Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Function:  p7_gbands_Reverse()
 * Synopsis:  Reverse the band structure arrays, after a backwards DP pass.
 * Purpose:   Our checkpointed DP posterior decoding algorithms that make a
 *            band structure work backwards in rows from L..1, and so they
 *            construct a <P7_GBANDS> structure that has its data elements
 *            in reversed order. Before we can use that structure, we have 
 *            to reverse these arrays. 
 * Args:      bnd -  band list to reverse. 
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
p7_gbands_Reverse(P7_GBANDS *bnd)
  esl_vec_IReverse(bnd->imem, bnd->imem, 2*bnd->nseg);
  esl_vec_IReverse(bnd->kmem, bnd->kmem, 2*bnd->nrow);
  return eslOK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
p7_sparsemask_Finish_avx512(P7_SPARSEMASK *sm)
#ifdef HAVE_AVX512  
  int i,r;
  int s;
  int status;
//printf("calling p7_sparsemask_Finish, sm->ncells = %li\n", sm->ncells);

  /* Reverse kmem. */

  int *p_AVX_512;
  esl_vec_IReverse(sm->kmem_AVX_512, sm->kmem_AVX_512, sm->ncells_AVX_512);

  /* Set the k[] pointers; count <S> and <nrow> */
  p_AVX_512 = sm->kmem_AVX_512;
  sm->S_AVX_512 = sm->nrow_AVX_512 = 0;

  for (i = 1; i <= sm->L; i++){
     if (sm->n_AVX_512[i]) 
  sm->k_AVX_512[i] = p_AVX_512;
  p_AVX_512       += sm->n_AVX_512[i];
  if (sm->n_AVX_512[i-1] == 0) sm->S_AVX_512++;
      sm->k_AVX_512[i] = NULL;

  /* Reallocate seg[] if needed. */

  if ( (sm->S_AVX_512+2) > sm->salloc_AVX_512) 
      ESL_REALLOC(sm->seg_AVX_512, (sm->S_AVX_512+2) * sizeof(p7_sparsemask_seg_s)); /* +2, for sentinels */
      sm->salloc_AVX_512 = sm->S_AVX_512 + 2; // inclusive of sentinels
  /* Set seg[] coord pairs. */
  sm->seg_AVX_512[0].ia = sm->seg_AVX_512[0].ib = -1;
  for (s = 1, i = 1; i <= sm->L; i++)
      if (sm->n_AVX_512[i]   && sm->n_AVX_512[i-1] == 0)                 sm->seg_AVX_512[s].ia   = i; 
      if (sm->n_AVX_512[i]   && (i == sm->L || sm->n_AVX_512[i+1] == 0)) sm->seg_AVX_512[s++].ib = i; 
  ESL_DASSERT1(( s == sm->S_AVX_512+1 ));
  sm->seg_AVX_512[s].ia = sm->seg_AVX_512[s].ib = sm->L+2;

   sm->last_i_AVX_512 = -1;
  for (r = 0; r < p7_VNF_AVX_512; r++) 
    sm->last_k_AVX_512[r] = -1;
 // if we're running AVX-512 code and not SSE, need to copy some values into the SSE data structure
  // so the downstream code will see them
  sm->seg = sm->seg_AVX_512;
  sm->k = sm->k_AVX_512;
  sm->n = sm->n_AVX_512;
  sm->kmem = sm->kmem_AVX_512;
  sm->S = sm->S_AVX_512;
  sm->nrow = sm->nrow_AVX_512;
  sm->ncells = sm->ncells_AVX_512; 

  return eslOK;

  return eslEMEM;
#ifndef HAVE_AVX512
return eslENORESULT;