void grok_input_eof_handler(int fd, short what, void *data) { grok_input_t *ginput = (grok_input_t *)data; grok_program_t *gprog = ginput->gprog; if (ginput->instance_match_count == 0) { /* execute nomatch if there is one on this program */ grok_matchconfig_exec_nomatch(gprog, ginput); } switch (ginput->type) { case I_PROCESS: if (PROCESS_SHOULD_RESTART(&(ginput->source.process))) { ginput->instance_match_count = 0; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, _program_process_start, ginput, &ginput->restart_delay); } else { grok_log(ginput->gprog, LOG_PROGRAM, "Not restarting process: %s", ginput->source.process.cmd); bufferevent_disable(ginput->bev, EV_READ); close(ginput->source.process.p_stdin); close(ginput->source.process.p_stdout); close(ginput->source.process.p_stderr); ginput->done = 1; } break; case I_FILE: if (ginput->source.file.follow) { ginput->instance_match_count = 0; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, _program_file_repair_event, ginput, &ginput->restart_delay); } else { grok_log(ginput->gprog, LOG_PROGRAM, "Not restarting file: %s", ginput->source.file.filename); bufferevent_disable(ginput->bev, EV_READ); close(ginput->source.file.reader); close(ginput->source.file.writer); close(ginput->source.file.fd); ginput->done = 1; } break; } /* If all inputs are now done, close the shell */ int still_open = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < gprog->ninputs; i++) { still_open += !gprog->inputs[i].done; if (!gprog->inputs[i].done) { grok_log(gprog, LOG_PROGRAM, "Input still open: %d", i); } } if (still_open == 0) { for (i = 0; i < gprog->nmatchconfigs; i++) { grok_matchconfig_close(gprog, &gprog->matchconfigs[i]); } grok_collection_check_end_state(gprog->gcol); } }
void privmsg_done(struct dht_rpc * rpc, struct dht_group_msg_reply *reply, void * arg) { struct dht_group *group = arg; char *channel_name; unsigned int error_code; char *error_reason; struct timeval tv; if (reply == NULL) return; CU_ASSERT(!EVTAG_GET(reply, channel_name, &channel_name)); CU_ASSERT(!EVTAG_GET(reply, error_code, &error_code)); CU_ASSERT(!EVTAG_GET(reply, error_reason, &error_reason)); fprintf(stderr, "%s: channel: %s -> %d - %s\n", dht_node_id_ascii(dht_myid(group->dht)), channel_name, error_code, error_reason); timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_usec = 500000L; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, part_cb, arg, &tv); }
void grok_program_add_input_process(grok_program_t *gprog, grok_input_t *ginput) { struct bufferevent *bev; grok_input_process_t *gipt = &(ginput->source.process); int childin[2], childout[2], childerr[2]; int pid; struct timeval now = { 0, 0 }; safe_pipe(childin); safe_pipe(childout); safe_pipe(childerr); gipt->p_stdin = childin[1]; gipt->p_stdout = childout[0]; gipt->p_stderr = childerr[0]; gipt->c_stdin = childin[0]; gipt->c_stdout = childout[1]; gipt->c_stderr = childerr[1]; bev = bufferevent_new(gipt->p_stdout, _program_process_stdout_read, NULL, _program_process_buferror, ginput); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); ginput->bev = bev; if (gipt->read_stderr) { /* store this somewhere */ bev = bufferevent_new(gipt->p_stderr, _program_process_stdout_read, NULL, _program_process_buferror, ginput); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); } grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "Scheduling start of: %s", gipt->cmd); event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, _program_process_start, ginput, &now); }
static void web_pipeline_stream_trickle(int fd, short events, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = NULL; struct chunk_req_state *state = static_cast<chunk_req_state*>(arg); struct timeval when = { 0, 0 }; long unsigned int outlen; unsigned char *outbuf; when.tv_usec = state->delay * 1000; if ( state->closed ) { // free ! state->stream->setInput(NULL); delete state->stream; free(state); return; } if ( !state->stream->copy() ) { event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, web_pipeline_stream_trickle, state, &when); return; } if ( state->stream->output_buffer->nChannels == 3 ) cvCvtColor(state->stream->output_buffer, state->stream->output_buffer, CV_BGR2RGB); ipl2jpeg(state->stream->output_buffer, &outbuf, &outlen); evb = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "--mjpegstream\r\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "Content-Length: %lu\r\n\r\n", outlen); evbuffer_add(evb, outbuf, outlen); evhttp_send_reply_chunk(state->req, evb); evbuffer_free(evb); free(outbuf); event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, web_pipeline_stream_trickle, state, &when); /** evhttp_send_reply_end(state->req); free(state); **/ }
void _program_file_repair_event(int fd, short what, void *data) { grok_input_t *ginput = (grok_input_t *)data; grok_input_file_t *gift = &(ginput->source.file); struct bufferevent *bev = ginput->bev; struct stat st; if (stat(gift->filename, &st) != 0) { grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAM, "Failure stat(2)'ing file '%s': %s", gift->filename, strerror(errno)); grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAM, "Unrecoverable error (stat failed). Can't continue watching '%s'", gift->filename); return; } if (gift->st.st_ino != st.st_ino) { /* inode changed, reopen file */ grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "File inode changed from %d to %d. Reopening file '%s'", gift->st.st_ino, st.st_ino, gift->filename); close(gift->fd); gift->fd = open(gift->filename, O_RDONLY); gift->waittime.tv_sec = 0; gift->waittime.tv_usec = 0; gift->offset = 0; } else if (st.st_size < gift->st.st_size) { /* File size shrank */ grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "File size shrank from %d to %d. Seeking to beginning of file '%s'", gift->st.st_size, st.st_size, gift->filename); gift->offset = 0; lseek(gift->fd, gift->offset, SEEK_SET); gift->waittime.tv_sec = 0; gift->waittime.tv_usec = 0; } else { /* Nothing changed, we should wait */ if (gift->waittime.tv_sec == 0) { gift->waittime.tv_sec = 1; } else { gift->waittime.tv_sec *= 2; if (gift->waittime.tv_sec > 60) { gift->waittime.tv_sec = 60; } } } memcpy(&(gift->st), &st, sizeof(st)); grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "Repairing event with fd %d file '%s'. Will read again in %d.%d secs", bev->ev_read.ev_fd, gift->filename, gift->waittime.tv_sec, gift->waittime.tv_usec); //event_add(&bev->ev_read, &(gift->waittime)); event_once(0, EV_TIMEOUT, _program_file_read_real, ginput, &(gift->waittime)); }
void fileread_real(int unused, short what, void *data) { struct evfdpipe *ep = data; struct timeval t = { 1, 0 }; char buf[4096]; int bytes; bytes = read(ep->input, buf, 4096); printf("%d => %d == %d bytes\n", ep->input, ep->output, bytes); write(ep->output, buf, bytes); event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, fileread_real, ep, &t); }
static void http_large_delay_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval tv; timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 3; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_delay_reply, req, &tv); /* here we close the client connection which will cause an EOF */ evhttp_connection_fail(delayed_client, EVCON_HTTP_EOF); }
void web_pipeline_stream(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval when = { 0, 20 }; struct evkeyvalq headers; const char *uri; int idx = 0; moModule *module = NULL; uri = evhttp_request_uri(req); evhttp_parse_query(uri, &headers); if ( evhttp_find_header(&headers, "objectname") == NULL ) { evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); return web_error(req, "missing objectname"); } module = module_search(evhttp_find_header(&headers, "objectname"), pipeline); if ( module == NULL ) { evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); return web_error(req, "object not found"); } if ( evhttp_find_header(&headers, "index") != NULL ) idx = atoi(evhttp_find_header(&headers, "index")); if ( idx < 0 || idx >= module->getOutputCount() ) { evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); return web_error(req, "invalid index"); } struct chunk_req_state *state = (struct chunk_req_state*)malloc(sizeof(struct chunk_req_state)); memset(state, 0, sizeof(struct chunk_req_state)); state->req = req; state->closed = false; state->stream = new otStreamModule(); state->delay = 100; if ( evhttp_find_header(&headers, "scale") != NULL ) state->stream->property("scale").set(evhttp_find_header(&headers, "scale")); if ( evhttp_find_header(&headers, "delay") != NULL ) state->delay = atoi(evhttp_find_header(&headers, "delay")); state->stream->setInput(module->getOutput(idx)); evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Type", "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=mjpegstream"); evhttp_send_reply_start(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine"); evhttp_connection_set_closecb(req->evcon, web_pipeline_stream_close, state); event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, web_pipeline_stream_trickle, state, &when); }
int job_thread_create (CcnetJob *job) { if (ccnet_pipe (job->pipefd) < 0) { /* g_warning ("pipe error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); */ return -1; } g_thread_pool_push (job->manager->thread_pool, job, NULL); #ifndef UNIT_TEST event_once (job->pipefd[0], EV_READ, job_done_cb, job, NULL); #endif return 0; }
static void http_chunked_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval when = { 0, 0 }; struct chunk_req_state *state = malloc(sizeof(struct chunk_req_state)); event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); memset(state, 0, sizeof(struct chunk_req_state)); state->req = req; /* generate a chunked reply */ evhttp_send_reply_start(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine"); /* but trickle it across several iterations to ensure we're not * assuming it comes all at once */ event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_chunked_trickle_cb, state, &when); }
void grok_program_add_input_file(grok_program_t *gprog, grok_input_t *ginput) { struct bufferevent *bev; struct stat st; int ret; int pipefd[2]; grok_input_file_t *gift = &(ginput->source.file); grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "Adding file input: %s", gift->filename); ret = stat(gift->filename, &st); if (ret == -1) { grok_log(gprog, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT , "Failure stat(2)'ing file: %s", gift->filename); grok_log(gprog, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT , "strerror(%d): %s", strerror(errno)); return; } gift->fd = open(gift->filename, O_RDONLY); if (gift->fd < 0) { grok_log(gprog, LOG_PROGRAM, "Failure open(2)'ing file for read '%s': %s", gift->filename, strerror(errno)); return; } safe_pipe(pipefd); gift->offset = 0; gift->reader = pipefd[0]; gift->writer = pipefd[1]; memcpy(&(gift->st), &st, sizeof(st)); gift->waittime.tv_sec = 0; gift->waittime.tv_usec = 0; gift->readbuffer = malloc(st.st_blksize); grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "dup2(%d, %d)", gift->fd, gift->writer); /* Tie our open file read fd to the writer of our pipe */ // this doesn't work bev = bufferevent_new(gift->reader, _program_file_read_buffer, NULL, _program_file_buferror, ginput); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); ginput->bev = bev; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, _program_file_read_real, ginput, &(gift->waittime)); }
static void close_detect_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evhttp_connection *evcon = arg; struct timeval tv; if (req != NULL && req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 3; /* longer than the http time out */ /* launch a new request on the persistent connection in 6 seconds */ event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, close_detect_launch, evcon, &tv); }
void filewatch(void) { int fd; int p[2]; struct bufferevent *bev; struct timeval t = { 1, 0 }; pipe(p); fd = open("/var/log/messages", O_RDONLY); //dup2(fd, p[1]); bev = bufferevent_new(p[0], bufread, NULL, NULL, "fileread"); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); struct evfdpipe *ep = calloc(1, sizeof(struct evfdpipe)); ep->input = fd; ep->output = p[1]; event_once(p[1], EV_TIMEOUT, fileread_real, ep, &t); }
static void http_chunked_trickle_cb(int fd, short events, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = evbuffer_new(); struct chunk_req_state *state = arg; struct timeval when = { 0, 0 }; evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "%s", CHUNKS[state->i]); evhttp_send_reply_chunk(state->req, evb); evbuffer_free(evb); if (++state->i < sizeof(CHUNKS)/sizeof(CHUNKS[0])) { event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_chunked_trickle_cb, state, &when); } else { evhttp_send_reply_end(state->req); free(state); } }
void _program_file_read_real(int fd, short what, void *data) { grok_input_t *ginput = (grok_input_t *)data; grok_input_file_t *gift = &(ginput->source.file); grok_program_t *gprog = ginput->gprog; int write_ret; int bytes = 0; bytes = read(gift->fd, gift->readbuffer, gift->st.st_blksize); write_ret = write(gift->writer, gift->readbuffer, bytes); if (write_ret == -1) { grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "fatal write() to pipe fd %d of %d bytes: %s", gift->writer, bytes, strerror(errno)); /* XXX: Maybe just shutdown this particular process/file instead * of exiting */ exit(1); } gift->offset += bytes; /* we can potentially read past our last 'filesize' if the file * has been updated since stat()'ing it. */ if (gift->offset > gift->st.st_size) gift->st.st_size = gift->offset; grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "%s: read %d bytes", gift->filename, bytes); if (bytes == 0) { /* nothing to read, at EOF */ grok_input_eof_handler(0, 0, ginput); } else if (bytes < 0) { grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "Error: Bytes read < 0: %d", bytes); grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "Error: strerror() says: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { /* We read more than 0 bytes, so we should keep reading this file * immediately */ gift->waittime.tv_sec = 0; gift->waittime.tv_usec = 0; event_once(0, EV_TIMEOUT, _program_file_read_real, ginput, &(gift->waittime)); } }
void _program_file_buferror(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *data) { grok_input_t *ginput = (grok_input_t *)data; grok_input_file_t *gift = &(ginput->source.file); grok_program_t *gprog = ginput->gprog; struct timeval nodelay = { 0, 0 }; grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "Buffer error %d on file %d: %s", what, gift->fd, gift->filename); if (what & EVBUFFER_EOF) { /* EOF erro on a file, which means libevent forgets about it. * let's re-add it */ grok_log(ginput, LOG_PROGRAMINPUT, "EOF Error on file buffer for '%s'. Ignoring.", gift->filename); ginput->restart_delay.tv_sec = gift->waittime.tv_sec; ginput->restart_delay.tv_usec = gift->waittime.tv_usec; event_once(0, EV_TIMEOUT, grok_input_eof_handler, ginput, &nodelay); //} else if (what & EVBUFFER_TIMEOUT) { ///* Timeout reading from our file buffer */ //ginput->restart_delay.tv_sec = gift->waittime.tv_sec; //ginput->restart_delay.tv_usec = gift->waittime.tv_usec; //bufferevent_enable(ginput->bev, EV_READ); } }
static void http_basic_test(void) { struct timeval tv; struct bufferevent *bev; int fd; const char *http_request; short port = -1; test_ok = 0; fprintf(stdout, "Testing Basic HTTP Server: "); http = http_setup(&port, NULL); /* bind to a second socket */ if (evhttp_bind_socket(http, "", port + 1) == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (bind)\n"); exit(1); } fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); /* first half of the http request */ http_request = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: some"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_usec = 10000; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_complete_write, bev, &tv); event_dispatch(); if (test_ok != 3) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } /* connect to the second port */ bufferevent_free(bev); EVUTIL_CLOSESOCKET(fd); fd = http_connect("", port + 1); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); http_request = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); event_dispatch(); bufferevent_free(bev); EVUTIL_CLOSESOCKET(fd); evhttp_free(http); if (test_ok != 5) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); }
static void web_pipeline_stream_trickle(int fd, short events, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = NULL; struct chunk_req_state *state = static_cast<chunk_req_state*>(arg); struct timeval when = { 0, 0 }; long unsigned int outlen; std::vector<uchar>outbuf; std::vector<int> params; IplImage* img; bool convert = false; when.tv_usec = state->delay * 1000; // stream is closed, clean the state. if ( state->closed ) { state->stream->setInput(NULL); delete state->stream; free(state); return; } // nothing to copy, schedule the next event if ( !state->stream->copy() ) goto stream_trickle_end; // convert the image from BRG to RGB img = state->stream->output_buffer; if ( img == NULL ) { LOG(MO_ERROR, "stream: output_buffer is null !"); goto stream_trickle_end; } if ( img->nChannels == 3 ) cvCvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2RGB); // if the depth is not a 8, create a temporary image, and convert to 8 bytes depth if ( img->depth != 8 ) { convert = true; img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, img->nChannels); if ( img == NULL ) { LOG(MO_ERROR, "stream: unable to create a new image"); goto stream_trickle_end; } cvConvertScale(state->stream->output_buffer, img, 255, 0); } // convert the image to JPEG params.push_back(CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY); params.push_back(100); cv::imencode(".jpg", img, outbuf, params); outlen = outbuf.size(); // release temporary image if created if ( convert ) cvReleaseImage(&img); // create and send the buffer evb = evbuffer_new(); if ( evb == NULL ) { LOG(MO_ERROR, "stream: unable to create a libevent buffer"); goto stream_trickle_end; } evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "--mjpegstream\r\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "Content-Length: %lu\r\n\r\n", outlen); evbuffer_add(evb, &outbuf[0], outlen); evhttp_send_reply_chunk(state->req, evb); evbuffer_free(evb); outbuf.clear(); params.clear(); stream_trickle_end:; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, web_pipeline_stream_trickle, state, &when); }