Ejemplo n.º 1
inline void launchQuery(const std::string& name, const ScheduledQuery& query) {
  // Execute the scheduled query and create a named query object.
  VLOG(1) << "Executing query: " << query.query;
  auto sql =
      (FLAGS_enable_monitor) ? monitor(name, query) : SQLInternal(query.query);

  if (!sql.ok()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error executing query (" << query.query
               << "): " << sql.getMessageString();

  // Fill in a host identifier fields based on configuration or availability.
  std::string ident = getHostIdentifier();

  // A query log item contains an optional set of differential results or
  // a copy of the most-recent execution alongside some query metadata.
  QueryLogItem item;
  item.name = name;
  item.identifier = ident;
  item.time = osquery::getUnixTime();
  item.calendar_time = osquery::getAsciiTime();

  if (query.options.count("snapshot") && query.options.at("snapshot")) {
    // This is a snapshot query, emit results with a differential or state.
    item.snapshot_results = std::move(sql.rows());

  // Create a database-backed set of query results.
  auto dbQuery = Query(name, query);
  // Comparisons and stores must include escaped data.

  DiffResults diff_results;
  // Add this execution's set of results to the database-tracked named query.
  // We can then ask for a differential from the last time this named query
  // was executed by exact matching each row.
  auto status = dbQuery.addNewResults(sql.rows(), diff_results);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error adding new results to database: " << status.what();

  if (diff_results.added.size() == 0 && diff_results.removed.size() == 0) {
    // No diff results or events to emit.

  VLOG(1) << "Found results for query (" << name << ") for host: " << ident;
  item.results = diff_results;
  if (query.options.count("removed") && !query.options.at("removed")) {

  status = logQueryLogItem(item);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error logging the results of query (" << query.query
               << "): " << status.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline void launchQuery(const std::string& name, const ScheduledQuery& query) {
  // Execute the scheduled query and create a named query object.
  LOG(INFO) << "Executing scheduled query " << name << ": " << query.query;

  auto sql = monitor(name, query);
  if (!sql.ok()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error executing scheduled query " << name << ": "
               << sql.getMessageString();

  // Fill in a host identifier fields based on configuration or availability.
  std::string ident = getHostIdentifier();

  // A query log item contains an optional set of differential results or
  // a copy of the most-recent execution alongside some query metadata.
  QueryLogItem item;
  item.name = name;
  item.identifier = ident;
  item.time = osquery::getUnixTime();
  item.epoch = FLAGS_schedule_epoch;
  item.calendar_time = osquery::getAsciiTime();

  if (query.options.count("snapshot") && query.options.at("snapshot")) {
    // This is a snapshot query, emit results with a differential or state.
    item.snapshot_results = std::move(sql.rows());

  // Create a database-backed set of query results.
  auto dbQuery = Query(name, query);
  // Comparisons and stores must include escaped data.

  Status status;
  DiffResults diff_results;
  // Add this execution's set of results to the database-tracked named query.
  // We can then ask for a differential from the last time this named query
  // was executed by exact matching each row.
  if (!FLAGS_events_optimize || !sql.eventBased()) {
    status = dbQuery.addNewResults(
        sql.rows(), item.epoch, item.counter, diff_results);
    if (!status.ok()) {
      std::string line =
          "Error adding new results to database: " + status.what();
      LOG(ERROR) << line;

      // If the database is not available then the daemon cannot continue.
      Initializer::requestShutdown(EXIT_CATASTROPHIC, line);
  } else {
    diff_results.added = std::move(sql.rows());

  if (diff_results.added.empty() && diff_results.removed.empty()) {
    // No diff results or events to emit.

  VLOG(1) << "Found results for query: " << name;
  item.results = diff_results;
  if (query.options.count("removed") && !query.options.at("removed")) {

  status = logQueryLogItem(item);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    // If log directory is not available, then the daemon shouldn't continue.
    std::string error = "Error logging the results of query: " + name + ": " +
    LOG(ERROR) << error;
    Initializer::requestShutdown(EXIT_CATASTROPHIC, error);