Ejemplo n.º 1
void myMacro()
  //  gROOT->LoadMacro("tdrstyle.C");

  //  gROOT->LoadMacro("CMS_lumi.C");

  writeExtraText = true;       // if extra text
  extraText  = "Preliminary";  // default extra text is "Preliminary"
  lumi_8TeV  = "19.1 fb^{-1}"; // default is "19.7 fb^{-1}"
  lumi_7TeV  = "4.9 fb^{-1}";  // default is "5.1 fb^{-1}"
  lumi_sqrtS = "13 TeV";       // used with iPeriod = 0, e.g. for simulation-only plots (default is an empty string)

  int iPeriod = 3;    // 1=7TeV, 2=8TeV, 3=7+8TeV, 7=7+8+13TeV, 0=free form (uses lumi_sqrtS)

  // second parameter in example_plot is iPos, which drives the position of the CMS logo in the plot
  // iPos=11 : top-left, left-aligned
  // iPos=33 : top-right, right-aligned
  // iPos=22 : center, centered
  // mode generally : 
  //   iPos = 10*(alignement 1/2/3) + position (1/2/3 = left/center/right)

  example_plot( iPeriod, 0 );   // out of frame (in exceptional cases)
  //  example_plot( iPeriod, 11 );  // left-aligned
  //  example_plot( iPeriod, 33 );  // right-aligned

  //  writeExtraText = false;       // remove Preliminary
  //  example_plot( iPeriod, 0 );   // out of frame (in exceptional cases)

  //  example_plot( iPeriod, 11 );  // default: left-aligned
  //  example_plot( iPeriod, 22 );  // centered
  //  example_plot( iPeriod, 33 );  // right-aligned  
Ejemplo n.º 2
void myMacro()


  writeExtraText = true;       // if extra text
  extraText  = "Preliminary";  // default extra text is "Preliminary"

  int iPeriod = 2;    // 1=Emu = 150 GeV; 2=Nothing for the mometnt just fill with what we need

  // second parameter in example_plot is iPos, which drives the position of the CMS logo in the plot
  // iPos=11 : top-left, left-aligned
  // iPos=33 : top-right, right-aligned
  // iPos=22 : center, centered
  // mode generally : 
  //   iPos = 10*(alignement 1/2/3) + position (1/2/3 = left/center/right)

  int iPos = 33;

  example_plot( iPeriod, iPos );   // out of frame (in exceptional cases)

Ejemplo n.º 3
void PlotMass(bool trigg, int ntrigg,double miniPt, double maxiPt, string cut,string histoname,string label1,string label2, string label3 )


  writeExtraText = true;       // if extra text
  extraText  = "Preliminary";  // default extra text is "Preliminary"
  lumi_13TeV = "";
  lumi_8TeV  = "19.1 fb^{-1}"; // default is "19.7 fb^{-1}"
  lumi_7TeV  = "4.9 fb^{-1}";  // default is "5.1 fb^{-1}"

  int iPeriod = 4;    // 1=7TeV, 2=8TeV, 3=7+8TeV, 4=13TeV, 7=7+8+13TeV 

  // second parameter in example_plot is iPos, which drives the position of the CMS logo in the plot
  // iPos=11 : top-left, left-aligned
  // iPos=33 : top-right, right-aligned
  // iPos=22 : center, centered

  example_plot( iPeriod, 33, trigg,ntrigg,miniPt,maxiPt,cut,histoname,label1,label2,label3 );   
