unsigned char * decodeThreeQuarterRate(bool bits[264]){ bool *infoBits; //196 info bits char *dibits; //98 info dibits char *constellationPoints; //49 constallation points int *tribits; //49 tribits bool *decodedBinary; //144 bits static unsigned char bb[18]; int x=0,a,i; infoBits = extractInfo(bits); dibits = extractDibits(infoBits); constellationPoints = constellationOut(dibits); tribits = tribitExtract(constellationPoints); decodedBinary = binaryConvert(tribits); for (a=0;a<144;a=a+8){ bb[x] = 0; for (i=0;i<8;i++){ if(decodedBinary[a+i] == true) bb[x] = bb[x] + (char)(128 / pow(2,i)); } printf("(%02X)%c",bb[x],bb[x]); x++; } printf("\n"); return bb; }
DraftTube::DraftTube(coInteractor *inter) { int i; vrdt=this; fprintf(stderr,"DraftTube::DraftTube (Konstruktor)\n"); inter->incRefCount(); feedback=inter; // get the COVISE set object setObj=(coDistributedObject*)inter->getObject(); // get the number of cross sections fprintf(stderr,"\tDraftTube::DraftTube (before call of extractInfo())\n"); extractInfo(inter); fprintf(stderr,"\tDraftTube::DraftTube (after call of extractInfo())\n"); cover->addToggleButton("RecomputeCSGeom", NULL, false, (void*)recomputeCallback, this); // get the state of the create grid button inter->getBooleanParam(0, createGridState); cover->addToggleButton("CreateDraftubeGrid", NULL, false, (void*)gridCallback, this); dt = AllocTube(); csList = new CrossSection*[numCS]; for (i=0; i< numCS; i++) csList[i] = NULL; }
// Returns vector with all users information. std::vector<User> RadioStation::loadAllUsersToVector() { std::vector <User> allUsersVec; std::string filename = "users.csv"; ifstream file(filename); std::string tempStr; // Temporary user information. unsigned int newID, newAge, newHits; std::string newName, newGender, newPass; bool newSpecial; if(file.is_open()) { getline(file, tempStr); // Get first line (fields titles). while(getline(file, tempStr)) { // Gets user information from file. newID = convertStrInt(extractInfo(tempStr)); newName = extractInfo(tempStr); newAge = convertStrInt(extractInfo(tempStr)); newGender = extractInfo(tempStr); newSpecial = convertToBool(convertStrInt(extractInfo(tempStr))); newPass = extractInfo(tempStr); newHits = convertStrInt(extractInfo(tempStr)); // Stores user information to vector. allUsersVec.push_back(User(newID, newName, newAge, newGender, newSpecial, newPass, newHits, true)); } file.close(); } return allUsersVec; }
bool CvFuzzyMeanShiftTracker::SearchWindow::meanShift(IplImage* maskImage, IplImage* depthMap, int maxIteration, bool initDepth) { numShifts = 0; do { extractInfo(maskImage, depthMap, initDepth); if (! shift()) { return true; } } while (++numShifts < maxIteration); return false; };
void DraftTube::update(coInteractor *inter) { fprintf(stderr,"DraftTube::update numCS\n"); int createGridState; extractInfo(inter); setObj=(coDistributedObject*)inter->getObject(); inter->getBooleanParam(0, createGridState); cover->setButtonState("CreateDraftubeGrid", false); cover->setButtonState("RecomputeCSGeom", false); }
//Constructor readAttributes::readAttributes(string inputFileName){ countNAttributesFieldsInputFile(inputFileName); fields = new string[nFields]; attributes = new string*[nAttributes]; for (int iAttributes = 0; iAttributes < nAttributes; iAttributes++){ attributes[iAttributes] = new string[nFields]; } extractInfo(inputFileName, attributes, fields); string marketField = "market"; findIndexMarketField(marketField); }
Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(bool explain) const { // we never parse a documentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain if (!explain) return Value(); Status explainStatus(ErrorCodes::InternalError, ""); scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> plan; { Lock::DBRead lk(_ns); Client::Context ctx(_ns, storageGlobalParams.dbpath, /*doVersion=*/false); ClientCursorPin pin(_cursorId); ClientCursor* cursor = pin.c(); uassert(17135, "Cursor deleted. Was the collection or database dropped?", cursor); Runner* runner = cursor->getRunner(); runner->restoreState(); TypeExplain* explainRaw; explainStatus = runner->getExplainPlan(&explainRaw); if (explainStatus.isOK()) plan.reset(explainRaw); runner->saveState(); } MutableDocument out; out["query"] = Value(_query); if (!_sort.isEmpty()) out["sort"] = Value(_sort); if (_limit) out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit()); if (!_projection.isEmpty()) out["fields"] = Value(_projection); if (explainStatus.isOK()) { out["plan"] = Value(extractInfo(plan)); } else { out["planError"] = Value(explainStatus.toString()); } return out.freezeToValue(); }
// Loads playlist of the day from csv file. void RadioStation::loadPlaylistOfTheDayFromFile() { std::string newTitle, newAuthor, newAlbum, newGenre; unsigned int newID, newYear, newLikes, newDislikes; bool newSpecial; std::string filename = "playlistOfTheDay.csv"; std::string line; ifstream file(filename); if(file.is_open()) { playlistOfTheDay.clear(); getline(file, line); // Gets fields titles. while(getline(file, line)) { newID = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); newTitle = extractInfo(line); newAuthor = extractInfo(line); newAlbum = extractInfo(line); newGenre = extractInfo(line); newYear = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); newLikes = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); newDislikes = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); newSpecial = convertToBool(convertStrInt(extractInfo(line))); playlistOfTheDay.push_back(MusicTrack(newID, newTitle, newAuthor, newAlbum, newGenre, newYear, newLikes, newDislikes, newSpecial)); } file.close(); } else { return; } }
Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(bool explain) const { // we never parse a documentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain if (!explain) return Value(); Status explainStatus(ErrorCodes::InternalError, ""); scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> plan; { Lock::DBRead lk(pExpCtx->opCtx->lockState(), _ns); Client::Context ctx(pExpCtx->opCtx, _ns, /*doVersion=*/ false); massert(17392, "No _runner. Were we disposed before explained?", _runner); _runner->restoreState(pExpCtx->opCtx); TypeExplain* explainRaw; explainStatus = _runner->getInfo(&explainRaw, NULL); if (explainStatus.isOK()) plan.reset(explainRaw); _runner->saveState(); } MutableDocument out; out["query"] = Value(_query); if (!_sort.isEmpty()) out["sort"] = Value(_sort); if (_limit) out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit()); if (!_projection.isEmpty()) out["fields"] = Value(_projection); if (explainStatus.isOK()) { out["plan"] = Value(extractInfo(plan)); } else { out["planError"] = Value(explainStatus.toString()); } return Value(DOC(getSourceName() << out.freezeToValue())); }
/* * @param t Time (input) * @param delta_t The current value of the time step (input) * @param y Solution vector (input, do not modify) * @param ydot Rate of change of solution vector. (input, do not modify) * @param resid Value of the residual that is computed (output) * @param evalType Type of the residual being computed (defaults to Base_ResidEval) * @param id_x Index of the variable that is being numerically differenced to find * the jacobian (defaults to -1, which indicates that no variable is being * differenced or that the residual doesn't take this issue into account) * @param delta_x Value of the delta used in the numerical differencing */ int vcs_PhaseStabilitySolve::optResid(const doublereal tdummy, const doublereal delta_t_dummy, const doublereal * const y, const doublereal * const ySolnDot, doublereal * const resid, const ResidEval_Type_Enum evalType, const int id_x, const doublereal delta_x) { if (enableExtraPrinting_ && detailedResidPrintFlag_ > 1) { printf("\t\t=================================================================================================" "==============================\n"); printf("\t\t EXTRA PRINTING FROM NONLINEAR RESIDUAL: "); if (evalType == Base_ResidEval || evalType == Base_LaggedSolutionComponents) { printf(" BASE RESIDUAL"); } else if (evalType == JacBase_ResidEval) { printf(" BASE JAC RESIDUAL"); } else if (evalType == JacDelta_ResidEval) { printf(" DELTA JAC RESIDUAL"); printf(" var = %d delta_x = %12.4e Y_del = %12.4e Y_base = %12.4e", id_x, delta_x, y[id_x], y[id_x] - delta_x); } else if (evalType == Base_ShowSolution) { printf(" BASE RESIDUAL - SHOW SOLUTION"); } printf("\n"); } /* * Current the solution vector are the nsp -1 mole fractions in multiple phases */ unpackNonlinSolnVector(y); extractInfo(); if (enableExtraPrinting_ && detailedResidPrintFlag_ > 1) { printf("\t\t==============================================================" "=================================================================\n"); } return 1; }
// Checks for users that have a hit on their playlist. void RadioStation::checkForHitsOnAllUsers() { User userObj; // Vector that will hold all the user. Backup purposes. vector<User> allUsersVec; string line; unsigned int newID, newAge, newHits; string newName, newGender, newPass; bool newSpecial; string filename = "users.csv"; ifstream file(filename); if(file.is_open()) { getline(file, line); // Gets fields titles. while(getline(file, line)) { newID = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); newName = extractInfo(line); newAge = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); newGender = extractInfo(line); newSpecial = convertToBool(convertStrInt(extractInfo(line))); newPass = extractInfo(line); newHits = convertStrInt(extractInfo(line)); allUsersVec.push_back(User(newID, newName, newAge, newGender, newSpecial, newPass, newHits, true)); } file.close(); } else { return; } for(vector<User>::iterator vecPtr = allUsersVec.begin(); vecPtr != allUsersVec.end(); vecPtr++) { vecPtr->checkForHits(playlistOfTheDay); } }
void InfoExtractor::reply() { m_replyTimer->stop(); //Vérification des erreurs if (QNetworkReply::NetworkError err = m_reply->error()) { if (err != QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError) { sLog->out("InfoExtractor::reply() erreur: %1", m_reply->errorString()); } emit infoUnavailable(m_url, NETWORK_ERROR); m_reply->close(); m_reply->deleteLater(); m_reply = NULL; m_queue.enqueue(m_url); QTimer::singleShot(1 * IN_MILLISECONDS, this, SLOT(extractInfo())); return; } //Extraction des données de la réponse QByteArray dataHTML = m_reply->readAll(); QString data = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(dataHTML).toPlainText(); //Interprétation HTML m_reply->close(); m_reply->deleteLater(); m_reply = NULL; if (data.isEmpty()) { sLog->out("InfoExtractor::reply() réponse de taille nulle"); queue(m_url); return; } if (data.contains(FILE_DELETED_HINT)) { emit infoUnavailable(m_url, FILE_DELETED); if (!m_queue.isEmpty()) extractInfo(); return; } if (dataHTML.contains(PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_NEEDED)) { emit infoUnavailable(m_url, PREMIUM_NEEDED); if (!m_queue.isEmpty()) extractInfo(); return; } //Extraction des données QString fileName, fileDescription, fileSize; QStringList splitData = data.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (splitData.size() > 4) { fileName = splitData[2].remove(-1, 1); fileSize = splitData[3].remove(-1, 1); fileDescription = splitData[4].remove("File description: ").remove(-1, 1); } else { sLog->out("InfoExtractor::reply() Données incomplètes. Données: %1", data); emit infoUnavailable(m_url, INVALID_DATA); queue(m_url); return; } if (fileName.isEmpty()) { sLog->out("InfoExtractor::reply() Lien non trouvé. Données: %1", data); emit infoUnavailable(m_url, FILE_DELETED); if (!m_queue.isEmpty()) extractInfo(); return; } if (fileDescription == FILE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED_HINT) { sLog->out("InfoExtractor::reply() Fichier protégé par mot de passe"); emit infoUnavailable(m_url, FILE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED); if (!m_queue.isEmpty()) extractInfo(); return; } emit infoAvailable(m_url, fileName, fileDescription, fileSize); if (!m_queue.isEmpty()) extractInfo(); }
void InfoExtractor::queue(const QString &url) { m_queue.enqueue(url); if (!m_reply || !m_reply->isOpen()) extractInfo(); }
// Reset (in the ratings file) the rating atributed to a certain music by the user void RadioStation::resetRatingsFromMusic(unsigned const int musicID) { std::string filename; std::string line; for(unsigned int tempID = 0; tempID < numberOfUsers; tempID++) { filename = createFilenameWithSequence("ratingsUser", ".csv", 3, tempID); unsigned int idCounter = 0; std::vector < std::vector <int> > ratingsVec; vector<int> row; ifstream fileLoad(filename); fstream fileSave(filename); if(fileLoad.is_open()) { getline(fileLoad, line); while(getline(fileLoad, line)) { ratingsVec.push_back(row); ratingsVec[idCounter].push_back(convertStrInt(extractInfo(line))); ratingsVec[idCounter].push_back(convertStrInt(extractInfo(line))); if(ratingsVec[idCounter][0] == musicID) { ratingsVec.erase(ratingsVec.begin()+idCounter); idCounter--; } idCounter++; } fileLoad.close(); } else { return; } // ============================================================ // ============== Saves vector to file ======================== // ============================================================ // Checks if playlist file already exists. If so, removes it. if(fileSave.good()) { fileSave.close(); if(remove(filename.c_str()) != 0) { cout << cantSaveFileMsg() << endl; waitForKey(); } } // Creates and opens new playlist file and adds fields. fileSave.open(filename, ios::out); if(fileSave.is_open()) { if(fileSave.end) { fileSave << "MUSIC ID, RATE" << endl; } // Appends music id to text file. for(unsigned int i=0; i < ratingsVec.size(); i++) { fileSave << ratingsVec[i][0] << "," << ratingsVec[i][1] << endl; } fileSave.close(); } else { return; } } }
struct BPTC1969 decodeBPTC1969(bool bits[264]){ bool *infoBits; //196 info bits bool *deInterleavedBits; //196 bits static bool *payloadBits; //96 bits int blocksToFollow=0,a; unsigned char dpf=0,sap=0,bitPadding=0; struct BPTC1969 BPTC1969decode; infoBits = extractInfo(bits); deInterleavedBits = deInterleave(infoBits); payloadBits = extractPayload(deInterleavedBits); /*printf("Payload bits\n"); for(a=0;a<96;a++){ printf("%i",*(payloadBits+a)); } printf("\n");*/ if(*(payloadBits+1) == 1){ BPTC1969decode.responseRequested = true; //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"response requested"); } else{ BPTC1969decode.responseRequested = false; //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"NO response requested"); } for(a=4;a<8;a++){ if(*(payloadBits + a) == true) dpf = dpf + (char)(8 / pow(2,a-4)); } //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Data Packet Format: "); BPTC1969decode.dataPacketFormat = dpf; switch (dpf){ case 0: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Unified Data Transport\n"); break; case 1: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Response packet\n"); break; case 2: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Data packet with unconfirmed delivery\n"); break; case 3: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Data packet with confirmed delivery\n"); break; case 13: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Short Data: Defined\n"); break; case 14: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Short Data: Raw or Status/Precoded\n"); break; case 15: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Proprietary Data Packet\n"); break; } for(a=8;a<12;a++){ if(*(payloadBits + a) == true) sap = sap + (char)(8 / pow(2,a-8)); } //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"SAP id: "); BPTC1969decode.sapId = sap; switch (sap){ case 0: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Unified Data Transport\n"); break; case 2: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"TCP/IP header compression\n"); break; case 3: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"UDP/IP header compression\n"); break; case 4: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"IP based Packet data\n"); break; case 5: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)\n"); break; case 9: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Proprietary Packet data\n"); break; case 10: //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Short Data\n"); break; } if (dpf == 13){ for(a=12;a<16;a++){//only AB in 2nd octet if(*(payloadBits + a) == true) blocksToFollow = blocksToFollow + (char)(8 / pow(2,a-12)); } BPTC1969decode.appendBlocks = blocksToFollow; //syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Appended blocks : %i\n",blocksToFollow); for(a=72;a<80;a++){ if(*(payloadBits + a) == true) bitPadding = bitPadding + (char)(128 / pow(2,a-12)); } } return BPTC1969decode; }
void Bundle::pathChanged() { //qDebug() << "path changed"; m_isValid = extractInfo(); }
void ICQClient::snac_location(unsigned short type, unsigned short seq) { Contact *contact = NULL; ICQUserData *data; string screen; switch (type){ case ICQ_SNAXxLOC_RIGHTSxGRANTED: log(L_DEBUG, "Location rights granted"); break; case ICQ_SNACxLOC_ERROR: break; case ICQ_SNACxLOC_LOCATIONxINFO: screen = m_socket->readBuffer.unpackScreen(); if (isOwnData(screen.c_str())){ data = &this->data.owner; }else{ data = findContact(screen.c_str(), NULL, false, contact); } if (data){ string charset = "us-ascii"; m_socket->readBuffer.incReadPos(4); TlvList tlvs(m_socket->readBuffer); Tlv *tlvInfo = tlvs(0x02); if (tlvInfo){ QString info = convert(tlvInfo, tlvs, 0x01); if (info.left(6).upper() == "<HTML>") info = info.mid(6); if (info.right(7).upper() == "</HTML>") info = info.left(info.length() - 7); if (set_str(&data->About.ptr, info.utf8())){ data->ProfileFetch.bValue = true; if (contact){ Event e(EventContactChanged, contact); e.process(); }else{ Event e(EventClientChanged, this); e.process(); } } break; /* Because we won't find tlv(0x03) which is "since online" instead of encoding... */ } Tlv *tlvAway = tlvs(0x04); if (tlvAway){ QString info = convert(tlvAway, tlvs, 0x03); set_str(&data->AutoReply.ptr, info.utf8()); Event e(EventClientChanged, contact); e.process(); } } break; case ICQ_SNACxLOC_DIRxINFO: if (isOwnData(screen.c_str())){ data = &this->data.owner; }else{ data = findInfoRequest(seq, contact); } if (data){ bool bChanged = false; unsigned country = 0; m_socket->readBuffer.incReadPos(4); TlvList tlvs(m_socket->readBuffer); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x01, &data->FirstName.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x02, &data->LastName.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x03, &data->MiddleName.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x04, &data->Maiden.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x07, &data->State.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x08, &data->City.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x0C, &data->Nick.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x0D, &data->Zip.ptr); bChanged |= extractInfo(tlvs, 0x21, &data->Address.ptr); Tlv *tlvCountry = tlvs(0x06); if (tlvCountry){ const char *code = *tlvCountry; for (const ext_info *c = getCountryCodes(); c->nCode; c++){ QString name(c->szName); if (name.upper() == code){ country = c->nCode; break; } } } if (country != data->Country.value){ data->Country.value = country; bChanged = true; } data->ProfileFetch.bValue = true; if (bChanged){ if (contact){ Event e(EventContactChanged, contact); e.process(); }else{ Event e(EventClientChanged, this); e.process(); } } } break; case ICQ_SNACxLOC_RESPONSExSETxINFO: break; default: log(L_WARN, "Unknown location family type %04X", type); } }