Ejemplo n.º 1
	///this generates ipo curves for position, rotation, allowing to use game physics in animation
void	KX_BlenderSceneConverter::WritePhysicsObjectToAnimationIpo(int frameNumber)

	KX_SceneList* scenes = m_ketsjiEngine->CurrentScenes();
	int numScenes = scenes->size();
	int i;
	for (i=0;i<numScenes;i++)
		KX_Scene* scene = scenes->at(i);
		//PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* physEnv = scene->GetPhysicsEnvironment();
		CListValue* parentList = scene->GetObjectList();
		int numObjects = parentList->GetCount();
		int g;
		for (g=0;g<numObjects;g++)
			KX_GameObject* gameObj = (KX_GameObject*)parentList->GetValue(g);
			Object* blenderObject = gameObj->GetBlenderObject();
			if (blenderObject && blenderObject->parent==NULL && gameObj->IsDynamic())
				//KX_IPhysicsController* physCtrl = gameObj->GetPhysicsController();

				if (blenderObject->adt==NULL)

				if (blenderObject->adt)
					const MT_Point3& position = gameObj->NodeGetWorldPosition();
					//const MT_Vector3& scale = gameObj->NodeGetWorldScaling();
					const MT_Matrix3x3& orn = gameObj->NodeGetWorldOrientation();


					float tmat[3][3];
					for (int r=0;r<3;r++)
						for (int c=0;c<3;c++)
							tmat[r][c] = (float)orn[c][r];

					mat3_to_compatible_eul(blenderObject->rot, blenderObject->rot, tmat);

					insert_keyframe(NULL, &blenderObject->id, NULL, NULL, "location", -1, (float)frameNumber, INSERTKEY_FAST);
					insert_keyframe(NULL, &blenderObject->id, NULL, NULL, "rotation_euler", -1, (float)frameNumber, INSERTKEY_FAST);

#if 0
					const MT_Point3& position = gameObj->NodeGetWorldPosition();
					//const MT_Vector3& scale = gameObj->NodeGetWorldScaling();
					const MT_Matrix3x3& orn = gameObj->NodeGetWorldOrientation();
					float eulerAngles[3];	
					float eulerAnglesOld[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};						
					float tmat[3][3];
					// XXX animato
					Ipo* ipo = blenderObject->ipo;

					//create the curves, if not existing, set linear if new

					IpoCurve *icu_lx = findIpoCurve((IpoCurve *)ipo->curve.first,"LocX");
					if (!icu_lx) {
						icu_lx = verify_ipocurve(&blenderObject->id, ipo->blocktype, NULL, NULL, NULL, OB_LOC_X, 1);
						if (icu_lx) icu_lx->ipo = IPO_LIN;
					IpoCurve *icu_ly = findIpoCurve((IpoCurve *)ipo->curve.first,"LocY");
					if (!icu_ly) {
						icu_ly = verify_ipocurve(&blenderObject->id, ipo->blocktype, NULL, NULL, NULL, OB_LOC_Y, 1);
						if (icu_ly) icu_ly->ipo = IPO_LIN;
					IpoCurve *icu_lz = findIpoCurve((IpoCurve *)ipo->curve.first,"LocZ");
					if (!icu_lz) {
						icu_lz = verify_ipocurve(&blenderObject->id, ipo->blocktype, NULL, NULL, NULL, OB_LOC_Z, 1);
						if (icu_lz) icu_lz->ipo = IPO_LIN;
					IpoCurve *icu_rx = findIpoCurve((IpoCurve *)ipo->curve.first,"RotX");
					if (!icu_rx) {
						icu_rx = verify_ipocurve(&blenderObject->id, ipo->blocktype, NULL, NULL, NULL, OB_ROT_X, 1);
						if (icu_rx) icu_rx->ipo = IPO_LIN;
					IpoCurve *icu_ry = findIpoCurve((IpoCurve *)ipo->curve.first,"RotY");
					if (!icu_ry) {
						icu_ry = verify_ipocurve(&blenderObject->id, ipo->blocktype, NULL, NULL, NULL, OB_ROT_Y, 1);
						if (icu_ry) icu_ry->ipo = IPO_LIN;
					IpoCurve *icu_rz = findIpoCurve((IpoCurve *)ipo->curve.first,"RotZ");
					if (!icu_rz) {
						icu_rz = verify_ipocurve(&blenderObject->id, ipo->blocktype, NULL, NULL, NULL, OB_ROT_Z, 1);
						if (icu_rz) icu_rz->ipo = IPO_LIN;
					if (icu_rx) eulerAnglesOld[0]= eval_icu( icu_rx, frameNumber - 1 ) / ((180 / 3.14159265f) / 10);
					if (icu_ry) eulerAnglesOld[1]= eval_icu( icu_ry, frameNumber - 1 ) / ((180 / 3.14159265f) / 10);
					if (icu_rz) eulerAnglesOld[2]= eval_icu( icu_rz, frameNumber - 1 ) / ((180 / 3.14159265f) / 10);
					// orn.getValue((float *)tmat); // uses the wrong ordering, cant use this
					for (int r=0;r<3;r++)
						for (int c=0;c<3;c++)
							tmat[r][c] = orn[c][r];
					// mat3_to_eul( eulerAngles,tmat); // better to use Mat3ToCompatibleEul
					mat3_to_compatible_eul( eulerAngles, eulerAnglesOld,tmat);
					for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
						eulerAngles[x] *= (float) ((180 / 3.14159265f) / 10.0);
					//fill the curves with data
					if (icu_lx) insert_vert_icu(icu_lx, frameNumber, position.x(), 1);
					if (icu_ly) insert_vert_icu(icu_ly, frameNumber, position.y(), 1);
					if (icu_lz) insert_vert_icu(icu_lz, frameNumber, position.z(), 1);
					if (icu_rx) insert_vert_icu(icu_rx, frameNumber, eulerAngles[0], 1);
					if (icu_ry) insert_vert_icu(icu_ry, frameNumber, eulerAngles[1], 1);
					if (icu_rz) insert_vert_icu(icu_rz, frameNumber, eulerAngles[2], 1);
					// Handles are corrected at the end, testhandles_ipocurve isn't needed yet
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* added "sizecorr" here, to allow armatures to be scaled and still have striding.
   Only works for uniform scaling. In general I'd advise against scaling armatures ever though! (ton)
static float stridechannel_frame(Object *ob, float sizecorr, bActionStrip *strip, Path *path, float pathdist, float *stride_offset)
	bAction *act= strip->act;
	const char *name= strip->stridechannel;
	bActionChannel *achan= get_action_channel(act, name);
	int stride_axis= strip->stride_axis;

	if(achan && achan->ipo) {
		IpoCurve *icu= NULL;
		float minx=0.0f, maxx=0.0f, miny=0.0f, maxy=0.0f;
		int foundvert= 0;
		if(stride_axis==0) stride_axis= AC_LOC_X;
		else if(stride_axis==1) stride_axis= AC_LOC_Y;
		else stride_axis= AC_LOC_Z;
		/* calculate the min/max */
		for (icu=achan->ipo->curve.first; icu; icu=icu->next) {
			if(icu->adrcode==stride_axis) {
				if(icu->totvert>1) {
					foundvert= 1;
					minx= icu->bezt[0].vec[1][0];
					maxx= icu->bezt[icu->totvert-1].vec[1][0];
					miny= icu->bezt[0].vec[1][1];
					maxy= icu->bezt[icu->totvert-1].vec[1][1];
		if(foundvert && miny!=maxy) {
			float stridelen= sizecorr*fabs(maxy-miny), striptime;
			float actiondist, pdist, pdistNewNormalized, offs;
			float vec1[4], vec2[4], dir[3];
			/* internal cycling, actoffs is in frames */
			offs= stridelen*strip->actoffs/(maxx-minx);
			/* amount path moves object */
			pdist = (float)fmod (pathdist+offs, stridelen);
			striptime= pdist/stridelen;
			/* amount stride bone moves */
			actiondist= sizecorr*eval_icu(icu, minx + striptime*(maxx-minx)) - miny;
			pdist = fabs(actiondist) - pdist;
			pdistNewNormalized = (pathdist+pdist)/path->totdist;
			/* now we need to go pdist further (or less) on cu path */
			where_on_path(ob, (pathdist)/path->totdist, vec1, dir);	/* vec needs size 4 */
			if (pdistNewNormalized <= 1) {
				// search for correction in positive path-direction
				where_on_path(ob, pdistNewNormalized, vec2, dir);	/* vec needs size 4 */
				sub_v3_v3v3(stride_offset, vec2, vec1);
			else {
				// we reached the end of the path, search backwards instead
				where_on_path(ob, (pathdist-pdist)/path->totdist, vec2, dir);	/* vec needs size 4 */
				sub_v3_v3v3(stride_offset, vec1, vec2);
			mul_mat3_m4_v3(ob->obmat, stride_offset);
			return striptime;
	return 0.0f;