Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
   auto lgr = fc::logger::get();
   auto dconfig = fc::logging_config::default_config();
   dconfig.appenders.push_back( fc::appender_config("logfile", "file", fc::value(fc::file_appender::config("test.log")) ) );
   dconfig.loggers.push_back( fc::logger_config("main").add_appender("stderr").add_appender("logfile") );
   fc::configure_logging( dconfig );
   fc_dlog( lgr, "Hello Debug" );
   fc_ilog( lgr, "Hello Info" );
   fc_wlog( lgr, "Hello Warn" );
   fc_elog( lgr, "Hello Error" );
   fc_flog( lgr, "Hello Fatal" );

   auto main_lgr = fc::logger::get( "main" );
   fc_dlog( main_lgr, "Hello Debug" );
   fc_ilog( main_lgr, "Hello Info" );
   fc_wlog( main_lgr, "Hello Warn" );
   fc_elog( main_lgr, "Hello Error" );
   fc_flog( main_lgr, "Hello Fatal" );
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
       * @brief allows the application to validate an item prior to broadcasting to peers.
       * @param sync_mode true if the message was fetched through the sync process, false during normal operation
       * @returns true if this message caused the blockchain to switch forks, false if it did not
       * @throws exception if error validating the item, otherwise the item is safe to broadcast on.
      virtual bool handle_block(const graphene::net::block_message& blk_msg, bool sync_mode,
                                std::vector<fc::uint160_t>& contained_transaction_message_ids) override
      { try {
         if( _running )
            if (sync_mode)
                     "chain pushing sync block #${block_num} ${block_hash}, head is ${head}",
                     ("block_num", blk_msg.block.block_num())
                     ("block_hash", blk_msg.block_id)
                     ("head", _chain_db->head_block_num()));
                     "chain pushing block #${block_num} ${block_hash}, head is ${head}",
                     ("block_num", blk_msg.block.block_num())
                     ("block_hash", blk_msg.block_id)
                     ("head", _chain_db->head_block_num()));
            if (sync_mode && blk_msg.block.block_num() % 10000 == 0)
               ilog("Syncing Blockchain --- Got block: #${n} time: ${t}",
                  ("n", blk_msg.block.block_num()) );

            time_point_sec now = fc::time_point::now();

            uint64_t max_accept_time = now.sec_since_epoch();
            max_accept_time += allow_future_time;
            FC_ASSERT( blk_msg.block.timestamp.sec_since_epoch() <= max_accept_time );

            try {
               // TODO: in the case where this block is valid but on a fork that's too old for us to switch to,
               // you can help the network code out by throwing a block_older_than_undo_history exception.
               // when the net code sees that, it will stop trying to push blocks from that chain, but
               // leave that peer connected so that they can get sync blocks from us
               bool result = _chain_db->push_block(blk_msg.block, (_is_block_producer | _force_validate) ? database::skip_nothing : database::skip_transaction_signatures);

               if( !sync_mode )
                  fc::microseconds latency = fc::time_point::now() - blk_msg.block.timestamp;
                  ilog( "Got ${t} transactions on block ${b} by ${w} -- latency: ${l} ms",
                     ("t", blk_msg.block.transactions.size())
                     ("b", blk_msg.block.block_num())
                     ("w", blk_msg.block.witness)
                     ("l", latency.count() / 1000) );

               return result;
            } catch ( const steemit::chain::unlinkable_block_exception& e ) {
               // translate to a graphene::net exception
                     "Error when pushing block, current head block is ${head}:\n${e}",
                     ("e", e.to_detail_string())
                     ("head", _chain_db->head_block_num()));
               elog("Error when pushing block:\n${e}", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));
               FC_THROW_EXCEPTION(graphene::net::unlinkable_block_exception, "Error when pushing block:\n${e}", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));
            } catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
                     "Error when pushing block, current head block is ${head}:\n${e}",
                     ("e", e.to_detail_string())
                     ("head", _chain_db->head_block_num()));
               elog("Error when pushing block:\n${e}", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));
         return false;
      } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (blk_msg)(sync_mode) ) }