Ejemplo n.º 1
int record_mode_display(void)
  ALLF_DATA evt;
  UINT16 key;
  int eye_used = -1;   /* which eye to show gaze for */
  float x, y;	       /* gaze position  */
  float ox=-1, oy=-1;  /* old gaze position (to determine change)  */

  /* create font for position display */
  get_new_font( "Arial", SCRWIDTH/50, 0);
  while(getkey()); /* dump any pending local keys  */

  /*enable link data reception without changing tracker mode */
  initialize_cursor(window, SCRWIDTH/50);
  while(1)    /* loop while in record mode */
      if(eyelink_tracker_mode() != EL_RECORD_MODE) break;
      key = getkey();            /* Local keys/abort test */
      if(key==TERMINATE_KEY)     /* test ALT-F4 or end of execution */
      else if(key)             /* OTHER: echo to tracker for control */

               /* CODE FOR PLOTTING GAZE CURSOR  */
      if(eyelink_newest_float_sample(NULL)>0)  /* new sample? */
			eyelink_newest_float_sample(&evt);  /* get the sample data */
			if(eye_used == -1)   /* set which eye to track by first sample */
				eye_used = eyelink_eye_available(); 
				if(eye_used == BINOCULAR)  /* use left eye if both tracked */
					eye_used = LEFT_EYE;
				x = evt.fs.gx[eye_used];   /* get gaze position from sample  */
				y = evt.fs.gy[eye_used];
				if(x!=MISSING_DATA && y!=MISSING_DATA &&
					evt.fs.pa[eye_used]>0)  /* plot if not in blink */
                {                        /* plot in local coords   */
                              /* report gaze position (tracker coords) */
					   SDL_Rect r = {(INT16)(SCRWIDTH*0.87), 0, (INT16)(window->w -SCRWIDTH*0.87), 50};
					   SDL_FillRect(window,&r,SDL_MapRGB(window->format,0, 0, 0));
                       graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color, NONE, (int)(SCRWIDTH*0.87), 0, " %4.0f  ", x);
                       graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color, NONE, (int)(SCRWIDTH*0.93), 0, " %4.0f  ", y);
                   ox = x;
                   oy = y;
					erase_gaze_cursor();   /* hide cursor during blink */
				/* print tracker timestamp of sample */
			   		SDL_Rect r = {(INT16)(SCRWIDTH*0.75), 0, (INT16)(SCRWIDTH*0.87 -SCRWIDTH*0.75), 50};
					SDL_FillRect(window,&r,SDL_MapRGB(window->format,0, 0, 0));
					graphic_printf(window,target_foreground_color, NONE, (int)(SCRWIDTH*0.75), 0, " % 8d ", evt.fs.time);
  erase_gaze_cursor();   /* erase gaze cursor if visible */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool Eyelink::initialize(){
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(EyelinkDriverLock);
	if (Eyelink_Initialized) {
        merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Eyelink was previously initialized! Trying again, but this is dangerous!!");
    Eyelink_Initialized = false;
	// Initializes the link
	//mprintf(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN, "Trying to find Eyelink System at %s",tracker_ip);
	if (set_eyelink_address( &tracker_ip[0] ) )
	    merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Failed to set Tracker to address %s", tracker_ip.c_str());
	    merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Failed to connect to Tracker at %s", tracker_ip.c_str());
	else {
        // generate data file name
        time_t now = time(NULL);
        struct tm* t = gmtime(&now);
        sprintf(data_file_name, "%02d%06d.edf",(t->tm_year-100),t->tm_yday*1440 + t->tm_hour*60 + t->tm_min);
        //YYMMMMMM : YY=Years since 2k, MMMMMM=Minutes in current year
        if ( open_data_file( data_file_name ) ) {
            mwarning(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Eyelink datafile setting failed (%s)",data_file_name);
        else {
            mprintf(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Eyelink logs to local file %s",data_file_name);
        // Tell the tracker what data to include in samples
        if (OK_RESULT != eyecmd_printf("link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,HREF,PUPIL,AREA")) {
                     "Eyelink did not respond to link_sample_data command; sample data may be incomplete");
		// tell the tracker who we are
		// verify the name
		if( eyelink_get_node(0,&node) != OK_RESULT )
			merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Error, EyeLink doesn't respond");
		else eyemsg_printf((char*)("%s connected"), node.name);
		// Enable link data reception
	// Eyelink should now be in "TCP-Link Open" mode
	if(eyelink_is_connected()) {
		tracker_version = eyelink_get_tracker_version(version_info);
		mprintf(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN, "Eyelink %d System Version %s connected via Socket",tracker_version,version_info);
		Eyelink_Initialized = true;
        stopped = true;
	else {
		merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Error, Eyelink Connection could not be established");
	return Eyelink_Initialized;