Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc , char **argv )
	int i;
	int loops=0;
	if( argc < 4 ){
		fprintf( stderr,"Usage: a.out [rsR] charno sleep\n"
				"s: start in the same position and random walk\n"
				"r: start from position and random walk\n"
				"S: Completely random walk\n sleep: >0\n"
				"d: don't walk\n"

	//signal(SIGINT , leave );

	sleepi = atoi( argv[3] );
	floor = (struct floorelement*)malloc(
			sizeof( struct floorelement)*FLOORSIZE_X*FLOORSIZE_Y );

	if( floor == NULL ){
		fprintf( stderr, "cannot allocate memory for floor.\n");


	charno = atoi( argv[2] );
	if( charno >= MAXCHARNO ){
		fprintf( stderr,"charno: too big.\n");

	mode = argv[1][0];

	if( mode == 'd' ) printf(" don't move\n");
	else if( mode == 'r' ) printf( "random walk\n");
	else if( mode == 's' ) printf( "start form same position\n");
	else if( mode == 'd' ) printf( "don't walk\n");
	/* 最初に、位置を初期化する */
		if( mode == 's' ){
			/* みんな、真ん中から始まる */
			mx[i] = FLOORSIZE_X/2;
			my[i] = FLOORSIZE_Y/2;
		} else {
			mx[i] = random() % FLOORSIZE_X;
			my[i] = random() % FLOORSIZE_Y;
		t = getUTimeDouble();
		if( mode == 's' || mode == 'r' ){
				mx[i] += ( -1 + (random() % 3) );
				my[i] += ( -1 + (random() % 3) );
				if( mx[i] < 0 ) mx[i] = FLOORSIZE_X -1;
				if( mx[i] >= FLOORSIZE_X ) mx[i] = 0;
				if( my[i] < 0 ) my[i] = FLOORSIZE_Y -1;
				if( my[i] >= FLOORSIZE_Y ) my[i] = 0;
				faccess( mx[i] , my[i] );
		} else if( mode == 'R' ){
			for(i=0;i<charno;i++ ){
				mx[i] = random() % FLOORSIZE_X;
				my[i] = random() % FLOORSIZE_Y;
				faccess( mx[i] , my[i] );
		} else {
			/* don't move */
				faccess( mx[i] , my[i] );
		tt = getUTimeDouble();
		total_t += ( tt-t );
		if( (loops % 1000)==0){
			printf( "loop:%d average usec per access(last 1000 loops): %f\n" ,
				   loops , total_t / uloop / charno);
			uloop = 0;
			total_t = 0;

		if( sleepi == 0 ); else usleep(sleepi);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void doit(key *keys) {
	char *keyword, *value;
	char *data_f = NULL;
	char *act_f = NULL;
	char *weights_in_f = NULL;
	char *weights_out_f = NULL;
	char *sphere_f = NULL;
	char *bias_f = NULL;
	char *sign_f = NULL;
	int i, datasize, chans = 0, frames = 0, epochs = 0, datalength = 0, ncomps = 0;
	doublereal *dataA, *dataB, *weights, *sphere, *bias, *eigv;
	integer *signs;

#ifdef MPI
	int   window[NWINDOW];
	char *fnames[3];
	for (i=0 ; i<NWINDOW ; i++) window[i] = -1;

	fprintf(stderr,"\nICA/MPI %s\n",VER_INFO);
	fprintf(stderr,"\nICA %s\n",VER_INFO);


/********************* Argument parsing and error checking ********************/
	while (keys) {
/* Extract next value from linked keys list */
		value = keys->token;
		keys = (key*)(keys->prev);
		if (!keys) error("even number of input arguments");
/* Extract next keyword from linked keys list */
		keyword = keys->token;
		keys = (key*)(keys->prev);
/* Keyword: datafile */
		if (!strcmp(keyword,"datafile"))
			data_f = value;
/* Keyword: activationsfile */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"activationsfile"))
			act_f = value;
/* Keyword: weightsinfile */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"weightsinfile"))
			weights_in_f = value;
/* Keyword: weightsoutfile */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"weightsoutfile"))
			weights_out_f = value;
/* Keyword: spherefile */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"spherefile"))
			sphere_f = value;
/* Keyword: biasfile */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"biasfile"))
			bias_f = value;

/* Keyword: signfile */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"signfile"))
			sign_f = value;

/* Keywords: chans, chan */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"chans") || !strcmp(keyword,"chan")) {
			chans = atoi(value);
			if (chans < 2) error("chans value should be the number of input channels");

#ifdef MPI
/* Keywords: frame, frames */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"frame") || !strcmp(keyword,"frames")) {
			frames = atoi(value);
			if (frames < 2) error("frames value should be the number of data points per epoch");

/* Keywords: epoch, epochs */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"epoch") || !strcmp(keyword,"epochs")) {
			epochs = atoi(value);
			if (epochs < 2) error("epochs value should be the total number of epochs");
/* Keywords: frames, datalength */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"frames") || !strcmp(keyword,"datalength")) {
			datalength = atoi(value);
			if (datalength < 2) error("frames value should be the number of data points");

/* Keyword: pca */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"pca")) {
			ncomps = atoi(value);
			if (ncomps != 0) {
				pcaflag = 1;
				if (ncomps < 1)
					error("pca value should be the number of principal components to retain");
				pcaflag = 0;

/* Keyword: lrate */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"lrate")) {
			lrate = atof(value);
			if (lrate>MAX_LRATE || lrate<MIN_LRATE)
				error("lrate value is out of bounds");

/* Keywords: block, blocksize */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"block") || !strcmp(keyword,"blocksize")) {
			block = atoi(value);
			if (block < 0)
				error("block size value must be positive");
/* Keywords: stop, nochange */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"stop") || !strcmp(keyword,"nochange") || !strcmp(keyword,"stopping")) {
			nochange = atof(value);
			if (nochange < 0.0)
				error("stop wchange value must be positive");

/* Keywords: maxsteps, steps */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"maxsteps") || !strcmp(keyword,"steps")) {
				maxsteps = atoi(value);
				if (maxsteps < 0)
					error("maxsteps value must be a positive integer");

/* Keywords: anneal, annealstep */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"anneal") || !strcmp(keyword,"annealstep")) {
			annealstep = atof(value);
			if (annealstep<=0 || annealstep>1)
				error("anneal step value must be (0,1]");

/* Keywords: annealdeg, degrees */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"annealdeg") || !strcmp(keyword,"degrees")) {
			annealdeg = atof(value);
			if (annealdeg>180 || annealdeg<0)
				error("annealdeg value is out of bounds [0,180]");

/* Keyword: momentum */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"momentum")) {
			momentum = atof(value);
			if (momentum>1.0 || momentum<0.0)
				error("momentum value is out of bounds [0,1]");

		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"sphering") || !strcmp(keyword,"sphereing") || !strcmp(keyword,"sphere")) {
			sphering = swtch(value);
			if (sphering == -1) error("sphering value must be on, off, or none");

/* Keyword: bias */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"bias")) {
			biasflag = swtch(value);
			if (biasflag < 0) error("bias value must be on or off");

/* Keywords: extended, extend */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"extended") || !strcmp(keyword,"extend")) {
			extblocks = atoi(value);
			extended = 1;
			if (extblocks == 0) extended = 0;
				if (extblocks < 0) nsub = -extblocks;

/* Keyword: posact */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"posact")) {
			posactflag = swtch(value);
			if (posactflag < 0) error("posact value must be on or off");
/* Keyword: verbose */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"verbose")) {
			verbose = swtch(value);
			if (verbose < 0) error("verbose flag value must be on or off");
#ifdef MPI
/* Keyword: framewindow */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"framewindow")) {
			window[FRAMEWINDOW] = atoi(value);
			if (window[FRAMEWINDOW] <= 0) error("framewindow value must be positive");
/* Keyword: framestep */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"framestep")) {
			window[FRAMESTEP] = atoi(value);
			if (window[FRAMESTEP] <= 0) error("framestep value must be positive");
/* Keyword: epochwindow */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"epochwindow")) {
			window[EPOCHWINDOW] = atoi(value);
			if (window[EPOCHWINDOW] <= 0) error("epochwindow value must be positive");
/* Keyword: epochstep */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"epochstep")) {
			window[EPOCHSTEP] = atoi(value);
			if (window[EPOCHSTEP] <= 0) error("epochstep value must be positive");
/* Keyword: baseline */
		else if (!strcmp(keyword,"baseline")) {
			window[BASELINE] = atoi(value);
			if (window[BASELINE] <= 0) error("Length of baseline must be positive");
			error("unknown flag");

#ifdef MPI
	datalength = frames*epochs;

	if (window[FRAMEWINDOW] < 0) window[FRAMEWINDOW] = frames;
	if (window[FRAMESTEP]   < 0) window[FRAMESTEP]   = 1;
	if (window[EPOCHWINDOW] < 0) window[EPOCHWINDOW] = epochs;
	if (window[EPOCHSTEP]   < 0) window[EPOCHSTEP]   = 1;
	if (window[BASELINE]    < 0) window[BASELINE]    = 25;

	if (window[FRAMEWINDOW] > frames) error("window frame length must be <= frames");
	if (window[FRAMESTEP]   > frames) error("frame step size must be <= frames");
	if (window[EPOCHWINDOW] > epochs) error("window epoch length must be <= epochs");
	if (window[EPOCHSTEP]   > epochs) error("epoch step size must be <= epochs");
	if (window[BASELINE]    > frames) error("length of baseline must be <= frames");

	datasize = window[FRAMEWINDOW] * window[EPOCHWINDOW];
	datasize = datalength;

	if (chans < 2) error("invalid number of channels");
	if (datasize < 3) error("invalid data length");

	if (lrate == 0.0) lrate = DEFAULT_LRATE(chans);
	if (block == 0) block = DEFAULT_BLOCK(datasize);
	if (ncomps == 0) ncomps = chans;

	if (ncomps > chans || ncomps < 1) error("invalid number of components");
	if (datasize < chans) error("data length less than data channels");
	if (block < 2) error("block size too small!");
	if (block > datasize) error("block size exceeds data length!");
	if (nsub > ncomps) error("sub-Gaussian components exceeds total number of components!");

	if (annealstep == 0.0)
		annealstep = (extended) ? DEFAULT_EXTANNEAL : DEFAULT_ANNEALSTEP;

	if (extended && extblocks>0) {
		pdfsize = MIN(pdfsize,datalength);
		if (pdfsize < MIN_PDFSIZE)
			fprintf(stderr,"ica: warning, PDF values are inexact\n");

	if (data_f==NULL)
		error("input data file required");

	if (weights_out_f==NULL)
		error("output weights file required");
	if (sphere_f==NULL)
		error("output sphering file required");

	if (!faccess(weights_out_f))
		error("weights output file not writable");

	if (!faccess(sphere_f))
		error("sphere file not writable");

	if (act_f!=NULL && !faccess(act_f))
		error("activations file not writable");

	if (bias_f!=NULL && !faccess(bias_f))
		error("bias file not writable");

	if (sign_f!=NULL && !faccess(sign_f))
		error("sign file not writable");

/****************************** Process the data ******************************/
	if (verbose) {
#ifdef MPI
		printf("\nInput data size [%d,%d] = %d channels, %d epoch of %d frames.\n",chans,datalength,chans,epochs,frames);
		printf("\nInput data size [%d,%d] = %d channels, %d frames.\n",chans,datalength,chans,datalength);
		if (pcaflag) printf("After PCA dimension reduction,\n  finding ");
		else printf("Finding ");
		if (!extended)
			printf("%d ICA components using logistic ICA.\n",ncomps);
		else {
			printf("%d ICA components using extended ICA.\n",ncomps);
			if (extblocks > 0)
				printf("PDF will be calculated initially every %d blocks using %d data points.\n",extblocks,pdfsize);
				printf("PDF will not be calculated. Exactly %d sub-Gaussian components assumed.\n",nsub);
		printf("Initial learning rate will be %g, block size %d.\n",lrate,block);
		if (momentum > 0.0)
			printf("Momentum will be %g.\n",momentum);
		printf("Learning rate will be multiplied by %g whenever angledelta >= %g deg.\n",annealstep,annealdeg);
		printf("Training will end when wchange < %g or after %d steps.\n",nochange,maxsteps);
		if (biasflag)
			printf("Online bias adjustment will be used.\n");
			printf("Online bias adjustment will not be used.\n");
/******************************* Allocate memory ******************************/
	if (verbose) printf("\nLoading data from %s\n",data_f);

#ifdef MMAP
	dataA = (doublereal*)mapmalloc(chans*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
	dataA = (doublereal*)malloc(chans*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));


	weights = (doublereal*)malloc(ncomps*chans*sizeof(doublereal));
	if (weights_in_f!=NULL) {
		if (verbose) printf("Loading weights from %s\n",weights_in_f);

	sphere = (doublereal*)malloc(chans*chans*sizeof(doublereal));

	if (biasflag)
		bias = (doublereal*)malloc(ncomps*sizeof(doublereal));
		bias = NULL;
	if (extended)
		signs = (integer*)malloc(ncomps*sizeof(integer));
		signs = NULL;

/************************** Remove overall row means **************************/
	if (verbose) printf("Removing mean of each channel ...\n");

/**************************** Perform PCA reduction ***************************/
	if (pcaflag) {
		if (verbose) printf("Reducing the data to %d principal dimensions...\n",ncomps);

		eigv = (doublereal*)malloc(chans*chans*sizeof(doublereal));

#ifdef MMAP
		dataB = (doublereal*)mapmalloc(ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
		dataB = (doublereal*)malloc(ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
		dataA = dataB;
		eigv = NULL;
/**************************** Apply sphering matrix ***************************/
	if (sphering == 1) {
		if (verbose) printf("Computing the sphering matrix...\n");
		if (verbose) printf("Sphering the data ...\n");

#ifdef MMAP
		dataB = (doublereal*)mapmalloc(ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
		dataB = (doublereal*)malloc(ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
		dataA = dataB;
	else if (sphering == 0) {
		if (weights_in_f==NULL) {
			if (verbose) printf("Using the sphering matrix as the starting weight matrix ...\n");

		if (verbose) printf("Returning the identity matrix in variable \"sphere\" ...\n");
	else if (sphering == -2) {
		if (verbose) printf("Returning the identity matrix in variable \"sphere\" ...\n");

#ifdef MPI
	fnames[0] = weights_out_f;
	fnames[1] = bias_f;
	fnames[2] = sign_f;

/*************** Orient components toward positive activations ****************/
#ifdef MMAP
	dataB = (doublereal*)mapmalloc(ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));

	if (posactflag) posact(dataA,weights,(integer)ncomps,(integer)datalength,dataB);
	else geproj(dataA,weights,(integer)ncomps,(integer)datalength,dataB);

	dataB = (doublereal*)malloc(ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
	if (posactflag) posact(dataA,weights,(integer)ncomps,(integer)datalength,dataB);
	else geproj(dataA,weights,(integer)ncomps,(integer)datalength,dataB);

	dataA = dataB;

/******* Sort components in descending order of max projected variance ********/
	if (verbose) {
		if (pcaflag) {
			printf("Composing the eigenvector, weights, and sphere matrices\n");
			printf("  into a single rectangular weights matrix; sphere=eye(%d)\n",chans);
		printf("Sorting components in descending order of mean projected variance ...\n");
	if (eigv) {

/**************************** Write results to disk ***************************/
	if (verbose) printf("Storing weights in %s\n",weights_out_f);
	if (act_f!=NULL) {
		if (verbose) printf("Storing activations in %s\n",act_f);
	if (bias_f!=NULL && bias) {
		if (verbose) printf("Storing bias vector in %s\n",bias_f);
	if (sign_f!=NULL && signs) {
		if (verbose) printf("Storing sign vector in %s\n",sign_f);
		for (i=0 ; i<ncomps ; i++) signs[i] = (signs[i]) ? (-1) : 1;

	if (verbose) printf("Storing sphering matrix in %s\n",sphere_f);

#ifdef MMAP
	if (dataA) mapfree(dataA,ncomps*datalength*sizeof(doublereal));
	if (dataA) free(dataA);

	if (weights) free(weights);
	if (sphere) free(sphere);
	if (bias) free(bias);
	if (signs) free(signs);
	if (eigv) free(eigv);