Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Send a message on a queue.
 *     Send / queue a message.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is NULL and:
 *      -# queue parameter is invalid, or
 *      -# the queue is already full, or
 *     Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber, ISR.
 * @param queue: handler on the queue (value returned by queue_create).
 * @param message (in): pointer to the message to send.
 * @param err (out): execution status:
 *          -# E_OS_OK : a message was read
 *          -# E_OS_ERR_OVERFLOW: the queue is full (message was not posted)
 *          -# E_OS_ERR: invalid parameter
void queue_send_message(T_QUEUE queue, T_QUEUE_MESSAGE message, OS_ERR_TYPE* err )
    OS_ERR_TYPE _err;
    queue_impl_t * q = (queue_impl_t*) queue;

    /* check input parameters */
    if( queue_used(q) && q->sema != NULL )
        uint32_t it_mask = interrupt_lock();
        _err = add_data(q, message);

        if(_err == E_OS_OK)
            semaphore_give(q->sema, &_err);  // signal new message in the queue to the listener.
            error_management (err, E_OS_OK);
            error_management (err, _err);
    {   /* param invalid */
        error_management (err, E_OS_ERR);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Create  a timer object.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is null and:
 *         callback parameter is null, or
 *         no timer is available.
 * Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber, ISR
 * @param callback: pointer to the function to be executed.
 * @param privData: pointer to data that shall be passed to the callback
 * @param delay: number of milliseconds between function executions
 * @param repeat: specifies if the timer shall be re-started after each execution of the callback
 * @param startup : specifies if the timer shall be start immediately
 * @param err (out): execution status:
 *         E_OS_OK : callback is programmed
 *         E_OS_ERR: no timer is available, or callback parameter is null
 * @return Handler on the timer, NULL if the service fails (e.g. no available
 *         timer or callback is a null pointer).
T_TIMER timer_create(T_ENTRY_POINT callback, void *privData, uint32_t delay,
		     bool repeat, bool startup,
		     OS_ERR_TYPE *err)

	/* check input parameters */
	if ((NULL != callback) && (OS_WAIT_FOREVER != delay)) {
		/* delay should be set to 0 if startup flag is false
		 * otherwise delay should be a positive value if startup flag is true */
		if (((0 < delay) &&
		     (true == startup)) ||
		    ((0 <= delay) && (false == startup))) {
			/* find and reserve a timer resource from g_TimerPool_elements */
			/* rem: timer points to an element from the global g_TimerPool_elements */
			timer = g_TimerPool_alloc();
			if (timer != NULL) {
				/* initialize timer descriptor */
				timer->desc.callback = callback;
				timer->desc.data = privData;
				timer->desc.delay = delay;
				timer->desc.repeat = repeat;
				timer->desc.status = E_TIMER_READY;

				/* insert timer in the list of active timers */
				if (startup) {
					int flags;
					timer->desc.expiration =
						get_uptime_ms() +
					flags = irq_lock();
					if (g_CurrentTimerHead == timer) {
						/* new timer is the next to expire, unblock timer_task to assess the change */

					"\nINFO : timer_create : new timer will expire at %u (now = %u ) - addr = 0x%x",
					get_uptime_ms(), (uint32)timer);
				error_management(err, E_OS_OK);
			} else {
				/* all timers from the pool are already being used */
				error_management(err, E_OS_ERR_NO_MEMORY);
		} else { /* delay and startup parameter are inconsistent */
			error_management(err, E_OS_ERR);
	} else { /* callback == NULL or delay == 0 : at least one parameter is invalid */
		error_management(err, E_OS_ERR);
	return (T_TIMER)timer;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Delete a queue.
 * Free a whole queue.
 * @param queue - The queue to free.
void queue_delete(T_QUEUE queue, OS_ERR_TYPE* err)
    OS_ERR_TYPE _err;
    queue_impl_t * q = (queue_impl_t*) queue;
    T_EXEC_LEVEL execLvl = _getExecLevel();
    uint32_t data;
    T_QUEUE_MESSAGE p_msg = &data;

    /* check execution level */
    if ((E_EXEC_LVL_FIBER == execLvl) || (E_EXEC_LVL_TASK == execLvl))
        if (queue_used(q) && q->sema != NULL)

            /* first empty the queue before to delete it to free all the elements */
                queue_get_message(q, &p_msg, OS_NO_WAIT, &_err);
            }while(_err == E_OS_OK);

            if(_err == E_OS_ERR_EMPTY)
                semaphore_delete(q->sema, &_err);
                q->sema = NULL;
                if( _err == E_OS_OK)
                    error_management (err, E_OS_OK);
                    panic(E_OS_ERR_UNKNOWN);    // Panic because we should never reach this point.
                error_management (err, E_OS_ERR);
            error_management (err, E_OS_ERR);
        error_management (err, E_OS_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Read a message from a queue.
 *     Read and dequeue a message.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is NULL and:
 *      -# queue parameter is invalid, or
 *      -# message parameter is NULL, or
 *      -# when called from an ISR.
 *     Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber.
 * @param queue : handler on the queue (value returned by queue_create).
 * @param message (out): pointer to read message.
 * @param timeout: maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the message. Special
 *                values OS_NO_WAIT and OS_WAIT_FOREVER may be used.
 * @param err (out): execution status:
 *          -# E_OS_OK : a message was read
 *          -# E_OS_ERR_TIMEOUT: no message was received
 *          -# E_OS_ERR_EMPTY: the queue is empty
 *          -# E_OS_ERR: invalid parameter
 *          -# E_OS_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED: service cannot be executed from ISR context.
void queue_get_message (T_QUEUE queue, T_QUEUE_MESSAGE* message, int timeout, OS_ERR_TYPE* err)
    OS_ERR_TYPE _err;
    T_EXEC_LEVEL execLvl = _getExecLevel();
    queue_impl_t * q = (queue_impl_t*) queue;

    /* check input parameters */
    if( (message == NULL) || (!queue_used(q)) || (q->sema==NULL) || (timeout<OS_WAIT_FOREVER) )
        error_management (err, E_OS_ERR);

    /* check execution level */
    if ((E_EXEC_LVL_FIBER == execLvl) || (E_EXEC_LVL_TASK == execLvl))
        _err = semaphore_take(q->sema, timeout);

        case E_OS_OK:
            uint32_t it_mask = interrupt_lock();
            _err = remove_data(q, message);
            error_management (err, E_OS_OK);
        case E_OS_ERR_TIMEOUT:
            error_management (err, E_OS_ERR_TIMEOUT);
        case E_OS_ERR_BUSY:
                //QUEUE EMPTY, is a common use case, do not panic even if err == NULL
                *err = E_OS_ERR_EMPTY;
            //unknown error
        error_management (err, E_OS_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Delete the timer object.
 * Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber, ISR
 * @param tmr : handler on the timer (value returned by timer_create ).
 * @param err (out): execution status:
 *         E_OS_OK : timer is stopped and callback is disabled
 *         E_OS_ERR: tmr parameter is null, invalid, or timer running
void timer_delete(T_TIMER tmr, OS_ERR_TYPE* err)
    T_TIMER_LIST_ELT* timer = (T_TIMER_LIST_ELT*) tmr;
    OS_ERR_TYPE localErr = E_OS_OK;

    if (NULL != timer)
        /* check if timer is running and stop it */
        if (timer->desc.status == E_TIMER_RUNNING)
            timer_stop(timer, err);

        _log ("\nINFO : timer_delete : deleting  timer at addr = 0x%x", (uint32) timer);

        /*  free the timer   */
    { /* tmr is not a timer from g_TimerPool_elements */
        localErr = E_OS_ERR;

    error_management (err, localErr);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Create a message queue.
 *     Create a message queue.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is NULL and:
 *     -# no queue is available, or
 *     -# when called from an ISR.
 *     Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber.
 *     As for semaphores and mutexes, queues are picked from a pool of
 *     statically-allocated objects.
 * @param maxSize: maximum number of  messages in the queue.
 *     (Rationale: queues only contain pointer to messages)
 * @param err (out): execution status:
 *          -# E_OS_OK : queue was created
 *          -# E_OS_ERR: all queues from the pool are already being used
 *          -# E_OS_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED: service cannot be executed from ISR context.
 * @return Handler on the created queue.
 *     NULL if all allocated queues are already being used.
T_QUEUE queue_create(uint32_t max_size, OS_ERR_TYPE* err)
    queue_impl_t * q = NULL;
    T_EXEC_LEVEL execLvl = _getExecLevel();
    OS_ERR_TYPE _err;

    if(max_size==0 || max_size>QUEUE_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE)
        error_management (err, E_OS_ERR);
        return NULL;

    /* check execution level */
    if ((E_EXEC_LVL_FIBER == execLvl) || (E_EXEC_LVL_TASK == execLvl))
        /* Block concurrent accesses to the pool of queue_list */
        q = queue_alloc();

        if (q != NULL)
           list_init(&q->_list);  // replace the following commented code
           q->current_size = 0;
           q->max_size = max_size;
           q->sema = semaphore_create(0, &_err);
           error_management (err, _err);
            error_management (err, E_OS_ERR);
        error_management (err, E_OS_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED);

    return (T_QUEUE)q;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * start the timer.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is null and:
 *         no timer is available or timer is running .
 * Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber, ISR
 * @param tmr : handler on the timer (value returned by timer_create ).
 * @param err (out): execution status:
void timer_start(T_TIMER tmr, uint32_t delay, OS_ERR_TYPE* err)
    T_TIMER_LIST_ELT* timer = (T_TIMER_LIST_ELT*) tmr;
    OS_ERR_TYPE localErr = E_OS_OK;

    /* if timer is created */
    if (NULL != timer)
        if(timer->desc.status == E_TIMER_READY)
            /* if timer parameter are valid */
            if ((NULL != timer->desc.callback) && (0 < delay))
                _log ("\nINFO : timer_start : starting  timer ");
                /* Update expiration time */
                timer->desc.delay = CONVERT_MS_TO_TICKS(delay);
                timer->desc.expiration = _GET_TICK() + timer->desc.delay;
                /* add the timer */

                /* new timer is the next to expire, unblock timer_task to assess the change */
                if (g_CurrentTimerHead == timer) {
                 /* timer is not valid */
                 localErr = E_OS_ERR;
        else if(timer->desc.status == E_TIMER_RUNNING)
            localErr = E_OS_ERR_BUSY;
    { /* tmr is not a timer from g_TimerPool_elements */
        localErr = E_OS_ERR;

    error_management(err, localErr);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 *  Remove the timer in Chained list of timers.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is null and:
 *         tmr parameter is is null, invalid, or timer is not running.
 * Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber, ISR
 * @param tmr : handler on the timer (value returned by timer_create ).
 * @param err (out): execution status:
void timer_stop(T_TIMER tmr, OS_ERR_TYPE* err)
    T_TIMER_LIST_ELT* timer = (T_TIMER_LIST_ELT*)tmr ;
    OS_ERR_TYPE localErr = E_OS_OK;
    bool doSignal = false;

    if ( NULL != timer )
        /* if timer is active */
        if (timer->desc.status == E_TIMER_RUNNING)
            _log ("\nINFO : timer_stop : stopping timer at addr = 0x%x", (uint32_t) timer);
            /* remove the timer */

            if ( g_CurrentTimerHead == timer )
                doSignal = true ;


            if ( doSignal )
                /* the next timer to expire was removed, unblock timer_task to assess the change */


        { /* tmr is not running */
            localErr = E_OS_OK;
    { /* tmr is not a timer from g_TimerPool_elements */
        localErr = E_OS_ERR;
    error_management(err, localErr);

Ejemplo n.º 9
 * start the timer.
 *     This service may panic if err parameter is null and:
 *         no timer is available or timer is running .
 * Authorized execution levels:  task, fiber, ISR
 * @param tmr : handler on the timer (value returned by timer_create ).
 * @param err (out): execution status:
void timer_start(T_TIMER tmr, uint32_t delay, OS_ERR_TYPE *err)
	OS_ERR_TYPE localErr = E_OS_OK;

	/* if timer is created */
	if (NULL != timer) {
		int flags = irq_lock();
		if (timer->desc.status == E_TIMER_READY) {
			/* if timer parameter are valid */
			if ((NULL != timer->desc.callback) && (0 < delay)) {
				_log("\nINFO : timer_start : starting  timer ");
				/* Update expiration time */
				timer->desc.delay = delay;
				timer->desc.expiration = get_uptime_ms() +
				/* add the timer */

				/* new timer is the next to expire, unblock timer_task to assess the change */
				if (g_CurrentTimerHead == timer) {
			} else {
				/* timer is not valid */
				localErr = E_OS_ERR;
		} else if (timer->desc.status == E_TIMER_RUNNING) {
			localErr = E_OS_ERR_BUSY;
			if (err != NULL)
				*err = localErr;
	} else { /* tmr is not a timer from g_TimerPool_elements */
		localErr = E_OS_ERR;

	error_management(err, localErr);