Ejemplo n.º 1
static ALvoid ALchorusState_update(ALchorusState *state, const ALCdevice *Device, const ALeffectslot *Slot)
    ALfloat frequency = (ALfloat)Device->Frequency;
    ALfloat coeffs[MAX_AMBI_COEFFS];
    ALfloat rate;
    ALint phase;

            state->waveform = CWF_Triangle;
            state->waveform = CWF_Sinusoid;
    state->depth = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Depth;
    state->feedback = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Feedback;
    state->delay = fastf2i(Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Delay * frequency);

    /* Gains for left and right sides */
    CalcXYZCoeffs(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, coeffs);
    ComputePanningGains(Device->AmbiCoeffs, Device->NumChannels, coeffs, Slot->Gain, state->Gain[0]);
    CalcXYZCoeffs( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, coeffs);
    ComputePanningGains(Device->AmbiCoeffs, Device->NumChannels, coeffs, Slot->Gain, state->Gain[1]);

    phase = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Phase;
    rate = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Rate;
    if(!(rate > 0.0f))
        state->lfo_scale = 0.0f;
        state->lfo_range = 1;
        state->lfo_disp = 0;
        /* Calculate LFO coefficient */
        state->lfo_range = fastf2u(frequency/rate + 0.5f);
            case CWF_Triangle:
                state->lfo_scale = 4.0f / state->lfo_range;
            case CWF_Sinusoid:
                state->lfo_scale = F_TAU / state->lfo_range;

        /* Calculate lfo phase displacement */
        state->lfo_disp = fastf2i(state->lfo_range * (phase/360.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 2
static inline void Sinusoid(ALint *delay_left, ALint *delay_right, ALuint offset, const ALchorusState *state)
    ALfloat lfo_value;

    lfo_value = 1.0f + sinf(state->lfo_scale*(offset%state->lfo_range));
    lfo_value *= state->depth * state->delay;
    *delay_left = fastf2i(lfo_value) + state->delay;

    offset += state->lfo_disp;
    lfo_value = 1.0f + sinf(state->lfo_scale*(offset%state->lfo_range));
    lfo_value *= state->depth * state->delay;
    *delay_right = fastf2i(lfo_value) + state->delay;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static inline void Triangle(ALint *delay_left, ALint *delay_right, ALuint offset, const ALchorusState *state)
    ALfloat lfo_value;

    lfo_value = 2.0f - fabsf(2.0f - state->lfo_scale*(offset%state->lfo_range));
    lfo_value *= state->depth * state->delay;
    *delay_left = fastf2i(lfo_value) + state->delay;

    offset += state->lfo_disp;
    lfo_value = 2.0f - fabsf(2.0f - state->lfo_scale*(offset%state->lfo_range));
    lfo_value *= state->depth * state->delay;
    *delay_right = fastf2i(lfo_value) + state->delay;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static inline ALint aluF2I25(ALfloat val)
    /* Clamp the value between -1 and +1. This handles that with only a single branch. */
    if(fabsf(val) > 1.0f)
        val = (ALfloat)((0.0f < val) - (val < 0.0f));
    /* Convert to a signed integer, between -16777215 and +16777215. */
    return fastf2i(val*16777215.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: hrtf.c Proyecto: dns/CLove
/* Calculate the azimuth index given the polar azimuth in radians. This will
 * return an index between 0 and (azcount - 1). Assumes the FPU is in round-to-
 * zero mode.
static ALsizei CalcAzIndex(ALsizei azcount, ALfloat az, ALfloat *mu)
    ALsizei idx;
    az = (F_TAU+az) * azcount / F_TAU;

    idx = fastf2i(az) % azcount;
    *mu = az - floorf(az);
    return idx;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: hrtf.c Proyecto: dns/CLove
/* Calculate the elevation index given the polar elevation in radians. This
 * will return an index between 0 and (evcount - 1). Assumes the FPU is in
 * round-to-zero mode.
static ALsizei CalcEvIndex(ALsizei evcount, ALfloat ev, ALfloat *mu)
    ALsizei idx;
    ev = (F_PI_2+ev) * (evcount-1) / F_PI;
    idx = mini(fastf2i(ev), evcount-1);

    *mu = ev - idx;
    return idx;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static ALvoid ALchorusState_update(ALchorusState *state, ALCdevice *Device, const ALeffectslot *Slot)
    ALfloat frequency = (ALfloat)Device->Frequency;
    ALfloat rate;
    ALint phase;

    state->waveform = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Waveform;
    state->depth = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Depth;
    state->feedback = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Feedback;
    state->delay = fastf2i(Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Delay * frequency);

    /* Gains for left and right sides */
    ComputeAngleGains(Device, atan2f(-1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, Slot->Gain, state->Gain[0]);
    ComputeAngleGains(Device, atan2f(+1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, Slot->Gain, state->Gain[1]);

    phase = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Phase;
    rate = Slot->EffectProps.Chorus.Rate;
    if(!(rate > 0.0f))
        state->lfo_scale = 0.0f;
        state->lfo_range = 1;
        state->lfo_disp = 0;
        /* Calculate LFO coefficient */
        state->lfo_range = fastf2u(frequency/rate + 0.5f);
                state->lfo_scale = 4.0f / state->lfo_range;
                state->lfo_scale = F_2PI / state->lfo_range;

        /* Calculate lfo phase displacement */
        state->lfo_disp = fastf2i(state->lfo_range * (phase/360.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Calculates the moving HRIR target coefficients, target delays, and
 * stepping values for the given polar elevation and azimuth in radians.
 * Linear interpolation is used to increase the apparent resolution of the
 * HRIR data set.  The coefficients are also normalized and attenuated by the
 * specified gain.  Stepping resolution and count is determined using the
 * given delta factor between 0.0 and 1.0.
ALuint GetMovingHrtfCoeffs(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat gain, ALfloat delta, ALint counter, ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], ALuint *delays, ALfloat (*coeffStep)[2], ALint *delayStep)
    ALuint evidx[2], azidx[2];
    ALuint lidx[4], ridx[4];
    ALfloat mu[3], blend[4];
    ALfloat left, right;
    ALfloat step;
    ALuint i;

    // Claculate elevation indices and interpolation factor.
    CalcEvIndices(Hrtf, elevation, evidx, &mu[2]);

    // Calculate azimuth indices and interpolation factor for the first
    // elevation.
    CalcAzIndices(Hrtf, evidx[0], azimuth, azidx, &mu[0]);

    // Calculate the first set of linear HRIR indices for left and right
    // channels.
    lidx[0] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[0]] + azidx[0];
    lidx[1] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[0]] + azidx[1];
    ridx[0] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[0]] + ((Hrtf->azCount[evidx[0]]-azidx[0]) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx[0]]);
    ridx[1] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[0]] + ((Hrtf->azCount[evidx[0]]-azidx[1]) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx[0]]);

    // Calculate azimuth indices and interpolation factor for the second
    // elevation.
    CalcAzIndices(Hrtf, evidx[1], azimuth, azidx, &mu[1]);

    // Calculate the second set of linear HRIR indices for left and right
    // channels.
    lidx[2] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[1]] + azidx[0];
    lidx[3] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[1]] + azidx[1];
    ridx[2] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[1]] + ((Hrtf->azCount[evidx[1]]-azidx[0]) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx[1]]);
    ridx[3] = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx[1]] + ((Hrtf->azCount[evidx[1]]-azidx[1]) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx[1]]);

    // Calculate the stepping parameters.
    delta = maxf(floorf(delta*(Hrtf->sampleRate*0.015f) + 0.5f), 1.0f);
    step = 1.0f / delta;

    /* Calculate 4 blending weights for 2D bilinear interpolation. */
    blend[0] = (1.0f-mu[0]) * (1.0f-mu[2]);
    blend[1] = (     mu[0]) * (1.0f-mu[2]);
    blend[2] = (1.0f-mu[1]) * (     mu[2]);
    blend[3] = (     mu[1]) * (     mu[2]);

    /* Calculate the HRIR delays using linear interpolation.  Then calculate
     * the delay stepping values using the target and previous running
     * delays.
    left = (ALfloat)(delays[0] - (delayStep[0] * counter));
    right = (ALfloat)(delays[1] - (delayStep[1] * counter));

    delays[0] = fastf2u(Hrtf->delays[lidx[0]]*blend[0] + Hrtf->delays[lidx[1]]*blend[1] +
                        Hrtf->delays[lidx[2]]*blend[2] + Hrtf->delays[lidx[3]]*blend[3] +
                        0.5f) << HRTFDELAY_BITS;
    delays[1] = fastf2u(Hrtf->delays[ridx[0]]*blend[0] + Hrtf->delays[ridx[1]]*blend[1] +
                        Hrtf->delays[ridx[2]]*blend[2] + Hrtf->delays[ridx[3]]*blend[3] +
                        0.5f) << HRTFDELAY_BITS;

    delayStep[0] = fastf2i(step * (delays[0] - left));
    delayStep[1] = fastf2i(step * (delays[1] - right));

    /* Calculate the sample offsets for the HRIR indices. */
    lidx[0] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    lidx[1] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    lidx[2] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    lidx[3] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    ridx[0] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    ridx[1] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    ridx[2] *= Hrtf->irSize;
    ridx[3] *= Hrtf->irSize;

    /* Calculate the normalized and attenuated target HRIR coefficients using
     * linear interpolation when there is enough gain to warrant it.  Zero
     * the target coefficients if gain is too low.  Then calculate the
     * coefficient stepping values using the target and previous running
     * coefficients.
    if(gain > 0.0001f)
        gain *= 1.0f/32767.0f;
        for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
            left = coeffs[i][0] - (coeffStep[i][0] * counter);
            right = coeffs[i][1] - (coeffStep[i][1] * counter);

            coeffs[i][0] = (Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[0]+i]*blend[0] +
                            Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[1]+i]*blend[1] +
                            Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[2]+i]*blend[2] +
                            Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[3]+i]*blend[3]) * gain;
            coeffs[i][1] = (Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[0]+i]*blend[0] +
                            Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[1]+i]*blend[1] +
                            Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[2]+i]*blend[2] +
                            Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[3]+i]*blend[3]) * gain;

            coeffStep[i][0] = step * (coeffs[i][0] - left);
            coeffStep[i][1] = step * (coeffs[i][1] - right);
        for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
            left = coeffs[i][0] - (coeffStep[i][0] * counter);
            right = coeffs[i][1] - (coeffStep[i][1] * counter);

            coeffs[i][0] = 0.0f;
            coeffs[i][1] = 0.0f;

            coeffStep[i][0] = step * -left;
            coeffStep[i][1] = step * -right;

    /* The stepping count is the number of samples necessary for the HRIR to
     * complete its transition.  The mixer will only apply stepping for this
     * many samples.
    return fastf2u(delta);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: ALu.c Proyecto: 9heart/DT3
ALvoid CalcNonAttnSourceParams(ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
    static const struct ChanMap MonoMap[1] = { { FRONT_CENTER, 0.0f } };
    static const struct ChanMap StereoMap[2] = { { FRONT_LEFT, -30.0f },
                                                 { FRONT_RIGHT, 30.0f } };
    static const struct ChanMap RearMap[2] = { { BACK_LEFT, -150.0f },
                                               { BACK_RIGHT, 150.0f } };
    static const struct ChanMap QuadMap[4] = { { FRONT_LEFT, -45.0f },
                                               { FRONT_RIGHT, 45.0f },
                                               { BACK_LEFT, -135.0f },
                                               { BACK_RIGHT, 135.0f } };
    static const struct ChanMap X51Map[6] = { { FRONT_LEFT, -30.0f },
                                              { FRONT_RIGHT, 30.0f },
                                              { FRONT_CENTER, 0.0f },
                                              { LFE, 0.0f },
                                              { BACK_LEFT, -110.0f },
                                              { BACK_RIGHT, 110.0f } };
    static const struct ChanMap X61Map[7] = { { FRONT_LEFT, -30.0f },
                                              { FRONT_RIGHT, 30.0f },
                                              { FRONT_CENTER, 0.0f },
                                              { LFE, 0.0f },
                                              { BACK_CENTER, 180.0f },
                                              { SIDE_LEFT, -90.0f },
                                              { SIDE_RIGHT, 90.0f } };
    static const struct ChanMap X71Map[8] = { { FRONT_LEFT, -30.0f },
                                              { FRONT_RIGHT, 30.0f },
                                              { FRONT_CENTER, 0.0f },
                                              { LFE, 0.0f },
                                              { BACK_LEFT, -110.0f },
                                              { BACK_RIGHT, 110.0f },
                                              { SIDE_LEFT, -90.0f },
                                              { SIDE_RIGHT, 90.0f } };

    ALCdevice *Device = ALContext->Device;
    ALfloat SourceVolume,ListenerGain,MinVolume,MaxVolume;
    ALbufferlistitem *BufferListItem;
    enum DevFmtChannels DevChans;
    enum FmtChannels Channels;
    ALfloat (*SrcMatrix)[MAXCHANNELS];
    ALfloat DryGain, DryGainHF;
    ALfloat WetGain[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat WetGainHF[MAX_SENDS];
    ALint NumSends, Frequency;
    const ALfloat *SpeakerGain;
    const struct ChanMap *chans = NULL;
    enum Resampler Resampler;
    ALint num_channels = 0;
    ALboolean VirtualChannels;
    ALfloat Pitch;
    ALfloat cw;
    ALuint pos;
    ALint i, c;

    /* Get device properties */
    DevChans  = Device->FmtChans;
    NumSends  = Device->NumAuxSends;
    Frequency = Device->Frequency;

    /* Get listener properties */
    ListenerGain = ALContext->Listener.Gain;

    /* Get source properties */
    SourceVolume    = ALSource->flGain;
    MinVolume       = ALSource->flMinGain;
    MaxVolume       = ALSource->flMaxGain;
    Pitch           = ALSource->flPitch;
    Resampler       = ALSource->Resampler;
    VirtualChannels = ALSource->VirtualChannels;

    /* Calculate the stepping value */
    Channels = FmtMono;
    BufferListItem = ALSource->queue;
    while(BufferListItem != NULL)
        ALbuffer *ALBuffer;
        if((ALBuffer=BufferListItem->buffer) != NULL)
            ALsizei maxstep = STACK_DATA_SIZE/sizeof(ALfloat) /
            maxstep -= ResamplerPadding[Resampler] +
                       ResamplerPrePadding[Resampler] + 1;
            maxstep = mini(maxstep, INT_MAX>>FRACTIONBITS);

            Pitch = Pitch * ALBuffer->Frequency / Frequency;
            if(Pitch > (ALfloat)maxstep)
                ALSource->Params.Step = maxstep<<FRACTIONBITS;
                ALSource->Params.Step = fastf2i(Pitch*FRACTIONONE);
                if(ALSource->Params.Step == 0)
                    ALSource->Params.Step = 1;

            Channels = ALBuffer->FmtChannels;
        BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next;
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Calculates the moving HRIR target coefficients, target delays, and
// stepping values for the given polar elevation and azimuth in radians.
// Linear interpolation is used to increase the apparent resolution of the
// HRIR dataset.  The coefficients are also normalized and attenuated by the
// specified gain.  Stepping resolution and count is determined using the
// given delta factor between 0.0 and 1.0.
ALuint GetMovingHrtfCoeffs(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat gain, ALfloat delta, ALint counter, ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], ALuint *delays, ALfloat (*coeffStep)[2], ALint *delayStep)
    ALuint evidx[2], azidx[2];
    ALuint lidx[4], ridx[4];
    ALfloat left, right;
    ALfloat mu[3];
    ALfloat step;
    ALuint i;

    // Claculate elevation indices and interpolation factor.
    CalcEvIndices(elevation, evidx, &mu[2]);

    // Calculate azimuth indices and interpolation factor for the first
    // elevation.
    CalcAzIndices(evidx[0], azimuth, azidx, &mu[0]);

    // Calculate the first set of linear HRIR indices for left and right
    // channels.
    lidx[0] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + azidx[0];
    lidx[1] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + azidx[1];
    ridx[0] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + ((azCount[evidx[0]]-azidx[0]) % azCount[evidx[0]]);
    ridx[1] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + ((azCount[evidx[0]]-azidx[1]) % azCount[evidx[0]]);

    // Calculate azimuth indices and interpolation factor for the second
    // elevation.
    CalcAzIndices(evidx[1], azimuth, azidx, &mu[1]);

    // Calculate the second set of linear HRIR indices for left and right
    // channels.
    lidx[2] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + azidx[0];
    lidx[3] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + azidx[1];
    ridx[2] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + ((azCount[evidx[1]]-azidx[0]) % azCount[evidx[1]]);
    ridx[3] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + ((azCount[evidx[1]]-azidx[1]) % azCount[evidx[1]]);

    // Calculate the stepping parameters.
    delta = maxf(aluFloor(delta*(Hrtf->sampleRate*0.015f) + 0.5f), 1.0f);
    step = 1.0f / delta;

    // Calculate the normalized and attenuated target HRIR coefficients using
    // linear interpolation when there is enough gain to warrant it.  Zero
    // the target coefficients if gain is too low.  Then calculate the
    // coefficient stepping values using the target and previous running
    // coefficients.
    if(gain > 0.0001f)
        gain *= 1.0f/32767.0f;
        for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
            left = coeffs[i][0] - (coeffStep[i][0] * counter);
            right = coeffs[i][1] - (coeffStep[i][1] * counter);

            coeffs[i][0] = lerp(lerp(Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[0]][i], Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[1]][i], mu[0]),
                                lerp(Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[2]][i], Hrtf->coeffs[lidx[3]][i], mu[1]),
                                mu[2]) * gain;
            coeffs[i][1] = lerp(lerp(Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[0]][i], Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[1]][i], mu[0]),
                                lerp(Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[2]][i], Hrtf->coeffs[ridx[3]][i], mu[1]),
                                mu[2]) * gain;

            coeffStep[i][0] = step * (coeffs[i][0] - left);
            coeffStep[i][1] = step * (coeffs[i][1] - right);
        for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
            left = coeffs[i][0] - (coeffStep[i][0] * counter);
            right = coeffs[i][1] - (coeffStep[i][1] * counter);

            coeffs[i][0] = 0.0f;
            coeffs[i][1] = 0.0f;

            coeffStep[i][0] = step * -left;
            coeffStep[i][1] = step * -right;

    // Calculate the HRIR delays using linear interpolation.  Then calculate
    // the delay stepping values using the target and previous running
    // delays.
    left = (ALfloat)(delays[0] - (delayStep[0] * counter));
    right = (ALfloat)(delays[1] - (delayStep[1] * counter));

    delays[0] = fastf2u(lerp(lerp(Hrtf->delays[lidx[0]], Hrtf->delays[lidx[1]], mu[0]),
                             lerp(Hrtf->delays[lidx[2]], Hrtf->delays[lidx[3]], mu[1]),
                             mu[2]) * 65536.0f);
    delays[1] = fastf2u(lerp(lerp(Hrtf->delays[ridx[0]], Hrtf->delays[ridx[1]], mu[0]),
                             lerp(Hrtf->delays[ridx[2]], Hrtf->delays[ridx[3]], mu[1]),
                             mu[2]) * 65536.0f);

    delayStep[0] = fastf2i(step * (delays[0] - left));
    delayStep[1] = fastf2i(step * (delays[1] - right));

    // The stepping count is the number of samples necessary for the HRIR to
    // complete its transition.  The mixer will only apply stepping for this
    // many samples.
    return fastf2u(delta);
Ejemplo n.º 11
ALvoid CalcSourceParams(ALvoice *voice, const ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
    ALCdevice *Device = ALContext->Device;
    aluVector Position, Velocity, Direction, SourceToListener;
    ALfloat InnerAngle,OuterAngle,Angle,Distance,ClampedDist;
    ALfloat MinVolume,MaxVolume,MinDist,MaxDist,Rolloff;
    ALfloat ConeVolume,ConeHF,SourceVolume,ListenerGain;
    ALfloat DopplerFactor, SpeedOfSound;
    ALfloat AirAbsorptionFactor;
    ALfloat RoomAirAbsorption[MAX_SENDS];
    ALbufferlistitem *BufferListItem;
    ALfloat Attenuation;
    ALfloat RoomAttenuation[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat MetersPerUnit;
    ALfloat RoomRolloffBase;
    ALfloat RoomRolloff[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat DecayDistance[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat DryGain;
    ALfloat DryGainHF;
    ALfloat DryGainLF;
    ALboolean DryGainHFAuto;
    ALfloat WetGain[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat WetGainHF[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat WetGainLF[MAX_SENDS];
    ALboolean WetGainAuto;
    ALboolean WetGainHFAuto;
    ALfloat Pitch;
    ALuint Frequency;
    ALint NumSends;
    ALint i, j;

    DryGainHF = 1.0f;
    DryGainLF = 1.0f;
    for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++)
        WetGainHF[i] = 1.0f;
        WetGainLF[i] = 1.0f;

    /* Get context/device properties */
    DopplerFactor = ALContext->DopplerFactor * ALSource->DopplerFactor;
    SpeedOfSound  = ALContext->SpeedOfSound * ALContext->DopplerVelocity;
    NumSends      = Device->NumAuxSends;
    Frequency     = Device->Frequency;

    /* Get listener properties */
    ListenerGain  = ALContext->Listener->Gain;
    MetersPerUnit = ALContext->Listener->MetersPerUnit;

    /* Get source properties */
    SourceVolume   = ALSource->Gain;
    MinVolume      = ALSource->MinGain;
    MaxVolume      = ALSource->MaxGain;
    Pitch          = ALSource->Pitch;
    Position       = ALSource->Position;
    Direction      = ALSource->Direction;
    Velocity       = ALSource->Velocity;
    MinDist        = ALSource->RefDistance;
    MaxDist        = ALSource->MaxDistance;
    Rolloff        = ALSource->RollOffFactor;
    InnerAngle     = ALSource->InnerAngle;
    OuterAngle     = ALSource->OuterAngle;
    AirAbsorptionFactor = ALSource->AirAbsorptionFactor;
    DryGainHFAuto   = ALSource->DryGainHFAuto;
    WetGainAuto     = ALSource->WetGainAuto;
    WetGainHFAuto   = ALSource->WetGainHFAuto;
    RoomRolloffBase = ALSource->RoomRolloffFactor;

    voice->Direct.OutBuffer = Device->DryBuffer;
    voice->Direct.OutChannels = Device->NumChannels;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        ALeffectslot *Slot = ALSource->Send[i].Slot;

        if(!Slot && i == 0)
            Slot = Device->DefaultSlot;
        if(!Slot || Slot->EffectType == AL_EFFECT_NULL)
            Slot = NULL;
            RoomRolloff[i] = 0.0f;
            DecayDistance[i] = 0.0f;
            RoomAirAbsorption[i] = 1.0f;
        else if(Slot->AuxSendAuto)
            RoomRolloff[i] = RoomRolloffBase;
                RoomRolloff[i] += Slot->EffectProps.Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor;
                DecayDistance[i] = Slot->EffectProps.Reverb.DecayTime *
                RoomAirAbsorption[i] = Slot->EffectProps.Reverb.AirAbsorptionGainHF;
                DecayDistance[i] = 0.0f;
                RoomAirAbsorption[i] = 1.0f;
            /* If the slot's auxiliary send auto is off, the data sent to the
             * effect slot is the same as the dry path, sans filter effects */
            RoomRolloff[i] = Rolloff;
            DecayDistance[i] = 0.0f;
            RoomAirAbsorption[i] = AIRABSORBGAINHF;

        if(!Slot || Slot->EffectType == AL_EFFECT_NULL)
            voice->Send[i].OutBuffer = NULL;
            voice->Send[i].OutBuffer = Slot->WetBuffer;

    /* Transform source to listener space (convert to head relative) */
    if(ALSource->HeadRelative == AL_FALSE)
        const aluMatrix *Matrix = &ALContext->Listener->Params.Matrix;
        /* Transform source vectors */
        aluMatrixVector(&Position, Matrix);
        aluMatrixVector(&Velocity, Matrix);
        aluMatrixVector(&Direction, Matrix);
        const aluVector *lvelocity = &ALContext->Listener->Params.Velocity;
        /* Offset the source velocity to be relative of the listener velocity */
        Velocity.v[0] += lvelocity->v[0];
        Velocity.v[1] += lvelocity->v[1];
        Velocity.v[2] += lvelocity->v[2];

    SourceToListener.v[0] = -Position.v[0];
    SourceToListener.v[1] = -Position.v[1];
    SourceToListener.v[2] = -Position.v[2];
    SourceToListener.v[3] = 0.0f;
    Distance = aluNormalize(SourceToListener.v);

    /* Calculate distance attenuation */
    ClampedDist = Distance;

    Attenuation = 1.0f;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        RoomAttenuation[i] = 1.0f;
    switch(ALContext->SourceDistanceModel ? ALSource->DistanceModel :
        case InverseDistanceClamped:
            ClampedDist = clampf(ClampedDist, MinDist, MaxDist);
            if(MaxDist < MinDist)
        case InverseDistance:
            if(MinDist > 0.0f)
                ALfloat dist = lerp(MinDist, ClampedDist, Rolloff);
                if(dist > 0.0f) Attenuation = MinDist / dist;
                for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
                    dist = lerp(MinDist, ClampedDist, RoomRolloff[i]);
                    if(dist > 0.0f) RoomAttenuation[i] = MinDist / dist;

        case LinearDistanceClamped:
            ClampedDist = clampf(ClampedDist, MinDist, MaxDist);
            if(MaxDist < MinDist)
        case LinearDistance:
            if(MaxDist != MinDist)
                Attenuation = 1.0f - (Rolloff*(ClampedDist-MinDist)/(MaxDist - MinDist));
                Attenuation = maxf(Attenuation, 0.0f);
                for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
                    RoomAttenuation[i] = 1.0f - (RoomRolloff[i]*(ClampedDist-MinDist)/(MaxDist - MinDist));
                    RoomAttenuation[i] = maxf(RoomAttenuation[i], 0.0f);

        case ExponentDistanceClamped:
            ClampedDist = clampf(ClampedDist, MinDist, MaxDist);
            if(MaxDist < MinDist)
        case ExponentDistance:
            if(ClampedDist > 0.0f && MinDist > 0.0f)
                Attenuation = powf(ClampedDist/MinDist, -Rolloff);
                for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
                    RoomAttenuation[i] = powf(ClampedDist/MinDist, -RoomRolloff[i]);

        case DisableDistance:
            ClampedDist = MinDist;

    /* Source Gain + Attenuation */
    DryGain = SourceVolume * Attenuation;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        WetGain[i] = SourceVolume * RoomAttenuation[i];

    /* Distance-based air absorption */
    if(AirAbsorptionFactor > 0.0f && ClampedDist > MinDist)
        ALfloat meters = (ClampedDist-MinDist) * MetersPerUnit;
        DryGainHF *= powf(AIRABSORBGAINHF, AirAbsorptionFactor*meters);
        for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
            WetGainHF[i] *= powf(RoomAirAbsorption[i], AirAbsorptionFactor*meters);

        ALfloat ApparentDist = 1.0f/maxf(Attenuation, 0.00001f) - 1.0f;

        /* Apply a decay-time transformation to the wet path, based on the
         * attenuation of the dry path.
         * Using the apparent distance, based on the distance attenuation, the
         * initial decay of the reverb effect is calculated and applied to the
         * wet path.
        for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
            if(DecayDistance[i] > 0.0f)
                WetGain[i] *= powf(0.001f/*-60dB*/, ApparentDist/DecayDistance[i]);

    /* Calculate directional soundcones */
    Angle = RAD2DEG(acosf(aluDotproduct(&Direction, &SourceToListener)) * ConeScale) * 2.0f;
    if(Angle > InnerAngle && Angle <= OuterAngle)
        ALfloat scale = (Angle-InnerAngle) / (OuterAngle-InnerAngle);
        ConeVolume = lerp(1.0f, ALSource->OuterGain, scale);
        ConeHF = lerp(1.0f, ALSource->OuterGainHF, scale);
    else if(Angle > OuterAngle)
        ConeVolume = ALSource->OuterGain;
        ConeHF = ALSource->OuterGainHF;
        ConeVolume = 1.0f;
        ConeHF = 1.0f;

    DryGain *= ConeVolume;
        for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
            WetGain[i] *= ConeVolume;
        DryGainHF *= ConeHF;
        for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
            WetGainHF[i] *= ConeHF;

    /* Clamp to Min/Max Gain */
    DryGain = clampf(DryGain, MinVolume, MaxVolume);
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        WetGain[i] = clampf(WetGain[i], MinVolume, MaxVolume);

    /* Apply gain and frequency filters */
    DryGain   *= ALSource->Direct.Gain * ListenerGain;
    DryGainHF *= ALSource->Direct.GainHF;
    DryGainLF *= ALSource->Direct.GainLF;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        WetGain[i]   *= ALSource->Send[i].Gain * ListenerGain;
        WetGainHF[i] *= ALSource->Send[i].GainHF;
        WetGainLF[i] *= ALSource->Send[i].GainLF;

    /* Calculate velocity-based doppler effect */
    if(DopplerFactor > 0.0f)
        const aluVector *lvelocity = &ALContext->Listener->Params.Velocity;
        ALfloat VSS, VLS;

        if(SpeedOfSound < 1.0f)
            DopplerFactor *= 1.0f/SpeedOfSound;
            SpeedOfSound   = 1.0f;

        VSS = aluDotproduct(&Velocity, &SourceToListener) * DopplerFactor;
        VLS = aluDotproduct(lvelocity, &SourceToListener) * DopplerFactor;

        Pitch *= clampf(SpeedOfSound-VLS, 1.0f, SpeedOfSound*2.0f - 1.0f) /
                 clampf(SpeedOfSound-VSS, 1.0f, SpeedOfSound*2.0f - 1.0f);

    BufferListItem = ATOMIC_LOAD(&ALSource->queue);
    while(BufferListItem != NULL)
        ALbuffer *ALBuffer;
        if((ALBuffer=BufferListItem->buffer) != NULL)
            /* Calculate fixed-point stepping value, based on the pitch, buffer
             * frequency, and output frequency. */
            Pitch = Pitch * ALBuffer->Frequency / Frequency;
            if(Pitch > (ALfloat)MAX_PITCH)
                voice->Step = MAX_PITCH<<FRACTIONBITS;
                voice->Step = fastf2i(Pitch*FRACTIONONE);
                if(voice->Step == 0)
                    voice->Step = 1;

        BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next;

    if(Device->Hrtf_Mode == FullHrtf)
        /* Use a binaural HRTF algorithm for stereo headphone playback */
        aluVector dir = {{ 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f }};
        ALfloat ev = 0.0f, az = 0.0f;
        ALfloat radius = ALSource->Radius;
        ALfloat dirfact = 1.0f;

        voice->Direct.OutBuffer += voice->Direct.OutChannels;
        voice->Direct.OutChannels = 2;

        if(Distance > FLT_EPSILON)
            dir.v[0] = -SourceToListener.v[0];
            dir.v[1] = -SourceToListener.v[1];
            dir.v[2] = -SourceToListener.v[2] * ZScale;

            /* Calculate elevation and azimuth only when the source is not at
             * the listener. This prevents +0 and -0 Z from producing
             * inconsistent panning. Also, clamp Y in case FP precision errors
             * cause it to land outside of -1..+1. */
            ev = asinf(clampf(dir.v[1], -1.0f, 1.0f));
            az = atan2f(dir.v[0], -dir.v[2]);
        if(radius > 0.0f)
            if(radius >= Distance)
                dirfact *= Distance / radius * 0.5f;
                dirfact *= 1.0f - (asinf(radius / Distance) / F_PI);

        /* Check to see if the HRIR is already moving. */
            ALfloat delta;
            delta = CalcFadeTime(voice->Direct.LastGain, DryGain,
                                 &voice->Direct.LastDir, &dir);
            /* If the delta is large enough, get the moving HRIR target
             * coefficients, target delays, steppping values, and counter. */
            if(delta > 0.000015f)
                ALuint counter = GetMovingHrtfCoeffs(Device->Hrtf,
                    ev, az, dirfact, DryGain, delta, voice->Direct.Counter,
                    voice->Direct.Hrtf[0].Params.Coeffs, voice->Direct.Hrtf[0].Params.Delay,
                    voice->Direct.Hrtf[0].Params.CoeffStep, voice->Direct.Hrtf[0].Params.DelayStep
                voice->Direct.Counter = counter;
                voice->Direct.LastGain = DryGain;
                voice->Direct.LastDir = dir;
            /* Get the initial (static) HRIR coefficients and delays. */
            GetLerpedHrtfCoeffs(Device->Hrtf, ev, az, dirfact, DryGain,
            voice->Direct.Counter = 0;
            voice->Direct.Moving  = AL_TRUE;
            voice->Direct.LastGain = DryGain;
            voice->Direct.LastDir = dir;

        voice->IsHrtf = AL_TRUE;
        MixGains *gains = voice->Direct.Gains[0];
        ALfloat dir[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f };
        ALfloat radius = ALSource->Radius;
        ALfloat Target[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS];

        /* Get the localized direction, and compute panned gains. */
        if(Distance > FLT_EPSILON)
            dir[0] = -SourceToListener.v[0];
            dir[1] = -SourceToListener.v[1];
            dir[2] = -SourceToListener.v[2] * ZScale;
        if(radius > 0.0f)
            ALfloat dirfact;
            if(radius >= Distance)
                dirfact = Distance / radius * 0.5f;
                dirfact = 1.0f - (asinf(radius / Distance) / F_PI);
            dir[0] *= dirfact;
            dir[1] *= dirfact;
            dir[2] *= dirfact;
        ComputeDirectionalGains(Device, dir, DryGain, Target);

        for(j = 0;j < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;j++)
            gains[j].Target = Target[j];
        UpdateDryStepping(&voice->Direct, 1, (voice->Direct.Moving ? 64 : 0));
        voice->Direct.Moving = AL_TRUE;

        voice->IsHrtf = AL_FALSE;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        voice->Send[i].Gain.Target = WetGain[i];
        UpdateWetStepping(&voice->Send[i], (voice->Send[i].Moving ? 64 : 0));
        voice->Send[i].Moving = AL_TRUE;

        ALfloat gainhf = maxf(0.01f, DryGainHF);
        ALfloat gainlf = maxf(0.01f, DryGainLF);
        ALfloat hfscale = ALSource->Direct.HFReference / Frequency;
        ALfloat lfscale = ALSource->Direct.LFReference / Frequency;
        voice->Direct.Filters[0].ActiveType = AF_None;
        if(gainhf != 1.0f) voice->Direct.Filters[0].ActiveType |= AF_LowPass;
        if(gainlf != 1.0f) voice->Direct.Filters[0].ActiveType |= AF_HighPass;
            &voice->Direct.Filters[0].LowPass, ALfilterType_HighShelf, gainhf,
            hfscale, 0.0f
            &voice->Direct.Filters[0].HighPass, ALfilterType_LowShelf, gainlf,
            lfscale, 0.0f
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        ALfloat gainhf = maxf(0.01f, WetGainHF[i]);
        ALfloat gainlf = maxf(0.01f, WetGainLF[i]);
        ALfloat hfscale = ALSource->Send[i].HFReference / Frequency;
        ALfloat lfscale = ALSource->Send[i].LFReference / Frequency;
        voice->Send[i].Filters[0].ActiveType = AF_None;
        if(gainhf != 1.0f) voice->Send[i].Filters[0].ActiveType |= AF_LowPass;
        if(gainlf != 1.0f) voice->Send[i].Filters[0].ActiveType |= AF_HighPass;
            &voice->Send[i].Filters[0].LowPass, ALfilterType_HighShelf, gainhf,
            hfscale, 0.0f
            &voice->Send[i].Filters[0].HighPass, ALfilterType_LowShelf, gainlf,
            lfscale, 0.0f
Ejemplo n.º 12
ALvoid CalcNonAttnSourceParams(ALvoice *voice, const ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
    static const struct ChanMap MonoMap[1] = {
        { FrontCenter, 0.0f, 0.0f }
    }, StereoMap[2] = {
        { FrontLeft,  DEG2RAD(-30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }
    }, StereoWideMap[2] = {
        { FrontLeft,  DEG2RAD(-90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontRight, DEG2RAD( 90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }
    }, RearMap[2] = {
        { BackLeft,  DEG2RAD(-150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { BackRight, DEG2RAD( 150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }
    }, QuadMap[4] = {
        { FrontLeft,  DEG2RAD( -45.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontRight, DEG2RAD(  45.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { BackLeft,   DEG2RAD(-135.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { BackRight,  DEG2RAD( 135.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }
    }, X51Map[6] = {
        { FrontLeft,   DEG2RAD( -30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontRight,  DEG2RAD(  30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontCenter, DEG2RAD(   0.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { LFE, 0.0f, 0.0f },
        { SideLeft,    DEG2RAD(-110.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { SideRight,   DEG2RAD( 110.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }
    }, X61Map[7] = {
        { FrontLeft,    DEG2RAD(-30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontRight,   DEG2RAD( 30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontCenter,  DEG2RAD(  0.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { LFE, 0.0f, 0.0f },
        { BackCenter,   DEG2RAD(180.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { SideLeft,     DEG2RAD(-90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { SideRight,    DEG2RAD( 90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }
    }, X71Map[8] = {
        { FrontLeft,   DEG2RAD( -30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontRight,  DEG2RAD(  30.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { FrontCenter, DEG2RAD(   0.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { LFE, 0.0f, 0.0f },
        { BackLeft,    DEG2RAD(-150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { BackRight,   DEG2RAD( 150.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { SideLeft,    DEG2RAD( -90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) },
        { SideRight,   DEG2RAD(  90.0f), DEG2RAD(0.0f) }

    ALCdevice *Device = ALContext->Device;
    ALfloat SourceVolume,ListenerGain,MinVolume,MaxVolume;
    ALbufferlistitem *BufferListItem;
    enum FmtChannels Channels;
    ALfloat DryGain, DryGainHF, DryGainLF;
    ALfloat WetGain[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat WetGainHF[MAX_SENDS];
    ALfloat WetGainLF[MAX_SENDS];
    ALuint NumSends, Frequency;
    ALboolean Relative;
    const struct ChanMap *chans = NULL;
    ALuint num_channels = 0;
    ALboolean DirectChannels;
    ALboolean isbformat = AL_FALSE;
    ALfloat Pitch;
    ALuint i, j, c;

    /* Get device properties */
    NumSends  = Device->NumAuxSends;
    Frequency = Device->Frequency;

    /* Get listener properties */
    ListenerGain = ALContext->Listener->Gain;

    /* Get source properties */
    SourceVolume    = ALSource->Gain;
    MinVolume       = ALSource->MinGain;
    MaxVolume       = ALSource->MaxGain;
    Pitch           = ALSource->Pitch;
    Relative        = ALSource->HeadRelative;
    DirectChannels  = ALSource->DirectChannels;

    voice->Direct.OutBuffer = Device->DryBuffer;
    voice->Direct.OutChannels = Device->NumChannels;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        ALeffectslot *Slot = ALSource->Send[i].Slot;
        if(!Slot && i == 0)
            Slot = Device->DefaultSlot;
        if(!Slot || Slot->EffectType == AL_EFFECT_NULL)
            voice->Send[i].OutBuffer = NULL;
            voice->Send[i].OutBuffer = Slot->WetBuffer;

    /* Calculate the stepping value */
    Channels = FmtMono;
    BufferListItem = ATOMIC_LOAD(&ALSource->queue);
    while(BufferListItem != NULL)
        ALbuffer *ALBuffer;
        if((ALBuffer=BufferListItem->buffer) != NULL)
            Pitch = Pitch * ALBuffer->Frequency / Frequency;
            if(Pitch > (ALfloat)MAX_PITCH)
                voice->Step = MAX_PITCH<<FRACTIONBITS;
                voice->Step = fastf2i(Pitch*FRACTIONONE);
                if(voice->Step == 0)
                    voice->Step = 1;

            Channels = ALBuffer->FmtChannels;
        BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next;

    /* Calculate gains */
    DryGain  = clampf(SourceVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume);
    DryGain  *= ALSource->Direct.Gain * ListenerGain;
    DryGainHF = ALSource->Direct.GainHF;
    DryGainLF = ALSource->Direct.GainLF;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        WetGain[i] = clampf(SourceVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume);
        WetGain[i]  *= ALSource->Send[i].Gain * ListenerGain;
        WetGainHF[i] = ALSource->Send[i].GainHF;
        WetGainLF[i] = ALSource->Send[i].GainLF;

    case FmtMono:
        chans = MonoMap;
        num_channels = 1;

    case FmtStereo:
        /* HACK: Place the stereo channels at +/-90 degrees when using non-
         * HRTF stereo output. This helps reduce the "monoization" caused
         * by them panning towards the center. */
        if(Device->FmtChans == DevFmtStereo && !Device->Hrtf)
            chans = StereoWideMap;
            chans = StereoMap;
        num_channels = 2;

    case FmtRear:
        chans = RearMap;
        num_channels = 2;

    case FmtQuad:
        chans = QuadMap;
        num_channels = 4;

    case FmtX51:
        chans = X51Map;
        num_channels = 6;

    case FmtX61:
        chans = X61Map;
        num_channels = 7;

    case FmtX71:
        chans = X71Map;
        num_channels = 8;

    case FmtBFormat2D:
        num_channels = 3;
        isbformat = AL_TRUE;
        DirectChannels = AL_FALSE;

    case FmtBFormat3D:
        num_channels = 4;
        isbformat = AL_TRUE;
        DirectChannels = AL_FALSE;

        ALfloat N[3], V[3], U[3];
        aluMatrix matrix;

        /* AT then UP */
        N[0] = ALSource->Orientation[0][0];
        N[1] = ALSource->Orientation[0][1];
        N[2] = ALSource->Orientation[0][2];
        V[0] = ALSource->Orientation[1][0];
        V[1] = ALSource->Orientation[1][1];
        V[2] = ALSource->Orientation[1][2];
            const aluMatrix *lmatrix = &ALContext->Listener->Params.Matrix;
            aluVector at, up;
            aluVectorSet(&at, N[0], N[1], N[2], 0.0f);
            aluVectorSet(&up, V[0], V[1], V[2], 0.0f);
            aluMatrixVector(&at, lmatrix);
            aluMatrixVector(&up, lmatrix);
            N[0] = at.v[0]; N[1] = at.v[1]; N[2] = at.v[2];
            V[0] = up.v[0]; V[1] = up.v[1]; V[2] = up.v[2];
        /* Build and normalize right-vector */
        aluCrossproduct(N, V, U);

            1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,
            0.0f, -N[2], -N[0],  N[1],
            0.0f,  U[2],  U[0], -U[1],
            0.0f, -V[2], -V[0],  V[1]

        for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
            MixGains *gains = voice->Direct.Gains[c];
            ALfloat Target[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS];

            ComputeBFormatGains(Device, matrix.m[c], DryGain, Target);
            for(i = 0;i < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;i++)
                gains[i].Target = Target[i];
        UpdateDryStepping(&voice->Direct, num_channels, (voice->Direct.Moving ? 64 : 0));
        voice->Direct.Moving = AL_TRUE;

        voice->IsHrtf = AL_FALSE;
        for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
            WetGain[i] *= 1.4142f;
    else if(DirectChannels != AL_FALSE)
            voice->Direct.OutBuffer += voice->Direct.OutChannels;
            voice->Direct.OutChannels = 2;
            for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
                MixGains *gains = voice->Direct.Gains[c];

                for(j = 0;j < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;j++)
                    gains[j].Target = 0.0f;

                if(chans[c].channel == FrontLeft)
                    gains[0].Target = DryGain;
                else if(chans[c].channel == FrontRight)
                    gains[1].Target = DryGain;
        else for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
            MixGains *gains = voice->Direct.Gains[c];
            int idx;

            for(j = 0;j < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;j++)
                gains[j].Target = 0.0f;
            if((idx=GetChannelIdxByName(Device, chans[c].channel)) != -1)
                gains[idx].Target = DryGain;
        UpdateDryStepping(&voice->Direct, num_channels, (voice->Direct.Moving ? 64 : 0));
        voice->Direct.Moving = AL_TRUE;

        voice->IsHrtf = AL_FALSE;
    else if(Device->Hrtf_Mode == FullHrtf)
        voice->Direct.OutBuffer += voice->Direct.OutChannels;
        voice->Direct.OutChannels = 2;
        for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
            if(chans[c].channel == LFE)
                /* Skip LFE */
                voice->Direct.Hrtf[c].Params.Delay[0] = 0;
                voice->Direct.Hrtf[c].Params.Delay[1] = 0;
                for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
                    voice->Direct.Hrtf[c].Params.Coeffs[i][0] = 0.0f;
                    voice->Direct.Hrtf[c].Params.Coeffs[i][1] = 0.0f;
                /* Get the static HRIR coefficients and delays for this
                 * channel. */
                                    chans[c].elevation, chans[c].angle, 1.0f, DryGain,
        voice->Direct.Counter = 0;
        voice->Direct.Moving  = AL_TRUE;

        voice->IsHrtf = AL_TRUE;
        for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
            MixGains *gains = voice->Direct.Gains[c];
            ALfloat Target[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS];

            /* Special-case LFE */
            if(chans[c].channel == LFE)
                int idx;
                for(i = 0;i < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;i++)
                    gains[i].Target = 0.0f;
                if((idx=GetChannelIdxByName(Device, chans[c].channel)) != -1)
                    gains[idx].Target = DryGain;

            ComputeAngleGains(Device, chans[c].angle, chans[c].elevation, DryGain, Target);
            for(i = 0;i < MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;i++)
                gains[i].Target = Target[i];
        UpdateDryStepping(&voice->Direct, num_channels, (voice->Direct.Moving ? 64 : 0));
        voice->Direct.Moving = AL_TRUE;

        voice->IsHrtf = AL_FALSE;
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        voice->Send[i].Gain.Target = WetGain[i];
        UpdateWetStepping(&voice->Send[i], (voice->Send[i].Moving ? 64 : 0));
        voice->Send[i].Moving = AL_TRUE;

        ALfloat gainhf = maxf(0.01f, DryGainHF);
        ALfloat gainlf = maxf(0.01f, DryGainLF);
        ALfloat hfscale = ALSource->Direct.HFReference / Frequency;
        ALfloat lfscale = ALSource->Direct.LFReference / Frequency;
        for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
            voice->Direct.Filters[c].ActiveType = AF_None;
            if(gainhf != 1.0f) voice->Direct.Filters[c].ActiveType |= AF_LowPass;
            if(gainlf != 1.0f) voice->Direct.Filters[c].ActiveType |= AF_HighPass;
                &voice->Direct.Filters[c].LowPass, ALfilterType_HighShelf, gainhf,
                hfscale, 0.0f
                &voice->Direct.Filters[c].HighPass, ALfilterType_LowShelf, gainlf,
                lfscale, 0.0f
    for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++)
        ALfloat gainhf = maxf(0.01f, WetGainHF[i]);
        ALfloat gainlf = maxf(0.01f, WetGainLF[i]);
        ALfloat hfscale = ALSource->Send[i].HFReference / Frequency;
        ALfloat lfscale = ALSource->Send[i].LFReference / Frequency;
        for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
            voice->Send[i].Filters[c].ActiveType = AF_None;
            if(gainhf != 1.0f) voice->Send[i].Filters[c].ActiveType |= AF_LowPass;
            if(gainlf != 1.0f) voice->Send[i].Filters[c].ActiveType |= AF_HighPass;
                &voice->Send[i].Filters[c].LowPass, ALfilterType_HighShelf, gainhf,
                hfscale, 0.0f
                &voice->Send[i].Filters[c].HighPass, ALfilterType_LowShelf, gainlf,
                lfscale, 0.0f