//add an element, make sure it is not full, if it is call expand funciton void SandwichList::enqueue(const Order & sw) { if (capacity == size()) { // cerr << "start expand" << endl; expandList(); } // cerr << "check expand" << endl; cerr << "front: " << front << " back: " << back << endl; orders[back] = sw; orderCount++; cerr << "insert" << endl; if (back >= capacity - 1) back = 0; else back++; cerr << "capacity: " << capacity << " and Size:" << orderCount << endl; cerr << "front: " << front << " back: " << back << endl << endl; if (back == front) expandList(); }
//add an element, make sure it is not full, if it is call expand funciton void SandwichList::add(const Order& sw) { Order temp = sw; if(front == back){ expandList(); } orders[back] = temp; back++; back = back % capacity; }
//add an element, make sure it is not full, if it is call expand funciton void SandwichList::enqueue(const Order& sw) { if(orderCount == capacity){ expandList(); back = (back+1)%capacity; orderCount = orderCount++; } // TODO: Students write code here }
/* Does: adds a Order to the back of the queue * Arguments: reference to an Order * Returns: none * Calls: SandwichList.expandList() * Notes: Since back is incremented before copying, back must * start at -1 in the constructor. */ void SandwichList::add(const Order& sw){ if(back == listSize - 1) expandList(); orders[++back] = sw; }