Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
	int off = 0;
	FILE * file = NULL;
	FILE * file_dbg = NULL;
	int buf_size = BUF_SIZE * 2;
	char fld[buf_size];
	char buf[buf_size];
	char * result = NULL;
	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf_size));

	if(argc >= 3) {
		/* set the global database type */
		global_mode = (ncs_strcmp(argv[1],"rathena") == 0) ? RATHENA : 
					     (((ncs_strcmp(argv[1],"eathena") == 0) ? EATHENA : 
					     ((ncs_strcmp(argv[1],"hercules") == 0) ? HERCULES : -1)));
		if(global_mode != RATHENA && global_mode != EATHENA && global_mode != HERCULES)
			exit_abt("invalid database type; only 'eathena', 'rathena', or 'hercules' is supported.");

		/* open the file containing the script */
		file = fopen(argv[2],"r");
		if(file == NULL) exit_buf("failed to open file %s\n", argv[2]);
	} else {
		exit_buf("\n\tsyntax '%s [eathena | rathena | hercules] <file path>'\n"
					"\t -> '%s eathena myscript.txt'\n"
					"\t -> '%s rathena /home/loki/dev/script.txt'\n"
					"\t -> '%s hercules /home/loki/dev/file'\n", 
					argv[0], argv[0], argv[0], argv[0]);

	/* initialize the global database */
	global_db = init_ic_db("athena.db");
	file_dbg = fopen("dump.txt", "w");
	node_dbg = NULL;
	if(file_dbg == NULL) exit_abt("failed to open dump.txt.");

	/* load the script file into the buffer */
	while(fgets(fld, buf_size, file) != NULL)
		off += sprintf(buf + off,"%s", fld);
	buf[off] = '\0';

	/* compile the script and display to stdout 
	 * use output redirection to store in a file */
	result = script_compile_raw(buf, 0, file_dbg);
	printf(" -- itemr -- \n%s\n", result);
	/* clean up everything */
static void terminate(int sig)
	LOGI("terminate! sig = %d\n", sig);
	if (!stop_all_in_process()) {
		// we are up there if signal accept and stop_all func was not
		// called yet.

		// so we need stop_all firstly (if profiling was
		// not started it will be dummy call) and release other sources
		if (sig != 0) {
			LOGW("Terminating due signal %s\n", strsignal(sig));
			signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
	} else {
		// we are there if stop_all function was called by some reasons

		// if stop_all called we cannot call remove_buf_modules and
		// other funcs because of threads are not stopped yet
		LOGW("Stop in progress\n");
		if (sig != 0) {
			LOGW("ignore signal %s\n", strsignal(sig));
			signal(sig, SIG_IGN);