static void _end_element(struct type_5_parser_context *ctx, const xmlChar *xn) { error_if(NULL == ctx, error, "Param Error"); error_if(NULL == xn, error, "Param Error"); const char *name = (const char *)xn; const char *characters = (const char *)trim(sbuf_ptr(ctx->buffer)); // trace("name: %s (%d) chars: (%s)", name, ctx->in_valid_package, characters); if (0 == strcasecmp("LogicalChannelNumber", name) && ctx->in_valid_package) { // trace("LogicalChannelNumber: %s", characters); ctx->current_channel->order = (unsigned) atoi(characters); list_push(ctx->channels, ctx->current_channel); ctx->current_channel = _channel_order_alloc(); } else if (0 == strcasecmp("PackageName", name)) { if (NULL != strcasestr(ctx->tvpackages, characters)) { ctx->in_valid_package = true; // trace("changing valid to true"); } else { ctx->in_valid_package = false; // trace("changing valid to false"); } } error: sbuf_reset(ctx->buffer); return; }
/// Adds a new view. Function has to be called just from the inside of view thread with a locked sync_view. int add_view_in_thread(void* view_pars_ptr) { error_if(need_safe_call(), "Calling add_view_in_thread from other thread."); ViewParams& view_params = *((ViewParams*)view_pars_ptr); //create GLUT window glutInitWindowPosition(view_params.x, view_params.y); glutInitWindowSize(view_params.width, view_params.height); int view_id = glutCreateWindow(view_params.title); glutSetWindowData(view_params.view); //initialize GLEW GLenum err = glewInit(); error_if(err != GLEW_OK, "GLEW error: %s", glewGetErrorString(err)); glew_initialized = true; //register callbacks glutDisplayFunc(on_display_stub); glutReshapeFunc(on_reshape_stub); glutMotionFunc(on_mouse_move_stub); glutPassiveMotionFunc(on_mouse_move_stub); glutMouseFunc(on_mouse_click_stub); glutKeyboardFunc(on_key_down_stub); glutSpecialFunc(on_special_key_stub); glutEntryFunc(on_entry_stub); glutCloseFunc(on_close_stub); //add to structures view_instances[view_id] = view_params.view; //call handlers view_params.view->on_create(view_id); return view_id; }
static struct type_5_parser_context * _ctx_alloc() { struct type_5_parser_context *ctx; ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct type_5_parser_context)); error_if(NULL == ctx, error, "malloc error: %s", strerror(errno)); ctx->current_channel = _channel_order_alloc(); error_if(NULL == ctx->current_channel, error, "malloc error: %s", strerror(errno)); ctx->buffer = sbuf_new(); error_if(NULL == ctx->buffer, error, "malloc error: %s", strerror(errno)); ctx->channels = list_create(); error_if(NULL == ctx->channels, error, "malloc error: %s", strerror(errno)); ctx->in_valid_package = false; return ctx; error: if (ctx) _ctx_free(ctx); return NULL; }
/** * Validate epg document in bstring format against dtd */ int epg_validate(const char *xml) { if (!xml) return -1; int rc; xmlValidCtxtPtr ctx = xmlNewValidCtxt(); error_if(ctx == NULL, error, "Error creating validation context"); xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory((char *)xml, strlen(xml)); error_if(doc == NULL, error, "Error creating Parser"); /* Validate against in memory dtd */ xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf = xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem( xmltv_dtd, strlen(xmltv_dtd), XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE); xmlDtdPtr dtd = xmlIOParseDTD(NULL, buf, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE); xmlFreeParserInputBuffer(buf); /* xmlDtdPtr dtd = xmlParseDTD(NULL, BAD_CAST epg_dtd_file); */ rc = xmlValidateDtd(ctx, doc, dtd); trace("Resultado de validación: %d", rc); xmlCleanupParser(); return rc; error: xmlCleanupParser(); return -1; }
Adapt<Scalar>::Adapt(Hermes::vector<Space<Scalar>*> spaces, Hermes::vector<ProjNormType> proj_norms) : spaces(spaces), num_act_elems(-1), have_errors(false), have_coarse_solutions(false), have_reference_solutions(false) { // sanity check if (proj_norms.size() > 0 && spaces.size() != proj_norms.size()) error("Mismatched numbers of spaces and projection types in Adapt<Scalar>::Adapt()."); this->num = spaces.size(); // sanity checks error_if(this->num <= 0, "Too few components (%d), only %d supported.", this->num, H2D_MAX_COMPONENTS); error_if(this->num > H2D_MAX_COMPONENTS, "Too many components (%d), only %d supported.", this->num, H2D_MAX_COMPONENTS); // reset values memset(errors, 0, sizeof(errors)); memset(sln, 0, sizeof(sln)); memset(rsln, 0, sizeof(rsln)); // if norms were not set by the user, set them to defaults // according to spaces if (proj_norms.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++) { switch (spaces[i]->get_type()) { case HERMES_H1_SPACE: proj_norms.push_back(HERMES_H1_NORM); break; case HERMES_HCURL_SPACE: proj_norms.push_back(HERMES_HCURL_NORM); break; case HERMES_HDIV_SPACE: proj_norms.push_back(HERMES_HDIV_NORM); break; case HERMES_L2_SPACE: proj_norms.push_back(HERMES_L2_NORM); break; default: error("Unknown space type in Adapt<Scalar>::Adapt()."); } } } // assign norm weak forms according to norms selection for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++) for (int j = 0; j < this->num; j++) { error_form[i][j] = NULL; norm_form[i][j] = NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++) { error_form[i][i] = new MatrixFormVolError(proj_norms[i]); norm_form[i][i] = error_form[i][i]; } }
void epg_add_programme(struct epg *epg, struct epg_programme *programme) { error_if(epg == NULL, error, "Param Error"); error_if(programme == NULL, error, "Param Error"); list_push(epg->programmes, (void *)programme); error: return; }
void epg_add_channel(struct epg *epg, struct epg_channel *channel) { error_if(epg == NULL, error, "Param Error"); error_if(channel == NULL, error, "Param Error"); list_push(epg->channels, (void *)channel); error: return; }
static void _actors_to_xml(xmlNodePtr root, list_s *actors) { error_if(root == NULL, error, "Param Error"); error_if(actors == NULL, error, "Param Error"); char *s = NULL; list_foreach(actors, first, next, cur) { s = (char *) cur->value; // trace("Adding actor: %s", s) xmlNewChild(root, NULL, BAD_CAST "actor", BAD_CAST s); }
/** Programmes **/ struct epg_programme * epg_programme_alloc() { struct epg_programme *prog = (struct epg_programme *) malloc(sizeof(struct epg_programme)); error_if(prog == NULL, error, "Error Allocating Memory"); prog->channel = NULL; prog->title = NULL; prog->desc = NULL; prog->director = NULL; prog->country = NULL; prog->episode_num = NULL; prog->aspect = NULL; prog->rating_value = NULL; prog->rating_icon = NULL; prog->star_rating = NULL; prog->actors = list_create(); return prog; error: if (prog) epg_programme_free(prog); return NULL; }
void epg_programme_list_free(list_s *programmes) { error_if(programmes == NULL, error, "Param Error"); list_foreach(programmes, first, next, cur) { epg_programme_free((struct epg_programme *) cur->value); }
char * epg_to_xmltv(const struct epg *epg) { xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xmlDtdPtr dtd = NULL; xmlNodePtr root = NULL; xmlChar *s = NULL; error_if(epg == NULL, error, "Param Error"); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0"); error_if(doc == NULL, error, "Error Creating xmlDoc"); root = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, BAD_CAST "tv", NULL); error_if(root == NULL, error, "Error creating root node"); dtd = xmlCreateIntSubset(doc, BAD_CAST "tv", NULL, BAD_CAST "epg.dtd"); error_if(dtd == NULL, error, "Error adding DTD to xmlDoc"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root); xmlNewProp(root, BAD_CAST "generator-info-name", BAD_CAST "tvz_epg -"); trace("%s", "Adding programmes"); _programmes_to_xml(root, epg->programmes); trace("%s", "Adding channels"); _channels_to_xml(root, epg->channels); trace("calling xmlDocDumpMemory chan: %zu prog: %zu", list_count(epg->channels), list_count(epg->programmes)); int size; xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc(doc, &s, &size, "UTF-8"); xmlCleanupParser(); return (char *)s; error: xmlCleanupParser(); if (s) free(s); return NULL; }
void epg_channel_list_free(list_s *channels) { error_if(channels == NULL, error, "Param error"); list_foreach(channels, first, next, cur) { epg_channel_free((struct epg_channel *) cur->value); }
void KellyTypeAdapt::add_error_estimator_surf(KellyTypeAdapt::ErrorEstimatorForm* form) { error_if (form->i < 0 || form->i >= this->num, "Invalid component number (%d), max. supported components: %d", form->i, H2D_MAX_COMPONENTS); form->adapt = this; this->error_estimators_surf.push_back(form); }
/** epg **/ struct epg * epg_alloc() { struct epg *epg = (struct epg *) malloc(sizeof(struct epg)); error_if(epg == NULL, error, "Error Allocating Memory"); epg->channels = list_create(); error_if(epg->channels == NULL, error, "Cannot create list"); epg->programmes = list_create(); error_if(epg->programmes == NULL, error, "Cannot create list"); return epg; error: if (epg) epg_free(epg); return NULL; }
void _channels_to_xml(xmlNodePtr root, list_s *channels) { error_if(root == NULL, error, "Param Error"); error_if(NULL == channels, error, "Param Error"); error_if(0 >= channels->count, error, "Channel list empty"); xmlNodePtr node; struct epg_channel *chan; list_foreach(channels, first, next, cur) { chan = (struct epg_channel *) cur->value; node = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, BAD_CAST "channel", NULL); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "id", BAD_CAST chan->id); node = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "display-name", BAD_CAST chan->display_name); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "lang", BAD_CAST "es"); }
static void _start_element( struct type_5_parser_context *ctx, const xmlChar *xn, const xmlChar **_attrs) { error_if(NULL == ctx, error, "Param Error"); error_if(NULL == xn, error, "Param Error"); const char *name = (const char *)xn; const char **attrs = (const char **)_attrs; if (0 == strcasecmp("TextualID", name)) { // trace("TextualID: %s (valid: %d)", attrs[1], ctx->in_valid_package); if (ctx->in_valid_package) { ctx->current_channel->id = strdup(attrs[1]); } } error: return; }
void H1ProjBasedSelector<Scalar>::precalc_shapes(const double3* gip_points, const int num_gip_points, const Trf* trfs, const int num_noni_trfs, const Hermes::vector<typename OptimumSelector<Scalar>::ShapeInx>& shapes, const int max_shape_inx, typename ProjBasedSelector<Scalar>::TrfShape& svals) { //for all transformations bool done = false; int inx_trf = 0; while (!done && inx_trf < H2D_TRF_NUM) { //prepare data for processing const Trf& trf = trfs[inx_trf]; Hermes::vector<typename ProjBasedSelector<Scalar>::TrfShapeExp>& trf_svals = svals[inx_trf]; //allocate trf_svals.resize(max_shape_inx + 1); //for all shapes const int num_shapes = (int)shapes.size(); for(int i = 0; i < num_shapes; i++) { int inx_shape = shapes[i].inx; typename ProjBasedSelector<Scalar>::TrfShapeExp& shape_exp = trf_svals[inx_shape]; //allocate shape_exp.allocate(H2D_H1FE_NUM, num_gip_points); //for all GIP points for(int k = 0; k < num_gip_points; k++) { //transform coordinates double ref_x = gip_points[k][H2D_GIP2D_X] * trf.m[0] + trf.t[0]; double ref_y = gip_points[k][H2D_GIP2D_Y] * trf.m[1] + trf.t[1]; //for all expansions: retrieve values shape_exp[H2D_H1FE_VALUE][k] = this->shapeset->get_fn_value(inx_shape, ref_x, ref_y, 0); shape_exp[H2D_H1FE_DX][k] = this->shapeset->get_dx_value(inx_shape, ref_x, ref_y, 0); shape_exp[H2D_H1FE_DY][k] = this->shapeset->get_dy_value(inx_shape, ref_x, ref_y, 0); } } //move to the next transformation if (inx_trf == H2D_TRF_IDENTITY) done = true; else { inx_trf++; if (inx_trf >= num_noni_trfs) //if all transformations were processed, move to the identity transformation inx_trf = H2D_TRF_IDENTITY; } } error_if(!done, "All transformation processed but identity transformation not found."); //identity transformation has to be the last transformation }
/// Forces a redisplay of a view. Function has to be called just from the inside of view thread. static int refresh_view_in_thread(void* view_id_ptr) { error_if(need_safe_call(), "Calling refresh_view_in_thread from other thread."); int view_id = *((int*)view_id_ptr); std::map<int, View*>::iterator found_view = view_instances.find(view_id); assert_msg(found_view != view_instances.end(), "Refreshing a view that is not registered"); //redisplay if (found_view != view_instances.end()) { glutSetWindow(view_id); glutPostRedisplay(); } return 0; }
static struct mtv_channel_order * _channel_order_alloc() { struct mtv_channel_order *mco; mco = malloc(sizeof(struct mtv_channel_order)); error_if(NULL == mco, error, "malloc error: %s", strerror(errno)); mco->id = NULL; return mco; error: if (mco) free(mco); return NULL; }
char * epg_to_m3u(const list_s *channels, enum epg_m3u_format format) { sbuf_s *buffer = sbuf_new(); error_if(buffer == NULL, error, "Error Allocating sbuf_s"); error_if(channels == NULL, error, "Params Error"); trace("There are %zu channels", list_count(channels)); list_apply_with_state_cb func = (format == epg_m3u_format_simpletv) ? _gen_m3u_simpletv : _gen_m3u_tvheadend; list_walk_with_state((list_s *)channels, func, (void *)buffer); char *s = sbuf_detach(buffer); sbuf_delete(buffer); return s; error: if (buffer) sbuf_delete(buffer); return NULL; }
/// Sets a title of a view. Function has to be called just from the inside of view thread with a locked sync_view. static int set_view_title_in_thread(void* title_pars_ptr) { error_if(need_safe_call(), "Calling set_view_title_in_thread from other thread."); TitleParams& title_params = *((TitleParams*)title_pars_ptr); std::map<int, View*>::iterator found_view = view_instances.find(title_params.view_id); if (found_view == view_instances.end()) { debug_log("Settings title of a view that is not registered."); return -1; } //create GLUT window glutSetWindow(title_params.view_id); glutSetWindowTitle(title_params.title); return 0; }
void RefMap::calc_inv_ref_map(int order) { assert(quad_2d != NULL); int i, j, np = quad_2d->get_num_points(order); // construct jacobi matrices of the direct reference map for all integration points AUTOLA_OR(double2x2, m, np); memset(m, 0, m.size); ref_map_pss.force_transform(sub_idx, ctm); for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { double *dx, *dy; ref_map_pss.set_active_shape(indices[i]); ref_map_pss.set_quad_order(order); ref_map_pss.get_dx_dy_values(dx, dy); for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { m[j][0][0] += coeffs[i][0] * dx[j]; m[j][0][1] += coeffs[i][0] * dy[j]; m[j][1][0] += coeffs[i][1] * dx[j]; m[j][1][1] += coeffs[i][1] * dy[j]; } } // calculate the jacobian and inverted matrix double trj = get_transform_jacobian(); double2x2* irm = cur_node->inv_ref_map[order] = new double2x2[np]; double* jac = cur_node->jacobian[order] = new double[np]; for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { jac[i] = (m[i][0][0] * m[i][1][1] - m[i][0][1] * m[i][1][0]); double ij = 1.0 / jac[i]; error_if(!finite(ij), "1/jac[%d] is infinity when calculating inv. ref. map for order %d (jac=%g)", i, order); assert_msg(ij == ij, "1/jac[%d] is NaN when calculating inv. ref. map for order %d (jac=%g)", i, order); // invert and transpose the matrix irm[i][0][0] = m[i][1][1] * ij; irm[i][0][1] = -m[i][1][0] * ij; irm[i][1][0] = -m[i][0][1] * ij; irm[i][1][1] = m[i][0][0] * ij; jac[i] *= trj; } }
/// Removes a new view. Function has to be called just from the inside of view thread with a locked sync_view. int remove_view_in_thread(void* remove_params_ptr) { error_if(need_safe_call(), "Calling remove_view_in_thread from other thread."); RemoveParams& params = *(RemoveParams*)remove_params_ptr; std::map<int, View*>::iterator found_view = view_instances.find(params.view_id); if (found_view == view_instances.end()) { debug_log("Removing of a view that is not registered"); return -1; } //destroy window if requested (it will not be requested when remove is called as a reaction to on_close) if (params.destroy_glut_window) { //remove window from GLUT glutSetWindow(params.view_id); glutSetWindowData(NULL); //prevent stubs from being executed if there is still some message waiting for the window //call on-close event found_view->second->on_close(); //finish removal of window from GLUT glutDestroyWindow(params.view_id); } //remove from structures view_instances.erase(found_view); //thread cleanup if (view_instances.size() == 0) { view_thread->should_quit = true; view_thread = NULL; //signal all events view_sync.signal_close(); view_sync.signal_keypress(); view_sync.signal_drawing_finished(); } return 0; }
/** Channels **/ struct epg_channel * epg_channel_alloc() { struct epg_channel *chan = (struct epg_channel *) malloc(sizeof(struct epg_channel)); error_if(chan == NULL, error, "Error Allocating Memory"); chan->id = NULL; chan->display_name = NULL; chan->short_name = NULL; chan->url = NULL; chan->icon = NULL; chan->ip = NULL; chan->port = 0; chan->tags = NULL; chan->order = 0; return chan; error: if (chan) epg_channel_free(chan); return NULL; }
void L2ProjBasedSelector::precalc_ortho_shapes(const double3* gip_points, const int num_gip_points, const Trf* trfs, const int num_noni_trfs, const std::vector<ShapeInx>& shapes, const int max_shape_inx, TrfShape& svals) { //calculate values precalc_shapes(gip_points, num_gip_points, trfs, num_noni_trfs, shapes, max_shape_inx, svals); //calculate orthonormal basis const int num_shapes = (int)shapes.size(); for(int i = 0; i < num_shapes; i++) { const int inx_shape_i = shapes[i].inx; //orthogonalize for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) { const int inx_shape_j = shapes[j].inx; //calculate product of non-transformed functions double product = 0.0; for(int k = 0; k < num_gip_points; k++) { double sum = 0.0; sum += svals[H2D_TRF_IDENTITY][inx_shape_i][H2D_L2FE_VALUE][k] * svals[H2D_TRF_IDENTITY][inx_shape_j][H2D_L2FE_VALUE][k]; product += gip_points[k][H2D_GIP2D_W] * sum; } //for all transformations int inx_trf = 0; bool done = false; while (!done && inx_trf < H2D_TRF_NUM) { //for all integration points for(int k = 0; k < num_gip_points; k++) { svals[inx_trf][inx_shape_i][H2D_L2FE_VALUE][k] -= product * svals[inx_trf][inx_shape_j][H2D_L2FE_VALUE][k]; } //move to the next transformation if (inx_trf == H2D_TRF_IDENTITY) done = true; else { inx_trf++; if (inx_trf >= num_noni_trfs) //if all transformations were processed, move to the identity transformation inx_trf = H2D_TRF_IDENTITY; } } error_if(!done, "All transformation processed but identity transformation not found."); //identity transformation has to be the last transformation } //normalize //calculate norm double norm_squared = 0.0; for(int k = 0; k < num_gip_points; k++) { double sum = 0.0; sum += sqr(svals[H2D_TRF_IDENTITY][inx_shape_i][H2D_L2FE_VALUE][k]); norm_squared += gip_points[k][H2D_GIP2D_W] * sum; } double norm = sqrt(norm_squared); assert_msg(finite(1/norm), "Norm (%g) is almost zero.", norm); //for all transformations: normalize int inx_trf = 0; bool done = false; while (!done && inx_trf < H2D_TRF_NUM) { //for all integration points for(int k = 0; k < num_gip_points; k++) { svals[inx_trf][inx_shape_i][H2D_L2FE_VALUE][k] /= norm; } //move to the next transformation if (inx_trf == H2D_TRF_IDENTITY) done = true; else { inx_trf++; if (inx_trf >= num_noni_trfs) //if all transformations were processed, move to the identity transformation inx_trf = H2D_TRF_IDENTITY; } } error_if(!done, "All transformation processed but identity transformation not found."); //identity transformation has to be the last transformation } }
bool Adapt<Scalar>::adapt(Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector<Scalar> *> refinement_selectors, double thr, int strat, int regularize, double to_be_processed) { error_if(!have_errors, "element errors have to be calculated first, call Adapt<Scalar>::calc_err_est()."); error_if(refinement_selectors == Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector<Scalar> *>(), "selector not provided"); if (spaces.size() != refinement_selectors.size()) error("Wrong number of refinement selectors."); Hermes::TimePeriod cpu_time; //get meshes int max_id = -1; Mesh* meshes[H2D_MAX_COMPONENTS]; for (int j = 0; j < this->num; j++) { meshes[j] = this->spaces[j]->get_mesh(); if (rsln[j] != NULL) { rsln[j]->set_quad_2d(&g_quad_2d_std); rsln[j]->enable_transform(false); } if (meshes[j]->get_max_element_id() > max_id) max_id = meshes[j]->get_max_element_id(); } //reset element refinement info int** idx = new int*[max_id]; for(int i = 0; i < max_id; i++) idx[i] = new int[num]; for(int j = 0; j < max_id; j++) for(int l = 0; l < this->num; l++) idx[j][l] = -1; // element not refined double err0_squared = 1000.0; double processed_error_squared = 0.0; std::vector<ElementToRefine> elem_inx_to_proc; //list of indices of elements that are going to be processed elem_inx_to_proc.reserve(num_act_elems); //adaptivity loop double error_squared_threshod = -1; //an error threshold that breaks the adaptivity loop in a case of strategy 1 int num_exam_elem = 0; //a number of examined elements int num_ignored_elem = 0; //a number of ignored elements int num_not_changed = 0; //a number of element that were not changed int num_priority_elem = 0; //a number of elements that were processed using priority queue bool first_regular_element = true; //true if first regular element was not processed yet int inx_regular_element = 0; while (inx_regular_element < num_act_elems || !priority_queue.empty()) { int id, comp, inx_element; //get element identification if (priority_queue.empty()) { id = regular_queue[inx_regular_element].id; comp = regular_queue[inx_regular_element].comp; inx_element = inx_regular_element; inx_regular_element++; } else { id = priority_queue.front().id; comp = priority_queue.front().comp; inx_element = -1; priority_queue.pop(); num_priority_elem++; } num_exam_elem++; //get info linked with the element double err_squared = errors[comp][id]; Mesh* mesh = meshes[comp]; Element* e = mesh->get_element(id); if (!should_ignore_element(inx_element, mesh, e)) { //check if adaptivity loop should end if (inx_element >= 0) { //prepare error threshold for strategy 1 if (first_regular_element) { error_squared_threshod = thr * err_squared; first_regular_element = false; } // first refinement strategy: // refine elements until prescribed amount of error is processed // if more elements have similar error refine all to keep the mesh symmetric if ((strat == 0) && (processed_error_squared > sqrt(thr) * errors_squared_sum) && fabs((err_squared - err0_squared)/err0_squared) > 1e-3) break; // second refinement strategy: // refine all elements whose error is bigger than some portion of maximal error if ((strat == 1) && (err_squared < error_squared_threshod)) break; if ((strat == 2) && (err_squared < thr)) break; if ((strat == 3) && ( (err_squared < error_squared_threshod) || ( processed_error_squared > 1.5 * to_be_processed )) ) break; } // get refinement suggestion ElementToRefine elem_ref(id, comp); int current = this->spaces[comp]->get_element_order(id); // rsln[comp] may be unset if refinement_selectors[comp] == HOnlySelector or POnlySelector bool refined = refinement_selectors[comp]->select_refinement(e, current, rsln[comp], elem_ref); //add to a list of elements that are going to be refined if (can_refine_element(mesh, e, refined, elem_ref) ) { idx[id][comp] = (int)elem_inx_to_proc.size(); elem_inx_to_proc.push_back(elem_ref); err0_squared = err_squared; processed_error_squared += err_squared; } else { debug_log("Element (id:%d, comp:%d) not changed", e->id, comp); num_not_changed++; } } else { num_ignored_elem++; } } verbose("Examined elements: %d", num_exam_elem); verbose(" Elements taken from priority queue: %d", num_priority_elem); verbose(" Ignored elements: %d", num_ignored_elem); verbose(" Not changed elements: %d", num_not_changed); verbose(" Elements to process: %d", elem_inx_to_proc.size()); bool done = false; if (num_exam_elem == 0) done = true; else if (elem_inx_to_proc.empty()) { warn("None of the elements selected for refinement could be refined. Adaptivity step not successful, returning 'true'."); done = true; } //fix refinement if multimesh is used fix_shared_mesh_refinements(meshes, elem_inx_to_proc, idx, refinement_selectors); //apply refinements apply_refinements(elem_inx_to_proc); // in singlemesh case, impose same orders across meshes homogenize_shared_mesh_orders(meshes); // mesh regularization if (regularize >= 0) { if (regularize == 0) { regularize = 1; warn("Total mesh regularization is not supported in adaptivity. 1-irregular mesh is used instead."); } for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++) { int* parents; parents = meshes[i]->regularize(regularize); this->spaces[i]->distribute_orders(meshes[i], parents); ::free(parents); } } for (int j = 0; j < this->num; j++) if (rsln[j] != NULL) rsln[j]->enable_transform(true); verbose("Refined elements: %d", elem_inx_to_proc.size()); report_time("Refined elements in: %g s", cpu_time.tick().last()); //store for the user to retrieve last_refinements.swap(elem_inx_to_proc); have_errors = false; if (strat == 2 && done == true) have_errors = true; // space without changes // since space changed, assign dofs: Space<Scalar>::assign_dofs(this->spaces); return done; }
double Adapt<Scalar>::get_element_error_squared(int component, int id) const { error_if(!have_errors, "Element errors have to be calculated first, call calc_err_est()."); return errors[component][id]; };
double KellyTypeAdapt::calc_err_internal(Hermes::vector<Solution *> slns, Hermes::vector<double>* component_errors, unsigned int error_flags) { int n = slns.size(); error_if (n != this->num, "Wrong number of solutions."); TimePeriod tmr; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { this->sln[i] = slns[i]; sln[i]->set_quad_2d(&g_quad_2d_std); } have_coarse_solutions = true; WeakForm::Stage stage; num_act_elems = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { stage.meshes.push_back(sln[i]->get_mesh()); stage.fns.push_back(sln[i]); num_act_elems += stage.meshes[i]->get_num_active_elements(); int max = stage.meshes[i]->get_max_element_id(); if (errors[i] != NULL) delete [] errors[i]; errors[i] = new double[max]; memset(errors[i], 0.0, sizeof(double) * max); } /* for (unsigned int i = 0; i < error_estimators_vol.size(); i++) trset.insert(error_estimators_vol[i].ext.begin(), error_estimators_vol[i].ext.end()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < error_estimators_surf.size(); i++) trset.insert(error_estimators_surf[i].ext.begin(), error_estimators_surf[i].ext.end()); */ double total_norm = 0.0; bool calc_norm = false; if ((error_flags & HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL || (error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL) calc_norm = true; double *norms = NULL; if (calc_norm) { norms = new double[num]; memset(norms, 0.0, num * sizeof(double)); } double *errors_components = new double[num]; memset(errors_components, 0.0, num * sizeof(double)); this->errors_squared_sum = 0.0; double total_error = 0.0; bool bnd[4]; // FIXME: magic number - maximal possible number of element surfaces SurfPos surf_pos[4]; Element **ee; Traverse trav; // Reset the e->visited status of each element of each mesh (most likely it will be set to true from // the latest assembling procedure). if (ignore_visited_segments) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Element* e; for_all_active_elements(e, stage.meshes[i]) e->visited = false; } } //WARNING: AD HOC debugging parameter. bool multimesh = false; // Begin the multimesh traversal. trav.begin(num, &(stage.meshes.front()), &(stage.fns.front())); while ((ee = trav.get_next_state(bnd, surf_pos)) != NULL) { // Go through all solution components. for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (ee[i] == NULL) continue; // Set maximum integration order for use in integrals, see limit_order() update_limit_table(ee[i]->get_mode()); RefMap *rm = sln[i]->get_refmap(); double err = 0.0; // Go through all volumetric error estimators. for (unsigned int iest = 0; iest < error_estimators_vol.size(); iest++) { // Skip current error estimator if it is assigned to a different component or geometric area // different from that of the current active element. if (error_estimators_vol[iest]->i != i) continue; /* if (error_estimators_vol[iest].area != ee[i]->marker) continue; */ else if (error_estimators_vol[iest]->area != HERMES_ANY) continue; err += eval_volumetric_estimator(error_estimators_vol[iest], rm); } // Go through all surface error estimators (includes both interface and boundary est's). for (unsigned int iest = 0; iest < error_estimators_surf.size(); iest++) { if (error_estimators_surf[iest]->i != i) continue; for (int isurf = 0; isurf < ee[i]->get_num_surf(); isurf++) { /* if (error_estimators_surf[iest].area > 0 && error_estimators_surf[iest].area != surf_pos[isurf].marker) continue; */ if (bnd[isurf]) // Boundary { if (error_estimators_surf[iest]->area == H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE) continue; /* if (boundary_markers_conversion.get_internal_marker(error_estimators_surf[iest].area) < 0 && error_estimators_surf[iest].area != HERMES_ANY) continue; */ err += eval_boundary_estimator(error_estimators_surf[iest], rm, surf_pos); } else // Interface { if (error_estimators_surf[iest]->area != H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE) continue; /* BEGIN COPY FROM DISCRETE_PROBLEM.CPP */ // 5 is for bits per page in the array. LightArray<NeighborSearch*> neighbor_searches(5); unsigned int num_neighbors = 0; DiscreteProblem::NeighborNode* root; int ns_index; dp.min_dg_mesh_seq = 0; for(int j = 0; j < num; j++) if(stage.meshes[j]->get_seq() < dp.min_dg_mesh_seq || j == 0) dp.min_dg_mesh_seq = stage.meshes[j]->get_seq(); ns_index = stage.meshes[i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq; // = 0 for single mesh // Determine the minimum mesh seq in this stage. if (multimesh) { // Initialize the NeighborSearches. dp.init_neighbors(neighbor_searches, stage, isurf); // Create a multimesh tree; root = new DiscreteProblem::NeighborNode(NULL, 0); dp.build_multimesh_tree(root, neighbor_searches); // Update all NeighborSearches according to the multimesh tree. // After this, all NeighborSearches in neighbor_searches should have the same count // of neighbors and proper set of transformations // for the central and the neighbor element(s) alike. // Also check that every NeighborSearch has the same number of neighbor elements. for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++) if(neighbor_searches.present(j)) { NeighborSearch* ns = neighbor_searches.get(j); dp.update_neighbor_search(ns, root); if(num_neighbors == 0) num_neighbors = ns->n_neighbors; if(ns->n_neighbors != num_neighbors) error("Num_neighbors of different NeighborSearches not matching in KellyTypeAdapt::calc_err_internal."); } } else { NeighborSearch *ns = new NeighborSearch(ee[i], stage.meshes[i]); ns->original_central_el_transform = stage.fns[i]->get_transform(); ns->set_active_edge(isurf); ns->clear_initial_sub_idx(); num_neighbors = ns->n_neighbors; neighbor_searches.add(ns, ns_index); } // Go through all segments of the currently processed interface (segmentation is caused // by hanging nodes on the other side of the interface). for (unsigned int neighbor = 0; neighbor < num_neighbors; neighbor++) { if (ignore_visited_segments) { bool processed = true; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++) if(neighbor_searches.present(j)) if(!neighbor_searches.get(j)->>visited) { processed = false; break; } if (processed) continue; } // Set the active segment in all NeighborSearches for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++) if(neighbor_searches.present(j)) { neighbor_searches.get(j)->active_segment = neighbor; neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighb_el = neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbors[neighbor]; neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbor_edge = neighbor_searches.get(j)->neighbor_edges[neighbor]; } // Push all the necessary transformations to all functions of this stage. // The important thing is that the transformations to the current subelement are already there. // Also store the current neighbor element and neighbor edge in neighb_el, neighbor_edge. if (multimesh) { for(unsigned int fns_i = 0; fns_i < stage.fns.size(); fns_i++) for(unsigned int trf_i = 0; trf_i < neighbor_searches.get(stage.meshes[fns_i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq)->central_n_trans[neighbor]; trf_i++) stage.fns[fns_i]->push_transform(neighbor_searches.get(stage.meshes[fns_i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq)->central_transformations[neighbor][trf_i]); } else { // Push the transformations only to the solution on the current mesh for(unsigned int trf_i = 0; trf_i < neighbor_searches.get(ns_index)->central_n_trans[neighbor]; trf_i++) stage.fns[i]->push_transform(neighbor_searches.get(ns_index)->central_transformations[neighbor][trf_i]); } /* END COPY FROM DISCRETE_PROBLEM.CPP */ rm->force_transform(this->sln[i]->get_transform(), this->sln[i]->get_ctm()); // The estimate is multiplied by 0.5 in order to distribute the error equally onto // the two neighboring elements. double central_err = 0.5 * eval_interface_estimator(error_estimators_surf[iest], rm, surf_pos, neighbor_searches, ns_index); double neighb_err = central_err; // Scale the error estimate by the scaling function dependent on the element diameter // (use the central element's diameter). if (use_aposteriori_interface_scaling && interface_scaling_fns[i]) central_err *= interface_scaling_fns[i](ee[i]->get_diameter()); // In the case this edge will be ignored when calculating the error for the element on // the other side, add the now computed error to that element as well. if (ignore_visited_segments) { Element *neighb = neighbor_searches.get(i)->neighb_el; // Scale the error estimate by the scaling function dependent on the element diameter // (use the diameter of the element on the other side). if (use_aposteriori_interface_scaling && interface_scaling_fns[i]) neighb_err *= interface_scaling_fns[i](neighb->get_diameter()); errors_components[i] += central_err + neighb_err; total_error += central_err + neighb_err; errors[i][ee[i]->id] += central_err; errors[i][neighb->id] += neighb_err; } else err += central_err; /* BEGIN COPY FROM DISCRETE_PROBLEM.CPP */ // Clear the transformations from the RefMaps and all functions. if (multimesh) for(unsigned int fns_i = 0; fns_i < stage.fns.size(); fns_i++) stage.fns[fns_i]->set_transform(neighbor_searches.get(stage.meshes[fns_i]->get_seq() - dp.min_dg_mesh_seq)->original_central_el_transform); else stage.fns[i]->set_transform(neighbor_searches.get(ns_index)->original_central_el_transform); rm->set_transform(neighbor_searches.get(ns_index)->original_central_el_transform); /* END COPY FROM DISCRETE_PROBLEM.CPP */ } /* BEGIN COPY FROM DISCRETE_PROBLEM.CPP */ if (multimesh) // Delete the multimesh tree; delete root; // Delete the neighbor_searches array. for(unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_searches.get_size(); j++) if(neighbor_searches.present(j)) delete neighbor_searches.get(j); /* END COPY FROM DISCRETE_PROBLEM.CPP */ } } } if (calc_norm) { double nrm = eval_solution_norm(error_form[i][i], rm, sln[i]); norms[i] += nrm; total_norm += nrm; } errors_components[i] += err; total_error += err; errors[i][ee[i]->id] += err; ee[i]->visited = true; } } trav.finish(); // Store the calculation for each solution component separately. if(component_errors != NULL) { component_errors->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if((error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_ABS) component_errors->push_back(sqrt(errors_components[i])); else if ((error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL) component_errors->push_back(sqrt(errors_components[i]/norms[i])); else { error("Unknown total error type (0x%x).", error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK); return -1.0; } } } tmr.tick(); error_time = tmr.accumulated(); // Make the error relative if needed. if ((error_flags & HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Element* e; for_all_active_elements(e, stage.meshes[i]) errors[i][e->id] /= norms[i]; } } this->errors_squared_sum = total_error; // Element error mask is used here, because this variable is used in the adapt() // function, where the processed error (sum of errors of processed element errors) // is matched to this variable. if ((error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) errors_squared_sum /= total_norm; // Prepare an ordered list of elements according to an error. fill_regular_queue(&(stage.meshes.front())); have_errors = true; if (calc_norm) delete [] norms; delete [] errors_components; // Return error value. if ((error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_ABS) return sqrt(total_error); else if ((error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK) == HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL) return sqrt(total_error / total_norm); else { error("Unknown total error type (0x%x).", error_flags & HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_MASK); return -1.0; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ret = ERROR_FAILURE; if (argc < 2) { printf("please input as this format: <mesh type> <meshfile> [meshfiledump] \n"); return ERROR_FAILURE; } char *mtype = argv[1]; char *file_name = argv[2]; char *file_name_dump = NULL; if (argc > 2) file_name_dump = argv[3]; // load the mesh file Mesh mesh; MeshLoader *mloader = NULL; if (strcmp(mtype, "exII") == 0) mloader = new ExodusIIReader(); else if (strcmp(mtype, "h2d") == 0) mloader = new H2DReader(); else if (strcmp(mtype, "h2d-str") == 0) { // load the file into a string FILE *file = fopen(file_name , "rb"); error_if(file == NULL, "unable to open file '%s'", file_name); // obtain file size: fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long size = ftell(file); rewind(file); // allocate memory to contain the whole file: char *buffer = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * size); error_if(buffer == NULL, "memory error"); // copy the file into the buffer: size_t result = fread(buffer, 1, size, file); error_if(result != size, "reading error"); fclose(file); // H2DReader *hloader = new H2DReader(); hloader->load_str(buffer, &mesh); ret = dump_compare(mesh, file_name_dump); delete hloader; free(buffer); return ret; } else if (strcmp(mtype, "h2d-old") == 0) { H2DReader *hloader = new H2DReader(); hloader->load_old(file_name, &mesh); ret = dump_compare(mesh, file_name_dump); delete hloader; return ret; } else { error("unknown mesh loader type"); } if (mloader->load(file_name, &mesh)) { ret = dump_compare(mesh, file_name_dump); } else { error("failed"); ret = ERROR_FAILURE; } delete mloader; return ret; }
void _programmes_to_xml(xmlNodePtr root, list_s *programmes) { error_if(NULL == root, error, "Param Error"); error_if(NULL == programmes, error, "Param Error"); error_if(0 >= programmes->count, error, "Programs list empty"); xmlNodePtr node; xmlNodePtr subnode; char start[EPG_START_FMT_SIZE]; char progdate[EPG_DATE_FMT_SIZE]; struct epg_programme *prog; size_t n_programmes = 0; list_foreach(programmes, first, next, cur) { prog = (struct epg_programme *) cur->value; // epg_debug_programme(prog); if (!prog->title || !prog->channel) { warn("No channel (%s) or title (%s)!!", prog->channel, prog->title); continue; } // trace("Adding channel (%s): %s", prog->title, prog->channel); node = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, BAD_CAST "programme", NULL); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "channel", BAD_CAST prog->channel); strftime(start, EPG_START_FMT_SIZE, EPG_START_FMT, &prog->start); // trace("Adding start time: %s", start); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "start", BAD_CAST start); // trace("Adding title: %s", prog->title); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "title", BAD_CAST prog->title); xmlNewProp(subnode, BAD_CAST "lang", BAD_CAST "es"); if (prog->desc) { // trace("Adding desc: '%s'", prog->desc); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "desc", BAD_CAST prog->desc); xmlNewProp(subnode, BAD_CAST "lang", BAD_CAST "es"); } subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "credits", NULL); if (prog->director) { // trace("Adding director: %s", prog->director); xmlNewChild(subnode, NULL, BAD_CAST "director", BAD_CAST prog->director); } // trace("Addind %d actors", prog->actors->count); if (prog->actors->count > 0) { _actors_to_xml(subnode, prog->actors); } strftime(progdate, EPG_DATE_FMT_SIZE, EPG_DATE_FMT, &prog->date); // trace("Adding progdate: %s", progdate); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "date", BAD_CAST progdate); if (prog->country) { // trace("Adding country: %s", prog->country); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "country", BAD_CAST prog->country); } if (prog->episode_num) { // trace("Adding episode num: %s", prog->episode_num); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "episode-num", BAD_CAST prog->episode_num); xmlNewProp(subnode, BAD_CAST "system", BAD_CAST "epg_ns"); } if (prog->aspect) { // trace("Adding aspect: %s", prog->aspect); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "video", NULL); xmlNewChild(subnode, NULL, BAD_CAST "aspect", BAD_CAST prog->aspect); } if (prog->rating_value) { // trace("Adding rating_value: %s", prog->rating_value); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "rating", NULL); xmlNewProp(subnode, BAD_CAST "system", BAD_CAST "MPAA"); xmlNewChild(subnode, NULL, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST prog->rating_value); } if (prog->rating_icon) { // trace("Adding rating_icon: %s", prog->rating_icon); subnode = xmlNewChild(subnode, NULL, BAD_CAST "icon", NULL); xmlNewProp(subnode, BAD_CAST "src", BAD_CAST prog->rating_icon); } if (prog->star_rating) { // trace("Adding star_rating: %s", prog->star_rating); subnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "star-rating", NULL); xmlNewChild(subnode, NULL, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST prog->star_rating); } n_programmes++; }