Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Print a prefix expansion
 * \param croot Char version of rootword
 * \param rootword Root word to expand
 * \param flent Current table entry
 * \param mask Mask bits to expand on
 * \param option Option, see	expandmode
 * \param extra Extra info to add to line
 * \return
int ISpellChecker::pr_pre_expansion ( char *croot, ichar_t *rootword, 
							struct flagent *flent, MASKTYPE mask[], int option, 
							char *extra)
    int				cond;		/* Current condition number */
    register ichar_t *		nextc;		/* Next case choice */
    int				tlen;		/* Length of tword */
    ichar_t			tword[INPUTWORDLEN + MAXAFFIXLEN]; /* Temp */

    tlen = icharlen (rootword);
    if (flent->numconds > tlen)
		return 0;
    tlen -= flent->stripl;
    if (tlen <= 0)
		return 0;
    tlen += flent->affl;
    for (cond = 0, nextc = rootword;  cond < flent->numconds;  cond++)
		if ((flent->conds[mytoupper (*nextc++)] & (1 << cond)) == 0)
			return 0;
     * The conditions are satisfied.  Copy the word, add the prefix,
     * and make it the proper case.   This code is carefully written
     * to match that ins_cap and cap_ok.  Note that the affix, as
     * inserted, is uppercase.
     * There is a tricky bit here:  if the root is capitalized, we
     * want a capitalized result.  If the root is followcase, however,
     * we want to duplicate the case of the first remaining letter
     * of the root.  In other words, "Loved/U" should generate "Unloved",
     * but "LOved/U" should generate "UNLOved" and "lOved/U" should
     * produce "unlOved".
    if (flent->affl)
		icharcpy (tword, flent->affix);
		nextc = tword + flent->affl;
    icharcpy (nextc, rootword + flent->stripl);
    if (myupper (rootword[0]))
		/* We must distinguish followcase from capitalized and all-upper */
		for (nextc = rootword + 1;  *nextc;  nextc++)
			if (!myupper (*nextc))
		if (*nextc)
			/* It's a followcase or capitalized word.  Figure out which. */
			for (  ;  *nextc;  nextc++)
				if (myupper (*nextc))
			if (*nextc)
				/* It's followcase. */
				if (!myupper (tword[flent->affl]))
					forcelc (tword, flent->affl);
				/* It's capitalized */
				forcelc (tword + 1, tlen - 1);
		/* Followcase or all-lower, we don't care which */
		if (!myupper (*nextc))
			forcelc (tword, flent->affl);
    if (option == 3)
		printf ("\n%s", croot);
    if (option != 4)
		printf (" %s%s", ichartosstr (tword, 1), extra);
    if (flent->flagflags & FF_CROSSPRODUCT)
		return tlen
		  + expand_suf (croot, tword, mask, FF_CROSSPRODUCT, option, extra);
		return tlen;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* How to print: 
 * 1 = expansions only 
 * 2 = original line + expansions 
 * 3 = original paired w/ expansions 
 * 4 = add length ratio 
static void expandmode(int option) {
    char           buf[BUFSIZ];
    int            explength;         /* Total length of all expansions */
    register char *flagp;             /* Pointer to next flag char */
    ichar_t        ibuf[BUFSIZ];
    MASKTYPE       mask[MASKSIZE];
    char           origbuf[BUFSIZ];   /* Original contents of buf */
    char           ratiobuf[20];      /* Expansion/root length ratio */
    int            rootlength;        /* Length of root word */
    register int   temp;
    /* char           strg_out[MAXSOLLEN]; */
    while (xgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL) {
        rootlength = strlen(buf);
        if (buf[rootlength - 1] == '\n')
            buf[--rootlength] = '\0';
        strcpy(origbuf, buf);
        if ((flagp = index(buf, hashheader.flagmarker)) != NULL) {
            rootlength = flagp - buf;
            *flagp++ = '\0';
        if (option == 2  ||  option == 3  ||  option == 4)
            printf("%s ", origbuf);
        if (flagp != NULL) {
            if (flagp - buf > INPUTWORDLEN)
                buf[INPUTWORDLEN] = '\0';
        else {
            if ((int) strlen(buf) > INPUTWORDLEN - 1)
                buf[INPUTWORDLEN] = '\0';
        fputs(buf, stdout);
        fputc(' ', stdout);
        /* strtoichar(ibuf, buf, sizeof ibuf, 1);
           if (good(ibuf, 0, 0, 0)) {
           sprintf(strg_out, o_form, root, macro(root_class), pre_class,
           macro(suf_class), suf2_class);
           printf("%s ", strg_out);
        if (flagp != NULL) {
            bzero((char *) mask, sizeof(mask));
            while (*flagp != '\0'  &&  *flagp != '\n') {
#if MASKBITS <= 32
                temp = CHARTOBIT(mytoupper(chartoichar(*flagp)));
                temp = CHARTOBIT((unsigned char) *flagp);
                if (temp >= 0  &&  temp <= LARGESTFLAG)
                    SETMASKBIT (mask, temp);
                /* Accept old-format dicts with extra slashes */
                if (*flagp == hashheader.flagmarker)
            if (strtoichar(ibuf, buf, sizeof ibuf, 1))
                fprintf(stderr, WORD_TOO_LONG(buf));
            explength = expand_pre(origbuf, ibuf, mask, option, "");
            explength += expand_suf(origbuf, ibuf, mask, 0, option, "", "");
            explength += rootlength;
            if (option == 4) {
                sprintf(ratiobuf, " %f",
                        (double) explength / (double) rootlength);
                fputs(ratiobuf, stdout);
                expand_pre(origbuf, ibuf, mask, 3, ratiobuf);
                expand_suf(origbuf, ibuf, mask, 0, 3, ratiobuf, "");