int io_rm_dev(io_t * io, int fd){ if(io_dev_list_empty(io)){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"Device not found (empty list)"); } io_dev_t * dev = io->dev_list.first; io_dev_t * dev_prev = NULL; do{ if(dev->fd == fd) break; dev_prev = dev; dev = dev->next; }while(dev != NULL); if(dev == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"Device not found"); } if(dev_prev == NULL){ // Remove the first element of the list io->dev_list.first = dev->next; }else{ // skip the one that will be deleted, but keep the tail dev_prev->next = dev->next; } free(dev); --io->dev_list.dev_count; return ERROR_OK; }
/** * Integrate calibration data into IMU. * Replaces previous calibration, if any existed. * * @param imu * @param timestamp on the last sample used for the calibration * * @return error code. */ int imu_comm_calibration_finish(imu_t * imu, struct timeval calibration_end_time){ int retval; if(imu->status != IMU_COMM_STATE_CALIBRATING){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"Cannot finish calibration, IMU is not calibrating!"); } if(imu->calibration_counter != 0){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"Not enough samples gathered!"); } struct timeval calibration_duration; retval = uquad_timeval_substract(&calibration_duration,calibration_end_time,calibration_start_time); if(retval < 0){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"Calibration duration should not be negative!"); } //TODO check if calib took too long, and refuse it if so //define "too long" imu->calibration_counter = -1; int i; for(i=0;i<IMU_SENSOR_COUNT;++i){ imu->null_estimates.xyzrpy[i] = ((double)calibration_tmp[i])/IMU_COMM_CALIBRATION_NULL_SIZE; } imu->null_estimates.timestamp = calibration_end_time; imu->is_calibrated = true; imu->status = IMU_COMM_STATE_RUNNING; return ERROR_OK; }
static msg_t SdThread(void *arg){ chRegSetThreadName("MicroSD"); (void)arg; FRESULT err; uint32_t clusters; FATFS *fsp; FIL Log; msg_t id; /* wait until card not ready */ NOT_READY: while (!sdcIsCardInserted(&SDCD1)) chThdSleepMilliseconds(SDC_POLLING_INTERVAL); chThdSleepMilliseconds(SDC_POLLING_INTERVAL); if (!sdcIsCardInserted(&SDCD1)) goto NOT_READY; else insert_handler(); /* fs mounted? */ if (!fs_ready) return RDY_RESET; /* are we have at least 16MB of free space? */ err = f_getfree("/", &clusters, &fsp); err_check(); if ((clusters * (uint32_t)SDC_FS.csize * (uint32_t)MMCSD_BLOCK_SIZE) < (16*1024*1024)) return RDY_RESET; /* open file for writing log */ char namebuf[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; name_from_time(namebuf); err = f_open(&Log, namebuf, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS); err_check(); /* main write cycle * This writer waits msg_t with mavlink message ID. Based on that ID it * will pack extern mavlink struct with proper packing function. */ setGlobalFlag(GlobalFlags.logger_ready); while (TRUE){ /* wait ID */ if (logwriter_mb.fetch(&id, TIME_INFINITE) == RDY_OK){ if (!sdcIsCardInserted(&SDCD1)){ clearGlobalFlag(GlobalFlags.logger_ready); remove_handler(); goto NOT_READY; } err = WriteLog(&Log, id, &fresh_data); err_check(); } err = fs_sync(&Log); err_check(); } return 0; }
/** * Return file descriptor corresponding to the IMU. * This should be used when polling devices from the main control loop. * * @param imu * @param fds file descriptor is returned here * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_get_fds(imu_t * imu,int * fds){ if(imu->device == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Cannot get fds, device set to NULL"); } if(fds == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Cannot return fds in NULL pointer"); } *fds = fileno(imu->device); return ERROR_OK; }
static int io_get_dev_list(io_t * io, io_dev_t ** dev){ if(io_dev_list_empty(io)){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"Cannot get IO list! List is empty!"); } *dev = io->dev_list.first; return ERROR_OK; }
int main(void){ int s, people, collisions; double probability; errno = 0; /* Initialize error number to 0 */ srand(time(0)); /* Initialize rand() seed */ printf("\nInput number of people involved in study SIMULATION:\n"); s = scanf("%d", &people); /* Input # of people in the study */ if(people > 4096){ /* Number of people too large for buffer */ printf("\nToo many individuals for buffer, try smaller value:\n"); s = scanf("%d", &people); }/*if*/ if(s != 1){ /* scanf input error catching */ printf("\nInput Error\n"); exit (0); }/*if*/ collisions = birth_function(people); err_check(errno);/*Error Catching*/ probability = collisions/(people-1.0);/* First Individual cannot be considered a trial */ probability = probability*100; printf("\nThe Estimated Probabilty of Collison is %f%%\n\n", probability); return 0; }/*main*/
/** * Checks if reading/writing will block. * Writing should not be a problem, hw buffers should handle it. * If attempting to read and there is no data available, we do not want to * lock up the sys, that is the purpose of 'select'. * * @param device attemping to read or write to. * @param check_read if true then checks if reading locks, if false check writing. * @param ready answer returned here * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_check_io_locks(FILE * device, uquad_bool_t * read_ok, uquad_bool_t * write_ok){ fd_set rfds,wfds; struct timeval tv; int retval, fd = fileno(device); FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(fd,&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(fd,&wfds); // Set time waiting time to zero tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; // Check if we read/write without locking retval = select(fd+1, \ (read_ok != NULL)?&rfds:NULL, \ (write_ok != NULL)?&wfds:NULL, \ NULL,&tv); if(read_ok != NULL){ *read_ok = ((retval > 0) && FD_ISSET(fd,&rfds)) ? true:false; } if(write_ok != NULL) *write_ok = ((retval >0) && FD_ISSET(fd,&wfds)) ? true:false; if (retval < 0){ err_check(ERROR_IO,"select() failed!"); }else{ // retval == 0 <--> No data available } return ERROR_OK; }
int imu_comm_get_fs(imu_t * imu, int * fs_index){ if(fs_index == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Cannot return value, null pointer as argument."); } *fs_index = imu->settings.fs; return ERROR_OK; }
/** * Reads 1 byte, expecting it to be IMU_FRAME_INIT_CHAR. * NOTE: Assumes device can be read without blocking. * * @param imu * * @return error code */ static int imu_comm_get_sync(imu_t * imu, uquad_bool_t * in_sync){ int retval,i; *in_sync = false; unsigned char tmp = '@';// Anything diff from IMU_FRAME_INIT_CHAR for(i=0;i<IMU_DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE_BYTES;++i){ retval = fread(&tmp,IMU_INIT_END_SIZE,1,imu->device); if(retval < 0){ err_check(ERROR_IO,"Read error: failed to get sync char..."); }else{ if(retval > 0){ if(tmp == IMU_FRAME_INIT_CHAR){ // No error printing, leave that for upper level *in_sync = true; return ERROR_OK; } }else{ // retval == 0 *in_sync = false; return ERROR_READ_SYNC; } } } // If we read 0 then there is no data available, so no sync and no error. // Set retval to ERROR_OK, otherwise it'll be # of bytes read return ERROR_READ_TIMEOUT; }
/** * Get IMU calibration. * Currently only calibration is null estimation. * //TODO: * - gain * - non linearity * * @param imu * @param calibration return data here (check return error code before using) * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_calibration_get(imu_t * imu, imu_null_estimates_t * calibration){ int retval,i; if(!imu_comm_calibration_is_calibrated(imu)){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"IMU is not calibrated"); } if(calibration == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Cannot return data in null pointer!"); } for(i=0;i<IMU_SENSOR_COUNT;++i){ calibration->xyzrpy[i] = imu->null_estimates.xyzrpy[i]; } calibration->timestamp = imu->null_estimates.timestamp; return ERROR_OK; }
int mot_send(uquad_mot_t *mot, double *w) { struct timeval tmp_tv, diff_tv; int retval = ERROR_OK; static uint8_t buff_out[MOT_C]; // swap order of 0x6b and 0x6a buff_out[0] = mot->i2c_target[0]; buff_out[1] = mot->i2c_target[2]; buff_out[2] = mot->i2c_target[1]; buff_out[3] = mot->i2c_target[3]; retval = gettimeofday(&tmp_tv,NULL); err_check_std(retval); retval = uquad_timeval_substract(&diff_tv,tmp_tv,mot->last_set); if(diff_tv.tv_usec < MOT_UPDATE_MAX_US && diff_tv.tv_sec < 1) { log_tv_only(stderr,diff_tv); err_check(ERROR_MOT_SATURATE,"Cannot change speed so often!");//TODO restore! } retval = uquad_kmsgq_send(mot->kmsgq, buff_out, MOT_C); err_propagate(retval); retval = gettimeofday(&mot->last_set,NULL); err_check_std(retval); // update current i2c memcpy(mot->i2c_curr,mot->i2c_target,MOT_C*sizeof(uint8_t)); // update current speed memcpy(mot->w_curr->m_full,w,MOT_C*sizeof(double)); return ERROR_OK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int portno, retval; uquad_bool_t udp = false; if (argc > 4) { err_check(ERROR_INVALID_ARG, USAGE); } if (argc > 3) { udp = atoi(argv[3]); } if (argc > 2) { portno = atoi(argv[2]); } else { err_log_num("Using default port:", CHECK_NET_PORT); portno = CHECK_NET_PORT; } if (argc <= 1) { err_log_str("Using default checknet IP:", CHECK_NET_SERVER_IP); } retval = uquad_check_net_client((argc > 1)?argv[1]:CHECK_NET_SERVER_IP, portno, udp); if(retval < 0) { err_check(retval, "client() failed!"); } else { child_pid = retval; retval = ERROR_OK; err_log_num("Client running! Child pid:",child_pid); for(;;) sleep(INT_MAX); } return retval; }
/** * Set accelerometer sensitivity. * IMU must be idle, and will be left idle. * * @param imu * @param new_value * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_set_acc_sens(imu_t * imu, int new_value){ int retval; if((new_value<0) || (new_value > IMU_SENS_OPT_COUNT)){ err_check(ERROR_INVALID_ARG,"Invalid value for acc sensitivity"); } // IMU should be idle if(imu->status != IMU_COMM_STATE_IDLE){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"IMU must be idle to set acc sens"); } // Set new acc sens retval = imu_comm_send_cmd(imu,imu_sens_opt[new_value]); err_propagate(retval); // Update struct value imu->settings.acc_sens = new_value; return retval; }
/** * IMU fw accepts commands while in idle mode. * * @param imu * @param cmd to send to the imu * * @return error code */ static int imu_comm_send_cmd(imu_t * imu, unsigned char cmd){ uquad_bool_t ready = false; int retval; retval = imu_comm_check_io_locks(imu->device, NULL, &ready); err_propagate(retval); if(!ready){ // cannot write err_check(ERROR_WRITE,"Write error: Writing command would lock."); }else{ // issue command retval = fprintf(imu->device,"%c\n",cmd); if(retval<0){ err_check(ERROR_WRITE,"Write error: Failed to send cmd to IMU"); } } return ERROR_OK; }
/** * Set sampling frequency (fs) * IMU must be idle, and will be left idle. * * @param imu * @param new_value * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_set_fs(imu_t * imu, int new_value){ int retval; if((new_value<0) || (new_value > IMU_FS_OPT_COUNT)){ err_check(ERROR_INVALID_ARG,"Invalid value for sampling frequency"); } // IMU should be idle if(imu->status != IMU_COMM_STATE_IDLE){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"IMU must be idle to set fs"); } // Set new fs retval = imu_comm_send_cmd(imu,imu_fs_opt[new_value]); err_propagate(retval); // Update struct value imu->settings.fs = new_value; imu->settings.T = (double)1/imu_fs_values[new_value]; return retval; }
static int io_dev_init(io_dev_t * dev, int fd){ if(dev == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Cannot init dev, dev is null."); } dev->next = NULL; dev->ready_read = false; dev->ready_write = false; dev->fd = fd; return ERROR_OK; }
int imu_comm_get_avg(imu_t * imu, imu_measurements_t * measurements){ int retval, i; if(imu_comm_avg_ready(imu)){ retval = imu_comm_data2measurements(imu, &imu->avg, measurements); err_propagate(retval); imu->avg_ready = 0; return ERROR_OK; } err_check(ERROR_IMU_AVG_NOT_ENOUGH,"Not enough samples to average"); }
/** * Abort current IMU calibration process. All progress will be lost. * If a previous calibration existed, it will be preserved. * * @param imu * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_calibration_abort(imu_t * imu){ if(imu->status != IMU_COMM_STATE_CALIBRATING){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"Cannot abort calibration, IMU is not calibrating!"); } // Restore IMU status: // if we were calibrating then we were running before imu->status = IMU_COMM_STATE_RUNNING; return ERROR_OK; }
int pp_update_setpoint(path_planner_t *pp, uquad_mat_t *x, double w_hover, uquad_bool_t *ctrl_outdated) { if(pp == NULL || x == NULL || ctrl_outdated == NULL) { err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Invalid argument."); } if (pp->pt == HOVER) { pp->sp->w->m_full[0] = w_hover; pp->sp->w->m_full[1] = w_hover; pp->sp->w->m_full[2] = w_hover; pp->sp->w->m_full[3] = w_hover; *ctrl_outdated = false; } else { err_check(ERROR_FAIL, "Not implemented!"); } return ERROR_OK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ errno = 0;/*Initialize error number to 0*/ int check = 0, i=0, temp, N = atoi(argv[1]); double point_array[N], sum = 0, ave, *p; if(argc != 2){ printf("\nN-Point Average: Input Error\n\nUsage: {Program_Name} N_value\n\n"); exit(0); } printf("\n\n%d-Point Average\n\nInput Data\n", N); for(i; i < N; i++){/* Initialize array and compute initial Point Averages*/ temp = i; if(scanf("%lf", &point_array[i]) == 1){ for(temp; temp+1 > 0; --temp){ sum += point_array[temp]; ave = sum/(i+1); }/*for*/ printf("\nAverage = %lf",ave); sum = 0; }/*if*/ else{ /* Input is a smaller number than the Point average */ err_check(errno); printf("The # of inputs are less than the desired %d-point average\n", N); printf("The current average is %lf\n", ave); exit(0); }/*else*/ }/*for*/ p = point_array; /* p = point_array[0] */ N_point(N, p); err_check(errno); return 0; }/*main*/
/** * Casts counts to doubles, still in counts. * * @param frame * @param data * * @return error code */ static int imu_comm_raw2double_raw(imu_frame_t * frame, imu_data_t * data){ int retval, i; if(frame == NULL || data == NULL){ err_check(ERROR_NULL_POINTER,"Non null pointers required as args..."); } for (i=0; i<IMU_SENSOR_COUNT; ++i){ data->xyzrpy[i] = (double) frame->raw[i]; } data->timestamp = frame->timestamp; data->count = frame->count; return ERROR_OK; }
void dev_init(struct wiimote_dev const *dev) { int ret; int fd = dev->uinput; #define _BUTTON(n, bt) do { \ set_key(bt); \ iev[n].type = EV_KEY; \ iev[n].code = bt; \ } while (0) set_ev(EV_KEY); BUTTONS; set_ev(EV_SYN); #undef _BUTTON set_ev(EV_ABS); set_abs(ABS_X, -AXIS_MAX, AXIS_MAX, 2, 4); iev[11].type = EV_ABS; iev[11].code = ABS_X; set_abs(ABS_Y, -AXIS_MAX, AXIS_MAX, 2, 4); iev[12].type = EV_ABS; iev[12].code = ABS_Y; iev[13].type = EV_SYN; iev[13].code = iev[13].value = 0; snprintf(, UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE, XWII_NAME_CORE " in gamepad mode"); = BUS_VIRTUAL; /* = 0; = 0; = 0; */ ret = write(fd, &padmode, sizeof(padmode)); err_check(ret, "set dev properties"); ret = ioctl(fd, UI_DEV_CREATE); err_check(ret, "create device"); }
/** * Initiate IMU calibration. * NOTE: Assumes sensors are not being excited, ie, imu is staying completely still. * * @param imu * * @return */ int imu_comm_calibration_start(imu_t * imu){ if(imu->status != IMU_COMM_STATE_RUNNING){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"IMU must be running to calibrate!"); } imu->status = IMU_COMM_STATE_CALIBRATING; int i; // clear tmp data for(i=0;i<IMU_SENSOR_COUNT;++i){ calibration_tmp[i] = 0; } imu->calibration_counter = IMU_COMM_CALIBRATION_NULL_SIZE; return ERROR_OK; }
static void wiimote_key(struct wiimote_dev *dev, struct xwii_event const *ev) { unsigned int code; unsigned int state; code = ev->v.key.code; state = ev->v.key.state; if (code > XWII_KEY_TWO) return; if (state > 1) return; iev[code].value = state; if (dev->uinput > 0) { int ret = write(dev->uinput, iev + code, sizeof(*iev)); err_check(ret, "report button"); ret = write(dev->uinput, iev + 13, sizeof(*iev)); err_check(ret, "report btn SYN"); } else { fputs("nowhere to report butto presses to\n", stderr); } }
int io_get_dev(io_t * io, int fd, io_dev_t ** dev){ int retval; io_dev_t * dev_curr = NULL; retval = io_get_dev_list(io,&dev_curr); err_propagate(retval); while(dev_curr != NULL){ if(fd == dev_curr->fd){ *dev = dev_curr; return ERROR_OK; } dev_curr = dev_curr->next; } err_check(ERROR_IO_DEV_NOT_FOUND,"The fd supplied is not registered..."); }
/** * Add frame info to build up calibration. * Will divide by frame count after done gathering, to avoid loosing info. * * @param imu * @param new_frame frame to add to calib * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_calibration_add_frame(imu_t * imu, imu_frame_t * new_frame){ int retval; if(imu->status != IMU_COMM_STATE_CALIBRATING){ err_check(ERROR_IMU_STATUS,"Cannot add frames, IMU is not calibrating!"); } if(imu->calibration_counter <= 0){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"Invalid value for calibration_counter"); } if(imu->calibration_counter == IMU_COMM_CALIBRATION_NULL_SIZE){ calibration_start_time = new_frame->timestamp; } int i; for(i=0;i<IMU_SENSOR_COUNT;++i){ calibration_tmp[i] += new_frame->raw[i]; } if(--imu->calibration_counter == 0){ retval = imu_comm_calibration_finish(imu,new_frame->timestamp); err_propagate(retval); } return ERROR_OK; }
static void wiimote_accel(struct wiimote_dev *dev, struct xwii_event const *ev) { iev[11].value = -(ev->v.abs[0].y); iev[12].value = -(ev->v.abs[0].x); CLIP_AXIS(iev[11].value); CLIP_AXIS(iev[12].value); if (dev->uinput > 0) { int ret = write(dev->uinput, iev + 11, sizeof(*iev)); err_check(ret, "report accel X"); ret = write(dev->uinput, iev + 12, sizeof(*iev)); err_check(ret, "report accel Y"); ret = write(dev->uinput, iev + 13, sizeof(*iev)); err_check(ret, "report accel SYN"); #if 0 printf("reported J (%d, %d) from ev (%d, %d)\n", iev[11].value, iev[12].value, -(ev->v.abs[0].y), ev->v.abs[0].x); #endif } else { fputs("nowhere to report accel to\n", stderr); } }
/** * If unread data exists, gets the latest value of the sensor readings, in ADC counts. * * Decrements the unread count. * * @param imu * @param data Answer is returned here * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_get_data_raw_latest_unread(imu_t * imu, imu_data_t * data){ int retval = ERROR_OK; if(imu->unread_data <= 0){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"No unread data available."); } imu_frame_t * frame = imu->frame_buffer + frame_circ_index(imu); data->timestamp = frame->timestamp; int i; for(i=0;i<IMU_SENSOR_COUNT;++i){ data->xyzrpy[i] = frame->raw[i]; } imu->unread_data -= 1; return retval; }
/** * If unread data exists, then calculates the latest value of the sensor readings * from the RAW data, using current imu calibration. * This requires a reasonable calibration. * * Decrements the unread count. * * @param imu * @param measurements Answer is returned here * * @return error code */ int imu_comm_get_measurements_latest_unread(imu_t * imu, imu_measurements_t * measurements){ int retval = ERROR_OK; if(imu->unread_data <= 0){ err_check(ERROR_FAIL,"No unread data available."); } imu_frame_t * frame = imu->frame_buffer + frame_circ_index(imu); imu_data_t data; retval = imu_comm_raw2double_raw(frame,&data); err_propagate(retval); retval = imu_comm_data2measurements(imu,&data,measurements); err_propagate(retval); imu->unread_data -= 1; return retval; }
int main(void){ int i = 0, s; errno = 0; /* Initialize error number to 0 */ /* Initialize and populateArray */ for(; i < N; i++){ s = scanf("%lf", &val[i]); if(s != 1){ printf("\nInput Error\n"); exit(0);}/*if*/ }/*for*/ N_filter(); err_check(errno); return 0; }/*main*/