Ejemplo n.º 1
void test_install_job( const char * config_file, const char * job_file_OK , const char * job_file_ERROR) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("CREATE_CONTEXT_JOB" , config_file , NULL );

  test_assert_false( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , "File/does/not/exist"));
  test_assert_false( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "ERROR" , job_file_ERROR));
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "OK" , job_file_OK));
  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void test_run_workflow(const char * config_file , const char * job_file) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("INSTALL_WORKFLOW" , config_file , NULL );
  test_assert_false( ert_test_context_run_worklow( test_context , "No-does.not.exist"));
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file );
    FILE * stream1 = util_fopen( "WFLOW1", "w");
    FILE * stream2 = util_fopen( "WFLOW2", "w");
    stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new( );
    ert_test_context_fwrite_workflow_job( stream1 , "JOB" , args);
    stringlist_append_ref( args , "NewCase");
    ert_test_context_fwrite_workflow_job( stream2 , "JOB" , args);
    stringlist_free( args );
    fclose( stream1 );
    fclose( stream2 );
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow( test_context , "WFLOW1" , "WFLOW1"));
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow( test_context , "WFLOW2" , "WFLOW2"));
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow( test_context , "WFLOW2"));
  test_assert_false( ert_test_context_run_worklow( test_context , "WFLOW1"));

  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void test_load_results_job(ert_test_context_type * test_context , const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file );
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "0");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , ",");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "1");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );
  stringlist_free( args );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void test_update_default(const char * config_file , const char * job_file) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("AnalysisJob0" , config_file);

  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file ));
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );
  stringlist_free( args );

  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void test_update_new_case(const char * config_file , const char * job_file) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("AnalysisJob1" , config_file);

  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NewCase" );
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file );
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );
  stringlist_free( args );
  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void test_create_case_job(ert_test_context_type * test_context, const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "newly_created_case");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file ));
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  char * new_case = util_alloc_filename( "storage" , "newly_created_case" , NULL);

  stringlist_free( args );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void test_init_case_job(ert_test_context_type * test_context, const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = ert_test_context_get_main(test_context);

  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file ) );

  //Test init current case from existing
    enkf_fs_type * cur_fs = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , "new_current_case" , true );
    enkf_main_select_fs(enkf_main, "new_current_case");

    test_assert_ptr_not_equal(cur_fs , enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main ));

    stringlist_append_copy( args, "default"); //case to init from
    test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );


    const char * current_case = enkf_main_get_current_fs( enkf_main );
    test_assert_string_equal(current_case, "new_current_case");
    test_assert_true(enkf_fs_has_node(enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main), "PERMZ", PARAMETER, 0, 0, ANALYZED));

    enkf_fs_type * default_fs          = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , "default" , true  );
    state_map_type * default_state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(default_fs);
    state_map_type * current_state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main));
    test_assert_int_equal(state_map_get_size(default_state_map), state_map_get_size(current_state_map));

  //Test init case from existing case:
  stringlist_append_copy(args, "default"); //case to init from
  stringlist_append_copy(args, "new_not_current_case");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );
    enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs(enkf_main, "new_not_current_case", true);
    test_assert_not_NULL( fs );
    test_assert_true( enkf_fs_has_node(fs, "PERMZ", PARAMETER, 0, 0, ANALYZED ));

    enkf_fs_type * default_fs          = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , "default" , true );
    state_map_type * default_state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(default_fs);
    state_map_type * new_state_map     = enkf_fs_get_state_map(fs);
    test_assert_int_equal(state_map_get_size(default_state_map), state_map_get_size(new_state_map));

  stringlist_free( args );
void test_update_selected_step(const char * config_file , const char * job_file) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("AnalysisJob2" , config_file);

  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "50" );
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "10" );
  stringlist_append_copy( args , ",20" );
  stringlist_append_copy( args , ",30-50" );
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file );
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args) );
  stringlist_free( args );
  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void test_init_misfit_table(ert_test_context_type * test_context , const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file );

  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = ert_test_context_get_main(test_context);
  enkf_fs_type               * fs              = enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main);

  misfit_ensemble_type * misfit_ensemble = enkf_fs_get_misfit_ensemble( fs );

  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );


  stringlist_free( args );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void test_install_workflow( const char * config_file , const char * job_file ) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("INSTALL_WORKFLOW" , config_file , NULL );
  const char * wf_file = "WFLOW";

  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file );
    FILE * stream = util_fopen( wf_file , "w");
    stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new( );
    stringlist_append_ref( args , "NewCase");
    ert_test_context_fwrite_workflow_job( stream , "JOB" , args);
    stringlist_free( args );
    fclose( stream );
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_install_workflow( test_context , "WFLOW" , wf_file ));
  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void test_run_workflow_job( const char * config_file , const char * job_file ) {
  ert_test_context_type * test_context = ert_test_context_alloc("CREATE_CONTEXT_JOB" , config_file , NULL );
  stringlist_type * args0 = stringlist_alloc_new( );
  stringlist_type * args1 = stringlist_alloc_new( );

  stringlist_append_ref( args1 , "NewCase");
  test_assert_false( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "NO-this-does-not-exist" , args1));
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , "JOB" , job_file );
  test_assert_false( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args0));
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , "JOB" , args1));
  stringlist_free( args0 );
  stringlist_free( args1 );
  ert_test_context_free( test_context );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void test_rank_realizations_on_data_job(ert_test_context_type * test_context , const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfDataRanking");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "PORO:1,2,3");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "false");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "0");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfDataRanking2");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "PORO:1,2,3");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "false");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_free( args );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void test_rank_realizations_on_observations_job(ert_test_context_type * test_context , const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking1");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "|");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "WOPR:*");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking2");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "1-5");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "55");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "|");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "WWCT:*");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "WOPR:*");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking3");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "5");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "55");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "|");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking4");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "1,3,5-10");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "55");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking5");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking6");
  stringlist_append_copy( args, "|");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "UnrecognizableObservation");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_free( args );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void test_export_ranking(ert_test_context_type * test_context , const char * job_name , const char * job_file) {
  stringlist_type * args = stringlist_alloc_new();
  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfDataRanking");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "/tmp/fileToSaveDataRankingIn.txt");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking1");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "/tmp/fileToSaveObservationRankingIn1.txt");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_append_copy( args , "NameOfObsRanking6");
  stringlist_append_copy( args , "/tmp/fileToSaveObservationRankingIn6.txt");
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

  stringlist_free( args );
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void test_export_runpath_file(ert_test_context_type * test_context,
                                    const char * job_name,
                                    const char * job_file,
                                    stringlist_type * args,
                                    int_vector_type * iens_values,
                                    int_vector_type * iter_values) {

  ert_test_context_install_workflow_job( test_context , job_name , job_file );
  test_assert_true( ert_test_context_run_worklow_job( test_context , job_name , args) );

    const enkf_main_type * enkf_main = ert_test_context_get_main(test_context);
    qc_module_type * qc_module       = enkf_main_get_qc_module( enkf_main );
    const char * runpath_file_name   = qc_module_get_runpath_list_file(qc_module);

    ecl_config_type * ecl_config            = enkf_main_get_ecl_config(enkf_main);
    const model_config_type * model_config  = enkf_main_get_model_config(enkf_main);
    const char * base_fmt                   = ecl_config_get_eclbase(ecl_config);
    const char * runpath_fmt                = model_config_get_runpath_as_char(model_config);

    FILE * file = util_fopen(runpath_file_name, "r");

    int file_iens = 0;
    char file_path[256];
    char file_base[256];
    int file_iter = 0;
    char * cwd = util_alloc_cwd();
    int counter = 0;
    int iens_index = 0;
    int iter_index = 0;

    while (4 == fscanf( file , "%d %s %s %d" , &file_iens , file_path , file_base, &file_iter)) {
      ++ counter;

      test_assert_true(int_vector_size(iens_values) >= iens_index+1);
      test_assert_true(int_vector_size(iter_values) >= iter_index+1);

      int iens = int_vector_iget(iens_values, iens_index);
      int iter = int_vector_iget(iter_values, iter_index);

      test_assert_int_equal(file_iens, iens);
      test_assert_int_equal(file_iter, iter);

      char * base = util_alloc_sprintf("--%d", iens);
      if (base_fmt && (util_int_format_count(base_fmt) == 1))
        base = util_alloc_sprintf(base_fmt, iens);

      test_assert_string_equal(base, file_base);

      char * runpath = "";
      if (util_int_format_count(runpath_fmt) == 1)
        runpath = util_alloc_sprintf(runpath_fmt, iens);
      else if (util_int_format_count(runpath_fmt) == 2)
        runpath = util_alloc_sprintf(runpath_fmt, iens,iter);

      test_assert_string_equal(runpath, file_path);

      if (iens_index+1 < int_vector_size(iens_values))
      else if ((iens_index+1 == int_vector_size(iens_values))) {
        iens_index = 0;


    int linecount = int_vector_size(iens_values) * int_vector_size(iter_values);
    test_assert_int_equal(linecount, counter);