Ejemplo n.º 1
                // FORWARD(e_forward)  ellipsoid
                // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y)
                inline void fwd(geographic_type& lp_lon, geographic_type& lp_lat, cartesian_type& xy_x, cartesian_type& xy_y) const
                    CalculationType S, r, dr;

                    S = pj_mlfn(lp_lat, sin(lp_lat), cos(lp_lat), this->m_proj_parm.en) - this->m_proj_parm.M0;
                    dr = fS(S, this->m_proj_parm.C);
                    r = this->m_proj_parm.r0 - dr;
                    xy_x = this->m_par.k0 * (r * sin( lp_lon *= this->m_proj_parm.l ) );
                    xy_y = this->m_par.k0 * (this->m_proj_parm.r0 - r * cos(lp_lon) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static PJ_XY lcca_e_forward (PJ_LP lp, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, forward */
    PJ_XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double S, r, dr;

    S = pj_mlfn(lp.phi, sin(lp.phi), cos(lp.phi), Q->en) - Q->M0;
    dr = fS(S, Q->C);
    r = Q->r0 - dr;
    xy.x = P->k0 * (r * sin( lp.lam *= Q->l ) );
    xy.y = P->k0 * (Q->r0 - r * cos(lp.lam) );
    return xy;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 inline void inv(cartesian_type& xy_x, cartesian_type& xy_y, geographic_type& lp_lon, geographic_type& lp_lat) const
     double theta, dr, S, dif;
     int i;
     xy_x /= this->m_par.k0;
     xy_y /= this->m_par.k0;
     theta = atan2(xy_x , this->m_proj_parm.r0 - xy_y);
     dr = xy_y - xy_x * tan(0.5 * theta);
     lp_lon = theta / this->m_proj_parm.l;
     S = dr;
     for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) {
         S -= (dif = (fS(S, this->m_proj_parm.C) - dr) / fSp(S, this->m_proj_parm.C));
         if (fabs(dif) < DEL_TOL) break;
     if (!i) throw proj_exception();
     lp_lat = pj_inv_mlfn(S + this->m_proj_parm.M0, this->m_par.es, this->m_proj_parm.en);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static PJ_LP lcca_e_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) {          /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
    PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
    struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
    double theta, dr, S, dif;
    int i;

    xy.x /= P->k0;
    xy.y /= P->k0;
    theta = atan2(xy.x , Q->r0 - xy.y);
    dr = xy.y - xy.x * tan(0.5 * theta);
    lp.lam = theta / Q->l;
    S = dr;
    for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) {
        S -= (dif = (fS(S, Q->C) - dr) / fSp(S, Q->C));
        if (fabs(dif) < DEL_TOL) break;
    if (!i) {
        proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_TOLERANCE_CONDITION);
        return lp;
    lp.phi = pj_inv_mlfn(P->ctx, S + Q->M0, P->es, Q->en);

    return lp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
PROJ_HEAD(lcca, "Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative")
	"\n\tConic, Sph&Ell\n\tlat_0=";

	static double /* func to compute dr */
fS(double S, double C) {
		return(S * ( 1. + S * S * C));
	static double /* deriv of fs */
fSp(double S, double C) {
	return(1. + 3.* S * S * C);
FORWARD(e_forward); /* ellipsoid */
	double S, r, dr;
	S = pj_mlfn(lp.phi, sin(lp.phi), cos(lp.phi), P->en) - P->M0;
	dr = fS(S, P->C);
	r = P->r0 - dr;
	xy.x = P->k0 * (r * sin( lp.lam *= P->l ) );
	xy.y = P->k0 * (P->r0 - r * cos(lp.lam) );
	return (xy);
INVERSE(e_inverse); /* ellipsoid & spheroid */
	double theta, dr, S, dif;
	int i;

	xy.x /= P->k0;
	xy.y /= P->k0;
	theta = atan2(xy.x , P->r0 - xy.y);
	dr = xy.y - xy.x * tan(0.5 * theta);
	lp.lam = theta / P->l;
	S = dr;