Ejemplo n.º 1
EAPI void
evas_common_image_premul(Image_Entry *ie)
   DATA32  nas = 0;

   if (!ie) return ;
   if (!evas_cache_image_pixels(ie)) return ;
   if (!ie->flags.alpha) return;

   nas = evas_common_convert_argb_premul(evas_cache_image_pixels(ie), ie->w * ie->h);
   if ((ALPHA_SPARSE_INV_FRACTION * nas) >= (ie->w * ie->h))
     ie->flags.alpha_sparse = 1;
static Eina_Bool
evas_image_load_file_data_generic(Image_Entry *ie, const char *file, const char *key, int *error)
   DATA32 *body;

   body = evas_cache_image_pixels(ie);
   if (!body) return _load(ie, file, key, error, EINA_TRUE);
   return EINA_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
EAPI void
evas_common_image_set_alpha_sparse(Image_Entry *ie)
   DATA32  *s, *se;
   DATA32  nas = 0;

   if (!ie) return;
   if (!evas_cache_image_pixels(ie)) return ;
   if (!ie->flags.alpha) return;

   s = evas_cache_image_pixels(ie);
   se = s + (ie->w * ie->h);
   while (s < se)
	DATA32  p = *s & 0xff000000;

	if (!p || (p == 0xff000000))
   if ((ALPHA_SPARSE_INV_FRACTION * nas) >= (ie->w * ie->h))
     ie->flags.alpha_sparse = 1;
static void
raster(TIFFRGBAImage_Extra * img, uint32 * rast,
       uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 w, uint32 h)
   int                 image_width, image_height;
   uint32             *pixel, pixel_value;
   int                 i, j, dy, rast_offset;
   DATA32             *buffer_pixel, *buffer = evas_cache_image_pixels(img->image);
   int                 alpha_premult = 0;

   image_width = img->image->w;
   image_height = img->image->h;

   dy = h > y ? -1 : y - h;

   /* rast seems to point to the beginning of the last strip processed */
   /* so you need use negative offsets. Bizzare. Someone please check this */
   /* I don't understand why, but that seems to be what's going on. */
   /* libtiff needs better docs! */

   if (img->rgba.alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)
     alpha_premult = 1;
   for (i = y, rast_offset = 0; i > dy; i--, rast_offset--)
        pixel = rast + (rast_offset * image_width);
        buffer_pixel = buffer + ((((image_height - 1) - i) * image_width) + x);

        for (j = 0; j < w; j++)
	     int a, r, g, b;

             pixel_value = (*(pixel++));
	     a = TIFFGetA(pixel_value);
	     r = TIFFGetR(pixel_value);
	     g = TIFFGetG(pixel_value);
	     b = TIFFGetB(pixel_value);
	     if (!alpha_premult && (a < 255))
		  r = (r * (a + 1)) >> 8;
		  g = (g * (a + 1)) >> 8;
		  b = (b * (a + 1)) >> 8;
             (*(buffer_pixel++)) = ARGB_JOIN(a, r, g, b);
evas_image_load_file_data_eet(Image_Entry *ie, const char *file, const char *key, int *error)
   unsigned int         w, h;
   int                  alpha, compression, quality, lossy, ok;
   Eet_File            *ef;
   DATA32              *body, *p, *end;
   DATA32               nas = 0;
   Eina_Bool		res = EINA_FALSE;

   if (!key)
	return EINA_FALSE;
   if (ie->flags.loaded)
	return EINA_TRUE;
   ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
   if (!ef)
	return EINA_FALSE;
   ok = eet_data_image_header_read(ef, key,
				   &w, &h, &alpha, &compression, &quality, &lossy);
   if (IMG_TOO_BIG(w, h))
	goto on_error;
   if (!ok)
	goto on_error;
   evas_cache_image_surface_alloc(ie, w, h);
   ok = eet_data_image_read_to_surface(ef, key, 0, 0,
				       evas_cache_image_pixels(ie), w, h, w * 4,
				       &alpha, &compression, &quality, &lossy);
   if (!ok)
	goto on_error;
   if (alpha)
	ie->flags.alpha = 1;

	body = evas_cache_image_pixels(ie);

	end = body +(w * h);
	for (p = body; p < end; p++)
	     DATA32 r, g, b, a;

	     a = A_VAL(p);
	     r = R_VAL(p);
	     g = G_VAL(p);
	     b = B_VAL(p);
	     if ((a == 0) || (a == 255)) nas++;
	     if (r > a) r = a;
	     if (g > a) g = a;
	     if (b > a) b = a;
	     *p = ARGB_JOIN(a, r, g, b);
	if ((ALPHA_SPARSE_INV_FRACTION * nas) >= (ie->w * ie->h))
	  ie->flags.alpha_sparse = 1;
// result is already premultiplied now if u compile with edje
//   evas_common_image_premul(im);
   res = EINA_TRUE;

   return res;
static Eina_Bool
_load(Image_Entry *ie, const char *file, const char *key, int *error, Eina_Bool get_data)
   Eina_Bool res = EINA_FALSE;
   int w = 0, h = 0, alpha = 0;
   const char *dot1 = NULL, *dot2 = NULL, *end, *p;
   char *cmd = NULL, decoders[3][128], buf[4096];
   char *loader = "/evas/utils/evas_image_loader";
   char *img_loader = NULL;
   const char *libdir;
   // eg $libdir/evas/generic_loaders
   int cmd_len, len, decoders_num = 0, try_count = 0;
   int read_data = 0;
   char *tmpfname = NULL, *shmfname = NULL;
   DATA32 *body;
   FILE *f = NULL;

   libdir = _evas_module_libdir_get();
   cmd_len = strlen(libdir);
   cmd_len += strlen(loader);
   img_loader = alloca(cmd_len + 1);
   strcpy(img_loader, libdir);
   strcat(img_loader, loader);

   // params excluding file, key and loadopts
   cmd_len += 1024;
   cmd_len += strlen(file) * 2;
   if (key) cmd_len += strlen(key) * 2;
   cmd = alloca(cmd_len + 1);

   len = strlen(file);
   if (len < 1)
	return EINA_FALSE;
   end = file + len;
   for (p = end - 1; p >= file; p--)
        if      ((!dot1) && (*p == '.')) dot1 = p;
        else if ((!dot2) && (*p == '.')) dot2 = p;
        else if ((dot1) && (dot2)) break;
   if (dot2)
        // double extn not too long
        if (((end - dot2) <= 10) && (!illegal_char(dot2)))
             strcpy(&(decoders[decoders_num][0]), img_loader);
             dotcat(&(decoders[decoders_num][0]), dot2);
        // single extn not too long
        if (((end - dot1) <= 5) && (!illegal_char(dot1)))
             strcpy(&(decoders[decoders_num][0]), img_loader);
             dotcat(&(decoders[decoders_num][0]), dot1);
        strcpy(decoders[decoders_num], img_loader);
   else if (dot1)
        // single extn not too long
        if (((end - dot1) <= 5) && (!illegal_char(dot1)))
             strcpy(&(decoders[decoders_num][0]), img_loader);
             dotcat(&(decoders[decoders_num][0]), dot1);
        strcpy(decoders[decoders_num], img_loader);
        strcpy(decoders[decoders_num], img_loader);

   for (try_count = 0; try_count < decoders_num; try_count++)
        // FIXME: strcats could be more efficient, not that it matters much
        // here as we are about to build a cmd to exec via a shell that
        // will interpret shell stuff and path hunt that will then exec the
        // program itself that will dynamically link that will again
        // parse the arguments and finally do something...
        if (access(decoders[try_count], X_OK)) continue;

        strcpy(cmd, decoders[try_count]);
        strcat(cmd, " ");
        // filename first arg
        len = strlen(cmd);
        escape_copy(file, cmd + len);
        if (!get_data)
             strcat(cmd, " -head ");
        if (key)
             strcat(cmd, " -key ");
             len = strlen(cmd);
             escape_copy(key, cmd + len);
        if (ie->load_opts.scale_down_by > 1)
             strcat(cmd, " -opt-scale-down-by ");
             snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", ie->load_opts.scale_down_by);
             strcat(cmd, buf);
        if (ie->load_opts.dpi > 0.0)
             strcat(cmd, " -opt-dpi ");
             snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", (int)(ie->load_opts.dpi * 1000.0));
             strcat(cmd, buf);
        if ((ie->load_opts.w > 0) &&
            (ie->load_opts.h > 0))
             strcat(cmd, " -opt-size ");
             snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i %i", ie->load_opts.w, ie->load_opts.h);
             strcat(cmd, buf);
        f = popen(cmd, "r");
        if (f) break;
   if (!f)
	return EINA_FALSE;
   while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f))
        len = strlen(buf);
        if (len > 0)
             if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') buf[len - 1] = 0;
             if (!strncmp(buf, "size ", 5))
                  int tw = 0, th = 0;

                  len = sscanf(buf, "%*s %i %i", &tw, &th);
                  if (len == 2)
                       if ((tw > 0) && (th > 0))
                            w = tw;
                            h = th;
             else if (!strncmp(buf, "alpha ", 6))
                  int ta;

                  len = sscanf(buf, "%*s %i", &ta);
                  if (len == 1)
                       alpha = ta;
             else if (!strncmp(buf, "tmpfile ", 8))
                  tmpfname = buf + 8;
                  goto getdata;
             else if (!strncmp(buf, "shmfile ", 8))
                  shmfname = buf + 8;
                  goto getdata;
             else if (!strncmp(buf, "data", 4))
                  read_data = 1;
                  goto getdata;
             else if (!strncmp(buf, "done", 4))
                  read_data = 2;
                  goto getdata;
   if ((!read_data) && (!tmpfname) && (!shmfname))
	goto on_error;
   if ((w < 1) || (h < 1) || (w > IMG_MAX_SIZE) || (h > IMG_MAX_SIZE) ||
       IMG_TOO_BIG(w, h))
	goto on_error;
   body = evas_cache_image_pixels(ie);
   if (body)
        if ((w != (int)ie->w) || (h != (int)ie->h))
             *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE;
             goto on_error;
   if (alpha) ie->flags.alpha = 1;
   ie->w = w;
   ie->h = h;

   if (get_data)
        if (!body) evas_cache_image_surface_alloc(ie, ie->w, ie->h);
        body = evas_cache_image_pixels(ie);
        if (!body)
             goto on_error;

        if ((tmpfname) || (shmfname))
             int fd = -1;

             // open
             if (tmpfname)
                fd = open(tmpfname, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR);
             else if (shmfname)
                fd = shm_open(shmfname, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR);
             if (fd >= 0)
                  void *addr;


                  // mmap
                  addr = mmap(NULL, w * h * sizeof(DATA32),
                              PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
                  if (addr != MAP_FAILED)
                       memcpy(body, addr, w * h * sizeof(DATA32));
                       munmap(addr, w * h * sizeof(DATA32));
                  // close
                  if (tmpfname)
                  else if (shmfname)
                  goto on_error;
        else if (read_data)
             if (fread(body, w * h * sizeof(DATA32), 1, f) != 1)
                  *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE;
                  goto on_error;

   res = EINA_TRUE;

   if (f) pclose(f);
   return res;