error
      SPICE(BADDEFAULTVALUE) is signalled.


   This routine exists to allow SPICE toolkit users to alter
   the default interpretation of time strings made by the
   routine str2et_c.

   Normally, unlabelled time strings are assumed to belong to
   the Gregorian Calendar and are UTC times.  However, you
   may alter the default behavior by calling timdef_c.


   You may set the calendar to be one of the following

   Gregorian   --- This is the calendar used daily the
                   Western Hemisphere.  Leap years occur in this
                   calendar every 4 years except on centuries
                   such as 1900 that are not divisible by 400.

   Julian      --- This is the calendar that was in use prior
                   to October 15, 1582.  Leap years occur every
                   4 years on the Julian Calendar (including all
                   centuries.)  October 5, 1582 on the Julian
                   calendar corresponds to October 15, 1582 of the
                   Gregorian Calendar.

   Mixed       --- This calendar uses the Julian calendar
                   for days prior to October 15, 1582 and
                   the Gregorian calendar for days on or after
                   October 15, 1582.

   To set the default calendar, select on of the above for value
   and make the following call.

      timdef_c ( "SET", "CALENDAR", lenout, value );


   You may set the system used for keeping time to be UTC (default)
   TDB (barycentric dynamical time) or TDT (terrestrial dynamical
   time).  Both TDB and TDT have no leapseconds.  As such the time
   elapsed between any two epochs on these calendars does not depend
   upon when leapseconds occur.

   To set the default time system, select TDT, TDB or UTC for value
   and make the following call.

      timdef_c ( "SET", "SYSTEM", lenout, value );

   Note that such a call has the side effect of setting the value
   associated with ZONE to a blank.


   You may alter the UTC system by specifying a time zone (UTC
   offset).  For example you may specify that epochs are referred
   to Pacific Standard Time (PST --- UTC-7).  The standard
   abbreviations for U.S. time zones are recognized:

      EST   UTC-5
      EDT   UTC-4
      CST   UTC-6
      CDT   UTC-5
      MST   UTC-7
      MDT   UTC-6
      PST   UTC-8
      PDT   UTC-7

   In addition you may specify any commercial time zone by using
   "offset" notation.  This notation starts with the letters "UTC"
   followed by a + for time zones east of Greenwich and - for
   time zones west of Greenwich.  This is followed by the number
   of hours to add or subtract from UTC.  This is optionally followed
   by a colon ':' and the number of minutes to add or subtract (based
   on the sign that follows "UTC") to get the
   local time zone.  Thus to specify the time zone of Calcutta you
   would specify the time zone to be UTC+5:30.  To specify the
   time zone of Newfoundland use the time zone UTC-3:30.

   To set a default time zone, select one of the "built-in" U.S.
   zones or construct an offset as discussed above.  Then make the

      timdef_c ( "SET", "ZONE", lenout, value );

   If you "GET" a "ZONE" it will either be blank, or have the
   form "UTC+/-HR[:MN]"

   Note that such a call has the side effect of setting the value
   associated with SYSTEM to a blank.


   Suppose you wish to modify the behavior of str2et_c so that
   it interprets unlabeled time strings as being times in
   Pacific Daylight Time and that you want the calendar to use
   to be the "Mixed" calendar.  The following two calls will
   make the desired changes to the behavior of str2et_c

       timdef_c ( "SET", "CALENDAR", lenout, "MIXED" );
       timdef_c ( "SET", "ZONE"    , lenout, "PDT"   );




   W.L. Taber      (JPL)
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 13-APR-2000 (NJB) 
      Made some minor updates and corrections in the header comments.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 4-FEB-1998   (EDW)


   Change time software defaults.
   Time Zones
   Gregorian and Julian Calendars


{ /* Begin timdef_c */

   Participate in error tracing.

   chkin_c ( "timdef_c" );

   Check the input strings to make sure the pointers are non-null
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "timdef_c", action );

   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "timdef_c", item   );

   /*  Select a task based on the value of the action string. */

   if ( eqstr_c ( action, "SET") )

      Operation is SET. "value" will be an input string.  Check
      value as well.

      CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "timdef_c", value );

      Call the f2c'd Fortran routine.

      timdef_( ( char * ) action,
               ( char * ) item,
               ( char * ) value,
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(action),
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(item),
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(value)  );


   else if ( eqstr_c (action, "GET" ) )

      Operation is GET.  "action" will be an output string.  Make sure
      the output string has at least enough room for one output
      character and a null terminator.  Also check for a null pointer.
      CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "timdef_c", value, lenout );

      Call the f2c'd Fortran routine.

      timdef_( ( char * ) action,
               ( char * ) item,
               ( char * ) value,
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(action),
               ( ftnlen ) strlen(item),
               ( ftnlen ) lenout - 1  );

      /* Convert our Fortran string to C. */

      F2C_ConvertStr( lenout, value );


   chkout_c ( "timdef_c" );

} /* End timdef_c */
Ejemplo n.º 6
   void ekaclc_c ( SpiceInt                handle,
                   SpiceInt                segno,
                   ConstSpiceChar        * column,
                   SpiceInt                vallen,
                   const void            * cvals,
                   ConstSpiceInt         * entszs,
                   ConstSpiceBoolean     * nlflgs,
                   ConstSpiceInt         * rcptrs,
                   SpiceInt              * wkindx  )

   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   handle     I   EK file handle. 
   segno      I   Number of segment to add column to. 
   column     I   Column name. 
   vallen     I   Length of character values.
   cvals      I   Character values to add to column. 
   entszs     I   Array of sizes of column entries. 
   nlflgs     I   Array of null flags for column entries. 
   rcptrs     I   Record pointers for segment. 
   wkindx    I-O  Work space for column index. 
   handle         the handle of an EK file that is open for writing. 
                  A "begin segment for fast write" operation must 
                  have already been performed for the designated 
   segno          is the number of the segment to which data is to be
                  added. Segments are numbered from 0 to nseg-1, where
                  nseg is the count of segments in the file.

   column         is the name of the column to be added.  All of 
                  the data for the named column will be added in 
                  one shot. 
   vallen         is the length of the strings in the cvals array.
                  The array should be declared with dimensions
                  where nrows is the number of rows in the column.
   cvals          is an array containing the entire set of column 
                  entries for the specified column.  The entries 
                  are listed in row-order:  the column entry for the 
                  first row of the segment is first, followed by the 
                  column entry for the second row, and so on.  The 
                  number of column entries must match the declared 
                  number of rows in the segment.  For columns having 
                  fixed-size entries, a null entry must be allocated 
                  the same amount of space occupied by a non-null 
                  entry in the array cvals.  For columns having 
                  variable-size entries, null entries do not require 
                  any space in the cvals* array, but in any case must 
                  have their allocated space described correctly by 
                  the corresponding element of the entszs array 
                  (described below). 
   entszs         is an array containing sizes of column entries. 
                  The Ith element of entszs gives the size of the 
                  Ith column entry.  entszs is used only for columns 
                  having variable-size entries.  For such columns, 
                  the dimension of entszs must be at least nrows. 
                  The size of null entries should be set to zero. 
                  For columns having fixed-size entries, the 
                  dimension of this array may be any positive value. 
   nlflgs         is an array of logical flags indicating whether 
                  the corresponding entries are null.  If the Ith 
                  element of nlflgs is SPICEFALSE, the Ith column entry 
                  defined by cvals and entszs is added to the 
                  current segment in the specified kernel file. 
                  If the Ith element of nlfgls is SPICETRUE, the 
                  contents of the Ith column entry are undefined. 
                  nlflgs is used only for columns that allow null 
                  values; it's ignored for other columns. 
   rcptrs         is an array of record pointers for the input 
                  segment.  This array is obtained as an output 
                  from ekifld_c, the routine called to initiate a 
                  fast write. 
   wkindx         is a work space array used for building a column 
                  index.  If the column is indexed, the dimension of 
                  wkindx_c must be at nrows, where nrows is the number 
                  of rows in the column.  If the column is not 
                  indexed, this work space is not used, so the 
                  dimension may be any positive value. 
   None.  See $Particulars for a description of the effect of this 
   1)  If handle is invalid, the error will be diagnosed by routines 
       called by this routine. 
   2)  If column is not the name of a declared column, the error
       SPICE(NOCOLUMN) will be signaled.
   3)  If column specifies a column of whose data type is not 
       character, the error SPICE(WRONGDATATYPE) will be 
   4)  If the specified column already contains ANY entries, the 
       error will be diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
   5)  If an I/O error occurs while reading or writing the indicated 
       file, the error will be diagnosed by routines called by this 
   6) If the string pointer for column is null, the error 
      SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   7) If the input string column has length zero, the error 
      SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) will be signaled.
   8) If the string pointer for cvals is null, the error
      SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
   9) If the string length vallen is less than 2, the error 
      SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.
   See the EK Required Reading for a discussion of the EK file 
   This routine operates by side effects:  it modifies the named 
   EK file by adding data to the specified column.  This routine 
   writes the entire contents of the specified column in one shot. 
   This routine creates columns much more efficiently than can be 
   done by sequential calls to ekacec_c, but has the drawback that 
   the caller must use more memory for the routine's inputs.  This 
   routine cannot be used to add data to a partially completed 
   1)  Suppose we have an E-kernel named order_db.ek which contains 
       records of orders for data products.  The E-kernel has a 
       table called DATAORDERS that consists of the set of columns 
       listed below: 
             Column Name     Data Type 
             -----------     --------- 
             ORDER_ID        INTEGER 
             CUSTOMER_ID     INTEGER 
             LAST_NAME       CHARACTER*(*) 
             FIRST_NAME      CHARACTER*(*) 
             ORDER_DATE      TIME 
             COST            DOUBLE PRECISION 
       The order database also has a table of items that have been 
       ordered.  The columns of this table are shown below: 
             Column Name     Data Type 
             -----------     --------- 
             ITEM_ID         INTEGER 
             ORDER_ID        INTEGER 
             ITEM_NAME       CHARACTER*(*) 
             DESCRIPTION     CHARACTER*(*) 
             PRICE           DOUBLE PRECISION 
       We'll suppose that the file ORDER_DB.EK contains two segments, 
       the first containing the DATAORDERS table and the second 
       containing the DATAITEMS table. 
       Below, we show how we'd open a new EK file and create the 
       first of the segments described above. 
       #include "SpiceUsr.h"
       #include <stdio.h>
       void main()
          #define  CNMLEN      ( CSPICE_EK_COL_NAM_LEN + 1 )
          #define  DECLEN        201
          #define  EKNAME        "order_db.ek"
          #define  FNMLEN        50
          #define  IFNAME        "Test EK/Created 20-SEP-1995"
          #define  LNMLEN        50
          #define  LSK           "leapseconds.ker"
          #define  NCOLS         6
          #define  NRESVC        0
          #define  NROWS         9
          #define  TABLE         "DATAORDERS"
          #define  TNMLEN        CSPICE_EK_TAB_NAM_LEN
          #define  UTCLEN        30
          Local variables
          SpiceBoolean            nlflgs [ NROWS  ];
          SpiceChar               cdecls  [ NCOLS ] [ DECLEN ];
          SpiceChar               cnames  [ NCOLS ] [ CNMLEN ];
          SpiceChar               fnames  [ NROWS ] [ FNMLEN ];
          SpiceChar               lnames  [ NROWS ] [ LNMLEN ];
          SpiceChar               dateStr [ UTCLEN ];
          SpiceDouble             costs  [ NROWS ];
          SpiceDouble             ets    [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                cstids [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                ordids [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                handle;
          SpiceInt                i;
          SpiceInt                rcptrs [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                segno;
          SpiceInt                sizes  [ NROWS ];
          SpiceInt                wkindx [ NROWS ];
          Load a leapseconds kernel for UTC/ET conversion.
          furnsh_c ( LSK );
          Open a new EK file.  For simplicity, we will not 
          reserve any space for the comment area, so the 
          number of reserved comment characters is zero. 
          The constant IFNAME is the internal file name. 
          ekopn_c ( EKNAME, IFNAME, NRESVC, &handle );
          Set up the table and column names and declarations 
          for the DATAORDERS segment.  We'll index all of 
          the columns.  All columns are scalar, so we omit 
          the size declaration.  Only the COST column may take 
          null values. 
          strcpy ( cnames[0], "ORDER_ID"                           );
          strcpy ( cdecls[0], "DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE" );
          strcpy ( cnames[1], "CUSTOMER_ID"                        );
          strcpy ( cdecls[1], "DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE" );
          strcpy ( cnames[2], "LAST_NAME"                          ); 
          strcpy ( cdecls[2], "DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*),"
                              "INDEXED  = TRUE"                    );
          strcpy ( cnames[3], "FIRST_NAME"                         );
          strcpy ( cdecls[3], "DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*),"   
                              "INDEXED  = TRUE"                    );
          strcpy ( cnames[4], "ORDER_DATE"                         );
          strcpy ( cdecls[4], "DATATYPE = TIME, INDEXED  = TRUE"   );
          strcpy ( cnames[5], "COST"                               );
          strcpy ( cdecls[5], "DATATYPE = DOUBLE PRECISION,"   
                              "INDEXED  = TRUE,"             
                              "NULLS_OK = TRUE"                    );
          Start the segment.  We presume the number of  rows 
          of data is known in advance. 
          ekifld_c ( handle,  TABLE,   NCOLS,  NROWS,   CNMLEN,  
                     cnames,  DECLEN,  cdecls, &segno,  rcptrs );
          At this point, arrays containing data for the 
          segment's columns may be filled in.  The names 
          of the data arrays are shown below. 
             Column           Data array 
             "ORDER_ID"       ordids 
             "CUSTOMER_ID"    cstids 
             "LAST_NAME"      lnames 
             "FIRST_NAME"     fnames 
             "ORDER_DATE"     odates 
             "COST"           costs 
          The null flags array indicates which entries are null. 
          It is ignored for columns that don't allow null 
          values.  In this case, only the COST column allows 
          Fill in data arrays and null flag arrays here.  This code
          section would normally be replaced by calls to user functions
          returning column values.
          for ( i = 0;  i < NROWS;  i++ )
             ordids[i]  =  i;
             cstids[i]  =  i*100;
             costs [i]  =  (SpiceDouble) 100*i;
             sprintf  ( fnames[i], "Order %d Customer first name", i );
             sprintf  ( lnames[i], "Order %d Customer last name",  i );
             sprintf  ( dateStr,   "1998 Mar %d",                  i );
             utc2et_c ( dateStr, ets+i );
             nlflgs[i]  =  SPICEFALSE;
          nlflgs[1] = SPICETRUE;
          The sizes array shown below is ignored for scalar 
          and fixed-size array columns, so we need not 
          initialize it.  For variable-size arrays, the 
          Ith element of the sizes array must contain the size 
          of the Ith column entry in the column being written. 
          Normally, the sizes array would be reset for each 
          variable-size column. 
          Add the columns of data to the segment.  All of the 
          data for each column is written in one shot. 
          ekacli_c ( handle,  segno,   "order_id",    ordids, 
                     sizes,   nlflgs,  rcptrs,        wkindx ); 
          ekacli_c ( handle,  segno,   "customer_id", cstids,  
                     sizes,   nlflgs,  rcptrs,        wkindx ); 
          ekaclc_c ( handle,  segno,   "last_name",   LNMLEN,
                     lnames,  sizes,   nlflgs,        rcptrs,  wkindx ); 
          ekaclc_c ( handle,  segno,   "first_name",  FNMLEN,
                     fnames,  sizes,   nlflgs,        rcptrs,  wkindx ); 
          ekacld_c ( handle,  segno,   "order_date",  ets,  
                     sizes,   nlflgs,  rcptrs,        wkindx );
          ekacld_c ( handle,  segno,   "cost",        costs,  
                     sizes,   nlflgs,  rcptrs,        wkindx ); 
          Complete the segment.  The rcptrs array is that 
          returned by ekifld_c. 
          ekffld_c ( handle, segno, rcptrs ); 
          At this point, the second segment could be 
          created by an analogous process.  In fact, the 
          second segment could be created at any time; it is 
          not necessary to populate the first segment with 
          data before starting the second segment. 
          The file must be closed by a call to ekcls_c. 
          ekcls_c ( handle ); 

   1)  Only one segment can be created at a time using the fast 
       write routines. 
   2)  No other EK operation may interrupt a fast write.  For 
       example, it is not valid to issue a query while a fast write 
       is in progress. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 

   -CSPICE Version 1.2.2, 14-AUG-2006   (EDW)

      Replace mention of ldpool_c with furnsh_c.

   -CSPICE Version 1.2.1, 09-JAN-2002 (NJB)

      Documentation change:  instances of the phrase "fast load"
      were replaced with "fast write."

      Const-qualified input array cvals.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 12-JUL-1998 (NJB)

       Bug fix:  now counts elements rather than rows for vector-valued
       Bug fix:  now uses dynamically allocated array of type logical
       to interface with underlying f2c'd function ekaclc_.
       Now maps segno from C to Fortran range.
       Added "undef" of masking macro.  Changed input pointer types
       to pointers to const objects.
       Replaced eksdsc_ call with ekssum_c call.  This removes unsightly
       references to segment descriptor alignments.
       Fixed some chkout_c calls which referenced ekifld_c.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-FEB-1999 (NJB)
      Based on SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 08-NOV-1995 (NJB)

   write entire character column to EK segment 

{ /* Begin ekaclc_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceBoolean            fnd;

   logical               * logicalFlags;
   SpiceEKSegSum           summary;
   SpiceChar            ** cvalsPtr;
   SpiceChar             * fCvalsArr;

   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceInt                fCvalsLen;
   SpiceInt                fSegno;
   SpiceInt                ncols;
   SpiceInt                nelts;
   SpiceInt                nrows;
   SpiceInt                size;

   Participate in error tracing.
   chkin_c ( "ekaclc_c" );

   Check the column name to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ekaclc_c", column );

   Check the value array to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.  Note:  this check is normally
   done for output strings:  CHKOSTR is the macro that does the job.
   CHKOSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ekaclc_c", cvals, vallen );

   Get the row count for this segment.
   ekssum_c ( handle, segno, &summary );
   nrows = summary.nrows;

   Locate the index of this column in the segment descriptor.
   ncols = summary.ncols;
   i     = 0;
   fnd   = SPICEFALSE;
   while (  ( i < ncols ) && ( !fnd ) )
      if (  eqstr_c( column, summary.cnames[i] )  )
         fnd = SPICETRUE;
   if ( !fnd )
      setmsg_c ( "Column <#> does not belong to segment #. "  );
      errch_c  ( "#",  column                                 );
      errint_c ( "#",  segno                                  );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(NOCOLUMN)"                            );
      chkout_c ( "ekaclc_c"                                   );
   Now i is the index within the segment descriptor of the column
   descriptor for the column of interest.  Get the dimension information
   for this column.
   size = summary.cdescrs[i].size;
   Compute the total string count of the input array.  If the column
   has fixed-size entries, we ignore the entszs array.  Otherwise, the
   entszs array tells us how many strings we're getting.
   if ( size == SPICE_EK_VARSIZ )
      nelts = sumai_c ( entszs, nrows );
      nelts = nrows * size;
   Allocate an array of logicals and assign values from the input
   array of SpiceBooleans.
   logicalFlags = ( logical * ) malloc ( nelts * sizeof(logical) );

   if ( !logicalFlags )
      setmsg_c ( "Failure on malloc call to create null flag array "
                 "for column values."                              );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(MALLOCFAILED)"                             );
      chkout_c ( "ekaclc_c"                                        );
   Copy the input null flags to our array of type logical.
   for ( i = 0;  i < nrows;  i++ )
      logicalFlags[i] = nlflgs[i];

   We need to make a blank-padded version of the cvals array.
   We'll first allocate an array of character pointers to index
   the values, initialize this array, and use it to produce
   a dynamically allocated array of Fortran-style strings.
   cvalsPtr = ( SpiceChar ** ) malloc ( nelts * sizeof(SpiceChar *) );

   if ( cvalsPtr == 0 )
      free ( logicalFlags );
      setmsg_c ( "Failure on malloc call to create pointer array "
                 "for column values."                              );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(MALLOCFAILED)"                             );
      chkout_c ( "ekaclc_c"                                        );
   for ( i = 0;  i < nelts;  i++  )
      cvalsPtr[i] =  (SpiceChar *)cvals  +  ( i * vallen );
   C2F_CreateFixStrArr (  nelts, 
                          ( ConstSpiceChar ** ) cvalsPtr, 
                          &fCvalsArr                      );
   if ( failed_c() )
      free ( logicalFlags );
      free ( cvalsPtr     );
      chkout_c ( "ekaclc_c" );

   Map the segment number to the Fortran range.
   fSegno = segno + 1;
   ekaclc_ ( ( integer    * ) &handle,
             ( integer    * ) &fSegno,
             ( char       * ) column,
             ( char       * ) fCvalsArr,
             ( integer    * ) entszs,
             ( logical    * ) logicalFlags,
             ( integer    * ) rcptrs,
             ( integer    * ) wkindx,
             ( ftnlen       ) strlen(column),
             ( ftnlen       ) fCvalsLen        );

   Clean up all of our dynamically allocated arrays.
   free ( cvalsPtr     );
   free ( fCvalsArr    );
   free ( logicalFlags );

   chkout_c ( "ekaclc_c" );

} /* End ekaclc_c */