Ejemplo n.º 1
int linux_static_dev_configure (struct lmodule *pa) {
    module_init (pa);

    pa->cleanup = linux_static_dev_cleanup;

    event_listen (einit_event_subsystem_boot, linux_static_dev_boot_event_handler);
    event_listen (einit_event_subsystem_power, linux_static_dev_power_event_handler);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int linux_hotplug_configure (struct lmodule *tm) {
 module_init (tm);
 exec_configure (tm);

 char *dm = cfg_getstring("configuration-system-device-manager", NULL);

/* this module won't work unless we're using either mdev, edev or a static dev, due to
   the hotplug event reader not being implemented in udev */
 if (!dm || (strcmp (dm, "mdev") && strcmp (dm, "edev") && strcmp (dm, "static"))) {
  return status_configure_failed | status_not_in_use;

 event_listen (einit_event_subsystem_hotplug, linux_hotplug_hotplug_event_handler);

 return 1;