Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Function:  esl_gam_logpdf()
 * Incept:    SRE, Mon Nov 14 12:45:36 2005 [HHMI HQ]
 * Purpose:   Calculates log of the probability density function
 *            for the gamma, $\log P(X=x)$, given value <x>,
 *            location parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda>, and 
 *            shape parameter <tau>.
esl_gam_logpdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
  double y = lambda * (x - mu);
  double gamtau;
  double val;

  if (x < 0.) return -eslINFINITY;

  esl_stats_LogGamma(tau, &gamtau);
  val = tau*log(lambda) + (tau-1.)*log(x-mu) - gamtau - y;
  return val;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Function:  esl_gam_pdf()
 * Incept:    SRE, Sun Nov 13 16:42:43 2005 [HHMI HQ]
 * Purpose:   Calculates the gamma PDF $P(X=x)$ given value <x>,
 *            location parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda>, and shape
 *            parameter <tau>.
esl_gam_pdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
  double y = lambda * (x - mu);
  double gamtau;
  double val;

  if (y < 0.) return 0.;

  esl_stats_LogGamma(tau, &gamtau);
  val = tau*log(lambda) + (tau-1.)*log(x-mu) - gamtau - y;
  return exp(val);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Function:  esl_sxp_logpdf()
 * Purpose:   Calculates the log probability density function for the 
 *            stretched exponential pdf, $\log P(X=x)$, given
 *            quantile <x>, offset <mu>, and parameters <lambda> and <tau>.
esl_sxp_logpdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
  double y    = lambda * (x-mu);
  double gt;
  double val;

  if (x < mu) return -eslINFINITY;
  esl_stats_LogGamma(1/tau, &gt);

  if (x == mu) val = log(lambda) + log(tau) - gt;
  else         val = log(lambda) + log(tau) - gt - exp(tau*log(y));
  return val;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Function:  esl_sxp_pdf()
 * Purpose:   Calculates the probability density function for the 
 *            stretched exponential pdf, $P(X=x)$, given
 *            quantile <x>, offset <mu>, and parameters <lambda> and <tau>.
esl_sxp_pdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
  double y    = lambda * (x-mu);
  double val;
  double gt;
  if (x < mu) return 0.;
  esl_stats_LogGamma(1/tau, &gt);

  if (x == mu) val = (lambda * tau / exp(gt));
  else         val = (lambda * tau / exp(gt)) * exp(- exp(tau * log(y)));

  return val;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* The LogGamma() function is rate-limiting in hmmbuild, because it is
 * used so heavily in mixture Dirichlet calculations.
 *    ./configure --with-gsl; [compile test driver]
 *    ./stats_utest -v
 * runs a comparison of time/precision against GSL.
 * SRE, Sat May 23 10:04:41 2009, on home Mac:
 *     LogGamma       = 1.29u  / N=1e8  =  13 nsec/call
 *     gsl_sf_lngamma = 1.43u  / N=1e8  =  14 nsec/call
static void
utest_LogGamma(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, int N, int be_verbose)
  char          *msg = "esl_stats_LogGamma() unit test failed";
  ESL_STOPWATCH *w   = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  double        *x   = malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
  double        *lg  = malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
  double        *lg2 = malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
  int            i;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
    x[i] = esl_random(r) * 100.;
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
    if (esl_stats_LogGamma(x[i], &(lg[i])) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

  if (be_verbose) esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "esl_stats_LogGamma() timing: ");

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) lg2[i] = gsl_sf_lngamma(x[i]);

  if (be_verbose) esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "gsl_sf_lngamma() timing:     ");
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    if (esl_DCompare(lg[i], lg2[i], 1e-2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Function: esl_stats_IncompleteGamma()
 * Synopsis: Calculates the incomplete Gamma function.
 * Purpose:  Returns $P(a,x)$ and $Q(a,x)$ where:
 *           \begin{eqnarray*}
 *             P(a,x) & = & \frac{1}{\Gamma(a)} \int_{0}^{x} t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt \\
 *                    & = & \frac{\gamma(a,x)}{\Gamma(a)} \\
 *             Q(a,x) & = & \frac{1}{\Gamma(a)} \int_{x}^{\infty} t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt\\
 *                    & = & 1 - P(a,x) \\
 *           \end{eqnarray*}
 *           $P(a,x)$ is the CDF of a gamma density with $\lambda = 1$,
 *           and $Q(a,x)$ is the survival function.
 *           For $x \simeq 0$, $P(a,x) \simeq 0$ and $Q(a,x) \simeq 1$; and
 *           $P(a,x)$ is less prone to roundoff error. 
 *           The opposite is the case for large $x >> a$, where
 *           $P(a,x) \simeq 1$ and $Q(a,x) \simeq 0$; there, $Q(a,x)$ is
 *           less prone to roundoff error.
 * Method:   Based on ideas from Numerical Recipes in C, Press et al.,
 *           Cambridge University Press, 1988. 
 * Args:     a          - for instance, degrees of freedom / 2     [a > 0]
 *           x          - for instance, chi-squared statistic / 2  [x >= 0] 
 *           ret_pax    - RETURN: P(a,x)
 *           ret_qax    - RETURN: Q(a,x)
 * Return:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:   <eslERANGE> if <a> or <x> is out of accepted range.
 *           <eslENOHALT> if approximation fails to converge.
esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(double a, double x, double *ret_pax, double *ret_qax)
  int    iter;			/* iteration counter */
  double pax;			/* P(a,x) */
  double qax;			/* Q(a,x) */

  if (a <= 0.) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslERANGE, "esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(): a must be > 0");
  if (x <  0.) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslERANGE, "esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(): x must be >= 0");

  /* For x > a + 1 the following gives rapid convergence;
   * calculate Q(a,x) = \frac{\Gamma(a,x)}{\Gamma(a)},
   * using a continued fraction development for \Gamma(a,x).
  if (x > a+1) 
      double oldp;		/* previous value of p    */
      double nu0, nu1;		/* numerators for continued fraction calc   */
      double de0, de1;		/* denominators for continued fraction calc */

      nu0 = 0.;			/* A_0 = 0       */
      de0 = 1.;			/* B_0 = 1       */
      nu1 = 1.;			/* A_1 = 1       */
      de1 = x;			/* B_1 = x       */

      oldp = nu1;
      for (iter = 1; iter < 100; iter++)
	  /* Continued fraction development:
	   * set A_j = b_j A_j-1 + a_j A_j-2
	   *     B_j = b_j B_j-1 + a_j B_j-2
           * We start with A_2, B_2.
				/* j = even: a_j = iter-a, b_j = 1 */
				/* A,B_j-2 are in nu0, de0; A,B_j-1 are in nu1,de1 */
	  nu0 = nu1 + ((double)iter - a) * nu0;
	  de0 = de1 + ((double)iter - a) * de0;
				/* j = odd: a_j = iter, b_j = x */
				/* A,B_j-2 are in nu1, de1; A,B_j-1 in nu0,de0 */
	  nu1 = x * nu0 + (double) iter * nu1;
	  de1 = x * de0 + (double) iter * de1;
				/* rescale */
	  if (de1 != 0.) 
	      nu0 /= de1; 
	      de0 /= de1;
	      nu1 /= de1;
	      de1 =  1.;
				/* check for convergence */
	  if (fabs((nu1-oldp)/nu1) < 1.e-7)
	      esl_stats_LogGamma(a, &qax);	      
	      qax = nu1 * exp(a * log(x) - x - qax);

	      if (ret_pax != NULL) *ret_pax = 1 - qax;
	      if (ret_qax != NULL) *ret_qax = qax;
	      return eslOK;

	  oldp = nu1;
		"esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(): fraction failed to converge");
  else /* x <= a+1 */
      double p;			/* current sum               */
      double val;		/* current value used in sum */

      /* For x <= a+1 we use a convergent series instead:
       *   P(a,x) = \frac{\gamma(a,x)}{\Gamma(a)},
       * where
       *   \gamma(a,x) = e^{-x}x^a \sum_{n=0}{\infty} \frac{\Gamma{a}}{\Gamma{a+1+n}} x^n
       * which looks appalling but the sum is in fact rearrangeable to
       * a simple series without the \Gamma functions:
       *   = \frac{1}{a} + \frac{x}{a(a+1)} + \frac{x^2}{a(a+1)(a+2)} ...
       * and it's obvious that this should converge nicely for x <= a+1.
      p = val = 1. / a;
      for (iter = 1; iter < 10000; iter++)
	  val *= x / (a+(double)iter);
	  p   += val;
	  if (fabs(val/p) < 1.e-7)
	      esl_stats_LogGamma(a, &pax);
	      pax = p * exp(a * log(x) - x - pax);

	      if (ret_pax != NULL) *ret_pax = pax;
	      if (ret_qax != NULL) *ret_qax = 1. - pax;
	      return eslOK;
		"esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(): series failed to converge");
  return eslOK;