Ejemplo n.º 1
AppTrayView::AppTrayView() :
    QObject(NULL), _tray(this)
    connect(&_tray, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(onIconActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)));

    _toggleVisibilityAction = new QAction(tr("&Masquer"), this);
    connect(_toggleVisibilityAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onToggleVisibilityClicked()));

    QAction *aboutAction = new QAction(tr("&A propos"), this);
    connect(aboutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(aboutCmd()));

    QAction *quitAction = new QAction(tr("&Quitter"), this);
    connect(quitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(exitCmd()));

    _trayIconMenu = new QMenu("Chapi Server");

    _tray.setToolTip("Chapi Serveur");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 virtual void doAction() {
     bool restart = false;
     bool newGame = false;
     Font font(L"laudcn2.ttf", 24);
     Font btnFont(L"laudcn2.ttf", 14);
     Area area;
     area.add(new Window(220, 240, 360, 140, L"redpattern.bmp", 6));
     area.add(new Label(&font, 250, 230, 300, 100, Label::ALIGN_CENTER,
                 Label::ALIGN_MIDDLE, 255,255,0, msg(L"loose")));
     OkDlgCommand newGameCmd(&area, newGame);
     area.add(new Button(250, 340, 90, 25, &btnFont, 255,255,0, 
                 L"redpattern.bmp", msg(L"startNew"), &newGameCmd));
     OkDlgCommand restartCmd(&area, restart);
     area.add(new Button(350, 340, 90, 25, &btnFont, 255,255,0, 
                 L"redpattern.bmp", msg(L"tryAgain"), &restartCmd));
     ExitCommand exitCmd(area);
     area.add(new Button(450, 340, 90, 25, &btnFont, 255,255,0, 
                 L"redpattern.bmp", msg(L"exit"), &exitCmd));
     if (restart || newGame) {
         if (newGame)
     } else
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Description::run()
    area.add(new Window(100, 50, WIDTH, HEIGHT, L"blue.bmp"));
    area.add(new Label(titleFont, 250, 60, 300, 40, Label::ALIGN_CENTER, Label::ALIGN_MIDDLE, 255, 255, 0, msg(L"rules")));
    area.add(new Button(110, 515, 80, 25, buttonFont, 255, 255, 0, L"blue.bmp", msg(L"prev"), prevCmd));
    area.add(new Button(200, 515, 80, 25, buttonFont, 255, 255, 0, L"blue.bmp", msg(L"next"), nextCmd));
    ExitCommand exitCmd(area);
    area.add(new Button(610, 515, 80, 25, buttonFont, 255, 255, 0, L"blue.bmp", msg(L"close"), &exitCmd));
    area.add(new KeyAccel(SDLK_ESCAPE, &exitCmd));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void showOptionsWindow(Area *parentArea)
    Font titleFont(L"nova.ttf", 26);
    Font font(L"laudcn2.ttf", 14);

    bool fullscreen = (getStorage()->get(L"fullscreen", 1) != 0);
    bool niceCursor = (getStorage()->get(L"niceCursor", 1) != 0);
    bool hideCursor = (getStorage()->get(L"hideCursor", 0) != 0);
    bool invertShoulder = (getStorage()->get(L"invertShoulder", 0) != 0);
    float volume = ((float)getStorage()->get(L"volume", 20)) / 100.0f;
    Area area;

    area.add(new Window(250, 170, 300, 260, L"blue.bmp"));
    area.add(new Label(&titleFont, 250, 175, 300, 40, Label::ALIGN_CENTER,
                Label::ALIGN_MIDDLE, 255,255,0, msg(L"options")));
    OPTION(240, L"fullscreen", fullscreen);
#ifndef __APPLE__
    OPTION(260, L"niceCursor", niceCursor);
    OPTION(280, L"hideCursor", hideCursor);
    OPTION(300, L"invertShoulder", invertShoulder);
    area.add(new Label(&font, 265, 330, 300, 20, Label::ALIGN_LEFT,
                Label::ALIGN_MIDDLE, 255,255,255, msg(L"volume")));
    area.add(new Slider(360, 332, 160, 16, volume));
    ExitCommand exitCmd(area);
    OptionsChangedCommand okCmd(&area, fullscreen, niceCursor,hideCursor,invertShoulder, volume);
    area.add(new Button(315, 390, 85, 25, &font, 255,255,0, L"blue.bmp", 
                msg(L"ok"), &okCmd));
    area.add(new Button(405, 390, 85, 25, &font, 255,255,0, L"blue.bmp", 
                msg(L"cancel"), &exitCmd));
    area.add(new KeyAccel(SDLK_ESCAPE, &exitCmd));
    area.add(new KeyAccel(SDLK_RETURN, &okCmd));
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  char *line;
  pipeline pl;
  int run;
  int redo = 0;
  int skip = 0;
  int isResume = 0;
  char *promptstr;
  char* buffer;
  numExits = 0;
  jobIndex = 0;
  histIndex = 0;
  back = 0;
  script = 0;
  FILE* in;
  /* check for the right number of arguments */
  //if ( argc > 2 ) {
  //  printusage(argv[0]);
  //  exit(-1);
  if (argc >= 2)
  	DIR* dirp;
	struct dirent *dp;
	int isFound = 0;
	if ((dirp = opendir(".")) == NULL) 
        	perror("couldn't open path");
                return 0;
        //put files into array and sort their names
        while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL)
		if (strcmp(dp->d_name, argv[1]) == 0)
			isFound = 1;
	if (isFound == 0)
		printf("%s: Command not found\n", argv[1]);
		in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
		buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(in));
		script = 1;
  //struct termios saved_term_mode; 
  struct sigaction action;
  action.sa_handler = killHandle;     /* set tick to be the handler function */
  sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); /* clear out masked functions */
  action.sa_flags   = 0;        /* no special handling */
  struct sigaction action2;
  action2.sa_handler = susHandle;     /* set tick to be the handler function */
  sigemptyset(&action2.sa_mask); /* clear out masked functions */
  action2.sa_flags   = 0;        /* no special handling */

     * Use the sigaction function to associate the signal action with SIGALRM.
    if (sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL) < 0 ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "SIGINT\n");
    if(sigaction(SIGTSTP, &action2, NULL) < 0) {
    	fprintf(stderr, "SIGTSTP\n");
    //saved_term_mode = set_raw_term_mode();
	//strcpy(jobs[1], "hey");
  /* set prompt */
  promptstr = PROMPT;

  run = TRUE;
  if (script == 0)
  while ( run ) 
    /// if reexecute was not called
    if (redo == 0)
    	if (script == 0)
	    if ( NULL == (line = readLongString(stdin)) ) 
	      if ( feof(stdin) )
	        run = FALSE;
		fgets(line, sizeof(in), in);
		if (line[0] == '%')
			isResume = 1;
    	//printf("histInd: %d\n", histIndex);
    	///if reexecute was called,
    	///find the correct place in the history
    	///list to extract the reexecuted command
    	int temp = histIndex;
    	int ind = 0;
    	while (ind != reNumber)
    	line = history[temp];
    	printf("%s\n", line);
    if (line == NULL)
	    if (feof(stdin))
        run = FALSE;
    	if (line[0] == '%')
		isResume = 1;
      /* We got a line, send it off to the pipeline cracker and
       * launch it
       //if (redo == 0)
       	  pl = crack_pipeline(line);     	  
	redo = 0;
       * Show that it worked.  This is where you're going to do
       * something radically different: rather than printing the
       * pipeline, you're going to execute it.
      if ( pl != NULL && strlen(pl->cline) > 0) 
      	if (pl->cline[0] == '%')
        	int i;
        	isResume = 1;
        	pl->stage[0].argv[0][0] = ' ';
        	for (i = 0; i < strlen(pl->cline)-1; i++)
        		pl->stage[0].argv[0][i] = pl->stage[0].argv[0][i+1];
        	pl->stage[0].argv[0][strlen(pl->cline)-1] = '\0';
        //print_pipeline(stdout,pl); /* print it. */
        ///add to the history what was typed into the command line
        if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "history") == 0)
        	///print the history if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 1)
        		printf("Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        	skip = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "jobs") == 0)
        	///print the suspended jobs if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 1)
        		printf("Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        	skip = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "exit") == 0)
        	///exit vssh if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 1)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	if (skip == 0)
        	skip = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "bg") == 0)
        	///background the most recently suspended job if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 1)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        	skip  = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "fg") == 0)
        	///foreground the most recently backgrounded job if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 1)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        	skip = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "cd") == 0)
        	///change the directory of vssh if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 2)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        	skip = 0;
        else if (isResume == 1)
        	///foreground the specified job if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 1)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        		int i; 
        		int killFlag = 0;
        		for (i = 0; i < strlen(pl->stage[0].argv[0]); i++)
        			if (!isdigit(pl->stage[0].argv[0][i]))
        				///if the supplied job number is not a number
        				///then print error
        				killFlag = 1;
        				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such job.\n", pl->stage[0].argv[0]);	
        		if (killFlag == 0)
        			if (atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[0]) <= 0 || atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[0]) > jobIndex)
        				///if the supplied job number is not a valid job index
        				///then print error
        				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such job.\n", pl->stage[0].argv[0]);
        				resume(jobs[atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[0])-1]->id, atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[0])-1);
        	skip = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "!") == 0)
        	///reexecute the specified history command if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 2 || strlen(pl->stage[0].argv[1]) > 3)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	///if the number supplied is not a valid history index
        	///then print error
        	if (pl->stage[0].argv[1][0] == '0' && skip == 0)
        		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Event not found\n", pl->stage[0].argv[1]);
        		skip = 1;
        	if (strlen(history[atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1])]) <= 0 && skip == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Event not found\n", pl->stage[0].argv[1]);
			skip = 1;
        	int i;
        	for (i = 0; i < strlen(pl->stage[0].argv[1]); i++)
			if (!isdigit(pl->stage[0].argv[1][i]) && skip == 0)
				///if the number supplied is not a number
        			///then print error
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: Event not found\n", pl->stage[0].argv[1]);
				skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        		redo = 1;
        		reNumber = atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1]);
        		//printf("renum: %d\n", reNumber);
        		//pl = crack_pipeline(history[atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1])]);
			//printf("%s\n", pl->cline);
        	skip = 0;
        else if (strcmp(pl->stage[0].argv[0], "kill") == 0)
        	///kill the specified job if possible
        	if (pl->stage[0].argc > 2)
        		fprintf(stderr, "Junk after built-in command\n");
        		skip = 1;
        	numExits = 0;
        	if (skip == 0)
        		int i; 
        		int killFlag = 0;
        		for (i = 0; i < strlen(pl->stage[0].argv[1]); i++)
        			///if the supplied job number is not a number
        			///then print error
        			if (!isdigit(pl->stage[0].argv[1][i]))
        				killFlag = 1;
        				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such job.\n", pl->stage[0].argv[1]);	
        		if (killFlag == 0)
        			if (atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1]) <= 0 || atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1]) > jobIndex)
        				///if the supplied job number is not a valid job index
        				///then print error
        				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such job.\n", pl->stage[0].argv[1]);
        				killProcess(atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1])-1, jobs[atoi(pl->stage[0].argv[1])-1]->id);
        	skip = 0;
        	///pipe/redirect as necessary
        	numExits = 0;
        	//int i;
        	//for (i = 0; i < pl->length; i++)
	        		//handle backgrounding "&"
	        			//find the &
		        		int j;
		        		int andFound = 0;
		        		int pipeFound = 0;
		        		for (j = 1; j < strlen(pl->cline); j++)
		        			if (pl->cline[j] == '|')
		        				//fprintf(stderr, "Pipelines cannot be backgrounded\n");
		        				pipeFound = 1;
		        			else if (pl->cline[j] == '&')
		        				//error if & is not the last arg, exec nothing
		        				if (pipeFound == 1)
		        					fprintf(stderr, "Pipelines cannot be backgrounded\n");	
		        				else if (j != strlen(pl->cline) - 1)
		        					andFound = 1;
		        					fprintf(stderr, "Junk after '&'.\n");
		        				else if (pl->cline[j-1] == ' ')
		        					andFound = 1;
		        					pl->cline[j] = '\0';
		        					//backExec(pl->stage[0].argv[0], pl->stage[0].argv, pl->cline);
		        					back = 1;
		        if (pl->length >= 2)
	        		///pipe if the pipline has 2 or more stages
	        	else if (pl->stage[0].outname != NULL && pl->stage[0].inname != NULL)
	        		redirectBoth(pl->stage[0].argv, pl->stage[0].inname, pl->stage[0].outname);
	        	else if (pl->stage[0].outname != NULL)
	        		///otherwise redirect output if there is an outfile
	        		redirectOutput(pl->stage[0].argv, pl->stage[0].outname, pl->cline);	
	        	else if (pl->stage[0].inname != NULL)
	        		///otherwise redirect input if there is an infile
	        		redirectInput(pl->stage[0].argv, pl->stage[0].inname, pl->cline);	
		        else if (andFound == 0)
			        //execute if not a built-in command
			        execute(pl->stage[0].argv[0], pl->stage[0].argv, pl->cline);
			back = 0;
      fflush(stdout);       /* also frees line */

      lineno++;  /* readLongString trims newlines, so increment it manually */
    if (run )
    	if (script == 0)            /* assuming we still want to run */
  return 0;